Projekt naukowy Kierunek studiów: Biologia
Kod programu: W2-S2BI19.2021

Nazwa modułu: Projekt naukowy
Kod modułu: 2BL_21a
Kod programu: W2-S2BI19.2021
  • semestr letni 2024/2025
  • semestr zimowy 2024/2025
  • semestr letni 2023/2024
  • semestr letni 2023/2024
  • semestr zimowy 2023/2024
  • semestr zimowy 2023/2024
  • semestr letni 2022/2023
  • semestr letni 2022/2023
  • semestr zimowy 2022/2023
  • semestr zimowy 2022/2023
  • semestr letni 2021/2022
  • semestr zimowy 2021/2022
Język wykładowy: angielski
Forma zaliczenia: zaliczenie
Punkty ECTS: 15
The module is dedicated to foreign students who are interested in conducting a semester scientific project, under the care and professional support of an experienced academic teacher. Course emphasis on researching information in the web site, laboratory methodology, equipment instrumentation. It consists of specific experiment and demonstrations. It will stress the importance of the scientific method and learn how to implement an independent research project. Laboratory practice will be dedicated to the and will be also connected with procedures of preparation specific solutions, performing of specific measures. The programme will be profiled referring to different subjects provided within biology area, which is offered by scientists and educators of Institute of Biology, Biotechnology and Environmental Protection.
Wymagania wstępne:
no one
Literatura podstawowa:
adequate to the subject of the project
Efekt modułowy Kody efektów kierunkowych do których odnosi się efekt modułowy [stopień realizacji: skala 1-5]
Has current, basic knowledge in the field of methodology of science in the field of interest and explains the possibilities of using it in the process of creating a project plan [2BL_21a_01]
2BL_W04_P [5/5] 2BL_W07_P [5/5] 2BL_U01_P [5/5]
Under the tutor's control, he plans and performs measurements, determinations and analyzes using equipment laboratory and / or field, and also trains the ability to create conclusions and conclusions based on the results obtained [2BL_21a_02]
2BL_U03_P [4/5] 2BL_U04_P [4/5]
With the help of the Tutor, he develops statistical and graphic results obtained during classes laboratory and / or field work. [2BL_21a_03]
2BL_W01_P [5/5] 2BL_U03_P [5/5]
Explains the need to comply with the principles of cooperation as well as timetables and work plans in the laboratory; interprets assumptions Good Laboratory Practice, OHS and pre-medical first aid, and is implemented to be responsible for the entrusted material and hardware base while preparing for the project. [2BL_21a_04]
2BL_K02_P [5/5] 2BL_K04_P [5/5]
Typ Opis Kody efektów modułowych do których odnosi się sposób weryfikacji
credit for a grade [2BL_21a_w_01]
Credit for the grade according to the rules specified in the syllabus.
2BL_21a_01 2BL_21a_02 2BL_21a_03 2BL_21a_04
Rodzaj prowadzonych zajęć Praca własna studenta Sposoby weryfikacji
Typ Opis (z uwzględnieniem metod dydaktycznych) Liczba godzin Opis Liczba godzin
laboratorium [2BL_21a_sf_01]
conducting experiments, observations and markings necessary to implement the project assumptions - systematic collection and processing of data (own and obtained from other sources) - statistical and graphic elaboration of own results - verification of research hypotheses - field work - obtaining material, preparing photographic documentation and notes, making measurements (optional) - farming / cultivation (optional) - preparation of measurement reports, reports and reports.
- literary queries to constantly supplement literature collections - systematic study of the topic based on the latest professional literature - supplementing calculations, protocols, reports and laboratory reports - supplementation of field / breeding documentation (optional)
150 credit for a grade [2BL_21a_w_01]
Opis modułu (PDF)
Informacje o sylabusach mogą ulec zmianie w trakcie trwania studiów.
Sylabusy (USOSweb)
Semestr Moduł Język wykładowy
(brak danych)