Diagnosis and educational support in a culturally diverse environment Kierunek studiów: Pedagogika
Kod programu: W6-S2PE19.2020

Nazwa modułu: Diagnosis and educational support in a culturally diverse environment
Kod modułu: W6-PE-RI-S2-DAES
Kod programu: W6-S2PE19.2020
  • semestr zimowy 2022/2023
  • semestr zimowy 2021/2022
Język wykładowy: angielski
Forma zaliczenia: zaliczenie
Punkty ECTS: 1
The course of the module educational diagnosis and support in culturally diversified environment enables students to broaden their knowledge of educational diagnostics (including methodological assumptions). Students deepen the knowledge concerning basic diagnostic studies, such as test, psychometric and sociometric studies. The didactic contents allows for learning the possibilities of diagnosing culturally diversified environments by using the existing and independently constructed diagnostic tools. The ways of implementing the contents should help students to acquire the skill of constructing their own diagnostic tools, to carry out critical analysis of the existing tools used in psychopedagogical and resocialization diagnostics and to realize the necessity of the individual approach to young charges and of the specificity of their cultural environment. The classes aim at presenting diagnosis as the basis for planning educational support for a learner who is different (in any respect) and of taking into consideration various forms of work with immigrants, refugees and repatriates as well as providing proper conditions for shaping students' skills necessary to apply their knowledge in diagnosing, designing, organizing aid and support for people experiencing cultural change.
Wymagania wstępne:
The knowledge of the contents of diagnosis in resocialization is required.
Literatura podstawowa:
(brak informacji)
Efekt modułowy Kody efektów kierunkowych do których odnosi się efekt modułowy [stopień realizacji: skala 1-5]
Is aware of the level of his/her knowledge, diagnostic skills and the ethical dimension of diagnosis; understands the need of constant professional training, especially of searching for new diagnostic methods and tools, makes self-assessment of his/her own competences and perfects his/her skills; notices the significance of adjusting various supporting activities to the needs and problem situations of people from culturally diversified environments [_K_1]
K_K01 [3/5] K_K05 [3/5] KN_K01 [3/5] KN_K05 [3/5]
can apply knowledge in a particular diagnostic situation in regard to the specificity of the individual, group or institution; uses critical analysis of available research tools taking into account reliability, aptness and objectivism; diagnoses the consequences of dversification of human behaviour in aiding practice [_U_1]
K_U02 [3/5] K_U04 [3/5] K_U07 [3/5] K_U10 [3/5] KN_U05 [3/5]
can construct simple diagnostic tools on his/her own and verify the sense of their application in educational activities [_U_2]
K_U06 [3/5] KN_U14 [3/5]
has extended knowledge of the assumptions of the diagnostic process in regard to the specificity of institutional environments and culturally diversified communities; has basic knowledge of conducting proper diagnostic process concerning migrants, refugees, repatriates, members of ethnic and national minorities; has extended knowledge of the methodological principles of properly conducted diagnosis, knows the terminology used in pedagogy and related disciplines which is applied in the process of psychopedagogical diagnosis; knows how to select appropriate therapeutic methods and techniques for particular educational partners; has well-organized knowledge of ethical principles and norms of conducting diagnosis and using its results; has the knowledge concerning diagnosing acculturation problems and needs of people from different cultural groups [_W_1]
K_W01 [3/5] K_W04 [3/5] K_W06 [3/5] K_W08 [3/5] K_W16 [3/5] KN_W06 [3/5] KN_W08 [3/5]
Typ Opis Kody efektów modułowych do których odnosi się sposób weryfikacji
written work [_w_1]
students construct their own simple tools for diagnosing one phenomenon in the culturally diversified environment, they carry out pilot studies the results of which, along with assessment of the tool, are discussed in their written work
_K_1 _U_1 _U_2 _W_1
Rodzaj prowadzonych zajęć Praca własna studenta Sposoby weryfikacji
Typ Opis (z uwzględnieniem metod dydaktycznych) Liczba godzin Opis Liczba godzin
ćwiczenia [_fs_1]
text analysis and analysis of cases with discussion
studying the obligatory and supplementary reading, preparing for discussion, constructing a research tool, preparing a written work
15 written work [_w_1]
Opis modułu (PDF)
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