Cultural Studies Programme code: 02-S1KU12.2018

Field of study: Cultural Studies
Programme code: 02-S1KU12.2018
Programme code (USOS): 02-S1KU12
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
Language of study: Polish
Academic year of entry: winter semester 2018/2019
Level of qualifications/degree: first-cycle studies
Mode of study: full-time
Degree profile: general academic
Number of semesters: 6
Degree: licencjat (Bachelor's Degree)
Access to further studies: the possibility of applying for the second-cycle studies and postgraduate studies
Specializations: Cultural Spaces
Semester from which the specializations starts: (no information given)
Areas, fields and disciplines of art or science to which the programme is assigned:
  • humanistic studies
    • humanities - 100%
      • cultural studies
ISCED code: 0314
The number and date of the Senate’s resolution: 133 (29/05/2012)
General description of the programme:
Kulturoznawstwo na Uniwersytecie Śląskim to interdyscyplinarny kierunek łączący teorię i historię kultury, wiedzę o teatrze, literaturze, filmie, mediach oraz komunikacji kulturowej, prowadzony przez Instytut Nauk o Kulturze. W ramach studiów I stopnia student uczestniczy w zajęciach zintegrowanych w kilku blokach programowych: 1. teoria – blok obejmuje teorię szeroko pojętej kultury oraz teorie widowisk, teatru, mediów audiowizualnych, języka, literatury, estetyki; 2. historia kultury – blok obejmuje historię kultury starożytnej i kultury europejskiej od średniowiecza do współczesności, historię sztuki, historię filozofii, historię teatru, dzieje filmu i kinematografii; 3. kultura polska – blok obejmuje historię Polski i historię obyczaju polskiego, historię i współczesność teatru polskiego, wiedzę o literaturze polskiej od wieku XIX do współczesności, folklor polski, estetykę i sztukę polską, historię filmu polskiego i film współczesny, kulturę języka polskiego; 4. krytyka artystyczna przygotowuje do pracy w roli publicysty, krytyka, komentatora zjawisk z zakresu różnych dziedzin kultury artystycznej; 5. współczesne zachowania komunikacyjne, w ramach których omawia się zagadnienia teorii komunikacji oraz komunikacji kulturowej (audiowizualnej, literackiej, językowej).
Organization of the process of obtaining a degree:
Proces uzyskiwania dyplomu określa Regulamin Dyplomowania na Wydziale Filologicznym UŚ:
Connection between the field of study and university development strategy, including the university mission:
Kulturoznawstwo jest kierunkiem, który wypełnia misję Uniwersytetu Śląskiego. Nasze programy nauczania oferują studentom wiedzę fachową, budują twórcze postawy i kształtują poczucie odpowiedzialności za kulturę polską. Umożliwiamy indywidualizację programów studiów osobom szczególnie uzdolnionym i wspieramy mobilność studentów poprzez kontakty z uczelniami w kraju i za granicą. Nasi słuchacze biorą udział w życiu Uczelni poprzez wielokierunkową działalność naukową, kulturalną i artystyczną. Wysokiej jakości kształcenie, które proponujemy na poziomie licencjackim i magisterskim odpowiada na potrzeby społeczne globalizującego się świata. Nasze działania są zgodne ze strategią rozwoju uczelni na lata 2012-2020 – proponujemy nowoczesną ofertę dydaktyczną, pozwalającą naszym absolwentom podejmować skuteczne i konstruktywne działania na wciąż zmieniającym na rynku pracy.
Specialization: Cultural Spaces
General description of the specialization:
Specjalność Przestrzenie Kultury została pomyślana jako ogólnokulturoznawcza, integrująca wiedzę dotyczącą różnych obszarów kultury i namysłu nad kulturą. Absolwent zdobywa podstawy historycznej i teoretycznej wiedzy o kulturze, jest przygotowany do racjonalnej pielęgnacji wartości kultury narodowej i regionalnej oraz do popularyzowania dorobku kultury europejskiej i światowej. Orientuje się w różnych przestrzeniach kultury. Posiada wiedzę z zakresu różnych dziedzin teatru i widowisk ujmowanych jako sztuka, instytucja oraz rodzaj społecznych praktyk performatywnych. Jest zorientowany w kluczowych problemach literatury polskiej XIX i XX wieku, a także literatury współczesnej, posiada wysoką kompetencję w dziedzinie opisu i wartościowania zjawisk literackich. Rozumie zasady kształtowania przestrzeni w zakresie urbanistyki, architektury, estetyki wnętrz i krajobrazu, potrafi je zdiagnozować i opisać. Zna zasady funkcjonowania instytucji wystawienniczych: galerii i muzeów oraz posiada umiejętność realizowania zadań związanych z ekspozycją dzieł sztuki. Specjalizacja przygotowuje również do rozumienia i upowszechniania kultury audiowizualnej, zarówno w jej formach tradycyjnych (kino, telewizja), jak i cyfrowych (DVD, Sieć) oraz prowadzenia działań edukacyjnych w tym zakresie. Student zostaje ponadto wyposażony w wiedzę o kompetencjach komunikacyjnych jednostki, zbiorowości i instytucji. Zna tradycyjne i współczesne strategie komunikacyjne, rozpoznaje i analizuje różnorodne schematy porozumiewania się, uwzględniając rodzaje tworzywa językowego w kontekście przemian kultury. Zdobyta wiedza daje absolwentowi podstawy do podjęcia pracy w zakresie promowania dziedzictwa kulturowego w sferze instytucjonalnej i pozainstytucjonalnej. Jest on również przygotowany do świadomego uczestnictwa we współczesnym życiu teatralnym w roli jego komentatora oraz w roli twórcy projektów producenckich i ofert kulturalnych. Dzięki swym kompetencjom jest specjalistą w zakresie organizowania różnego typu widowisk, spektakli i przeglądów oraz edukacji teatralnej. Potrafi profesjonalnie objaśniać mechanizmy życia literackiego, jest przygotowany do pracy w redakcjach, wydawnictwach i do animacji różnych form życia literackiego. Zdobywa kompetencje do pracy w mediach, w firmach producenckich, instytucjach kultury, posiada umiejętność przygotowania oraz realizacji różnorakich projektów upowszechniających film i nowe media, a także promowania sztuki kina i przekaźników elektronicznych. Potrafi wykorzystać edukacyjne aspekty sztuki w placówkach upowszechniania kultury. Przygotowany jest szczególnie do moderowania relacji instytucji z mediami, z wykorzystaniem narzędzi komunikacji wizerunkowej. Zdobyta wiedza i umiejętności pozwalają absolwentowi dostosować swoje zachowania komunikacyjne do określonych kontekstów i sytuacji.
Internships (hours and conditions):
Sposób odbywania praktyk określa Regulamin Studenckich Praktyk Zawodowych wra z zwłaściwym dla kierunku aneksem:
Graduation requirements:
Warunkiem uzyskania dyplomu jest realizacja planu studiów.
Number of ECTS credits required to achieve the qualification equivalent to the level of study: 180
Professional qualifications:
Absolwenci kierunku kulturoznawstwo posiadają wyspecjalizowane umiejętności predysponujące do pracy w: wydawnictwach, działach promocji książki, redakcjach pism, radiu i telewizji, teatrach, muzeach, kinach, mediach elektronicznych, ośrodkach kultury, galeriach, klubach, rządowych, samorządowych i pozarządowych instytucjach upowszechniających i promujących kulturę, agencjach promocyjnych i reklamowych, agencjach public relations. Mogą pełnić funkcje doradcze i eksperckie w zakresie diagnozowania źródeł problemów kulturowych, są także przygotowani do nadzorowania projektów z zakresu organizowania wydarzeń kulturalnych i imprez masowych, ochrony dziedzictwa kulturowego i do samodzielnej działalności w zakresie animacji kulturowej.
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the areas to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits: humanistic studies : 100%
The graduate:
has a basic knowledge of the position and importance of cultural studies in the system of humanities and in terms of their subject-related and methodological specificity; [02-KO1SN-12_W01]
knows the basic cultural terminology (including terminology related to cultural theory and history, literary studies, film and theatre studies, aesthetics, cultural communication and media studies); [02-KO1SN-12_W02]
has a structured general knowledge, covering terminology, theories and methodologies in the field of cultural studies, including culture theory, cultural anthropology, history of culture and literature, literary criticism and interpretation, theory and anthropology of literature, communication theory, linguistic research methods, history and theory of art, fine arts, visual culture, theatre studies and performing arts, film studies and audiovisual media; [02-KO1SN-12_W03]
has a structured detailed knowledge from selected areas of culture theory, cultural anthropology, cultural history, history of literature, literary criticism and interpretation, theory and anthropology of literature, communication theory, linguistic research methods, history and theory of art, fine arts, visual culture, theatre studies and performing arts, film studies and audiovisual media; [02-KO1SN-12_W04]
has a basic knowledge of multidisciplinary nature of cultural studies and the relationship with other disciplines in humanities; [02-KO1SN-12_W05]
has a basic knowledge of the main directions of the development of cultural studies and related most important achievements; [02-KO1SN-12_W06]
knows and understands the basic methods for analysing and interpreting different cultural creations specific to selected traditions, theories or research schools in the field of disciplines of cultural studies; [02-KO1SN-12_W07]
knows and understands the fundamental concepts and principles of intellectual property protection and copyright; [02-KO1SN-12_W08]
is aware of the complex nature of language and its complexity and historical variability of its meanings in general, as well as in terms of different disciplines of cultural studies, is also aware of the multiplicity of languages of various fields of culture and areas of art, as well as the diversity of discourses in the field of humanities; [02-KO1SN-12_W09]
has a basic knowledge of cultural institutions (research, artistic and culture-promotion institutions), knows contemporary cultural and intellectual life; [02-KO1SN-12_W10]
has a basic knowledge of the nature of social sciences, their position in the system of sciences and relations to cultural studies; [02-KO1SN-12_W11]
has a basic knowledge of different types of cultural structures and institutions (social, political, legal, economic) and their essential elements; [02-KO1SN-12_W12]
is familiar with basic sociological concepts useful in cultural studies (social fact, lifestyle, ethos, social formation, social exchange, reference group, community, society, stereotype, minorities, everyday life, etc.), has knowledge of the social foundations of cultural changes and differences; [02-KO1SN-12_W13]
knows the types of social ties corresponding to the fields of penetration of sociology of culture (local communities, subcultures, layers, classes); has a basic knowledge of the social functioning of a human being, the role, place, status, position, prestige and their social dynamics; [02-KO1SN-12_W14]

The graduate:
can search in different sources and select the required information and then analyse, interpret, evaluate and use them; [02-KO1SN-12_U01]
can formulate research questions and analyse selected problems, can select analytical methods and tools for the analysed material, is able to develop research results and present them in the form of a paper or publication; [02-KO1SN-12_U02]
is able to independently acquire knowledge in cultural studies, develop research skills, including analytical and interpretive skills, both in terms of cultural creations and theoretical and methodological texts devoted to them following the guidance of a scientific supervisor; [02-KO1SN-12_U03]
can use theoretical guidance to interpret reading matter and research on living culture, can use cultural concepts and their substitutes in the process of establishing social interactions; [02-KO1SN-12_U04]
can identify different types of cultural phenomena and culture-related creations, as well as artistic phenomena in the fields of film and new media, theatre and performative activities, visual arts and literature; the graduate knows how to conduct their critical analysis and interpretation using selected methods, can determine their meanings and reconstruct and discuss the manners of their social impact and the position in the historical and cultural process; [02-KO1SN-12_U05]
can argue logically, coherently and substantively using the theoretical and methodological views and formulate conclusions in individual work and in teamwork; [02-KO1SN-12_U06]
can communicate using different channels and communication techniques with culture creators as well as with specialists in the fields of cultural studies and related scientific disciplines in Polish and foreign languages; [02-KO1SN-12_U07]
can prepare various forms of written work (paper, problem draft, analytical and interpretative work) on selected specific topics based on basic theoretical views using materials from different sources; [02-KO1SN-12_U08]
can prepare various forms of oral presentations, including multimedia (voice in debate, paper, presentation) on selected specific topics based on basic theoretical perspectives using materials from different sources; [02-KO1SN-12_U09]
has language skills in the fields of science and scientific disciplines specific to the programme in accordance with the requirements for the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; [02-KO1SN-12_U10]
can use a sociological instrumentation in the description of cultural phenomena; [02-KO1SN-12_U11]
distinguishes the types of social structures and institutions and knows how to identify their important elements, can correctly interpret socio-cultural phenomena in the fields of science and scientific disciplines specific to cultural studies, can recognize the types of social ties corresponding to the fields of cultural penetration; [02-KO1SN-12_U12]
can identify opportunities and threats to a human being in today's society using standard methods and tools in the field of the study on communication processes; [02-KO1SN-12_U13]
has the ability to understand and analyse cultural phenomena in their social aspect, can describe them, knows how to indicate the social functions of religion, art, cultural fashions, media and multimedia, and social phenomena associated with the development of advertising; [02-KO1SN-12_U14]

The graduate:
understands the need for lifelong learning; [02-KO1SN-12_K01]
can work together in a group, adopting different roles; [02-KO1SN-12_K02]
can appropriately define the priorities for the implementation of the task defined by themselves or others; [02-KO1SN-12_K03]
correctly identifies and resolves dilemmas related to the profession; [02-KO1SN-12_K04]
is aware of the responsibility for preserving the cultural heritage of the region, country, Europe and the world, takes action to preserve the cultural heritage; [02-KO1SN-12_K05]
participates intensively and consciously in various forms of cultural life, including the use of the media, is aware of the value of cultural life in the region, country, Europe and the world; [02-KO1SN-12_K06]
Wzorcowe efekty kształcenia określa załącznik nr 7 do programu kształcenia (załącznik został dodany jako osobny plik).
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Grupa modułów 1 depending on the choice: 30 2
History of Philosophy (Antique and Middle Ages) [02-K01S-12-01] Polish course work lecture: 30 2
History of Poland [02-K01S-12-03] Polish course work lecture: 30 2
Introduction to Cultural Studies [02-K01S-12-02] Polish exam lecture: 30 3
Introduction to Media Studies [02-K01S-12-11] Polish exam laboratory classes: 30 3
Introduction to Theories of Communication [02-K01S-12-10] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 15
Introduction to the Theatre Studies [02-K01S-12-05] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Journalistic Workshop [02-K01S-16-56] Polish course work laboratory classes: 15 2
Literary Representations of Reality [02-K01S-18-57] Polish course work lecture: 15 2
Sociology of Culture [02-K01S-12-06] Polish course work lecture: 30 2
Visions of the World in Literature [02-K01S-18-58] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Foreign Language [02-KO1S-12-jo-1] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Physical Education [02-K01S-32-WF1] Polish course work practical classes: 30 0
Technology of Information [02-KO1S-12-ti] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
History of Philosophy (Antique and Middle Ages) [02-K01S-12-01] Polish course work lecture: 30 2
Introduction to Cultural Studies [02-K01S-12-02] Polish exam lecture: 30 3
Introduction to Media Studies [02-K01S-12-11] Polish exam laboratory classes: 30 3
Introduction to Theories of Communication [02-K01S-12-10] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 15
Introduction to the Theatre Studies [02-K01S-12-05] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Journalistic Workshop [02-K01S-16-56] Polish course work laboratory classes: 15 2
Literary Representations of Reality [02-K01S-18-57] Polish course work lecture: 15 2
Sociology of Culture [02-K01S-12-06] Polish course work lecture: 30 2
Visions of the World in Literature [02-K01S-18-58] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Contemporary Theories of Social Behaviour [02-K01S-12-15] Polish exam lecture: 30 3
Cultural Communication [02-K01S-12-21] Polish course work lecture: 15 1
Grupa modułów 2 depending on the choice: 30 2
History of Antique Culture [02-K01S-12-13] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
History of Art [02-K01S-12-16] Polish exam lecture: 30 3
History of Culture Ideas [02-K01S-12-14] Polish course work lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
History of Philosophy (Modern Ages and Present Day) [02-K01S-12-12] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Journalism Workshop [02-KO1S-16-57] Polish course work laboratory classes: 15 1
Literary Avant-gards in Modernity [02-K01S-18-59] Polish exam lecture: 30 2
Modernism in Literature [02-K01S-12-32a] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Silent Cinema [02-K01S-12-20] Polish course work lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Theatre in Culture [02-K01S-12-17] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Foreign Language [02-KO1S-12-jo-2] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Physical Education [02-K01S-32-WF1] Polish course work practical classes: 30 0

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Contemporary Theories of Social Behaviour [02-K01S-12-15] Polish exam lecture: 30 3
Cultural Communication [02-K01S-12-21] Polish course work lecture: 15 1
Grupa modułów 2 depending on the choice: 30 2
History of Antique Culture [02-K01S-12-13] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
History of Art [02-K01S-12-16] Polish exam lecture: 30 3
History of Culture Ideas [02-K01S-12-14] Polish course work lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
History of Philosophy (Modern Ages and Present Day) [02-K01S-12-12] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Journalism Workshop [02-KO1S-16-57] Polish course work laboratory classes: 15 1
Literary Avant-gards in Modernity [02-K01S-18-59] Polish exam lecture: 30 2
Silent Cinema [02-K01S-12-20] Polish course work lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Theatre in Culture [02-K01S-12-17] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
20th Century Culture Theories [02-K01S-12-25] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Aesthetics and Art [02-K01S-12-26] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Grupa modułów 3 depending on the choice: 30 2
History of European Culture in the Middle Ages and Renaissance [02-K01S-12-24] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 3
History of Film from Introducing Sound to 1945 [02-K01S-12-30] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Mass Communication [02-K01S-12-31] Polish course work laboratory classes: 15 2
Modernity in Literature [02-K01S-12-29] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Publicity [02-KO1S-16-58] Polish course work lecture: 15 2
Realism in Literature [02-K01S-18-60] Polish course work lecture: 30 2
Selected Conventions of World Theatre [02-K01S-12-27] Polish course work lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Semiotic Lab [02-K01S-12-23] Polish exam laboratory classes: 30 3
Foreign Language [02-KO1S-12-jo-3] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
20th Century Culture Theories [02-K01S-12-25] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Aesthetics and Art [02-K01S-12-26] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
History of European Culture in the Middle Ages and Renaissance [02-K01S-12-24] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 3
History of Film from Introducing Sound to 1945 [02-K01S-12-30] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Mass Communication [02-K01S-12-31] Polish course work laboratory classes: 15 2
Modernity in Literature [02-K01S-12-29] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Publicity [02-KO1S-16-58] Polish course work lecture: 15 2
Selected Conventions of World Theatre [02-K01S-12-27] Polish course work lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Semiotic Lab [02-K01S-12-23] Polish exam laboratory classes: 30 3
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
European Modern Theatre [02-K01S-12-35] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Film Analysis [02-K01S-12-38] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Grupa modułów 4 depending on the choice: 30 2
Grupa modułów 5 depending on the choice: 30 2
Grupa modułów 6 lecture: 15
depending on the choice: 15
Grupa modułów 7 depending on the choice: 30 2
Grupa modułów 8 depending on the choice: 30 2
History of European Culture from 17th to 19th Centuries [02-K01S-12-33] Polish exam laboratory classes: 30 3
Models of Contemporary Literature [02-K01S-12-36] Polish exam lecture: 30 3
Multimedia Culture [02-K01S-12-41] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 15
Theatrical Performance Analysis [02-K01S-12-40] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 2
Foreign Language [02-KO1S-12-jo-4E] Polish exam practical classes: 30 2

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
European Modern Theatre [02-K01S-12-35] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Film Analysis [02-K01S-12-38] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Grupa modułów 4 depending on the choice: 30 2
Grupa modułów 6 lecture: 15
depending on the choice: 15
Grupa modułów 7 depending on the choice: 30 2
Grupa modułów 8 depending on the choice: 30 2
History of European Culture from 17th to 19th Centuries [02-K01S-12-33] Polish exam laboratory classes: 30 3
Models of Contemporary Literature [02-K01S-12-36] Polish exam lecture: 30 3
Multimedia Culture [02-K01S-12-41] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 15
Theatrical Performance Analysis [02-K01S-12-40] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Bachelor Seminar I [02-K01S-12-44] Polish course work seminar: 30 8
Culture Menagement [02-K01S-12-46] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 5
Grupa modułów 10 depending on the choice: 30 2
Grupa modułów 11 depending on the choice: 30 2
Grupa modułów 12 depending on the choice: 30 2
Grupa modułów 9 depending on the choice: 30 2
Main Tendencies of the \World Cinema [02-K01S-12-49] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Subject Specialization I [02-K01S-12-45] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 5

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Bachelor Seminar I [02-K01S-12-44] Polish course work seminar: 30 8
Culture Menagement [02-K01S-12-46] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 5
Grupa modułów 10 depending on the choice: 30 2
Grupa modułów 11 depending on the choice: 30 2
Grupa modułów 12 depending on the choice: 30 2
Main Tendencies of the \World Cinema [02-K01S-12-49] Polish exam lecture: 30
laboratory classes: 30
Subject Specialization I [02-K01S-12-45] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 5
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Bachelor Seminar II [02-K01S-12-52] Polish course work seminar: 30 16
Cultural Animation Workshops [02-K01S-12-54] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 5
Grupa modułów 13 depending on the choice: 30 2
Subject Specialization II [02-K01S-12-53] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 5
Interships and Field Work [02-KO1S-12-pz] Polish course work internship: 100 2

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Bachelor Seminar II [02-K01S-12-52] Polish course work seminar: 30 16
Cultural Animation Workshops [02-K01S-12-54] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 5
Subject Specialization II [02-K01S-12-53] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 5
Interships and Field Work [02-KO1S-12-pz] Polish course work internship: 100 2