Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies in the Humanities Programme code: W1-S1SH24.2024

Field of study: Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies in the Humanities
Programme code: W1-S1SH24.2024
Programme code (USOS): W1-S1SH24
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
Language of study: Polish
Academic year of entry: winter semester 2024/2025
Level of qualifications/degree: first-cycle studies
Mode of study: full-time
Degree profile: general academic
Number of semesters: 6
Degree: licencjat (Bachelor's Degree)
Number of ECTS credits required to achieve the qualification equivalent to the level of study: 180
Leading discipline: literary studies (humanities)
ISCED code: 0288
The number and date of the Senate’s resolution: 526/2024 (23/04/2024)
General characteristics of the field of study and the assumed concept of education:
The aim of Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies in the Humanities is to reflect on cultural heritage in an environmental perspective: especially in the cultural-natural, gender-equal and technosocial varieties. Environment is understood here in a broad sense and is not limited to the concept of the natural environment. This field of study has no equivalent outside the University of Silesia, and its distinctive strength is the fusion of three research areas which function separately in traditional disciplinary divisions. The rationale behind the juxtaposition of cultural, technosocial, natural and gender issues in one programme is their interplay in an era of environmental transformation resulting from human activity and transformation at the anthropological level under the influence of digital technologies. Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies in the Humanities are believed to re-evaluate previous disciplinary assumptions within and beyond the humanities; they are open to new classifications, as well as respond to the need for new legitimisation of the humanities. These studies allow for the analysis of diverse texts and images concerning climatic-environmental and socio-cultural transformations, and at the same time assume activist and engaged postulates for the usefulness of science, finally leading to the formation of a social eco-critical self-consciousness. Not limited to linguistic and textual analyses, they are concerned with the study of various cultural, artistic, technosocial phenomena, linking them to economic-political and economic issues. They constitute the humanities studies in a state of negotiation: of the problems that can become the subject of research and the ways of interpreting them. However, such an educational programme does not lose its fundamental objective of mitigating the negative effects of human activity and its impact on the environment. The modules within the Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies of the Humanities have been conceived as target-oriented and thus translatable into social practice. Their basis is the humanities, supported by non-humanities disciplines.
Graduation requirements:
The condition for admission to the diploma examination is to achieve the learning outcomes provided for in the study program, to obtain a certificate of an appropriate level of language proficiency in a foreign language and to obtain positive grades for the diploma dissertation. The condition for graduation is to pass the diploma examination with at least a satisfactory result. A graduate receives a higher education diploma confirming obtaining the qualifications of the appropriate degree. Detailed rules of the diploma process and the requirements for the diploma thesis are set out in the Rules and Regulations of Studies at the University of Silesia and the diploma regulations.
Internships (hours and conditions):
Internships are an integral part of the study program, carried out by students in individual fields, levels, profiles and forms of study. Internships are to help in confronting the knowledge acquired during studies with the requirements of the labour market, acquiring skills useful in the profession, learning about practical issues related to working in positions for which the student is prepared during the course of studies. The internship is to familiarize the student with professional language relevant to a specific industry and work culture. The rules for the organization of internships are set out in the Rector's ordinance. Detailed rules of apprenticeship taking into account the specifics of particular fields of study are set out in the field's of study apprenticeship regulations, in particular: learning outcomes assumed to be achieved by the student during the apprenticeship, framework apprenticeship program including a description of issues, dimension of apprenticeship (number of weeks of practice); form of internship (continuous, mid-year), criteria for choosing the place of internship, obligations of the student staying in the internship, obligations of the academic tutor, conditions for completing the internship by the student and conditions for exemption from the internship obligation in whole or in part. The number of ECTS and the number of hours are specified in the course structure.
Information on the relationship between the studies and the university's strategy as well as the socio-economic needs that determine the conduct of studies and the compliance of learning outcomes with these needs:
The Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies in the Humanities has been prepared in close connection with the strategic goals of the University of Silesia and the key objectives in the area of “Education and students”. This interrelationship is particularly evident in such Priority Research Areas as: POB 1: Harmonious development of the human being: concern for the protection of health and quality of life; POB 3: Environmental and climate changes with the accompanying social challenges; POB 4: Humanities for the future: interdisciplinary studies of culture and civilization. In line with the strategic modelling of the didactic offer (objective 1), the studies are designed as interdisciplinary, with modules in Polish and English, taking into account the research conducted at the Faculty of Humanities. The curriculum uses the most up-to-date and modern forms of academic education, thus following the international models of education. The didactic offer is also closely linked to the needs of the socio-economic environment in Upper Silesia and the Dąbrowa Basin. The processes of energy transition, in particular decarbonisation, supported by energy humanities, post-industrial landscape and socio-economic transformations are taking place particularly intensively in our region. Thus, Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies in the Humanities shall respond to the human resource needs arising from such transformations and to the need for civic engagement in the issues related to the global and local climate crisis; finally, they seek support among activists and specialists who are already active in the region by inviting them to conduct workshops and project activities. The study programme is in line with the vision of Development of the Silesian Voivodeship (Śląskie 2030, Green Silesia, The Just Transition Plan for Silesia, The Territorial Just Transition Plan for Silesia 2030). The studies fulfil the objectives of internationalisation (objective 2): the programme includes exchanges of lecturers between the University of Silesia and foreign universities (within the programme of NAWA Strategic Partnerships) and the introduction of modules in English (development of one joint module with partners), obligatory for the students. In addition, the study programme guarantees a steadily increasing participation of male and female students in ongoing research and scientific projects connected with the main areas of the course, i.e.: gender studies, plant studies, animal studies, studies of inanimate nature and of technology in an environmental perspective (P9). What is also important is the relationship between the study programme and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (in particular, goal 8: “promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all”; goal 13: “take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts”; goal 16: “promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels”). The study programme is also in accordance with the University's policy as expressed in the Gender Equality Plan (Regulation No. 212/2021 of the Rector of the University of Silesia of 7 December 2021). The establishment of Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies in the Humanities constitutes a response mainly to the problems of environmental crisis and energy transition, which are locally addressed in the Territorial Just Transition Plan for Silesia 2030. These studies can be regarded as a proposal from the academic community addressed primarily to those living in the transformation areas and wishing to undertake studies related to this problem, which would help to understand the cultural-social-economic processes taking place in this region and other transformation regions, to design them, to create them and, when necessary, to mitigate them.
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits:
  • literary studies (humanities): 51%
  • culture and religion studies (humanities): 39%
  • biological sciences (natural sciences): 10%
The graduate:
has advanced knowledge of the importance of Environmental Studies in the Humanities, its subject matter and methodological specificity [W01]
has advanced knowledge of theories and research methodologies in the field of Environmental Studies in the Humanities, including in particular: animal studies, plant studies, landscape studies, gender studies, science and technology studies, urban studies, energy studies [W02]
has knowledge of the interdisciplinarity of environmental humanities and its links with disciplines outside the humanities, including biological sciences, earth and environmental sciences, legal sciences and sociological sciences [W03]
has knowledge of the main development directions in research within environmental humanities and their major achievements [W04]
has knowledge in understanding and interpreting the environment in a cultural and social perspective, particularly with regard to the problems of energy transition and environmental crises [W05]
has knowledge of interpreting material and non-material cultural heritage, and shaping public policies, educational and symbolic systems in the context of climate-ecological changes [W06]
has knowledge of the most important problems associated with the changed position of humans in relation to the environment, nature and technology in the Anthropocene era [W07]
understands the need for social environmental awareness, connected with technological and digital changes [W08]
understands the need to revise cultural canons and the values associated with them [W09]
has knowledge of the development of equality policies (including interspecies policies) [W10]
has knowledge of the social aspects of technical and scientific civilisation and contemporary developments in digital culture [W11]
has knowledge of the technological (digital, network) challenges in the age of the Anthropocene, the impact of contemporary technology on cognitive and decision-making processes, its usefulness in conducting environmental consultations and the usefulness of information and digital tools [W12]
has knowledge of the environmental protection system in Poland, in particular of the activities of state, regional and non-governmental environmental institutions [W13]
has advanced knowledge of selected scientific or scholarly theories and methods, is familiar with the issues specific to the chosen academic discipline and understands its connection with the leading discipline of the degree programme [MOB.2023_W01]
understands the relationship between legal issues – especially those pertaining to civil rights and obligations and their implementation – and the leading discipline of the degree programme, in particular the basic concepts and provisions pertaining to the protection of industrial protection and copyright law [MOB.2023_W03_VP]
has advanced knowledge of selected scientific theories and methods and is familiar with the issues specific to the selected academic discipline in the context of other disciplines [OMU.2023_W01]

The graduate:
can search, analyse, select source information related to different technological and digital media and to the values and needs of the human and non-human environment [U01]
can formulate research questions and carry out analysis of selected problems, choose methods and analytical tools for the material studied, perform tasks and create various types of artefacts, also in a network environment [U02]
can use his/her knowledge to re-evaluate existing economic and cultural systems, in particular connected with environmental crises, energy transition, digital transformation, the relationship between species and between industry, capital and nature [U03]
can communicate with the public, using specialised terminology from the fields of gender, technosocial and cultural-natural studies, and to communicate clearly with the audience, also including non-specialists, taking into account various interests of human and non-human subjects [U04]
can use theoretical guidelines in the process of establishing social and interspecies interactions [U05]
can argue logically, coherently and substantively during a discussion/debate on environmental changes, equality relations, the consequences of technological and digital development, and to formulate conclusions both in individual and group work, especially during various stages of the project process [U06]
can think speculatively, visualise data and create, understand and read locative media [U07]
can prepare various forms of traditional written work, oral presentations, using multimedia, web applications and other digital products, referring to the knowledge of environmental problems from a humanistic perspective; and is able to search for sources of funding and develop environmental research projects. [U08]
can plan and develop teamwork, including one of an interdisciplinary nature, using knowledge from environmental humanities, supporting/building value systems based on the principles of equality, biodiversity and interspecies alliances [U09]
can acquire knowledge in various fields of environmental reflection, to develop professional (digital and traditional communication) skills related to his/her professional activity, and to take advantage of opportunities for continuing education, in response to the constantly changing environmental-technological conditions and digital knowledge [U10]
clearly and comprehensibly communicates with others in a foreign language at the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, making use of his/her knowledge and terminology [KJ.2023_U]
asks questions, analyzes research problems and finds solutions to them based on the knowledge, skills and experience he/she has gained within the chosen academic discipline in conjunction with the leading discipline of the degree programme; communicates the results of his/her work in a way which is clear and understandable not only to specialists [MOB.2023_U01]
has advanced skills in asking research questions, analyzing problems or providing practical solutions to them based on the knowledge, experience and skills gained within the chosen academic discipline in the context of other disciplines [OMU.2023_U01]

The graduate:
is ready to critically evaluate his/her own knowledge in the context of current problems of civilisation (social and political problems related, in particular, to gender inequalities, as well as racial, class and environmental discrimination) [K01]
is aware of the importance of professional environmental, cultural and technosocial knowledge for everyday and scientific practices; is open to new ideas and technologies, and willing to verify and make use of their knowledge in various fields [K02]
is ready to reinforce pro-equality, pro-animal and pro-environmental attitudes in the public consciousness, and to use the acquired knowledge to the benefit of the public interest [K03]
thinks and acts in an entrepreneurial manner, participates intensively and consciously in various forms of cultural and social life, with a sensitive approach to the pro-social, future-oriented dimension of their actions [K04]
demonstrates willingness to comply with ethical principles and norms, and requires from others to do so in their professional activities related to environmental, technosocial and equality activities [K05]
is ready to fulfil his/her professional role in a responsible manner, with attention to the achievements of environmental movements, activists, social activists and advocates for excluded human and non-human subjects [K06]
is ready to meet social obligations, co-organize activities for the benefit of the community and is open to scientific solutions to cognitive and practical problems [MOB.2023_K01]
acknowledges and makes use of knowledge from different disciplines and is ready to change opinion in the light of scientifically proven arguments [OMU.2023_K01]
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Cartography workshops [W1-SH-S1-WK] Polish course work workshop: 15 1
Environmental writing workshops I [W1-SH-S1-WPS.1] Polish course work workshop: 30 2
Gender in ecocritical perspective I [W1-SH-S1-PK.1] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Geological turn in humanities [W1-SH-S1-ZGH] Polish course work practical classes: 15 2
History of environmental movements [W1-SH-S1-HRE] Polish course work lecture: 30 2
Interpersonal workshops [W1-SH-S1-WI] Polish course work workshop: 30 2
Introduction to the Anthropocene [W1-SH-S1-WDA] Polish exam lecture: 15 2
Introduction to the philosophy of technology [W1-SH-S1-WFT] Polish exam lecture: 30 3
Models of computational thinking [W1-SH-S1-MMO] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 3
Natural philosophy [W1-SH-S1-FP] Polish exam practical classes: 30 3
Plant studies [W1-SH-S1-SR] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Transformations of attention in the digital environment [W1-SH-S1-PE] Polish course work lecture: 30
workshop: 30
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Animal studies [W1-SH-S1-SZ.1] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Cultural history of technology [W1-SH-S1-KHT] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 30
Data visualization workshops [W1-SH-S1-WWD] Polish course work workshop: 15 2
Environmental writing workshops II [W1-SH-S1-WPS.2] Polish course work workshop: 30 2
Gender in ecocritical perspective II [W1-SH-S1-PK.2] Polish exam practical classes: 30 3
Introduction to socially responsible design [W1-SH-S1-POS] Polish course work discussion classes: 60 4
Landscape studies I [W1-SH-S1-SK.1] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Qualitative research methodologies [W1-SH_S1_MBJ] Polish course work lecture: 30
practical classes: 30
Theories and practices of ecofeminism [W1-SH-S1-TPEF] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Open access modules
Foreign language course 1 [LJO-2023-01] course work language classes: 30 3
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Animal studies II [W1-SH-S1-SZ.2] Polish exam practical classes: 30 3
Art-based research [W1-SH-S1-BS] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Interactive web techniques [W1-SH-S1-ITW] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 3
Landscape studies II [W1-SH-S1-SK.2] Polish exam practical classes: 30 3
Queer ecologies [W1-SH-S1-OE] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Selected issues of the environmental humanities I [W1-SH-S1-WZHS.1] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Social theories of the 21st century [W1-SH-S1-TS] Polish exam lecture: 30 3
Techniques for creating digital products [W1-SH-S1-TTPC] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Programme co-related modules
Group of programme co-related modules:1 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Open access modules
Foreign language course 2 [LJO-2023-02] course work language classes: 30 3
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Animation of social change [W1-SH-S1-AZS] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Basics of project work [W1-SH-S1-PPP] Polish course work practical classes: 15 2
Cooperation with institutional environment [W1-SH-S1-WO] Polish course work field practice: 30 2
Cultural significance of energy sources [W1-SH-S1-KZZE] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Environmental history of fossil fuels [W1-SH-S1-HSPK] Polish exam practical classes: 30 3
Field humanities I [W1-SH-S1-HWT.1] Polish course work field practice: 30 3
Selected concepts of environmental justice [W1-SH-S1-WKSE] Polish exam practical classes: 30 3
Speculative thinking workshop [W1-SH-S1-WSM] Polish course work workshop: 30 3
Programme co-related modules
The area of “Civil Society and Entrepreneurship: Vade mecum on Law” [MO-2023-SS-SOP-VP] course work depending on the choice: 30 3
Open access modules
Foreign language course 3 [LJO-2023-03] course work language classes: 30 3
Open University Module [OMU-2023-SS-01-OG] course work depending on the choice: 30 3
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Bachelor seminar I [W1-SH-S1-SEM.1] Polish course work seminar: 30 5
Cultural histories of the earth [W1-SH-S1-KHZ] Polish course work practical classes: 15 2
Field humanities II [W1-SH-S1-HWT.2] Polish course work field practice: 30 3
Theories of gender: intersectional perspective I [W1-SH-S1-TG.1] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Workshop: controversy and valuation [W1-SH-S1-KW] Polish course work workshop: 30 3
Programme co-related modules
Group of programme co-related modules:2 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Group of programme co-related modules:3 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Open access modules
Foreign language course 4 [LJO-2023-04] course work language classes: 30 3
Open University Module [OMU-2023-SS-01-OG] course work depending on the choice: 30 3
Internship [W1-SH-S1-PZ] Polish course work internship: 60 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Antidiscrimination worskhops [W1-SH-S1-WA] Polish course work workshop: 30 3
Bachelor seminar II [W1-SH-S1-SEM.2] Polish course work seminar: 30 7
Reading the Anthropocene [W1-SH-S1-CA] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 3
Selected issues of the environmental humanities II [W1-SH-S1-WZHS.2] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Theories of gender: intersectional perspective II [W1-SH-S1-TG.2] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Utopian, futurological and science fiction thinking [W1-SH-S1-SF] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 2
Field modules
Humanities module: modern comparative studies [W1-SH-S1-MH] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Open access modules
Open University Module [OMU-2023-SS-01-OG] course work depending on the choice: 30 3
Open University Module [OMU-2023-SS-01-OG] course work depending on the choice: 30 3