Social prevention Kierunek studiów: Pedagogika
Kod programu: W6-S2PE19.2020

Nazwa modułu: Social prevention
Kod modułu: W6-PE-RI-S2-SPR
Kod programu: W6-S2PE19.2020
  • semestr letni 2021/2022
  • semestr letni 2020/2021
Język wykładowy: angielski
Forma zaliczenia: egzamin
Punkty ECTS: 2
The course of the module social prevention familiarizes students with the theoretical knowledge of prevention, with the programmes implemented within it which are of environmental and institutional nature, with regard to needs of the developmental age and socio-environmental and cultural conditions. Student get acquainted with the basics of (primary, secondary, tertiary) prevention and with the course of cooperation with social institutions and organizations. They familiarize with the recommended literature on their own and search for references in practice.
Wymagania wstępne:
(brak informacji)
Literatura podstawowa:
(brak informacji)
Efekt modułowy Kody efektów kierunkowych do których odnosi się efekt modułowy [stopień realizacji: skala 1-5]
is sensitive to educational and social problems, ready to communicate and cooperate with the environment as well as to take active part in groups and organizations implementing pedagogical activities with the aim of preventive diagnosis [_K_1]
K_K07 [2/5]
can efficiently apply selected theoretical approaches in order to analyse the undertaken practical activities associated with social and school practice [_U_1]
K_U08 [3/5]
knows the terminology used in social and school prevention, knows the specificity of the subject and terminological relations with other scientific disciplines, the position of social prevention among other social and pedagogical sciences and its theoretical and practical functions [_W_1]
K_W01 [3/5]
has the knowledge of basic forms, ranges and activities of social prevention; knows the notions, methods and principles of the preventive process and problems of groups which need support [_W_2]
K_W02 [3/5]
has broadened knowledge of different types of social structures and institutions of social life and the relations occurring between them and significant for preventive processes; has the knowledge of main educational environments which takes into account their specificity and the occurring processes in which social and school prevention can be applied [_W_3]
K_W08 [3/5] K_W15 [3/5]
Typ Opis Kody efektów modułowych do których odnosi się sposób weryfikacji
examination – test of the knowledge [_w_1]
written examination in the test form, based on lectures, obligatory reading and recommended materials
_U_1 _W_1 _W_2 _W_3
written work [_w_2]
delivering a written work concerning the diagnosis of one phenomenon which requires preventive activities in the local environment (diagnosis) with a suggested plan of preventive activities
_K_1 _U_1 _W_2
Rodzaj prowadzonych zajęć Praca własna studenta Sposoby weryfikacji
Typ Opis (z uwzględnieniem metod dydaktycznych) Liczba godzin Opis Liczba godzin
wykład [_fs_1]
lecture aided by multimedia presentation
familiarization with the contents of lectures, literature and recommended materials preparing a written work
45 examination – test of the knowledge [_w_1] written work [_w_2]
Opis modułu (PDF)
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Semestr Moduł Język wykładowy
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