Mathematics Programme code: W4-S1MT19.2023

Field of study: Mathematics
Programme code: W4-S1MT19.2023
Programme code (USOS): W4-S1MT19
Faculty: Faculty of Science and Technology
Language of study: Polish
Academic year of entry: winter semester 2023/2024
Level of qualifications/degree: first-cycle studies
Mode of study: full-time
Degree profile: general academic
Number of semesters: 6
Degree: licencjat (Bachelor's Degree)
  • Mathematical Methods in Computer Science
  • Mathematical Modelling
  • Mathematics for Finance and Economics
  • Teacher Training Programme with Chemistry
  • Teacher Training Programme with Physics
  • Teaching Specialty - Teaching of Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Theoretical Mathematics
Semester from which the specializations starts: 2
Number of ECTS credits required to achieve the qualification equivalent to the level of study: 180
Leading discipline: mathematics (natural sciences)
ISCED code: 0541
The number and date of the Senate’s resolution: 450/2023 (27/06/2023)
General characteristics of the field of study and the assumed concept of education:
Studia pierwszego stopnia na kierunku Matematyka mają na celu wykształcenie absolwenta, który posiada gruntowną i na tyle wszechstronną wiedzę matematyczną, by mógł kontynuować naukę na studiach drugiego stopnia lub też wykonywać zawód matematyka na różnych stanowiskach pracy wykorzystujących narzędzia matematyczne w sektorze informatycznym, finansowym, handlowym lub produkcyjnym. Absolwent studiów pierwszego stopnia na kierunku Matematyka: - posiada zaawansowaną wiedzę z zakresu matematyki i jej zastosowań; - posiada umiejętność przeprowadzania rozumowań matematycznych i dokonywania złożonych obliczeń; - potrafi przedstawiać treści matematyczne w mowie i piśmie; - potrafi budować, rozwijać i wykorzystywać modele matematyczne niezbędne w zastosowaniach; - posługuje się narzędziami informatycznymi przy rozwiązywaniu teoretycznych i praktycznych problemów matematycznych; - zna język angielski na poziomie biegłości B2 Europejskiego Systemu Opisu Kształcenia Językowego i posiada umiejętność posługiwania się językiem specjalistycznym z zakresu wybranej specjalności; - posiada umiejętność samodzielnego pogłębiania wiedzy matematycznej; - jest przygotowany do podjęcia studiów drugiego stopnia.
Graduation requirements:
The condition for admission to the diploma examination is to achieve the learning outcomes provided for in the study program and to obtain a certificate of an appropriate level of language proficiency in a foreign language. The condition for graduation is to pass the diploma examination with at least a satisfactory result. A graduate receives a higher education diploma confirming obtaining the qualifications of the appropriate degree. Detailed rules for conducting the diploma examination are specified in the diploma regulations.
Information on the relationship between the studies and the university's strategy as well as the socio-economic needs that determine the conduct of studies and the compliance of learning outcomes with these needs:
Kierunek Matematyka oferuje studia pierwszego stopnia mające na celu wykształcenie absolwenta zdolnego do kontynuowania nauki na studiach drugiego stopnia we wszystkich ośrodkach w kraju i za granicą, bądź też do wykonywania zawodu matematyka w różnych gałęziach globalnej gospodarki wymagających twórczych postaw i silnie rozwijających się osobowości. Najwyższą jakość kształcenia zapewnia kadra, która dbając o wciąż wzrastające potrzeby edukacyjne, rzetelnie przekazuje studentom wypracowane w przeszłości myśli i idee matematyczne, a jednocześnie wnosi swój wkład do światowej matematyki prowadząc międzynarodowe badania naukowe wciągając w nie zdolniejszych studentów. Personalne zainteresowania studentów oraz dbałość o jakość i istotność kapitału ludzkiego są powodem szybkiej indywidualizacji programu studiów związanej z wyborem specjalności. Oferowane specjalności są dostosowywane do potrzeb rynku pracy i modyfikowane pod kątem innowacyjnego kształcenia i w ramach trójkąta wiedzy: kształcenie - badania naukowe - gospodarka.
Specialization: Mathematical Methods in Computer Science
General description of the specialization:
Absolwent tej specjalności posiada przygotowanie matematyczne i informatyczne pozwalające na pracę na stanowisku informatycznym, szczególnie zaś w tych obszarach, gdzie istotną rolę odgrywają narzędzia i metody matematyczne. Absolwent posiada: • umiejętność tworzenia, optymalizacji i badania złożoności obliczeniowej algorytmów rozwiązujących konkretne zagadnienia praktyczne; • umiejętność konstrukcji i implementacji oprogramowania; • umiejętność obsługi pakietów wspomagania prac inżynierskich i statystycznego przetwarzania danych. Dzięki solidnemu wykształceniu matematycznemu i umiejętnościom informatycznym absolwent jest zdolny do współpracy interdyscyplinarnej ze wszystkimi podmiotami, które w swej działalności wykorzystują matematykę oraz informatykę. Jednocześnie jest zdolny do samokształcenia i samodzielnego uzupełniania wiedzy w szybko zmieniającej się rzeczywistości.
Internships (hours and conditions):
Internships are an integral part of the study program, carried out by students in individual fields, levels, profiles and forms of study. Internships are to help in confronting the knowledge acquired during studies with the requirements of the labour market, acquiring skills useful in the profession, learning about practical issues related to working in positions for which the student is prepared during the course of studies. The internship is to familiarize the student with professional language relevant to a specific industry and work culture. The rules for the organization of internships are set out in the Rector's ordinance. Detailed rules of apprenticeship taking into account the specifics of particular fields of study are set out in the field's of study apprenticeship regulations, in particular: learning outcomes assumed to be achieved by the student during the apprenticeship, framework apprenticeship program including a description of issues, dimension of apprenticeship (number of weeks of practice); form of internship (continuous, mid-year), criteria for choosing the place of internship, obligations of the student staying in the internship, obligations of the academic tutor, conditions for completing the internship by the student and conditions for exemption from the internship obligation in whole or in part. The number of ECTS and the number of hours are specified in the course structure.
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits: mathematics (natural sciences): 100%
Specialization: Mathematical Modelling
General description of the specialization:
Absolwent tej specjalności w trakcie studiów otrzymuje gruntowne wykształcenie matematyczne i informatyczne uzupełnione o zaawansowaną wiedzę w zakresie nauk przyrodniczych. Dzięki temu dysponuje pełnym aparatem metod matematycznych i informatycznych używanych we współczesnej nauce, technice i jest przygotowany do nawiązania współpracy interdyscyplinarnej z inżynierami, informatykami i biologami. Absolwent przygotowany jest do: • konstrukcji i implementacji oprogramowania kierującego procesami przemysłowymi; • statystycznego przetwarzania danych; • przygotowywania testów wdrożeniowych nowych technologii i ich statystycznego opracowywania; • optymalizacji procesów przemysłowych; • modelowania i symulacji komputerowej zjawisk przyrodniczych i procesów technologicznych.
Internships (hours and conditions):
Internships are an integral part of the study program, carried out by students in individual fields, levels, profiles and forms of study. Internships are to help in confronting the knowledge acquired during studies with the requirements of the labour market, acquiring skills useful in the profession, learning about practical issues related to working in positions for which the student is prepared during the course of studies. The internship is to familiarize the student with professional language relevant to a specific industry and work culture. The rules for the organization of internships are set out in the Rector's ordinance. Detailed rules of apprenticeship taking into account the specifics of particular fields of study are set out in the field's of study apprenticeship regulations, in particular: learning outcomes assumed to be achieved by the student during the apprenticeship, framework apprenticeship program including a description of issues, dimension of apprenticeship (number of weeks of practice); form of internship (continuous, mid-year), criteria for choosing the place of internship, obligations of the student staying in the internship, obligations of the academic tutor, conditions for completing the internship by the student and conditions for exemption from the internship obligation in whole or in part. The number of ECTS and the number of hours are specified in the course structure.
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits: mathematics (natural sciences): 100%
Specialization: Mathematics for Finance and Economics
General description of the specialization:
Absolwent tej specjalności obok gruntownego przygotowania matematycznego, nabywa wiedzę interdyscyplinarną pozwalającą na twórczy udział w rozwiązywaniu problemów praktycznych i teoretycznych w finansach i ekonomii takich, jak: • problemy sterowania i optymalizacji działalności ekonomicznej; • przetwarzanie i statystyczne opracowywanie danych; • matematyczne modelowanie zjawisk ekonomicznych i finansowych; • przygotowywanie prognoz i analiz działalności ekonomicznej; • finansowej oceny projektów inwestycyjnych; • wykorzystywanie metod matematycznych na rynku kapitałowym i ubezpieczeniowym. Dzięki temu absolwent jest przygotowany do podjęcia pracy w sektorze finansowym i ubezpieczeniowym lub w handlu, bądź też w przemyśle.
Internships (hours and conditions):
Internships are an integral part of the study program, carried out by students in individual fields, levels, profiles and forms of study. Internships are to help in confronting the knowledge acquired during studies with the requirements of the labour market, acquiring skills useful in the profession, learning about practical issues related to working in positions for which the student is prepared during the course of studies. The internship is to familiarize the student with professional language relevant to a specific industry and work culture. The rules for the organization of internships are set out in the Rector's ordinance. Detailed rules of apprenticeship taking into account the specifics of particular fields of study are set out in the field's of study apprenticeship regulations, in particular: learning outcomes assumed to be achieved by the student during the apprenticeship, framework apprenticeship program including a description of issues, dimension of apprenticeship (number of weeks of practice); form of internship (continuous, mid-year), criteria for choosing the place of internship, obligations of the student staying in the internship, obligations of the academic tutor, conditions for completing the internship by the student and conditions for exemption from the internship obligation in whole or in part. The number of ECTS and the number of hours are specified in the course structure.
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits: mathematics (natural sciences): 100%
Specialization: Teacher Training Programme with Chemistry
General description of the specialization:
Absolwent specjalności nauczycielska - nauczanie matematyki i chemii posiada gruntowną wiedzę matematyczną a także chemiczną niezbędną do nauczania matematyki i chemii w zakresie II etapu edukacyjnego (szkoły podstawowej). Będzie pedagogiem wszechstronnie przygotowanym do kompleksowej realizacji zadań dydaktycznych i wychowawczych, który w procesie nauczania potrafi wykorzystywać wiedzę pedagogiczną i psychologiczną, a także nowoczesne narzędzia multimedialne. Dobre przygotowanie merytoryczne i umiejętność korzystania z literatury i technologii informatycznych pozwoli absolwentowi dostosować swoją wiedzę i umiejętności do stale zmieniających się warunków nauczania.
Internships (hours and conditions):
Internships are an integral part of the study program, carried out by students in individual fields, levels, profiles and forms of study. Internships are to help in confronting the knowledge acquired during studies with the requirements of the labour market, acquiring skills useful in the profession, learning about practical issues related to working in positions for which the student is prepared during the course of studies. The internship is to familiarize the student with professional language relevant to a specific industry and work culture. The rules for the organization of internships are set out in the Rector's ordinance. Detailed rules of apprenticeship taking into account the specifics of particular fields of study are set out in the field's of study apprenticeship regulations, in particular: learning outcomes assumed to be achieved by the student during the apprenticeship, framework apprenticeship program including a description of issues, dimension of apprenticeship (number of weeks of practice); form of internship (continuous, mid-year), criteria for choosing the place of internship, obligations of the student staying in the internship, obligations of the academic tutor, conditions for completing the internship by the student and conditions for exemption from the internship obligation in whole or in part. The number of ECTS and the number of hours are specified in the course structure.
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits: mathematics (natural sciences): 100%
Specialization: Teacher Training Programme with Physics
General description of the specialization:
Absolwent specjalności nauczycielska - nauczanie matematyki i fizyki posiada gruntowną wiedzę z zakresu matematyki a także fizyki niezbędną do nauczania matematyki i fizyki w zakresie II etapu edukacyjnego (szkoły podstawowej). Będzie pedagogiem wszechstronnie przygotowanym do kompleksowej realizacji zadań dydaktycznych i wychowawczych, który w procesie nauczania potrafi wykorzystywać wiedzę pedagogiczną i psychologiczną, a także nowoczesne narzędzia multimedialne. Dobre przygotowanie merytoryczne i umiejętność korzystania z literatury i technologii informatycznych pozwoli absolwentowi dostosować swoją wiedzę i umiejętności do stale zmieniających się warunków nauczania.
Internships (hours and conditions):
Internships are an integral part of the study program, carried out by students in individual fields, levels, profiles and forms of study. Internships are to help in confronting the knowledge acquired during studies with the requirements of the labour market, acquiring skills useful in the profession, learning about practical issues related to working in positions for which the student is prepared during the course of studies. The internship is to familiarize the student with professional language relevant to a specific industry and work culture. The rules for the organization of internships are set out in the Rector's ordinance. Detailed rules of apprenticeship taking into account the specifics of particular fields of study are set out in the field's of study apprenticeship regulations, in particular: learning outcomes assumed to be achieved by the student during the apprenticeship, framework apprenticeship program including a description of issues, dimension of apprenticeship (number of weeks of practice); form of internship (continuous, mid-year), criteria for choosing the place of internship, obligations of the student staying in the internship, obligations of the academic tutor, conditions for completing the internship by the student and conditions for exemption from the internship obligation in whole or in part. The number of ECTS and the number of hours are specified in the course structure.
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits: mathematics (natural sciences): 100%
Specialization: Teaching Specialty - Teaching of Mathematics and Computer Science
General description of the specialization:
Absolwent specjalności nauczycielska - nauczanie matematyki i informatyki posiada gruntowną wiedzę matematyczną a także informatyczną niezbędną do nauczania matematyki i informatyki w zakresie II etapu edukacyjnego (szkoły podstawowej). Będzie pedagogiem wszechstronnie przygotowanym do kompleksowej realizacji zadań dydaktycznych i wychowawczych, który w procesie nauczania potrafi wykorzystywać wiedzę pedagogiczną i psychologiczną, a także nowoczesne narzędzia multimedialne. Dobre przygotowanie merytoryczne i umiejętność korzystania z literatury i technologii informatycznych pozwoli absolwentowi dostosować swoją wiedzę i umiejętności do stale zmieniających się warunków nauczania.
Internships (hours and conditions):
Internships are an integral part of the study program, carried out by students in individual fields, levels, profiles and forms of study. Internships are to help in confronting the knowledge acquired during studies with the requirements of the labour market, acquiring skills useful in the profession, learning about practical issues related to working in positions for which the student is prepared during the course of studies. The internship is to familiarize the student with professional language relevant to a specific industry and work culture. The rules for the organization of internships are set out in the Rector's ordinance. Detailed rules of apprenticeship taking into account the specifics of particular fields of study are set out in the field's of study apprenticeship regulations, in particular: learning outcomes assumed to be achieved by the student during the apprenticeship, framework apprenticeship program including a description of issues, dimension of apprenticeship (number of weeks of practice); form of internship (continuous, mid-year), criteria for choosing the place of internship, obligations of the student staying in the internship, obligations of the academic tutor, conditions for completing the internship by the student and conditions for exemption from the internship obligation in whole or in part. The number of ECTS and the number of hours are specified in the course structure.
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits: mathematics (natural sciences): 100%
Specialization: Theoretical Mathematics
General description of the specialization:
Absolwent tej specjalności posiada poszerzoną wiedzę matematyczną dzięki indywidualnemu planowi i programowi studiów odbywanych pod kierunkiem opiekuna naukowego. W trakcie studiów jest przygotowywany do podjęcia nauki na studiach doktoranckich w zakresie dyscypliny naukowej - matematyka.
Internships (hours and conditions):
Internships are an integral part of the study program, carried out by students in individual fields, levels, profiles and forms of study. Internships are to help in confronting the knowledge acquired during studies with the requirements of the labour market, acquiring skills useful in the profession, learning about practical issues related to working in positions for which the student is prepared during the course of studies. The internship is to familiarize the student with professional language relevant to a specific industry and work culture. The rules for the organization of internships are set out in the Rector's ordinance. Detailed rules of apprenticeship taking into account the specifics of particular fields of study are set out in the field's of study apprenticeship regulations, in particular: learning outcomes assumed to be achieved by the student during the apprenticeship, framework apprenticeship program including a description of issues, dimension of apprenticeship (number of weeks of practice); form of internship (continuous, mid-year), criteria for choosing the place of internship, obligations of the student staying in the internship, obligations of the academic tutor, conditions for completing the internship by the student and conditions for exemption from the internship obligation in whole or in part. The number of ECTS and the number of hours are specified in the course structure.
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits: mathematics (natural sciences): 100%
The graduate:
understands the civilisational importance of mathematics and its applications [K_W01]
understands well the theory and the meaning of proof in mathematics, and the concept of materiality of assumptions [K_W02]
understands the construction of mathematical theories, can use mathematical formalism to build and analyse simple mathematical models in other fields of science [K_W03]
knows the basic concepts and theorems from the studied branches of mathematics [K_W04]
knows the basic examples, both illustrating concrete mathematical concepts and allowing to disprove erroneous hypotheses or misguided reasoning [K_W05]
knows selected concepts and methods of mathematical logic, plurality theory, and discrete mathematics included in the foundations of other mathematical disciplines [K_W06]
knows the basics of differential calculus and the integral calculus of one and more variable functions as well as other branches of mathematics used in it [K_W07]
knows the basics of computational and programming techniques supporting the work of mathematicians and understands their limitations [K_W08]
knows at a basic level at least one software package for symbolic calculations [K_W09]
has a general knowledge of selected scientific methods and is familiar with the issues characteristic of a scientific discipline not related to the programme [K_W10]
knows the basic principles of occupational health and safety [K_W11]
knows and understands legal, economic and ethical aspects of mathematics [K_W12]
knows and understands basic concepts and principles of industrial property and copyright protection [K_W13]
has a basic knowledge of management, including quality management and business operation [K_W14]

The graduate:
is able to clearly express in speech and writing correct mathematical reasoning, formulate theorems and definitions [K_U01]
uses the propositional calculus and predicate calculus; can use quantifiers correctly also in non-formal language [K_U02]
is able to conduct simple and moderately difficult proof by means of full induction; can define recursive functions and relationships [K_U03]
is able to apply a system of classical logic to the formalisation of mathematical theories [K_U04]
can create new objects by constructing quotient spaces or Cartesian products [K_U05]
uses the language of plurality theory, interpreting issues from different areas of mathematics [K_U06]
understands issues related to different types of infinity and orders in sets [K_U07]
knows the concept of real and complex numbers; knows the examples of real irrational and transcendental numbers [K_U08]
is able to define functions, including the use of border crossings, and to describe their properties [K_U09]
uses the notions of convergence and limit in various contexts; can at a basic and medium level of difficulty calculate the limits of sequences and functions and study the absolute and conditional convergence of series [K_U10]
is able to interpret and explain functional relationships presented in the form of formulas, tables, charts, diagrams and apply them to practical issues [K_U11]
is able to use theorems and methods of differential calculus of one and more variable function related to optimization, searching for local and global extremes and examining the course of the function, giving precise and accurate reasoning [K_U12]
uses the definition of the integral of one and more real variable function; can explain the analytical and geometric sense of the concept [K_U13]
is able to integrate one and more variable functions by part and by substitution; is able to change the order of integration; is able to express smooth surface areas and volumes as appropriate integrals [K_U14]
is able to use tools and numerical methods to solve selected issues of differential and integral calculi; including those based on its application [K_U15]
uses the concept of linear space, vector, linear transformation and matrix [K_U16]
perceives the presence of algebraic structures (group, ring, body, linear space) in various mathematical issues, not necessarily related directly to mathematics [K_U17]
can calculate determinants and knows their properties; can give a geometric interpretation of a determinant and understand its relation to mathematical analysis [K_U18]
solves sets of linear equations with constant coefficients; can use geometric interpretation of solutions [K_U19]
finds matrices of linear transformation in different bases; calculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices; can explain the geometric sense of these concepts [K_U20]
is able to solve simple ordinary differential equations: homogeneous, with separated variables, with complete differential form, linear, and linear systems of equations [K_U21]
is able to apply the theorem on the existence of solutions to specific types of differential equations [K_U22]
recognizes and determines the most important topological properties of subsets of the Euclidean and metric spaces [K_U23]
is able to use topological properties of sets and functions to solve qualitative tasks [K_U24]
identifies problems, including practical issues that can be solved algorithmically; can make specifications for such a problem [K_U25]
is able to construct and analyse an algorithm in accordance with the specification and write it in the selected programming language [K_U26]
can compile, start and test a self-written computer programme [K_U27]
is able to use computer programmes for data analysis [K_U28]
can model and solve discrete problems [K_U29]
uses the concept of probabilistic space; can build and analyse a mathematical model of a random experiment [K_U30]
can give various examples of discrete and continuous probability distributions and discuss selected random experiments and mathematical models in which these distributions occur; knows the practical application of basic distributions [K_U31]
is able to apply the formula for total probability and the Bayes formula [K_U32]
can determine the parameters of a random variable distribution with a discrete and continuous distribution; can use limit theorems and laws of great numbers to estimate probabilities [K_U33]
is able to use statistical characteristics of the population and the sample equivalents [K_U34]
narzędzi komputerowych can make simple statistical inferences, including computer tools [K_U35]
can talk about mathematical issues in a clear and non-formal language [K_U36]
is able to present mathematical issues in writing and in a clear language [K_U37]
can practically apply mathematical knowledge [K_U38]
can edit mathematical texts using the LaTeX package [K_U39]
has the ability to establish and analyse problems on the basis of the acquired content of a scientific discipline unrelated to the programme [K_U40]
has the ability to understand and create various types of written and oral texts requiring systemic knowledge of the language in relation to its grammatical structures, lexis and phonetics; communicates in a foreign language using different communication channels and techniques to the extent appropriate for the specific area of knowledge. [K_U41]
knows the limitations of their own knowledge and understands the need for further education [K_U42]
is able to work as a team; understands the need to work systematically on all projects that are long-term [K_U43]

The graduate:
is able to precisely formulate questions in order to deepen their understanding of a given topic or to find missing elements of reasoning [K_K01]
understands and appreciates the importance of intellectual honesty in the actions of one's own and others; acts ethically [K_K02]
understands the need for popular presentation of selected achievements of higher mathematics to laymen [K_K03]
can independently search for information in literature and online resources, including foreign languages [K_K04]
can formulate opinions on basic mathematical issues [K_K05]
is able to discuss subject-matter related to higher mathematics with an interlocutor who has a different opinion [K_K06]
can think in terms of entrepreneurship, act in an entrepreneurial way and understands the economic aspects of this activity [K_K07]
understands the need for an interdisciplinary approach to solving problems, integrating knowledge from different disciplines and practising self-education to deepen the knowledge acquired [K_K08]
The graduate:
zna pojęcia z zakresu chemii i nauk pokrewnych i wiąże tą wiedzę z budową, właściwościami, reaktywnością pierwiastków i związków chemicznych, a także z jakościową i ilościową interpretacją zjawisk zachodzących w przyrodzie [KN_Ch_W01]
ma zaawansowaną wiedzę w zakresie chemii organicznej oraz nieorganicznej [KN_Ch_W02]
zna techniki eksperymentu chemicznego oraz stosowany sprzęt laboratoryjny [KN_Ch_W03]
zna właściwości, sposoby przemysłowego otrzymywania i analizy wybranych produktów chemicznych oraz zasady racjonalnego zarządzania chemikaliami zgodnie z przepisami BHP [KN_Ch_W04]
zna pojęcia z zakresu fizyki i nauk pokrewnych i potrafi zastosować tę wiedzę do rozwiązywania problemów naukowych [KN_F_W01]
zna i rozumie podstawowe teorie, prawa i wzory z fizyki i astronomii [KN_F_W02]
zna przykłady poznanych praw fizyki w otaczającej rzeczywistości oraz wyjaśnia ich rolę [KN_F_W03]
zna podstawowe techniki planowania, przygotowania i przeprowadzania prostych eksperymentów fizycznych oraz zasadę działania i wykorzystanie aparatury pomiarowej [KN_F_W04]
zna podstawowe zasady bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy w laboratorium fizycznym [KN_F_W05]
zna formalizm matematyczny przydatny do rozwiązywania zadań z fizyki [KN_F_W06]
rozumie wielostronną rolę i znaczenie doświadczeń w nauczaniu fizyki [KN_F_W07]
has a basic knowledge of operating systems and computer architecture [KN_I_W01]
knows the methods of network communication and the rules of network security [KN_I_W02]
is familiar with the concept of algorithm and the principles of designing and analysing the algorithm [KN_I_W03]
has a general knowledge of computer and robot programming [KN_I_W04]
has a general knowledge of computer graphics and multimedia [KN_I_W05]
has a basic knowledge of IT techniques, text processing, spreadsheet use and website designing [KN_I_W06]
has an orderly knowledge of the acquisition, processing and organisation of information [KN_I_W07]
knows basic positional numeral systems [KN_I_W08]
has a basic knowledge of legal and ethical issues related to IT [KN_I_W09]
knows the basic principles of health and safety when using computer equipment [KN_I_W10]
knows and understands the rudiments of the philosophy of education and pedagogical axiology, the peculiarities of the main educational environments and the processes taking place in them [KN.2023_W01]
knows and understands classical and contemporary theories of human development, upbringing, learning and teaching or education as well as their application values [KN.2023_W02]
knows and understands the role of the teacher or tutor in modeling the students’ attitudes and behavior [KN.2023_W03]
knows and understands standards, procedures and good practices used in pedagogical activities (pre-school education, teaching in primary and secondary schools, in technical and vocational schools, in special needs schools and in special needs and inclusive facilities, in various types of educational centres and lifelong learning centres [KN.2023_W04]
knows and understands the issue of inclusive education as well as ways of implementing the principle of inclusion [KN.2023_W05]
knows and understands the diversity of students' educational needs and the resulting school's obligations to adapt the way the education and upbringing process is organized [KN.2023_W06]
knows and understands methods of designing and conducting diagnostic activities in pedagogical practice [KN.2023_W07]
knows and understands the structure and functions of the education system – objectives, legal basis, organization and functioning of different kinds of educational and child care institutions, as well as alternative forms of education [KN.2023_W08]
knows and understands the legal basis of the education system necessary for the proper implementation of educational activities [KN.2023_W09]
knows and understands the rights of the child and the person with disabilities [KN.2023_W10]
knows and understands the principles of occupational health and safety in educational, upbringing and care institutions and the legal responsibility of the teacher in this/her respect, as well as the principles of first aid [KN.2023_W11]
knows and understands interpersonal and social communication processes, the normal course they can take as well as the ways they can be disrupted [KN.2023_W12]
knows and understands the speech apparatus, its functions and pathologies, the principles of voice emission, the visual and the vestibular systems [KN.2023_W13]
knows and understands learning content and typical learning difficulties it poses for students [KN.2023_W14]
knows and understands teaching methods and the selection of effective teaching aids, including Internet resources which support teaching a subject or conducting classes, taking into account the diverse educational needs of the students [KN.2023_W15]

The graduate:
potrafi interpretować i rozwiązywać problemy z zakresu chemii i nauk pokrewnych w oparciu o poznane pojęcia i prawa, krytycznie analizować uzyskane wyniki, wyciągać i przedstawiać stosowne wnioski [KN_Ch_U01]
potrafi zsyntetyzować różnego rodzaju związki chemiczne, oraz określić skład jakościowy i ilościowy prostych związków chemicznych [KN_Ch_U02]
potrafi przewidywać właściwości związków chemicznych oraz interpretować mechanizmy reakcji [KN_Ch_U03]
potrafi zastosować narzędzia informacyjno-komunikacyjne oraz elektroniczne zasoby edukacyjne do wspomagania procesu dydaktyki chemii [KN_Ch_U04]
potrafi zastosować poznane metody matematyczne i statystyczne do rozwiązywania problemów z zakresu chemii a także oceny wiarygodności danych eksperymentalnych i wizualizacji wyników [KN_Ch_U05]
potrafi przygotować prace pisemne (sprawozdania, raporty, opracowania) i prezentacje ustne dotyczące zagadnień z dziedziny chemii [KN_Ch_U06]
na podstawie specjalistycznej literatury i informacji z baz danych samodzielnie poznaje wybrane zagadnienia i określa kierunki dalszego kształcenia oraz pojmuje konieczność stosowania interdyscyplinarnego podejścia opartego na krytycznym wnioskowaniu przy rozwiązywaniu problemów badawczych [KN_Ch_U07]
jest odpowiedzialny za pracę indywidualną i zespołową planując ją w sposób racjonalny i zgodny z przepisami BHP i zasadami dobrej praktyki laboratoryjnej [KN_Ch_U08]
realizuje ideę samokształcenia służącego pogłębianiu zdobytej wiedzy, niezbędnej do rozwiązywania problemów praktycznych i poznawczych [KN_Ch_U09]
potrafi w sposób zrozumiały, w mowie i piśmie przedstawić podstawowe teorie fizyczne i twierdzenia [KN_F_U01]
umie wyjaśnić na gruncie praw fizyki podstawowe procesy fizyczne zachodzące w otaczającym go świecie [KN_F_U02]
potrafi przeprowadzać i analizować różnego typu pomiary i eksperymenty fizyczne [KN_F_U03]
potrafi zastosować poznane metody matematyczne, statystyczne oraz typowe oprogramowanie użytkowe do rozwiązywania problemów z zakresu fizyki, a także oceny wiarygodności danych eksperymentalnych i wizualizacji wyników [KN_F_U04]
potrafi przygotować opracowanie zawierające analizę i dyskusję otrzymanych wyników eksperymentalnych [KN_F_U05]
potrafi pozyskiwać informacje z literatury i innych źródeł; potrafi integrować pozyskane informacje i dokonywać ich interpretacji, wyciągać wnioski oraz formułować i uzasadniać opinie [KN_F_U06]
posiada umiejętność przygotowania i przedstawienia prezentacji ustnej stosując nowoczesne techniki multimedialne [KN_F_U07]
zna proste sposoby demonstracji zjawisk fizycznych, dysponuje doświadczalnym warsztatem dydaktycznym przyszłego nauczyciela [KN_F_U08]
can administer computers with Windows operating systems, counter threats that could destroy the effects of computer work and can perform the basic system diagnostics, and administer a simple local computer network, providing security [KN_I_U01]
can use virtual environments (cloud) [KN_I_U02]
can independently design algorithms that perform selected tasks, can perform an analysis of the complexity of a given algorithm [KN_I_U03]
can write a program in the selected programming language [KN_I_U04]
can write a program for a built robot [KN_I_U05]
can create and modify graphic objects and multimedia files using selected graphics and multimedia programs [KN_I_U06]
can prepare an extensive multimedia presentation in the selected program for creating presentations [KN_I_U07]
can process and organize data using the selected Office programs [KN_I_U08]
can solve problems using basic applications [KN_I_U09]
can create a simple website and put it in the network [KN_I_U10]
can cooperate in a group and organize the group's work during the implementation of joint IT projects [KN_I_U11]
applies the principles of health and safety at work in a computer laboratory [KN_I_U12]
is able to observe pedagogical situations and events, to analyze them using pedagogical and psychological knowledge and to propose solutions to problems [KN.2023_U01]
is able to adequately select, create and adapt materials and means to the diverse needs of the students, including in the field of information and communication technology, as well as methods for independent design and effective implementation of pedagogical, didactic, educational and child care activities [KN.2023_U02]
is able to recognize the needs, abilities and talents of students and to design and conduct activities promoting the integral development of students, their activity and participation in the process of education and upbringing, and in social life [KN.2023_U03]
is able to design and implement curricula taking into account the diverse educational needs of the students [KN.2023_U04]
is able to design and implement educational-preventive programs concerning the content and educational as well as preventive activities directed at students, their parents or guardians and teachers [KN.2023_U05]
is able to create training situations motivating students to study and to work on themselves, to analyze their effectiveness and modify activities so as to achieve the desired educational effects [KN.2023_U06]
is able to undertake work with students that stimulates their interests and develops their talents, to properly select teaching content, tasks and forms of work as part of self-education, also to promote students' achievements [KN.2023_U07]
is able to develop in students creativity and the ability of independent, critical thinking [KN.2023_U08]
is able to effectively stimulate and monitor students’ teamwork involving educational projects [KN.2023_U09]
is able to use the process of assessment and feedback in order to stimulate students in their work on their own development [KN.2023_U10]
is able to monitor students’ progress, their activity and participation in the social life of the school [KN.2023_U11]
is able to work with children with special educational needs, including children with adaptation difficulties related to their migration experience, who come from culturally diverse backgrounds or with limited knowledge of the Polish language [KN.2023_U12]
is able to responsibly organize the students' school and extracurricular work, respecting his/her right to rest [KN.2023_U13]
is able to effectively implement activities supporting students in making informed and responsible educational and professional decisions [KN.2023_U14]
is able to use the Polish language correctly; to use subject-related terminology correctly and adequately to the age of the students [KN.2023_U15]
is able to use the speech apparatus in accordance with the principles of voice emission [KN.2023_U16]
is able to provide first aid [KN.2023_U17]
is able to develop knowledge and pedagogical skills on one’s own, using various sources, including sources in foreign languages, as well as technology [KN.2023_U18]

The graduate:
krytycznie ocenia zasób posiadanej wiedzy, rozumie potrzebę interdyscyplinarnego podejścia do rozwiązywanych problemów z uwzględnieniem opinii ekspertów w przypadku trudności w samodzielnym ich rozwiązaniu [KN_Ch_K01]
rozumie i przestrzega zasad etyki zawodowej i własności intelektualnej [KN_Ch_K02]
understands the need to comply with ethical and legal principles related to activity in the IT environment (e.g. the use of copyrights and licenses) [KN_I_K01]
understands the need for continuous education and self-education [KN_I_K02]
is ready to use universal principles and ethical standards in professional activity, guided by respect for every human being [KN.2023_KS01]
is ready to build a relation based on mutual trust between all participants of the upbringing and education process, including the student's parents or guardians, and involving them in activities conducive to educational effectiveness [KN.2023_KS02]
is ready to communicate with people from different backgrounds, exhibiting diverse emotional states, resolving conflicts through dialogue, creating an atmosphere conducive to communication in and outside the classroom [KN.2023_KS03]
is ready to make decisions related to the way the educational process is organized in inclusive education [KN.2023_KS04]
is ready to recognize the peculiarity of the local community and to engage in cooperation for the benefit of the students and the community [KN.2023_KS05]
is ready to design activities supporting the developing of the school or the educational institution and stimulating the improvement of the quality of work of these institutions [KN.2023_KS06]
is ready to work in a team, performing various roles in it and cooperating with teachers, tutors, specialists, students’ parents or guardians as well as other members of the school and local community [KN.2023_KS07]
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Elementary algebra I [W4-MT-S1-23-WzAlg1] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 1
Elementary analysis I [W4-MT-S1-23-WzAna1] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 1
Elements of school logic [W4-MT-S1-23-WzLog] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 1
Introduction to Algebra and Number Theory [W4-MT-S1-23-WATL] Polish course work lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Introduction to Computer Science [W4-MT-S1-23-WInf] Polish course work laboratory classes: 60 4
Introduction to Mathematical Analysis [W4-MT-S1-23-WAMa] Polish exam lecture: 60
discussion classes: 60
Introduction to Mathematics [W4-MT-S1-23-WMat] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Other Requirements
Intellectual Property Protectio [W4-MT-S1-23-OWI] Polish course work lecture: 15 1
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Elementary algebra I [W4-MT-S1-23-WzAlg1] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 1
Elementary analysis I [W4-MT-S1-23-WzAna1] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 1
Elements of school logic [W4-MT-S1-23-WzLog] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 1
Introduction to Algebra and Number Theory [W4-MT-S1-23-WATL] Polish course work lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Introduction to Computer Science [W4-MT-S1-23-WInf] Polish course work laboratory classes: 60 4
Introduction to Mathematical Analysis [W4-MT-S1-23-WAMa] Polish exam lecture: 60
discussion classes: 60
Introduction to Mathematics [W4-MT-S1-23-WMat] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Other Requirements
Intellectual Property Protectio [W4-MT-S1-23-OWI] Polish course work lecture: 15 1
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Elementary algebra I [W4-MT-S1-23-WzAlg1] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 1
Elementary analysis I [W4-MT-S1-23-WzAna1] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 1
Elements of school logic [W4-MT-S1-23-WzLog] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 1
Introduction to Algebra and Number Theory [W4-MT-S1-23-WATL] Polish course work lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Introduction to Computer Science [W4-MT-S1-23-WInf] Polish course work laboratory classes: 60 4
Introduction to Mathematical Analysis [W4-MT-S1-23-WAMa] Polish exam lecture: 60
discussion classes: 60
Introduction to Mathematics [W4-MT-S1-23-WMat] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Other Requirements
Intellectual Property Protectio [W4-MT-S1-23-OWI] Polish course work lecture: 15 1
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Elementary algebra I [W4-MT-S1-23-WzAlg1] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 1
Elementary analysis I [W4-MT-S1-23-WzAna1] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 1
Elements of school logic [W4-MT-S1-23-WzLog] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 1
Introduction to Algebra and Number Theory [W4-MT-S1-23-WATL] Polish course work lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Introduction to Computer Science [W4-MT-S1-23-WInf] Polish course work laboratory classes: 60 4
Introduction to Mathematical Analysis [W4-MT-S1-23-WAMa] Polish exam lecture: 60
discussion classes: 60
Introduction to Mathematics [W4-MT-S1-23-WMat] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Other Requirements
Intellectual Property Protectio [W4-MT-S1-23-OWI] Polish course work lecture: 15 1
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Elementary algebra I [W4-MT-S1-23-WzAlg1] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 1
Elementary analysis I [W4-MT-S1-23-WzAna1] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 1
Elements of school logic [W4-MT-S1-23-WzLog] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 1
Introduction to Algebra and Number Theory [W4-MT-S1-23-WATL] Polish course work lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Introduction to Computer Science [W4-MT-S1-23-WInf] Polish course work laboratory classes: 60 4
Introduction to Mathematical Analysis [W4-MT-S1-23-WAMa] Polish exam lecture: 60
discussion classes: 60
Introduction to Mathematics [W4-MT-S1-23-WMat] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Other Requirements
Intellectual Property Protectio [W4-MT-S1-23-OWI] Polish course work lecture: 15 1
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Elementary algebra I [W4-MT-S1-23-WzAlg1] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 1
Elementary analysis I [W4-MT-S1-23-WzAna1] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 1
Elements of school logic [W4-MT-S1-23-WzLog] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 1
Introduction to Algebra and Number Theory [W4-MT-S1-23-WATL] Polish course work lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Introduction to Computer Science [W4-MT-S1-23-WInf] Polish course work laboratory classes: 60 4
Introduction to Mathematical Analysis [W4-MT-S1-23-WAMa] Polish exam lecture: 60
discussion classes: 60
Introduction to Mathematics [W4-MT-S1-23-WMat] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Other Requirements
Intellectual Property Protectio [W4-MT-S1-23-OWI] Polish course work lecture: 15 1
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Elementary algebra I [W4-MT-S1-23-WzAlg1] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 1
Elementary analysis I [W4-MT-S1-23-WzAna1] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 1
Elements of school logic [W4-MT-S1-23-WzLog] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 1
Introduction to Algebra and Number Theory [W4-MT-S1-23-WATL] Polish course work lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Introduction to Computer Science [W4-MT-S1-23-WInf] Polish course work laboratory classes: 60 4
Introduction to Mathematical Analysis [W4-MT-S1-23-WAMa] Polish exam lecture: 60
discussion classes: 60
Introduction to Mathematics [W4-MT-S1-23-WMat] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Other Requirements
Intellectual Property Protectio [W4-MT-S1-23-OWI] Polish course work lecture: 15 1
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Computer Science A [W4-MT-S1-23-InfoA] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 45
Elementary algebra II [W4-MT-S1-23-WzAlg2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Elementary analysis II [W4-MT-S1-23-WzAna2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Elements of Discrete Mathematics A [W4-MT-S1-23-EMDyA] Polish exam lecture: 15
discussion classes: 15
Linear Algebra A [W4-MT-S1-23-ALinA] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Mathematical Analysis I A [W4-MT-S1-23-AMa1A] Polish exam lecture: 60
discussion classes: 60
Other Requirements
Introduction to Entrepreneurship [W4-MT-S1-23-WPrz] Polish course work lecture: 15 1
Philosophy [W4-MT-S1-23-FIL] Polish course work lecture: 20
practical classes: 10
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Computer Science A [W4-MT-S1-23-InfoA] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 45
Elementary algebra II [W4-MT-S1-23-WzAlg2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Elementary analysis II [W4-MT-S1-23-WzAna2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Elements of Discrete Mathematics A [W4-MT-S1-23-EMDyA] Polish exam lecture: 15
discussion classes: 15
Linear Algebra A [W4-MT-S1-23-ALinA] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Mathematical Analysis I A [W4-MT-S1-23-AMa1A] Polish exam lecture: 60
discussion classes: 60
Other Requirements
Introduction to Entrepreneurship [W4-MT-S1-23-WPrz] Polish course work lecture: 15 1
Philosophy [W4-MT-S1-23-FIL] Polish course work lecture: 20
practical classes: 10
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Computer Science A [W4-MT-S1-23-InfoA] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 45
Elementary algebra II [W4-MT-S1-23-WzAlg2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Elementary analysis II [W4-MT-S1-23-WzAna2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Elements of Discrete Mathematics A [W4-MT-S1-23-EMDyA] Polish exam lecture: 15
discussion classes: 15
Linear Algebra A [W4-MT-S1-23-ALinA] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Mathematical Analysis I A [W4-MT-S1-23-AMa1A] Polish exam lecture: 60
discussion classes: 60
Other Requirements
Introduction to Entrepreneurship [W4-MT-S1-23-WPrz] Polish course work lecture: 15 1
Philosophy [W4-MT-S1-23-FIL] Polish course work lecture: 20
practical classes: 10
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Elementary algebra II [W4-MT-S1-23-WzAlg2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Elementary analysis II [W4-MT-S1-23-WzAna2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Introduction to Programming [W4-MT-S1-23-WPr] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Linear Algebra [W4-MT-S1-23-ALin] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Mathematical Analysis I [W4-MT-S1-23-AMa1] Polish exam lecture: 60
discussion classes: 60
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organised at the university level)
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Kultura języka [KN-2023-SS-ZROW-KJ] course work practical classes: 15 1
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Nauczyciel wobec zróżnicowanych potrzeb ucznia [KN-2023-SS-ZROW-PUSP] course work workshop: 15 1
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Pedagogika 1 [KN-2023-SS-ZROW-PE1] course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Psychologia 1 [KN-2023-SS-ZROW-PS1] course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Interactive board [W4-MT-S1-23-TMul] Polish course work workshop: 15 1
Other Requirements
Introduction to Entrepreneurship [W4-MT-S1-23-WPrz] Polish course work lecture: 15 1
Philosophy [W4-MT-S1-23-FIL] Polish course work lecture: 20
practical classes: 10
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Elementary algebra II [W4-MT-S1-23-WzAlg2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Elementary analysis II [W4-MT-S1-23-WzAna2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Introduction to Programming [W4-MT-S1-23-WPr] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Linear Algebra [W4-MT-S1-23-ALin] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Mathematical Analysis I [W4-MT-S1-23-AMa1] Polish exam lecture: 60
discussion classes: 60
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organised at the university level)
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Kultura języka [KN-2023-SS-ZROW-KJ] course work practical classes: 15 1
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Nauczyciel wobec zróżnicowanych potrzeb ucznia [KN-2023-SS-ZROW-PUSP] course work workshop: 15 1
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Pedagogika 1 [KN-2023-SS-ZROW-PE1] course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Psychologia 1 [KN-2023-SS-ZROW-PS1] course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Interactive board [W4-MT-S1-23-TMul] Polish course work workshop: 15 1
Other Requirements
Introduction to Entrepreneurship [W4-MT-S1-23-WPrz] Polish course work lecture: 15 1
Philosophy [W4-MT-S1-23-FIL] Polish course work lecture: 20
practical classes: 10
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Elementary algebra II [W4-MT-S1-23-WzAlg2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Elementary analysis II [W4-MT-S1-23-WzAna2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Introduction to Programming [W4-MT-S1-23-WPr] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Linear Algebra [W4-MT-S1-23-ALin] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Mathematical Analysis I [W4-MT-S1-23-AMa1] Polish exam lecture: 60
discussion classes: 60
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organised at the university level)
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Kultura języka [KN-2023-SS-ZROW-KJ] course work practical classes: 15 1
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Nauczyciel wobec zróżnicowanych potrzeb ucznia [KN-2023-SS-ZROW-PUSP] course work workshop: 15 1
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Pedagogika 1 [KN-2023-SS-ZROW-PE1] course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Psychologia 1 [KN-2023-SS-ZROW-PS1] course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Interactive board [W4-MT-S1-23-TMul] Polish course work workshop: 15 1
Other Requirements
Introduction to Entrepreneurship [W4-MT-S1-23-WPrz] Polish course work lecture: 15 1
Philosophy [W4-MT-S1-23-FIL] Polish course work lecture: 20
practical classes: 10
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Computer Science A [W4-MT-S1-23-InfoA] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 45
Elementary algebra II [W4-MT-S1-23-WzAlg2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Elementary analysis II [W4-MT-S1-23-WzAna2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Elements of Discrete Mathematics A [W4-MT-S1-23-EMDyA] Polish exam lecture: 15
discussion classes: 15
Linear Algebra A [W4-MT-S1-23-ALinA] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Mathematical Analysis I A [W4-MT-S1-23-AMa1A] Polish exam lecture: 60
discussion classes: 60
Other Requirements
Introduction to Entrepreneurship [W4-MT-S1-23-WPrz] Polish course work lecture: 15 1
Philosophy [W4-MT-S1-23-FIL] Polish course work lecture: 20
practical classes: 10
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Elements of Topology A [W4-MT-S1-23-ETopA] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Geometry A [W4-MT-S1-23-GeoA] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Mathematical Analysis II A [W4-MT-S1-23-AMa2A] Polish exam lecture: 60
discussion classes: 60
Moduły specjalnościowe
Specialized Module [W4-MT-S1-23-MSpe] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Other Requirements
English Language I [W4-MT-S1-23-JAng1] English course work language classes: 30 2
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Elements of Topology A [W4-MT-S1-23-ETopA] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Geometry A [W4-MT-S1-23-GeoA] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Mathematical Analysis II A [W4-MT-S1-23-AMa2A] Polish exam lecture: 60
discussion classes: 60
Moduły specjalnościowe
Specialized Module [W4-MT-S1-23-MSpe] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Other Requirements
English Language I [W4-MT-S1-23-JAng1] English course work language classes: 30 2
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Elements of Topology A [W4-MT-S1-23-ETopA] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Geometry A [W4-MT-S1-23-GeoA] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Mathematical Analysis II A [W4-MT-S1-23-AMa2A] Polish exam lecture: 60
discussion classes: 60
Moduły specjalnościowe
Specialized Module [W4-MT-S1-23-MSpe] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Other Requirements
English Language I [W4-MT-S1-23-JAng1] English course work language classes: 30 2
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Mathematical Analysis II [W4-MT-S1-23-AMa2] Polish exam lecture: 60
discussion classes: 60
School geometry [W4-MT-S1-23-GSzk] Polish course work lecture: 15
discussion classes: 30
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organised at the university level)
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Podstawy dydaktyki [KN-2023-SS-ZROW-PD] course work lecture: 15
discussion classes: 15
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Praktyka zawodowa psychologiczno-pedagogiczna w szkole podstawowej [KN-2023-SS-ZROW-PZPP] course work workshop: 15 1
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Prawo i etyka w zawodzie nauczyciela [KN-2023-SS-ZROW-PZN] course work lecture: 15 1
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Warsztaty psychologiczno-pedagogiczne 1 [KN-2023-SS-ZROW-WPP1] course work workshop: 30 2
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
GeoGebra [W4-MT-S1-23-GeoG] Polish course work laboratory classes: 15 1
Preparation for Work in Primary School [W4-MT-S1-23-PPSTut] Polish course work workshop: 30 2
Moduły przygotowujące merytorycznie do nauczania drugiego przedmiotu
General Chemistry I [W4-MT-S1-23-PCh1] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30
workshop: 45
Organic Chemistry I [W4-MT-S1-23-ChO1] Polish course work laboratory classes: 15
workshop: 15
Other Requirements
English Language I [W4-MT-S1-23-JAng1] English course work language classes: 30 2
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Mathematical Analysis II [W4-MT-S1-23-AMa2] Polish exam lecture: 60
discussion classes: 60
School geometry [W4-MT-S1-23-GSzk] Polish course work lecture: 15
discussion classes: 30
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organised at the university level)
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Podstawy dydaktyki [KN-2023-SS-ZROW-PD] course work lecture: 15
discussion classes: 15
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Praktyka zawodowa psychologiczno-pedagogiczna w szkole podstawowej [KN-2023-SS-ZROW-PZPP] course work workshop: 15 1
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Prawo i etyka w zawodzie nauczyciela [KN-2023-SS-ZROW-PZN] course work lecture: 15 1
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Warsztaty psychologiczno-pedagogiczne 1 [KN-2023-SS-ZROW-WPP1] course work workshop: 30 2
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
GeoGebra [W4-MT-S1-23-GeoG] Polish course work laboratory classes: 15 1
Preparation for Work in Primary School [W4-MT-S1-23-PPSTut] Polish course work workshop: 30 2
Moduły przygotowujące merytorycznie do nauczania drugiego przedmiotu
Fundamentals of Physics II - Electricity and Magnetism [W4-MT-S1-23-PFEM] Polish course work workshop: 45 3
Fundamentals of Physics I - Mechanics [W4-MT-S1-23-PFM] Polish course work workshop: 45 3
Other Requirements
English Language I [W4-MT-S1-23-JAng1] English course work language classes: 30 2
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Mathematical Analysis II [W4-MT-S1-23-AMa2] Polish exam lecture: 60
discussion classes: 60
School geometry [W4-MT-S1-23-GSzk] Polish course work lecture: 15
discussion classes: 30
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organised at the university level)
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Podstawy dydaktyki [KN-2023-SS-ZROW-PD] course work lecture: 15
discussion classes: 15
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Praktyka zawodowa psychologiczno-pedagogiczna w szkole podstawowej [KN-2023-SS-ZROW-PZPP] course work workshop: 15 1
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Prawo i etyka w zawodzie nauczyciela [KN-2023-SS-ZROW-PZN] course work lecture: 15 1
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Warsztaty psychologiczno-pedagogiczne 1 [KN-2023-SS-ZROW-WPP1] course work workshop: 30 2
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
GeoGebra [W4-MT-S1-23-GeoG] Polish course work laboratory classes: 15 1
Preparation for Work in Primary School [W4-MT-S1-23-PPSTut] Polish course work workshop: 30 2
Moduły przygotowujące merytorycznie do nauczania drugiego przedmiotu
Educational Programs [W4-MT-S3-20-PEdu] Polish course work laboratory classes: 45 3
Multimedia [W4-MT-S1-23-Mul] Polish course work laboratory classes: 45 3
Other Requirements
English Language I [W4-MT-S1-23-JAng1] English course work language classes: 30 2
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Elements of Topology A [W4-MT-S1-23-ETopA] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Geometry A [W4-MT-S1-23-GeoA] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Mathematical Analysis II A [W4-MT-S1-23-AMa2A] Polish exam lecture: 60
discussion classes: 60
Moduły specjalnościowe
Specialized Module [W4-MT-S1-23-MSpe] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Other Requirements
English Language I [W4-MT-S1-23-JAng1] English course work language classes: 30 2
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Algebra A [W4-MT-S1-23-AlgA] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Introduction to Computational Mathematics A [W4-MT-S1-23-WMObA] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Introduction to Differential Equations A [W4-MT-S1-23-WRRoA] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Introduction to Probability Theory A [W4-MT-S1-23-WRPrA] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Moduły specjalnościowe
Specialized Module [W4-MT-S1-23-MSpe] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Other Requirements
English Language II [W4-MT-S1-23-JAng2] English course work language classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Algebra A [W4-MT-S1-23-AlgA] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Introduction to Computational Mathematics A [W4-MT-S1-23-WMObA] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Introduction to Differential Equations A [W4-MT-S1-23-WRRoA] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Introduction to Probability Theory A [W4-MT-S1-23-WRPrA] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Moduły specjalnościowe
Specialized Module [W4-MT-S1-23-MSpe] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Other Requirements
English Language II [W4-MT-S1-23-JAng2] English course work language classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Algebra A [W4-MT-S1-23-AlgA] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Introduction to Computational Mathematics A [W4-MT-S1-23-WMObA] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Introduction to Differential Equations A [W4-MT-S1-23-WRRoA] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Introduction to Probability Theory A [W4-MT-S1-23-WRPrA] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Moduły specjalnościowe
Specialized Module [W4-MT-S1-23-MSpe] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Other Requirements
English Language II [W4-MT-S1-23-JAng2] English course work language classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Combinatorics [W4-MT-S1-23-Kom] Polish course work lecture: 15
discussion classes: 15
Introduction to Differential Equations [W4-MT-S1-23-WRRo] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organised at the university level)
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Emisja głosu [KN-2023-SS-ZROW-EG] course work practical classes: 30 2
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Pierwsza pomoc przedmedyczna [KN-2023-SS-ZROW-PPP] course work practical classes: 15 1
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Didactics of Chemistry I [W4-MT-S1-23-DCh1] Polish course work lecture: 30
workshop: 15
Didactics of Mathematics I [W4-MT-S1-23-DMat1] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 2
Education Practicium from Mathematics in Primary School I [W4-MT-S1-23-PNMa1] Polish course work workshop: 60 3
Teaching methodology I [W4-MT-S1-23-MSzk1] Polish course work workshop: 30 2
Moduły przygotowujące merytorycznie do nauczania drugiego przedmiotu
General Chemistry II [W4-MT-S1-23-PCh2] Polish course work laboratory classes: 15
workshop: 15
Inorganic Chemistry [W4-MT-S1-23-ChN1] Polish course work lecture: 15
workshop: 15
Organic Chemistry II [W4-MT-S1-23-ChO2] Polish course work workshop: 15 1
Other Requirements
English Language II [W4-MT-S1-23-JAng2] English course work language classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Combinatorics [W4-MT-S1-23-Kom] Polish course work lecture: 15
discussion classes: 15
Introduction to Differential Equations [W4-MT-S1-23-WRRo] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organised at the university level)
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Emisja głosu [KN-2023-SS-ZROW-EG] course work practical classes: 30 2
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Pierwsza pomoc przedmedyczna [KN-2023-SS-ZROW-PPP] course work practical classes: 15 1
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Didactics of Mathematics I [W4-MT-S1-23-DMat1] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 2
Education Practicium from Mathematics in Primary School I [W4-MT-S1-23-PNMa1] Polish course work workshop: 60 3
Physics didactics I [W4-MT-S1-23-DFiz1] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30
workshop: 15
Teaching methodology I [W4-MT-S1-23-MSzk1] Polish course work workshop: 30 2
Moduły przygotowujące merytorycznie do nauczania drugiego przedmiotu
Fundamentals of Physics III - Thermodynamics [W4-MT-S1-23-PFT] Polish course work workshop: 30 2
Physics lab I, part 1 [W4-MT-S1-23-PF1] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Statistical methods of results processing [W4-MT-S1-23-SA] Polish course work workshop: 15 1
Structure of matter [W4-MT-S1-23-EBM] Polish course work workshop: 20 1
Other Requirements
English Language II [W4-MT-S1-23-JAng2] English course work language classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Combinatorics [W4-MT-S1-23-Kom] Polish course work lecture: 15
discussion classes: 15
Introduction to Differential Equations [W4-MT-S1-23-WRRo] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organised at the university level)
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Emisja głosu [KN-2023-SS-ZROW-EG] course work practical classes: 30 2
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Pierwsza pomoc przedmedyczna [KN-2023-SS-ZROW-PPP] course work practical classes: 15 1
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Didactics of Computer Science I [W4-MT-S1-23-DInf1] Polish course work lecture: 30
workshop: 15
Didactics of Mathematics I [W4-MT-S1-23-DMat1] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 2
Education Practicium from Mathematics in Primary School I [W4-MT-S1-23-PNMa1] Polish course work workshop: 60 3
Teaching methodology I [W4-MT-S1-23-MSzk1] Polish course work workshop: 30 2
Moduły przygotowujące merytorycznie do nauczania drugiego przedmiotu
Algorithms and Programming [W4-MT-S1-23-AiP] Polish exam lecture: 25
discussion classes: 15
laboratory classes: 20
Other Requirements
English Language II [W4-MT-S1-23-JAng2] English course work language classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Algebra A [W4-MT-S1-23-AlgA] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Introduction to Computational Mathematics A [W4-MT-S1-23-WMObA] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Introduction to Differential Equations A [W4-MT-S1-23-WRRoA] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Introduction to Probability Theory A [W4-MT-S1-23-WRPrA] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Moduły specjalnościowe
Specialized Module [W4-MT-S1-23-MSpe] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Other Requirements
English Language II [W4-MT-S1-23-JAng2] English course work language classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Elements of Statistics [W4-MT-S1-23-ESt] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Probability Theory A [W4-MT-S1-23-RPraA] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Moduły specjalnościowe
Problem Workshops [W4-MT-S1-23-WPro] Polish course work laboratory classes: 60 6
Proseminar [W4-MT-S1-23-Pro] Polish course work proseminar: 15 1
Specialized Module [W4-MT-S1-23-MSpe] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Other Requirements
English Language III [W4-MT-S1-23-JAng3] English course work language classes: 30 2
Subject in the Field of Social Sciences [W4-MT-S1-23-ONS] Polish course work lecture: 30 3
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Elements of Statistics [W4-MT-S1-23-ESt] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Probability Theory A [W4-MT-S1-23-RPraA] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Moduły specjalnościowe
Problem Workshops [W4-MT-S1-23-WPro] Polish course work laboratory classes: 60 6
Proseminar [W4-MT-S1-23-Pro] Polish course work proseminar: 15 1
Specialized Module [W4-MT-S1-23-MSpe] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Other Requirements
English Language III [W4-MT-S1-23-JAng3] English course work language classes: 30 2
Subject in the Field of Social Sciences [W4-MT-S1-23-ONS] Polish course work lecture: 30 3
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Elements of Statistics [W4-MT-S1-23-ESt] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Probability Theory A [W4-MT-S1-23-RPraA] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Moduły specjalnościowe
Problem Workshops [W4-MT-S1-23-WPro] Polish course work laboratory classes: 60 6
Proseminar [W4-MT-S1-23-Pro] Polish course work proseminar: 15 1
Specialized Module [W4-MT-S1-23-MSpe] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Other Requirements
English Language III [W4-MT-S1-23-JAng3] English course work language classes: 30 2
Subject in the Field of Social Sciences [W4-MT-S1-23-ONS] Polish course work lecture: 30 3
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Algebra [W4-MT-S1-23-Alg] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Probability Theory [W4-MT-S1-23-RPra] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Proseminar [W4-MT-S1-23-Pro] Polish course work proseminar: 15 1
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Assessment and diagnosis in primary education [W4-MT-S1-23-OiDwSP] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Didactics of Chemistry II [W4-MT-S1-23-DCh2] Polish course work workshop: 15 1
Didactics of Mathematics II [W4-MT-S1-23-DMat2] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 2
Education Practicium from Chemistry in Primary School, Tutoring I [W4-MT-S1-23-PNCh1] Polish course work workshop: 30
tutoring: 2
Education Practicium from Mathematics in Primary School II [W4-MT-S1-23-PNMa2] Polish course work workshop: 60 3
Teaching methodology II [W4-MT-S2-23-MSzk2] Polish course work workshop: 30 2
Moduły przygotowujące merytorycznie do nauczania drugiego przedmiotu
ICT in chemistry teaching [W4-MT-S1-23-TIKCh] Polish course work workshop: 15 1
Other Requirements
English Language III [W4-MT-S1-23-JAng3] English course work language classes: 30 2
Continuous Education Practicium from Mathematics in Primary School [W4-MT-S1-23-PNCMat] Polish course work internship: 40 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Algebra [W4-MT-S1-23-Alg] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Probability Theory [W4-MT-S1-23-RPra] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Proseminar [W4-MT-S1-23-Pro] Polish course work proseminar: 15 1
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Assessment and diagnosis in primary education [W4-MT-S1-23-OiDwSP] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Didactics of Mathematics II [W4-MT-S1-23-DMat2] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 2
Education Practicium from Mathematics in Primary School II [W4-MT-S1-23-PNMa2] Polish course work workshop: 60 3
Education Practicium from Physics in Primary School, Tutoring I [W4-MT-S1-23-PNFiz1] Polish course work workshop: 30
tutoring: 2
Physics didactics II [W4-MT-S1-23-DFiz2] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 1
Teaching methodology II [W4-MT-S2-23-MSzk2] Polish course work workshop: 30 2
Moduły przygotowujące merytorycznie do nauczania drugiego przedmiotu
ICT in physics teaching [W4-MT-S1-23-TIKFiz] Polish course work workshop: 15 1
Other Requirements
English Language III [W4-MT-S1-23-JAng3] English course work language classes: 30 2
Continuous Education Practicium from Mathematics in Primary School [W4-MT-S1-23-PNCMat] Polish course work internship: 40 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Algebra [W4-MT-S1-23-Alg] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Probability Theory [W4-MT-S1-23-RPra] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Proseminar [W4-MT-S1-23-Pro] Polish course work proseminar: 15 1
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Assessment and diagnosis in primary education [W4-MT-S1-23-OiDwSP] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Didactics of Computer Science II [W4-MT-S1-23-DInf2] Polish course work workshop: 15 1
Didactics of Mathematics II [W4-MT-S1-23-DMat2] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 2
Education Practicium from Computer Science in Primary School, Tutoring I [W4-MT-S1-23-PNInf1] Polish course work workshop: 30
tutoring: 2
Education Practicium from Mathematics in Primary School II [W4-MT-S1-23-PNMa2] Polish course work workshop: 60 3
Teaching methodology II [W4-MT-S2-23-MSzk2] Polish course work workshop: 30 2
Moduły przygotowujące merytorycznie do nauczania drugiego przedmiotu
Introduction to Operating Systems [W4-MT-S1-23-WSOp] Polish course work laboratory classes: 15 1
Other Requirements
English Language III [W4-MT-S1-23-JAng3] English course work language classes: 30 2
Continuous Education Practicium from Mathematics in Primary School [W4-MT-S1-23-PNCMat] Polish course work internship: 40 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Elements of Statistics [W4-MT-S1-23-ESt] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Probability Theory A [W4-MT-S1-23-RPraA] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Moduły specjalnościowe
Problem Workshops [W4-MT-S1-23-WPro] Polish course work laboratory classes: 60 6
Proseminar [W4-MT-S1-23-Pro] Polish course work proseminar: 15 1
Specialized Module [W4-MT-S1-23-MSpe] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Other Requirements
English Language III [W4-MT-S1-23-JAng3] English course work language classes: 30 2
Subject in the Field of Social Sciences [W4-MT-S1-23-ONS] Polish course work lecture: 30 3
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Moduły specjalnościowe
Diploma Seminar [W4-MT-S1-23-SDyp] Polish course work seminar: 45 6
Introduction to Stochastic Processes [W4-MT-S1-23-WPSt] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 15
Monograph Course [W4-MT-S1-23-WMon] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Specialized Module [W4-MT-S1-23-MSpe] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Team Project [W4-MT-S1-23-PZes] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 5
Other Requirements
English Language IV [W4-MT-S1-23-JAng4] English exam language classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Moduły specjalnościowe
Diploma Seminar [W4-MT-S1-23-SDyp] Polish course work seminar: 45 6
Introduction to Stochastic Processes [W4-MT-S1-23-WPSt] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 15
Monograph Course [W4-MT-S1-23-WMon] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Specialized Module [W4-MT-S1-23-MSpe] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Team Project [W4-MT-S1-23-PZes] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 5
Other Requirements
English Language IV [W4-MT-S1-23-JAng4] English exam language classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Moduły specjalnościowe
Diploma Seminar [W4-MT-S1-23-SDyp] Polish course work seminar: 45 6
Introduction to Stochastic Processes [W4-MT-S1-23-WPSt] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 15
Monograph Course [W4-MT-S1-23-WMon] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Specialized Module [W4-MT-S1-23-MSpe] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Team Project [W4-MT-S1-23-PZes] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 5
Other Requirements
English Language IV [W4-MT-S1-23-JAng4] English exam language classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Diploma Seminar [W4-MT-S1-23-SDyp] Polish course work seminar: 45 6
Introduction to Topology [W4-MT-S1-23-WTop] Polish course work lecture: 15
discussion classes: 30
Statistics for Teachers [W4-MT-S1-23-PSta] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Didactics of Mathematics III [W4-MT-S1-23-DMat3] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 2
Education Practicium from Chemistry in Primary School, Tutoring II [W4-MT-S1-23-PNCh2] Polish course work workshop: 30
tutoring: 1
Moduły przygotowujące merytorycznie do nauczania drugiego przedmiotu
Inorganic Chemistry II [W4-MT-S1-23-ChN2] Polish course work workshop: 15 1
Organic Chemistry III [W4-MT-S1-23-ChO3] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 15
workshop: 15
Other Requirements
English Language IV [W4-MT-S1-23-JAng4] English exam language classes: 30 2
Continuous Education Practicium from Chemistry in Primary School [W4-MT-S1-23-PNCCh] Polish course work internship: 15 1
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Diploma Seminar [W4-MT-S1-23-SDyp] Polish course work seminar: 45 6
Introduction to Topology [W4-MT-S1-23-WTop] Polish course work lecture: 15
discussion classes: 30
Statistics for Teachers [W4-MT-S1-23-PSta] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Didactics of Mathematics III [W4-MT-S1-23-DMat3] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 2
Education Practicium from Physics in Primary School, Tutoring II [W4-MT-S1-23-PNFiz2] Polish course work workshop: 30
tutoring: 1
Moduły przygotowujące merytorycznie do nauczania drugiego przedmiotu
Fundamentals of Physics IV - Waves and Optics [W4-MT-S1-23-PFFO] Polish course work workshop: 45 3
Physics lab I, part 2 [W4-MT-S1-23-PF2] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Other Requirements
English Language IV [W4-MT-S1-23-JAng4] English exam language classes: 30 2
Continuous Education Practicium from Physics in Primary School [W4-MT-S1-23-PNCFiz] Polish course work internship: 15 1
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Diploma Seminar [W4-MT-S1-23-SDyp] Polish course work seminar: 45 6
Introduction to Topology [W4-MT-S1-23-WTop] Polish course work lecture: 15
discussion classes: 30
Statistics for Teachers [W4-MT-S1-23-PSta] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Didactics of Mathematics III [W4-MT-S1-23-DMat3] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 2
Education Practicium from Computer Science in Primary School, Tutoring II [W4-MT-S1-23-PNInf2] Polish course work workshop: 30
tutoring: 1
Moduły przygotowujące merytorycznie do nauczania drugiego przedmiotu
Advanced Programming [W4-MT-S1-23-PZaw] Polish course work laboratory classes: 45 3
Robotics [W4-MT-S1-23-Rob] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Other Requirements
English Language IV [W4-MT-S1-23-JAng4] English exam language classes: 30 2
Continuous Education Practicium from Computer Science in Primary School [W4-MT-S1-23-PNCInf] Polish course work internship: 15 1
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Moduły specjalnościowe
Diploma Seminar [W4-MT-S1-23-SDyp] Polish course work seminar: 45 6
Introduction to Stochastic Processes [W4-MT-S1-23-WPSt] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 15
Monograph Course [W4-MT-S1-23-WMon] Polish exam lecture: 30
discussion classes: 30
Specialized Module [W4-MT-S1-23-MSpe] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Team Project [W4-MT-S1-23-PZes] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 5
Other Requirements
English Language IV [W4-MT-S1-23-JAng4] English exam language classes: 30 2