Biomedical Engineering Programme code: W4-S1IB19.2022

Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Programme code: W4-S1IB19.2022
Programme code (USOS): W4-S1IB19
Faculty: Faculty of Science and Technology
Language of study: Polish
Academic year of entry: winter semester 2022/2023
Level of qualifications/degree: first-cycle studies (in engineering)
Mode of study: full-time
Degree profile: general academic
Number of semesters: 7
Degree: inżynier (Engineer - Bachelor's Degree with engineering competencies)
Access to further studies: the possibility of applying for the second-cycle studies and postgraduate studies
  • Biomaterials engineering
  • Biomedical solutions designer
  • Computer science in medical imaging
  • Information systems in biomedical mechatronics
Semester from which the specializations starts: 5
Scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related and their percentage share in education: biomedical engineering (engineering and technology) [leading discipline]: 100%
ISCED code: 0719
The number and date of the Senate’s resolution: 328/2022 (13/09/2022)
General description of the programme:
Biomedical engineering is a combination of knowledge located on the borderline of technical, medical and biological sciences. According to the WHO (World Health Organization), biomedical engineering along with genetic engineering have the greatest impact on the progress of modern medicine. The main issues it covers are as follows: medical informatics, bioinformatics, medical imaging, image processing, telemedicine, physiological signal processing, biomechanics, biomaterials, 3D modelling and biomedical optics. This knowledge is applied, for example, to improve the production and handling of medical equipment, diagnostic devices, imaging equipment, and laboratory equipment. Graduates of this field of study are needed in companies producing medical equipment, as well as in hospitals or clinics. They can work in research and scientific units as well as in places where medical equipment is sold. During the first four semesters of the first-cycle studies, students have the opportunity to learn not only the basics of electronic medical equipment and programming, but also biophysics and biochemistry, anatomy and physiology, medical imaging techniques and implantology. At the end of the second year of study, students choose from among the proposed specializations, namely computer science in medical imaging, biomaterial engineering, and information systems in biomedical mechatronics, and continue education during three subsequent semesters.
Organization of the process of obtaining a degree:
1. First-cycle students choose an engineering thesis supervisor after the 4th semester of study. 2. Students prepare the engineering thesis in accordance with the "Regulations for the preparation of engineering theses in the field of biomedical engineering". 3. The diploma (engineering) exam takes place in front of a board of examiners appointed by the Institute of Computer Science of the Faculty of Computer Science and Materials Science, consisting of a chairman and two members (thesis supervisor, thesis reviewer). 4. In order to be allowed to defend the thesis and take the diploma exam, it is necessary to: a. obtain the required learning outcomes, including getting credits and passing exams from all modules as well as obtaining the required number of ECTS points envisaged in the study plan and educational program for the whole course of education for the field of biomedical engineering; b. complete an internship; c. submit, by the last semester, a student record book together with the student's periodic achievement form with complete entries; d. submit copies of the diploma thesis and other documents (application, photos, etc.) in accordance with the current requirements for submission of theses at the Faculty of Computer Science and Materials Science; e. get positive marks from two reviews of the thesis (from the thesis supervisor and reviewer).
Connection between the field of study and university development strategy, including the university mission:
The field of biomedical engineering (BME) is part of bioengineering sciences. It is a combination of knowledge located on the borderline of technical, medical and biological sciences. The main issues covered include: bioinformatics, medical informatics, medical imaging, telemedicine, image processing, physiological signal processing, biomechanics, biomaterials, system analysis, 3D modelling and biomedical optics.
Specialization: Biomaterials engineering
General description of the specialization:
The contents of education covered within the specialization are oriented at the specifics of biomaterials for medical applications. This requires training highly specialized scientific and technical staff, dealing with designing, modelling, researching properties and structure, and introducing biomaterials to the market. A graduate of this speciality fills in the existing gap between biomaterial manufacturers and physicians who use these materials in practice. Professional perspectives: • work in industrial enterprises producing, processing or using biomaterials • work in small and medium-sized business units, including enterprises providing biomaterials and equipment for their testing • work in design offices and consulting agencies as well as institutions creating and operating computer information systems used in biomaterial design and biomedical engineering
Internships (hours and conditions):
1. A compulsory internship is included in the study plan for biomedical engineering. 2. Internships are not paid by the university - students, regardless of the mode of study, organize them on their own. 3. The purposes of an internship are as follows: • broadening knowledge and practical skills concerning techniques, technologies and procedures used in the field of biomedical engineering; • practical application and verification of skills acquired during classes; • getting familiar with technological processes applied by the companies from the biomedical engineering market; • preparing students for being independent and taking responsibility for the tasks entrusted to them; • creating favourable conditions for professional activation of students on the labour market. 4. Internships for first-cycle students begin after the fourth semester of the second year of study. 5. Internships last 1 month (a minimum of 4 weeks or 120 hours) and should take place between July 1 and September 30. 6. Internships should be in accordance with the internship program approved by the deputy dean who supervises the field of biomedical engineering. 7. The student in the last period of the 4th semester of classes receives a referral, a journal of internships and signs appropriate statements. 8. The completion of the internship is confirmed by a relevant entry in the student record book, made by the internship supervisor after completing it, fulfilling the designated conditions and submitting relevant documents: a. printed agreement on the organization of internships for students of the University of Silesia; b. referral to an internship; c. declaration obliging the student to observe the discipline of work and health and safety regulations; d. completed internship report. 9. In order to pass the internship, students must complete it within a set time and demonstrate the knowledge and skills for which the internship was organized. 10. 4 ECTS points are assigned for the internship being part of the study program, and the points will be awarded after the 7th semester of the 4th year of study.
Graduation requirements:
The conditions that must be met in order to complete studies in the field of biomedical engineering include: 1. obtaining the required learning outcomes, including getting credits and passing exams from all modules as well as obtaining the required number of ECTS points envisaged in the study plan and educational program for the whole course of education; 2. completing an internship; 3. successful thesis defense in front of a board of examiners Completing studies in the field of biomedical engineering is certified by a higher education diploma.
Number of ECTS credits required to achieve the qualification equivalent to the level of study: 210
Professional qualifications:
not applicable
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits: biomedical engineering (engineering and technology): 100%
Specialization: Biomedical solutions designer
General description of the specialization:
During the specialization, the student will acquire the skills to use appropriate methods and measuring devices to measure the basic devices' parameters, to select a medical imaging method for both structure and functional imaging, to use known methods and computer tools to perform basic processing and analysis of digital images, to prepare specification and technical requirements for a simple biomedical system, to design a biomedical system. Professional perspectives: • production and design of medical equipment • hospital and laboratory medical facilities • representations of comapnyies producing medical equipment • control of measuring devices and medical imaging • maintenance of medical equipment • design and manufacture of implants • medical infrastructure service
Internships (hours and conditions):
1. A compulsory internship is included in the study plan for biomedical engineering. 2. Internships are not paid by the university - students, regardless of the mode of study, organize them on their own. 3. The purposes of an internship are as follows: • broadening knowledge and practical skills concerning techniques, technologies and procedures used in the field of biomedical engineering; • practical application and verification of skills acquired during classes; • getting familiar with technological processes applied by the companies from the biomedical engineering market; • preparing students for being independent and taking responsibility for the tasks entrusted to them; • creating favourable conditions for professional activation of students on the labour market. 4. Internships for first-cycle students begin after the fourth semester of the second year of study. 5. Internships last 1 month (a minimum of 4 weeks or 120 hours) and should take place between July 1 and September 30. 6. Internships should be in accordance with the internship program approved by the deputy dean who supervises the field of biomedical engineering. 7. The student in the last period of the 4th semester of classes receives a referral, a journal of internships and signs appropriate statements. 8. The completion of the internship is confirmed by a relevant entry in the student record book, made by the internship supervisor after completing it, fulfilling the designated conditions and submitting relevant documents: a. printed agreement on the organization of internships for students of the University of Silesia; b. referral to an internship; c. declaration obliging the student to observe the discipline of work and health and safety regulations; d. completed internship report. 9. In order to pass the internship, students must complete it within a set time and demonstrate the knowledge and skills for which the internship was organized. 10. 4 ECTS points are assigned for the internship being part of the study program, and the points will be awarded after the 7th semester of the 4th year of study.
Graduation requirements:
The conditions that must be met in order to complete studies in the field of biomedical engineering include: 1. obtaining the required learning outcomes, including getting credits and passing exams from all modules as well as obtaining the required number of ECTS points envisaged in the study plan and educational program for the whole course of education; 2. completing an internship; 3. successful thesis defense in front of a board of examiners Completing studies in the field of biomedical engineering is certified by a higher education diploma.
Number of ECTS credits required to achieve the qualification equivalent to the level of study: 210
Professional qualifications:
not applicable
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits: biomedical engineering (engineering and technology): 100%
Specialization: Computer science in medical imaging
General description of the specialization:
As part of the specialization, we educate specialists in the field of broadly understood medical informatics, which includes, among others: imaging medical systems, medical databases, dedicated medical diagnostic systems, specialized software, computer hospital networks and telemedicine. A graduate has the skills necessary to work in various fields of engineering, to create technical progress, as well as to carry out research or development tasks. Professional perspectives: • computer analysis and improvement of the quality of images obtained from diagnostic devices (computed tomography, magnetic resonance, isotopic methods, ultrasound, etc.) • radiological tests, periodic inspections of medical imaging equipment • creation and administration of hospital databases • handling of computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and other medical devices • teleinformation systems, telemedicine • support for remote operations (video streaming, web applications) • work in hospitals, clinical units, outpatient clinics and clinics as well as other organizational health care units • work in companies involved in the design and implementation of information systems, medical databases, expert systems, etc.
Internships (hours and conditions):
1. A compulsory internship is included in the study plan for biomedical engineering. 2. Internships are not paid by the university - students, regardless of the mode of study, organize them on their own. 3. The purposes of an internship are as follows: • broadening knowledge and practical skills concerning techniques, technologies and procedures used in the field of biomedical engineering; • practical application and verification of skills acquired during classes; • getting familiar with technological processes applied by the companies from the biomedical engineering market; • preparing students for being independent and taking responsibility for the tasks entrusted to them; • creating favourable conditions for professional activation of students on the labour market. 4. Internships for first-cycle students begin after the fourth semester of the second year of study. 5. Internships last 1 month (a minimum of 4 weeks or 120 hours) and should take place between July 1 and September 30. 6. Internships should be in accordance with the internship program approved by the deputy dean who supervises the field of biomedical engineering. 7. The student in the last period of the 4th semester of classes receives a referral, a journal of internships and signs appropriate statements. 8. The completion of the internship is confirmed by a relevant entry in the student record book, made by the internship supervisor after completing it, fulfilling the designated conditions and submitting relevant documents: a. printed agreement on the organization of internships for students of the University of Silesia; b. referral to an internship; c. declaration obliging the student to observe the discipline of work and health and safety regulations; d. completed internship report. 9. In order to pass the internship, students must complete it within a set time and demonstrate the knowledge and skills for which the internship was organized. 10. 4 ECTS points are assigned for the internship being part of the study program, and the points will be awarded after the 7th semester of the 4th year of study.
Graduation requirements:
The conditions that must be met in order to complete studies in the field of biomedical engineering include: 1. obtaining the required learning outcomes, including getting credits and passing exams from all modules as well as obtaining the required number of ECTS points envisaged in the study plan and educational program for the whole course of education; 2. completing an internship; 3. successful thesis defense in front of a board of examiners Completing studies in the field of biomedical engineering is certified by a higher education diploma.
Number of ECTS credits required to achieve the qualification equivalent to the level of study: 210
Professional qualifications:
not applicable
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits: biomedical engineering (engineering and technology): 100%
Specialization: Information systems in biomedical mechatronics
General description of the specialization:
The specialization combines the issues of integration of modern drive systems, control systems, sensory systems, programming techniques and systems. A graduate of this speciality has a thorough engineering knowledge, especially in the field of medical constructions. He or she is prepared to design, manufacture and operate medical tools and devices, especially for orthopaedics and rehabilitation. He or she has the skills to use computer systems and programs in design processes. Professional perspectives: • realization of orthopaedic supplies • work in the field of consulting, selling or marketing in the medical services market • the possibility of applying for professional qualifications and certificates • technical consulting, technical service • designing equipment for rehabilitation • work in design, construction and technological units dealing with medical equipment and devices
Internships (hours and conditions):
1. A compulsory internship is included in the study plan for biomedical engineering. 2. Internships are not paid by the university - students, regardless of the mode of study, organize them on their own. 3. The purposes of an internship are as follows: • broadening knowledge and practical skills concerning techniques, technologies and procedures used in the field of biomedical engineering; • practical application and verification of skills acquired during classes; • getting familiar with technological processes applied by the companies from the biomedical engineering market; • preparing students for being independent and taking responsibility for the tasks entrusted to them; • creating favourable conditions for professional activation of students on the labour market. 4. Internships for first-cycle students begin after the fourth semester of the second year of study. 5. Internships last 1 month (a minimum of 4 weeks or 120 hours) and should take place between July 1 and September 30. 6. Internships should be in accordance with the internship program approved by the deputy dean who supervises the field of biomedical engineering. 7. The student in the last period of the 4th semester of classes receives a referral, a journal of internships and signs appropriate statements. 8. The completion of the internship is confirmed by a relevant entry in the student record book, made by the internship supervisor after completing it, fulfilling the designated conditions and submitting relevant documents: a. printed agreement on the organization of internships for students of the University of Silesia; b. referral to an internship; c. declaration obliging the student to observe the discipline of work and health and safety regulations; d. completed internship report. 9. In order to pass the internship, students must complete it within a set time and demonstrate the knowledge and skills for which the internship was organized. 10. 4 ECTS points are assigned for the internship being part of the study program, and the points will be awarded after the 7th semester of the 4th year of study.
Graduation requirements:
The conditions that must be met in order to complete studies in the field of biomedical engineering include: 1. obtaining the required learning outcomes, including getting credits and passing exams from all modules as well as obtaining the required number of ECTS points envisaged in the study plan and educational program for the whole course of education; 2. completing an internship; 3. successful thesis defense in front of a board of examiners Completing studies in the field of biomedical engineering is certified by a higher education diploma.
Number of ECTS credits required to achieve the qualification equivalent to the level of study: 210
Professional qualifications:
not applicable
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits: biomedical engineering (engineering and technology): 100%
The graduate:
has knowledge in the field of mathematics, including: algebra, analysis and elements of discrete and applied mathematics, including mathematical tools and numerical methods that enable to apply them in a formal description of technical and biomedical objects and processes [W01]
has knowledge of the basics of probability calculus and mathematical statistics, in particular in the field of: formulating descriptions of measurement uncertainties, calculating probabilities and conditional probabilities, calculating the reliability of simple hardware systems and program systems, practical application of limit theorems and the laws of large numbers as well as the basics of statistics - implementation of statistical analysis and simple statistical inference [W02]
has knowledge in the field of physics necessary to understand the basic physical phenomena and processes, including: mechanics, optics, electricity and magnetism, nuclear physics and solid state physics, including methods of measuring basic physical quantities and analysis of physical phenomena reflected in technical applications / issues used in biomedical engineering [W03]
understands chemical transformations and their significance for the technological processes used in biomedical engineering systems [W04]
has knowledge of the basics of human anatomy and physiology, biochemical mechanisms of body functioning, basic biochemical indicators and their influence on the state of basic body functions; can use basic medical knowledge to create biomedical engineering systems; can apply basic concepts of biology, molecular biology and biotechnology in biomedical engineering [W05]
has advanced theoretical knowledge in the field of mechanics, allowing to solve technical problems that are not too complex; has advanced theoretical knowledge in the field of strengthening elements of mechanical devices, allowing to solve not too complex problems in this field; has theoretical knowledge allowing for the design of not very complex biomechanical systems using computer-aided methods [W06]
has advanced knowledge in the field of materials and biomaterials used in the biomedical industry; has advanced knowledge in the field of nanotechnology and nanomaterials necessary for the manufacture of medical devices [W07]
has advanced knowledge in the field of construction and operation of basic electronic elements and systems, both analog and digital ones, and basic electronic systems, as well as in the field of electrical circuit theory, theory of signals and methods of their processing [W08]
has established knowledge as far as using electrical measuring equipment, workshop metrology and various measurement techniques is concerned; knows the advanced methods for the development of results, sources and assessment of measurement errors; knows the computational methods and IT tools necessary to analyse the results of experiments [W09]
knows the advanced of computer graphics and image processing methods, as well as the three-dimensional image processing and animation [W10]
knows the principles of operation of medical devices used in the process of collecting and processing medical data required in the process of automatic diagnostics, as well as image segmentation algorithms in medical applications; knows reconstruction algorithms used in computed tomography, algorithms applied in the extraction of morphometric features of objects identified in medical images; can use software for storing, sharing and managing large volumes of medical data using computer networks; can implement procedures supporting medical diagnostics with the use of data analysis and exploration algorithms; knows basic problems of bioinformatics and bioinformatics of systems; understands the principles of operation, selection, operation and maintenance of medical imaging equipment [W11]
has established knowledge of computer architecture, in particular the hardware layer in the field of architecture and software of microprocessor systems (high and low level languages) [W12]
has well-organized knowledge in the field of methodologies and techniques of analysis, design, modelling, testing, manufacturing and maintenance of software and knows the concepts of procedural, functional and object programming, and the importance of code quality in the aspect of software maintenance [W13]
has advanced knowledge in the field of architecture of computer systems, networks and network operating systems, necessary for the installation, operation and maintenance of IT tools for measuring, simulation and design of biomedical elements and systems [W14]
has established knowledge of the basics of telecommunications and telecommunication systems and networks as well as devices included in ICT networks, such as wireless networks, and configuration parameters necessary for the operation of local and wide area network infrastructure [W15]
has advanced knowledge of the basics of control, automation, cybernetics and biocybernetics [W16]
knows the general principles of creating and developing forms of individual entrepreneurship [W18]
has established knowledge in the field of intellectual property protection and patent law [W20]

The graduate:
can acquire information from literature, databases and other sources; can integrate the information obtained, interpret it, and draw conclusions and understandably formulate and justify opinions in both speech and writing [U01]
can work individually and in a team; knows how to estimate the time needed to complete a given task; is able to develop and implement a schedule of work to ensure that the deadlines are met; skilfully presents and discusses a selected topic related to biomedical engineering; has developed interpersonal communication in private and professional life [U02]
is able to develop documentation regarding the implementation of an engineering task and prepare a text containing a discussion of the results of this task [U03]
can prepare and present a short presentation devoted to the results of an engineering task [U04]
has self-study ability, has the ability to raise his/her professional competence and that of other people [U05]
speaks English sufficiently to communicate, as well as to read and understand catalogue cards, application notes, manuals for biomedical devices and IT tools and similar documents; can use English specialized technical vocabulary when communicating with other users of this language [U06]
uses a computer connected to the Internet skilfully and in an advanced way; efficiently uses it in everyday life and in the process of education and self-study, uses application software, prepares materials and multimedia presentations; creatively uses information technology to search, gather and process information and to communicate; knows how to use systems of: computer graphics, digital image processing, modelling of computer graphics objects, skilfully uses web technologies, inter alia, to build dynamically generated website [U07]
can use appropriate programming environments, simulators and computer-aided design tools for simulation, design and verification of biomedical elements and systems as well as simple medical equipment systems [U10]
can apply routine methods and IT tools for practical engineering tasks, including: design and implementation of systems for automatic recognition of biomedical images, biometric systems, as well as basic information processing techniques [U11]
can understand the essence of the operation and construction of complex, integrated mechanical-electronic-IT systems; can implement innovative mechatronic solutions [U12]
can, using analogue and digital techniques (simple signal processing systems) and appropriate hardware and software tools, measure basic bioelectric potentials generated by human organs, and then analyse these signals in the time and frequency domain, taking into account the need to separate bioelectric signals and their parameters from the background, and is able to assess the correctness of measurement and interpretation of results [U13]
skillfully uses workshop metrology, methods for the development of results and assessment of measurement errors, and demonstrates the mastery of various measurement techniques used in manufacturing processes [U14]
can use catalogue cards and application notes to select the appropriate components of the designed biomedical system [U15]
can configure and use communication devices in local and wide area (wired and wireless) teleinformation networks [U16]
can carry out load analysis of anatomical elements of the human musculoskeletal system, design models of medical devices, including implants and artificial organs, and carry out their biomechanical testing in terms of functionality [U17]
applies the principles of health and safety at work and skilfully uses the provisions regulating working conditions in the implementation of tasks in the field of biomedical engineering [U19]
can skillfully combine theory with practice during the implementation of tasks and projects in companies and enterprises that offer jobs related to biomedical engineering applications [U23]
can formulate an algorithm, use high and low level programming languages and appropriate IT tools for biomedical data processing and development of computer programs controlling biomedical systems [U25]
can create artificial intelligence and data mining systems to collect, group and search information based on selected methods [U26]
they have the ability to understand and create various types of written and oral texts, which requires systematic knowledge of the language in terms of its grammatical structures, lexis and phonetics. They communicate in a foreign language using various communication channels and techniques to the extent appropriate for the given area of knowledge [U28]

The graduate:
understands the need and knows the possibilities of continuous education and lifelong learning (second and third degree studies, postgraduate studies, courses, self-education) - raising professional, personal and social competences; can organize the process of self-education and encourage other people to this process [K01]
is aware of the importance of the effects of the biomedical engineer’s activity, understands the non-technical aspects and effects of his/her activities, including the impact on the environment and related responsibility for the decisions made [K02]
is aware of the responsibility for his/her own work and ready to comply with the rules of teamwork and take responsibility for jointly realized tasks, including the appropriate determination of priorities for the implementation of the tasks set by himself/herself or other people [K03]
behaves in a professional manner, abides by the rules of professional ethics, respects the dignity of patients during medical procedures, respects the diversity of views and cultures as well as legal provisions in medicine and biomedical engineering [K04]
can think and act in an entrepreneurial way [K05]
is aware of the social role of an engineer, and especially understands the need to formulate and communicate to the public – inter alia through mass media - information and opinions on the achievements of biomedical engineering and other aspects of the biomedical engineer's activity; takes efforts to provide such information and opinions in a comprehensible, impartial and factual manner [K06]
carries out tasks in a way that ensures his/her own and other people’s safety, complies with safety regulations [K07]
The graduate:
has basic knowledge of methods, techniques, tools and materials in the field of decision support systems and other artificial intelligence systems, used in solving simple engineering tasks, including designing and simulation of biomedical systems [W17]
has established knowledge of management, including quality management and running a business [W19]
has advanced knowledge of the current state of technology and the latest development trends in biomedical engineering [W21]
has advanced knowledge of the life cycle of biomedical devices and systems [W22]
has established knowledge to understand social, economic, legal, ethical and other non-technical conditions of engineering activities; knows the basic principles of health and safety management and ergonomics applicable in the biomedical industry; understands the principles of bioethics, patent protection and copyright [W23]

The graduate:
is able to plan and carry out simulations and measurements of electrical, optical and magnetic characteristics as well as to extract basic parameters characterizing materials, elements as well as analogue and digital biomedical systems; can present the results in numerical and graphical form, interpret them and draw the right conclusions [U08]
can use the learned methods and mathematical models as well as computer simulations to analyze and evaluate the operation of biomedical devices [U09]
can - by formulating and solving tasks involving the design of biomedical elements and systems - recognize their non-technical aspects, including environmental, economic and legal aspects [U18]
is able to compare design solutions for biomedical elements and systems in terms of given operational and economic criteria [U20]
can make a critical analysis of the way technical solutions (devices, objects, systems, processes and services of biomedical engineering) work and evaluate them [U21]
can specify project assumptions, and then formulate the specification of simple biomedical engineering tasks of a practical nature, including: planning the implementation process of a simple biomedical device, along with an initial economic calculation of the costs incurred [U22]
can assess the usefulness of routine methods and tools, typical for biomedical engineering, used to solve simple engineering tasks, and choose the right methods and tools [U24]
can - according to a given specification - design and implement a simple device, object, system or process applied in biomedical engineering using the right methods, techniques and tools [U27]
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Basic content
General chemistry with elements of biochemistry [08-IB-S1-17-1-COEB] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Mathematics 1 [08-IB-S1-17-1-M1] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 30
Physics with elements of biophysics [08-IB-S1-17-1-FEB] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 30
Curriculum content
Anatomy and physiology [08-IB-S1-17-1-AF] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Supplementary content
English 1 [08-IB-S1-17-1-JA1] English course work practical classes: 30 2
Information technologies [08-IB-S1-17-1-TI] English course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Intellectual property protection [08-IB-S1-17-1-OWI] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Physical education 1 [08-IB-S1-17-1-WF1] Polish course work practical classes: 30 0
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Basic content
General chemistry with elements of biochemistry [08-IB-S1-17-1-COEB] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Mathematics 1 [08-IB-S1-17-1-M1] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 30
Physics with elements of biophysics [08-IB-S1-17-1-FEB] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 30
Curriculum content
Anatomy and physiology [08-IB-S1-17-1-AF] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Supplementary content
English 1 [08-IB-S1-17-1-JA1] English course work practical classes: 30 2
Information technologies [08-IB-S1-17-1-TI] English course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Intellectual property protection [08-IB-S1-17-1-OWI] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Physical education 1 [08-IB-S1-17-1-WF1] Polish course work practical classes: 30 0
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Basic content
General chemistry with elements of biochemistry [08-IB-S1-17-1-COEB] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Mathematics 1 [08-IB-S1-17-1-M1] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 30
Physics with elements of biophysics [08-IB-S1-17-1-FEB] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 30
Curriculum content
Anatomy and physiology [08-IB-S1-17-1-AF] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Supplementary content
English 1 [08-IB-S1-17-1-JA1] English course work practical classes: 30 2
Information technologies [08-IB-S1-17-1-TI] English course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Intellectual property protection [08-IB-S1-17-1-OWI] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Physical education 1 [08-IB-S1-17-1-WF1] Polish course work practical classes: 30 0
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Basic content
General chemistry with elements of biochemistry [08-IB-S1-17-1-COEB] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Mathematics 1 [08-IB-S1-17-1-M1] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 30
Physics with elements of biophysics [08-IB-S1-17-1-FEB] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 30
Curriculum content
Anatomy and physiology [08-IB-S1-17-1-AF] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Supplementary content
English 1 [08-IB-S1-17-1-JA1] English course work practical classes: 30 2
Information technologies [08-IB-S1-17-1-TI] English course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Intellectual property protection [08-IB-S1-17-1-OWI] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Physical education 1 [08-IB-S1-17-1-WF1] Polish course work practical classes: 30 0
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Basic content
Computer measuring systems [08-IB-S1-17-2-KSP] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Engineering drawing [08-IB-S1-17-2-RI] Polish course work lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Materials engineering [08-IB-S1-17-2-IM] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Mathematics 2 [08-IB-S1-17-2-M2] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 30
Curriculum content
Modelling and 3D visualization in medicine [08-IB-S1-17-2-MW3DM] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Propaedeutics of medical sciences [08-IB-S1-17-2-PNM] Polish course work lecture: 15 3
Supplementary content
English 2 [08-IB-S1-17-2-JA2] English course work practical classes: 30 2
Legal and ethical aspects in biomedical engineering [08-IB-S1-17-2-PEAIB] English course work lecture: 10
laboratory classes: 20
Physical education 2 [08-IB-S1-17-2-WF2] Polish course work practical classes: 30 0
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Basic content
Computer measuring systems [08-IB-S1-17-2-KSP] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Engineering drawing [08-IB-S1-17-2-RI] Polish course work lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Materials engineering [08-IB-S1-17-2-IM] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Mathematics 2 [08-IB-S1-17-2-M2] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 30
Curriculum content
Modelling and 3D visualization in medicine [08-IB-S1-17-2-MW3DM] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Propaedeutics of medical sciences [08-IB-S1-17-2-PNM] Polish course work lecture: 15 3
Supplementary content
English 2 [08-IB-S1-17-2-JA2] English course work practical classes: 30 2
Legal and ethical aspects in biomedical engineering [08-IB-S1-17-2-PEAIB] English course work lecture: 10
laboratory classes: 20
Physical education 2 [08-IB-S1-17-2-WF2] Polish course work practical classes: 30 0
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Basic content
Computer measuring systems [08-IB-S1-17-2-KSP] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Engineering drawing [08-IB-S1-17-2-RI] Polish course work lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Materials engineering [08-IB-S1-17-2-IM] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Mathematics 2 [08-IB-S1-17-2-M2] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 30
Curriculum content
Modelling and 3D visualization in medicine [08-IB-S1-17-2-MW3DM] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Propaedeutics of medical sciences [08-IB-S1-17-2-PNM] Polish course work lecture: 15 3
Supplementary content
English 2 [08-IB-S1-17-2-JA2] English course work practical classes: 30 2
Legal and ethical aspects in biomedical engineering [08-IB-S1-17-2-PEAIB] English course work lecture: 10
laboratory classes: 20
Physical education 2 [08-IB-S1-17-2-WF2] Polish course work practical classes: 30 0
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Basic content
Computer measuring systems [08-IB-S1-17-2-KSP] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Engineering drawing [08-IB-S1-17-2-RI] Polish course work lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Materials engineering [08-IB-S1-17-2-IM] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Mathematics 2 [08-IB-S1-17-2-M2] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 30
Curriculum content
Modelling and 3D visualization in medicine [08-IB-S1-17-2-MW3DM] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Propaedeutics of medical sciences [08-IB-S1-17-2-PNM] Polish course work lecture: 15 3
Supplementary content
English 2 [08-IB-S1-17-2-JA2] English course work practical classes: 30 2
Legal and ethical aspects in biomedical engineering [08-IB-S1-17-2-PEAIB] English course work lecture: 10
laboratory classes: 20
Physical education 2 [08-IB-S1-17-2-WF2] Polish course work practical classes: 30 0
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Basic content
Basics of statistics and probability calculus [08-IB-S1-17-3-PSRP] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Computer-aided engineering design [08-IB-S1-17-3-WKPI] Polish course work lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Digital signal processing [08-IB-S1-17-3-CPS] Polish exam lecture: 10
laboratory classes: 20
Mechanics and strength of materials [08-IB-S1-17-3-MWM] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Operating systems [08-IB-S1-17-3-SO] English course work laboratory classes: 30 4
Curriculum content
Biomaterials [08-IB-S1-17-3-B] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Medical imaging techniques [08-IB-S1-17-3-TOM] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Supplementary content
English 3 [08-IB-S1-17-3-JA3] English course work practical classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Basic content
Basics of statistics and probability calculus [08-IB-S1-17-3-PSRP] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Computer-aided engineering design [08-IB-S1-17-3-WKPI] Polish course work lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Digital signal processing [08-IB-S1-17-3-CPS] Polish exam lecture: 10
laboratory classes: 20
Mechanics and strength of materials [08-IB-S1-17-3-MWM] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Operating systems [08-IB-S1-17-3-SO] English course work laboratory classes: 30 4
Curriculum content
Biomaterials [08-IB-S1-17-3-B] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Medical imaging techniques [08-IB-S1-17-3-TOM] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Supplementary content
English 3 [08-IB-S1-17-3-JA3] English course work practical classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Basic content
Basics of statistics and probability calculus [08-IB-S1-17-3-PSRP] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Computer-aided engineering design [08-IB-S1-17-3-WKPI] Polish course work lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Digital signal processing [08-IB-S1-17-3-CPS] Polish exam lecture: 10
laboratory classes: 20
Mechanics and strength of materials [08-IB-S1-17-3-MWM] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Operating systems [08-IB-S1-17-3-SO] English course work laboratory classes: 30 4
Curriculum content
Biomaterials [08-IB-S1-17-3-B] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Medical imaging techniques [08-IB-S1-17-3-TOM] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Supplementary content
English 3 [08-IB-S1-17-3-JA3] English course work practical classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Basic content
Basics of statistics and probability calculus [08-IB-S1-17-3-PSRP] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Computer-aided engineering design [08-IB-S1-17-3-WKPI] Polish course work lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Digital signal processing [08-IB-S1-17-3-CPS] Polish exam lecture: 10
laboratory classes: 20
Mechanics and strength of materials [08-IB-S1-17-3-MWM] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Operating systems [08-IB-S1-17-3-SO] English course work laboratory classes: 30 4
Curriculum content
Biomaterials [08-IB-S1-17-3-B] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Medical imaging techniques [08-IB-S1-17-3-TOM] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Supplementary content
English 3 [08-IB-S1-17-3-JA3] English course work practical classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Basic content
Basics of automation and control [08-IB-S1-17-4-PAS] Polish course work laboratory classes: 20 3
Basics of robotics [08-IB-S1-17-4-PR] Polish course work laboratory classes: 20 3
Electrical engineering and electronics [08-IB-S1-17-4-EE] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 15
laboratory classes: 15
Programming languages [08-IB-S1-17-4-JP] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Curriculum content
Basics of biostatistics [08-IB-S1-17-4-PB] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 15
Biomechanical engineering [08-IB-S1-17-4-BI] English course work lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Biomedical databases [08-IB-S1-17-4-BB] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 3
Implants and artificial organs [08-IB-S1-17-4-ISN] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Supplementary content
English 4 [08-IB-S1-17-4-JA4] English exam practical classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Basic content
Basics of automation and control [08-IB-S1-17-4-PAS] Polish course work laboratory classes: 20 3
Basics of robotics [08-IB-S1-17-4-PR] Polish course work laboratory classes: 20 3
Electrical engineering and electronics [08-IB-S1-17-4-EE] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 15
laboratory classes: 15
Programming languages [08-IB-S1-17-4-JP] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Curriculum content
Basics of biostatistics [08-IB-S1-17-4-PB] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 15
Biomechanical engineering [08-IB-S1-17-4-BI] English course work lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Biomedical databases [08-IB-S1-17-4-BB] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 3
Implants and artificial organs [08-IB-S1-17-4-ISN] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Supplementary content
English 4 [08-IB-S1-17-4-JA4] English exam practical classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Basic content
Basics of automation and control [08-IB-S1-17-4-PAS] Polish course work laboratory classes: 20 3
Basics of robotics [08-IB-S1-17-4-PR] Polish course work laboratory classes: 20 3
Electrical engineering and electronics [08-IB-S1-17-4-EE] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 15
laboratory classes: 15
Programming languages [08-IB-S1-17-4-JP] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Curriculum content
Basics of biostatistics [08-IB-S1-17-4-PB] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 15
Biomechanical engineering [08-IB-S1-17-4-BI] English course work lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Biomedical databases [08-IB-S1-17-4-BB] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 3
Implants and artificial organs [08-IB-S1-17-4-ISN] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Supplementary content
English 4 [08-IB-S1-17-4-JA4] English exam practical classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Basic content
Basics of automation and control [08-IB-S1-17-4-PAS] Polish course work laboratory classes: 20 3
Basics of robotics [08-IB-S1-17-4-PR] Polish course work laboratory classes: 20 3
Electrical engineering and electronics [08-IB-S1-17-4-EE] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 15
laboratory classes: 15
Programming languages [08-IB-S1-17-4-JP] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Curriculum content
Basics of biostatistics [08-IB-S1-17-4-PB] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 15
Biomechanical engineering [08-IB-S1-17-4-BI] English course work lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Biomedical databases [08-IB-S1-17-4-BB] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 3
Implants and artificial organs [08-IB-S1-17-4-ISN] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Supplementary content
English 4 [08-IB-S1-17-4-JA4] English exam practical classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Specialization content - biomaterial engineering
Basics of biomaterial modelling using the molecular dynamics method [08-IBIB-S1-17-5-PMBM] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Ceramic biomaterials [08-IBIB-S1-17-5-BC] Polish course work lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 15
Computer modelling of the structure and properties of materials [08-IBIB-S1-17-5-KMSW] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 25
Nanomaterials in medicine [08-IBIB-S1-17-5-NM] Polish course work lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 15
Polymers for medicine [08-IBIB-S1-17-5-PM] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Research methods used in diagnostics [08-IBIB-S1-17-5-MBSD] Polish course work lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 25
Testing methods for biomaterials 1 [08-IBIB-S1-17-5-MBB1] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Supplementary content
Diploma seminar 1 [08-IB-S1-17-5-SD1] Polish course work seminar: 15 1
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Specialization content - biomedical solutions designer
Biomedical metrology [08-IBPR-S1-20-5-MB] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 3
Biomedical signal processing and analysis [08-IBPR-S1-20-5-PASB] Polish exam lecture: 20
laboratory classes: 30
Data processing and analysis in biomaterial engineering [08-IBPR-S1-20-5-PADI] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Embedded systems [08-IBPR-S1-20-5-SW] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 4
Fundamentals of device design in CAD systems [08-IBPR-S1-20-5-PPUS] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 4
Python programming [08-IBPR-S1-20-5-PJP] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 4
Stereovision with elements of 3D modeling [08-IBPR-S1-20-5-SEM3] English exam lecture: 10
laboratory classes: 20
Supplementary content
Diploma seminar 1 [08-IB-S1-17-5-SD1] Polish course work seminar: 15 1
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Specialization content - computer science in medical imaging
Analysis and processing of acoustic signals [08-IBIO-S1-17-5-APSA] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 4
Analysis and processing of medical images [08-IBIO-S1-17-5-APOM] Polish exam lecture: 10
laboratory classes: 30
Database and internet applications [08-IBIO-S1-17-5-ABI] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 4
Electronic medical devices [08-IBIO-S1-17-5-EAM] Polish course work laboratory classes: 45 5
Medical imaging devices [08-IBIO-S1-17-5-UOM] Polish exam lecture: 10
laboratory classes: 30
Methods of processing and analysis of microscopic images [08-IBIO-S1-17-5-MPAO] Polish course work lecture: 10
laboratory classes: 30
Software engineering [08-IBIO-S1-17-5-IO] Polish exam lecture: 10
laboratory classes: 30
Supplementary content
Diploma seminar 1 [08-IB-S1-17-5-SD1] Polish course work seminar: 15 1
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Specialization content - information systems in biomedical mechatronics
3D modelling of people and surroundings [08-IBSI-S1-17-5-3DMP] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 4
CAx systems [08-IBSI-S1-17-5-SCAx] Polish course work lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Introduction to embedded systems [08-IBSI-S1-17-5-WSW] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 4
Introduction to mechatronics [08-IBSI-S1-17-5-WM] Polish exam lecture: 30 4
Programmable controllers [08-IBSI-S1-17-5-SP] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 4
Sensorics and biomedical information processing [08-IBSI-S1-17-5-SPIB] Polish exam laboratory classes: 30 4
Telecommunications in biomedical mechatronics [08-IBSI-S1-17-5-TMB] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Supplementary content
Diploma seminar 1 [08-IB-S1-17-5-SD1] Polish course work seminar: 15 1
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Specialization content - biomaterial engineering
Composite materials in medicine [08-IBIB-S1-17-6-MKM] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 15
Metallic biomaterials [08-IBIB-S1-17-6-BM] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 15
Physicochemical basis of biological processes [08-IBIB-S1-17-6-FPPB] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Surface engineering of biomaterials [08-IBIB-S1-17-6-IPB] Polish course work lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 15
Testing methods for biomaterials 2 [08-IBIB-S1-17-6-MBB2] Polish course work lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 45
Supplementary content
Diploma seminar 2 [08-IB-S1-17-6-SD2] Polish course work seminar: 15 2
Engineering laboratory 1 [08-IB-S1-17-6-PI1] Polish course work laboratory classes: 15 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Specialization content - biomedical solutions designer
Basics of image analysis [08-IBPR-S1-20-6-PAO] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 4
Basics of machine learning [08-IBPR-S1-20-6-PUM] Polish exam lecture: 10
laboratory classes: 20
Fundamentals of communication technologies in medicine [08-IBPR-S1-20-6-PTKM] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 4
Graphic interface design in the biomedical system [08-IBPR-S1-20-6-PSGS] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 3
Intelligent buildings in medicine [08-IBPR-S1-20-6-BIM] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 3
Manufacturing of surgical templates and custom-fit implants [08-IBPR-S1-20-6-WSCD] English exam lecture: 10
laboratory classes: 20
Reverse engineering in medicine [08-IBPR-S1-20-6-IOM] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 3
Supplementary content
Diploma seminar 2 [08-IB-S1-17-6-SD2] Polish course work seminar: 15 2
Engineering laboratory 1 [08-IB-S1-17-6-PI1] Polish course work laboratory classes: 15 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Specialization content - computer science in medical imaging
Digitalization and 3D reconstruction in medicine [08-IBIO-S1-17-6-DR3D] Polish exam lecture: 10
laboratory classes: 20
Hospital information systems [08-IBIO-S1-17-6-SSI] Polish exam lecture: 10
laboratory classes: 20
Image navigation in diagnostics and therapy [08-IBIO-S1-17-6-NODT] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 4
Introduction to embedded systems [08-IBIO-S1-17-6-WSW] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 4
Medical diagnostic support systems [08-IBIO-S1-17-6-SWDM] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 3
Recognition of medical images [08-IBIO-S1-17-6-ROM] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 4
Telemedicine [08-IBIO-S1-17-6-T] Polish exam lecture: 10
laboratory classes: 30
Supplementary content
Diploma seminar 2 [08-IB-S1-17-6-SD2] Polish course work seminar: 15 2
Engineering laboratory 1 [08-IB-S1-17-6-PI1] Polish course work laboratory classes: 15 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Specialization content - information systems in biomedical mechatronics
Designing rehabilitation constructions [08-IBSI-S1-17-6-PKR] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 4
Mechatronics for people with disabilities [08-IBSI-S1-17-6-MON] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 4
Mechatronics in intelligent buildings [08-IBSI-S1-17-6-MIB] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 4
Mechatronics in rehabilitation [08-IBSI-S1-17-6-MR] Polish exam laboratory classes: 30 4
Modelling and simulation of mechatronic systems [08-IBSI-S1-17-6-MSSM] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Pneumatics and hydraulics [08-IBSI-S1-17-6-PH] Polish exam lecture: 20
laboratory classes: 30
Supplementary content
Diploma seminar 2 [08-IB-S1-17-6-SD2] Polish course work seminar: 15 2
Engineering laboratory 1 [08-IB-S1-17-6-PI1] Polish course work laboratory classes: 15 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Specialization content - biomaterial engineering
Characterization of the structure and properties of biomaterials [08-IBIB-S1-17-7-CSWB] Polish course work lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 15
Designing and selection of biomaterials [08-IBIB-S1-17-7-PDB] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 4
Supplementary content
Basics of entrepreneurship in economics and business [08-IB-S1-17-7-PPEB] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Diploma seminar 3 [08-IB-S1-17-7-SD3] Polish course work seminar: 30 13
Engineering laboratory 2 [08-IB-S1-17-7-PI2] Polish course work laboratory classes: 60 3
Internship after the fourth semester, 120 hours [08-IB-S1-17-7-P] Polish course work internship 4
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Specialization content - biomedical solutions designer
Database applications [08-IBPR-S1-20-7-AB] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Mobile technologies in medicine [08-IBPR-S1-20-7-TMM] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Numerical diagnostic support [08-IBPR-S1-20-7-NWD] Polish course work lecture: 10
laboratory classes: 20
Supplementary content
Basics of entrepreneurship in economics and business [08-IB-S1-17-7-PPEB] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Diploma seminar 3 [08-IB-S1-17-7-SD3] Polish course work seminar: 30 13
Engineering laboratory 2 [08-IB-S1-17-7-PI2] Polish course work laboratory classes: 60 3
Internship after the fourth semester, 120 hours [08-IB-S1-17-7-P] Polish course work internship 4
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Specialization content - computer science in medical imaging
Image morphometry [08-IBIO-S1-17-7-MO] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 4
Multimedia in medical imaging [08-IBIO-S1-17-7-MOM] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 4
Supplementary content
Basics of entrepreneurship in economics and business [08-IB-S1-17-7-PPEB] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Diploma seminar 3 [08-IB-S1-17-7-SD3] Polish course work seminar: 30 13
Engineering laboratory 2 [08-IB-S1-17-7-PI2] Polish course work laboratory classes: 60 3
Internship after the fourth semester, 120 hours [08-IB-S1-17-7-P] Polish course work internship 4
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Specialization content - information systems in biomedical mechatronics
GIS technologies for biomedicine [08-IBSI-S1-17-7-TGB] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Manipulators and medical robots [08-IBSI-S1-17-7-MRM] Polish course work lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Supplementary content
Basics of entrepreneurship in economics and business [08-IB-S1-17-7-PPEB] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Diploma seminar 3 [08-IB-S1-17-7-SD3] Polish course work seminar: 30 13
Engineering laboratory 2 [08-IB-S1-17-7-PI2] Polish course work laboratory classes: 60 3
Internship after the fourth semester, 120 hours [08-IB-S1-17-7-P] Polish course work internship 4