Accompanying the other in the creative process of making arts Kierunek studiów: Animacja społeczno-kulturalna z edukacją kulturalną
Kod programu: 12-S1AE14.2017

Nazwa modułu: Accompanying the other in the creative process of making arts
Kod modułu: 12-AE-S1-7AOCPMA
Kod programu: 12-S1AE14.2017
Semestr: semestr letni 2018/2019
Język wykładowy: angielski
Forma zaliczenia: zaliczenie
Punkty ECTS: 2
Seminar: accompanying the Other in the creative process of making arts prepares student to the active and responsible accompanying the Other in his/her creative process in the arts. Students are being prepared to work with a person and a group engaged in creative work in arts (not only professional artists). The seminar combines practice with theoretical reflection allowing the student to know the literature in the field of arts animation and experience some of the ways of active following the other (individual and the group) engaged in the creative processes in the arts. Student learns how to recognize the stages and crises in the creative process in the arts and is taught to react actively according to his/her recognition in a way to be helpful in proceeding the process of individual and group development in the arts. Student acquires the knowledge and practical skills needed to follow the creative process of the Other, expands his/her attentiveness, ability of observation and skills of improvisation in different means of expression.
Wymagania wstępne:
student has completed the English language course module on the first degree (bachelor’s degree) of his/her general study
Literatura podstawowa:
(brak informacji)
Efekt modułowy Kody efektów kierunkowych do których odnosi się efekt modułowy [stopień realizacji: skala 1-5]
is conscious of the ethic dilemma connected with his/her creative and animation work [_K_1]
ASKEK _K03 [3/5]
is conscious of his knowledge and practical skills in accompanying the creative process and ready to improve and perfect them. [_K_2]
ASKEK _K01 [2/5]
is an active participant of the cultural and creative life of the individual persons and communities [_K_3]
ASKEK _K07 [2/5]
student is able to recognize the phase of the creative process observing the Other engaged in the work and is able to diagnose the crises and critical moments of the process as well as to find a strategy of animation in effective accompanying the Other [_U_1]
ASKEK _U02 [2/5] ASKEK _U03 [3/5] ASKEK _U09 [3/5]
accompanying the Other in his/her creative process in the arts student is able to reflect in action as well as on action being able to make a critical assessment of his animation work [_U_2]
ASKEK _U12 [3/5]
is prepared to initiate and conduct a creative dialog showing his/her readiness to be present, , vigilant and co-sentient in listening and responding to the Other using different and appropriate ways and means of expression (including basic, specialized English language) [_U_3]
ASKEK _U05 [3/5] ASKEK _U06 [2/5] ASKEK _U07 [3/5]
is able to elaborate his/her individual repertoire of skills, methods, techniques and tools of creative work needed to serve the creative process of individuals and groups Has an ability to initiate and accompany the other in the process of self development in the arts [_U_4]
ASKEK _U11 [3/5]
has acquired a knowledge on creative processes (especially those characteristic for work in arts) as well as on their role in personal and social (cultural) development; has an elementary knowledge of the ways of animation, facilitation and accompanying those processes , grounded in his/her practical experience as well as in the literature of the field [_W_1]
ASKEK _W04 [2/5] ASKEK _W07 [2/5] ASKEK _W08 [3/5] ASKEK _W09 [1/5] ASKEK _W17 [2/5]
Typ Opis Kody efektów modułowych do których odnosi się sposób weryfikacji
project (individual or group) [_w_1]
project (presented as illustrated diary or a film with commentary, multi-media presentation etc) recording the process of reflection in action and on action in accompanying the Other in his/her creative and expressive art work; the project has to be based on student’s animation experience and the chosen literature in the field
_K_1 _K_2 _K_3 _U_1 _U_2 _U_3 _U_4 _W_1
Rodzaj prowadzonych zajęć Praca własna studenta Sposoby weryfikacji
Typ Opis (z uwzględnieniem metod dydaktycznych) Liczba godzin Opis Liczba godzin
konwersatorium [_fs_1]
seminar allows the student to know chosen literature in the field of arts animation and experience some of the ways of accompanying the other (individual and the group) in the creative processes in the arts; students have an opportunity to share observation, (including self-observation), reflection on individual cases and take part in discussion based on personal experience, examples from practice in arts animation as well as analyzing chosen theories in the field; student takes part in short workshop forms using different means of expression and presents the individual or group project in front of the group initiating discussion on the case study direct or on line consultation with individual student or with a project group
student (working individually or in a small group) is expected to collect material and prepare a presentation (records) of the process of accompanying the chosen Other engaged in the process of making arts with a commentary based on his/her experience, observation, reflection as well as chosen theories (literature) in the field consulting objectives and strategies of the individual or group project
30 project (individual or group) [_w_1]
Opis modułu (PDF)
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