Methodology of intercultural education Kierunek studiów: Pedagogika
Kod programu: W6-S2PE19.2020

Nazwa modułu: Methodology of intercultural education
Kod modułu: W6-PE-RI-S2-MIC
Kod programu: W6-S2PE19.2020
  • semestr letni 2021/2022
  • semestr letni 2020/2021
Język wykładowy: angielski
Forma zaliczenia: zaliczenie
Punkty ECTS: 1
The course of the module methodology of intercultural education prepares students for understanding broad associations and determinants of human development with the balanced development, for noticing the need of understanding pedagogical activities aimed at active shaping the ecological, economic and social balance in the dynamically changing world. The module contents focus on discussing the foundations, context and significance of the process of intercultural teaching/learning and consist in presenting model suggestions for implementation of regional, multi- and intercultural education, in determining the principles of thease types of education, in searching for appropriate rational activity through a detailed analysis of the contents and the choice of appropriate methods and means enabling their acquisition.
Wymagania wstępne:
Students have general pedagogical knowledge acquired in their academic education so far in the field of: introduction to general pedagogy, psychology, didactics, theory of education and the knowledge of theoretical foundations of intercultural education.
Literatura podstawowa:
(brak informacji)
Efekt modułowy Kody efektów kierunkowych do których odnosi się efekt modułowy [stopień realizacji: skala 1-5]
is sensitive to the needs of people who differ in many respects and notices the necessity of conducting adjusted or individualized pedagogical activities towards them; is convinced of the value and need of undertaking pedagogical activities in the culturally diversified environment [_K_1]
K_K05 [3/5] KN_K02 [3/5] KN_K03 [3/5]
has deepened skills of observing and assessing complex educational situations and of analysing the motives and patterns of human behaviour; can efficiently apply selected theoretical approaches in order to analyse undertaken practical activities; can assess the usefulness of typical methods, procedures, good practices in the implementation of tasks associated with regional, multi- and intercultural education at appropriate educational stages; critically and reflectively analyses scientific texts on intercultural pedagogy; makes statements and formulates justifications concerning the issues of intercultural pedagogy [_U_1]
K_U01 [3/5] K_U04 [3/5] K_U07 [3/5] K_U08 [3/5] KN_U02 [3/5] KN_U07 [3/5]
has well-organized knowledge of the foundations of intercultural teaching and learning; has the knowledge concerning methodology of performing tasks, including the norms, procedures, good practices in the field of regional, multi- and intercultural education [_W_1]
K_W03 [4/5] K_W10 [4/5] K_W12 [4/5]
has well-organized knowledge of cultural determinants of educational processes; has deepened knowledge concerning the biological, psychological, social constituents of regional, multi- and intercultural education; s aware of the significance and need of noticing the diversified needs of participants of educational activity [_W_2]
K_W09 [3/5] K_W11 [3/5] K_W15 [3/5]
Typ Opis Kody efektów modułowych do których odnosi się sposób weryfikacji
examination [_w_1]
(a choice of) oral or written form familiarization with module contents, critical and reflective approach to the discussed problems
_K_1 _U_1 _W_1 _W_2
Rodzaj prowadzonych zajęć Praca własna studenta Sposoby weryfikacji
Typ Opis (z uwzględnieniem metod dydaktycznych) Liczba godzin Opis Liczba godzin
ćwiczenia [_fs_1]
explanatory methods (information, conventional, conversational lecture); problem-oriented methods (problem-oriented lecture, discussion); exposing methods (multimedia presentation, film)
studying/reading supplementary literature for the examination; preparing for term credit test of module contents
15 examination [_w_1]
Opis modułu (PDF)
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