Practical English: Module 2 - Conversation 2 Field of study: English Philology
Programme code: W1-S1FA19.2021

Module name: Practical English: Module 2 - Conversation 2
Module code: W1-FA-JB-S1-P1-KW2-2
Programme code: W1-S1FA19.2021
  • summer semester 2023/2024
  • summer semester 2022/2023
  • summer semester 2021/2022
Language of instruction: English
Form of verification: exam
ECTS credits: 2
Students in conversation classes develop their capacity to speak English at levels B2/C1, and improve their speaking fluency, correctness and accent. Students are also engaged in interactive exercises to improve their communicative competence. During the classes particular attention is also devoted to expansion of vocabulary, particularly that devoted to specific fields, and (in the course of thematically based lessons) to the development of cultural and linguistic knowledge in the students. Classes also place emphasis upon the correct interpretation of linguistic messaging and students should develop their ability to air their own views supported by general knowledge. During the course of the classes the instructor may introduce various topics that can help students to develop conversational skills by engaging their enthusiasm, and encourage the students to improve fluency in the course of developing their own interests.
Credits in Module 1 - Conversation 1 Ability to find and utilize various sources of information (English-language websites, newspapers, journals, and other periodicals). Ability to make use of various dictionaries, lexicons and encyclopedias. Ability to work independently and in a group.
Key reading:
(no information given)
Learning outcome of the module Codes of the learning outcomes of the programme to which the learning outcome of the module is related [level of competence: scale 1-5]
can organise his or her own work – knows how to utilize various research tools in the course of composition [JB-S1PNJ2-KW-2_K1]
FA1_K04 [3/5]
is able to refer to cultural or linguistic differences and identify them on the basis of specific examples [JB-S1PNJ2-KW-2_U1]
FA1_U05 [3/5]
can make use of diverse source materials and can evaluate their contents [JB-S1PNJ2-KW-2_U2]
FA1_U15 [3/5]
possesses knowledge of fundamental cultural differences – cultural awareness [JB-S1PNJ2-KW-2_W1]
FA1_W06 [2/5]
is acquainted with various source materials [JB-S1PNJ2-KW-2_W2]
FA1_W09 [3/5]
is aware of his or her own lexical, grammatical and pronunciation errors [JB-S1PNJ2-KW-2_W3]
FA1_W11 [3/5]
Type Description Codes of the learning outcomes of the module to which assessment is related
In-class speaking [JB-S1PNJ2-KW-2_w_1]
Students should prepare themselves for class by reading assigned texts or listening to assigned audio material, and subsequently be ready to participate actively in class discussion. Students are assessed in continuous fashion on the basis of their participation – shorter or longer responses, degree of activity in class, and level of preparation.
Oral exam [JB-S1PNJ2-KW-2_w_2]
During a conversation which lasts for several minutes (either individually with the instructor or together in pairs), the students, having chosen at random one of a selected set of pictures and/or topics for discussion, discuss the selected picture and/or topic, making comparisons, sharing opinions, or airing views relevant to the subject matter. Students receive a positive evaluation if they can demonstrate language competencies appropriate to the level B2/C1.
Form of teaching Student's own work Assessment of the learning outcomes
Type Description (including teaching methods) Number of hours Description Number of hours
practical classes [JB-S1PNJ2-KW-2_fs_1]
During exercises, various techniques to encourage students to participate actively are employed: discussions, debates, games, essays, Panel discussions, and individual and group exercises. Also used are pictures and (where appropriate) objects, as well as unabridged texts from the press and from speeches, and multimedia material – films, songs, and audio interviews.
Preparation for classes through the reading of texts assigned by the instructor – articles, speeches, and interviews; furthermore, exposure to recommended material in audio format. Preparation for the exam Participation in consultations
15 In-class speaking [JB-S1PNJ2-KW-2_w_1] Oral exam [JB-S1PNJ2-KW-2_w_2]
Module description (PDF)
Information concerning module syllabuses might be changed during studies.
Syllabuses (USOSweb)
Semester Module Language of instruction
(no information given)