Organization and management of resocialization institutions in Poland and worldwide Kierunek studiów: Pedagogika
Kod programu: W6-S2PE19.2019

Nazwa modułu: Organization and management of resocialization institutions in Poland and worldwide
Kod modułu: W6-PE-RI-OMR
Kod programu: W6-S2PE19.2019
Semestr: semestr letni 2019/2020
Język wykładowy: angielski
Forma zaliczenia: zaliczenie
Punkty ECTS: 2
The course of the module familiarizes students with the knowledge of organization and management in institutions which implement resocialization tasks or which cooperate with them, particularly: organization and staff structures, work systems, aims, supervising organs, as well as the specificity of resocialization and therapeutic work in Poland and worldwide. The module enables shaping the skills of professional institutional and non-institutional contacts and of creating maps of support in the local and international environment.
Wymagania wstępne:
(brak informacji)
Literatura podstawowa:
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Efekt modułowy Kody efektów kierunkowych do których odnosi się efekt modułowy [stopień realizacji: skala 1-5]
Is aware of the level of his/her knowledge and skills, understands the need of constant professional training and personal development; makes assessment of his/her own competences and perfects skills during implementation of pedagogical tasks [_K_1]
KN_K01 [3/5]
is sensitive to educational and social problems, ready to communicate and cooperate with the environment, also with non-specialists, as well as to take active part in groups and organizations implementing pedagogical activities [_K_2]
K_K07 [3/5]
can make statements (in a clear, coherent and precise way) in the oral and written form on the issues and problems of resocialization diagnosis [_U_1]
K_U06 [3/5]
presents the skills of learning and perfecting the own pedagogical workshop with the use of modern means and methods of obtaining, organizing and processing information and materials, can efficiently communicate making use of various communication canals and techniques both with specialists in pedagogy and non-specialists with application of modern technological solutions [_U_2]
K_U03 [3/5] K_U04 [3/5] KNO_U02 [3/5]
has well-organized knowledge of the aims, organization and functioning of educational, guardian, cultural, aiding and therapeutic institutions implementing resocialization tasks, has the knowledge concerning security and hygiene of work in institutions to which s/he is being prepared [_W_1]
K_W10 [4/5] KN_W11 [3/5]
has deepened and well-organized knowledge of various educational environments, their specificity and processes occurring in them, the knowledge of the structure and functions of the resocialization system, knows selected systems of education and resocialization in other countries [_W_2]
K_W13 [3/5] K_W14 [4/5]
has the knowledge of designing a path of his/her own development and career promotion at various positions – of an educationalist /educational counsellor/, tutor, etc. [_W_3]
KN_W12 [3/5]
Typ Opis Kody efektów modułowych do których odnosi się sposób weryfikacji
term credit test [_w_1]
written term credit test
_U_1 _W_1 _W_2 _W_3
presentation [_w_2]
presentation – preparing a presentation of a selected resocialization institution – group work
_K_1 _K_2 _U_1 _U_2 _W_1 _W_2
Rodzaj prowadzonych zajęć Praca własna studenta Sposoby weryfikacji
Typ Opis (z uwzględnieniem metod dydaktycznych) Liczba godzin Opis Liczba godzin
ćwiczenia [_fs_1]
explanatory and activating methods
familiarization with the literature, factual and practical preparation for classes, preparing and conducting a presentation of a selected resocialization institution
20 term credit test [_w_1] presentation [_w_2]
Opis modułu (PDF)
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