Polish Philology Programme code: W1-S1FP19.2024

Field of study: Polish Philology
Programme code: W1-S1FP19.2024
Programme code (USOS): W1-S1FP19
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
Language of study: Polish
Academic year of entry: winter semester 2024/2025
Level of qualifications/degree: first-cycle studies
Mode of study: full-time
Degree profile: general academic
Number of semesters: 6
Degree: licencjat (Bachelor's Degree)
  • Editorship and Editing for Publishing Purposes
  • Literary Studies
  • Polish Language, Literature and Non-Literary Culture for Teachers
Semester from which the specializations starts: 2
Number of ECTS credits required to achieve the qualification equivalent to the level of study: 180
Leading discipline: literary studies (humanities)
ISCED code: 0232
The number and date of the Senate’s resolution: 548/2024 (25/06/2024)
General characteristics of the field of study and the assumed concept of education:
Filologia polska należy do klasycznych kierunków kształcenia uniwersyteckiego na Wydziale Humanistycznym. Obecnie nauka na kierunku realizowana jest na Uniwersytecie Śląskim w Katowicach na studiach pierwszego i drugiego stopnia (w układzie 3 plus 2). Filologia polska sytuuje się jako kierunek literaturoznawczy (dyscyplina wiodąca) oraz językoznawczy, jako dodatkową dyscyplinę wskazano polonistykę. Osoby studiujące filologię polską na pierwszym stopniu kształcenia poznają zarys historii literatury polskiej (od epok najdawniejszych do literackiej współczesności), poszerzają i pogłębiają wiedzę o historycznym rozwoju i współczesnym kształcie polszczyzny, w ramach przedmiotów teoretycznoliterackich są wyposażane w narzędzia analizy i interpretacji tekstów umożliwiające im ich pogłębione i ukontekstowione rozumienie. W toku studiów kładzie się również nacisk na kształcenie praktycznych kompetencji komunikacyjnych, kulturę słowa i znajomość podstaw retoryki. Zestaw wiedzy, kompetencji i umiejętności kierunkowych poszerzany jest przez dokonywany po pierwszym semestrze wybór jednej z trzech specjalności polonistycznych: nauczycielskiej, edytorstwo i redakcja tekstu, literaturoznawstwo. Studia na kierunku przygotowują do czynnego uczestnictwa w kulturze ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem kultury literackiej oraz do refleksyjnego postrzegania przemian we współczesnych praktykach komunikacyjnych i językowych. Wszystkie osoby kończące studia na kierunku przygotowane są do kontynuacji nauki na studiach drugiego stopnia.
Graduation requirements:
The condition for admission to the diploma examination is to achieve the learning outcomes provided for in the study program, to obtain a certificate of an appropriate level of language proficiency in a foreign language and to obtain positive grades for the diploma dissertation. The condition for graduation is to pass the diploma examination with at least a satisfactory result. A graduate receives a higher education diploma confirming obtaining the qualifications of the appropriate degree. Detailed rules of the diploma process and the requirements for the diploma thesis are set out in the Rules and Regulations of Studies at the University of Silesia and the diploma regulations.
Information on the relationship between the studies and the university's strategy as well as the socio-economic needs that determine the conduct of studies and the compliance of learning outcomes with these needs:
Program kształcenia na kierunku filologia polska został zmodyfikowany zgodnie z założeniami strategii Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach, szczególnie w obszarze „kształcenie” i „współpraca z otoczeniem”. Program studiów uwzględnia konieczność indywidualizacji ścieżki kształcenia w ramach modułów ogólnoakademickich, wybieralnych modułów kierunkowych o charakterze konwersatoryjnym, modułów specjalnościowych i modułu dyplomowego. Kształcenie kierunkowe w dużym stopniu skupia się na elastycznej ofercie wybieralnych problemowych konwersatoriów odzwierciedlających rzeczywiste zainteresowania badawcze pracowniczek i pracowników UŚ. Przedstawiciele i przedstawicielki otoczenia społeczno-gospodarczego uniwersytetu są reprezentowani w Radzie Dydaktycznej Kierunku z głosem doradczym, a niektóre moduły specjalnościowe realizowane są przez praktyków pozyskanych z instytucji wspópracujących z UŚ. Oferta kształcenia specjalnościowego obejmuje trzy tradycyjne specjalności. Kształcenie nauczycielskie odbywa się zgodnie z obowiązującymi standardami kształcenia nauczycieli. Kształcenie na specjalności edytorstwo i redakcja tekstu odpowiada na potrzeby prężnego regionalnego rynku publikacyjnego, natomiast kształcenie na specjalności literaturoznawstwo odbywa się z założeniem jak najlepszego przygotowania osób studiujących do studiów II i III stopnia.
Specialization: Editorship and Editing for Publishing Purposes
General description of the specialization:
Edytorstwo i redakcja tekstu – osoba studiująca poznaje historię pisma, edytorstwa i typografii, zasady redagowania i edytowania tekstów różnego rodzaju, opanowuje podstawy pracy z cyfrowymi narzędziami edycji oraz składu, a także zaznajamia się z podstawami prawa autorskiego, copywritingu, edytorstwa naukowego i tekstologii. Osoba kończąca specjalność jest przygotowana do pracy jako edytor i redaktor lub do kontynuacji studiów na specjalności „edytorstwo i nowoczesne wydawnictwo”.
Internships (hours and conditions):
Internships are an integral part of the study program, carried out by students in individual fields, levels, profiles and forms of study. Internships are to help in confronting the knowledge acquired during studies with the requirements of the labour market, acquiring skills useful in the profession, learning about practical issues related to working in positions for which the student is prepared during the course of studies. The internship is to familiarize the student with professional language relevant to a specific industry and work culture. The rules for the organization of internships are set out in the Rector's ordinance. Detailed rules of apprenticeship taking into account the specifics of particular fields of study are set out in the field's of study apprenticeship regulations, in particular: learning outcomes assumed to be achieved by the student during the apprenticeship, framework apprenticeship program including a description of issues, dimension of apprenticeship (number of weeks of practice); form of internship (continuous, mid-year), criteria for choosing the place of internship, obligations of the student staying in the internship, obligations of the academic tutor, conditions for completing the internship by the student and conditions for exemption from the internship obligation in whole or in part. The number of ECTS and the number of hours are specified in the course structure.
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits:
  • literary studies (humanities): 55%
  • linguistics (humanities): 30%
  • polish studies (humanities): 15%
Specialization: Literary Studies
General description of the specialization:
Literaturoznawstwo – specjalność obejmuje przedmioty literaturoznawcze takie jak: narratologia, antropologia literatury, tropologia. Osoba studiująca nabywa także kompetencje komunikacyjne i organizacyjne przydatne w pracy naukowej i uczestnictwie w zróżnicowanych formach życia kulturalnego (m.in. w ramach modułów: warsztat medialno-krytyczny, elementy humanistyki cyfrowej czy realizowany na ostatnim semestrze studiów projekt literaturoznawczy). Absolwent specjalności jest przygotowany do dalszych etapów kształcenia polonistycznego na studiach drugiego stopnia.
Internships (hours and conditions):
not applicable
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits:
  • literary studies (humanities): 55%
  • linguistics (humanities): 30%
  • polish studies (humanities): 15%
Specialization: Polish Language, Literature and Non-Literary Culture for Teachers
General description of the specialization:
Osoba studiująca na specjalności uzyskuje pierwszą część przygotowania do wykonywania zawodu nauczyciela polonisty dotyczącą poziomu szkoły podstawowej – z możliwością uzyskania kwalifikacji do wykonywania zawodu po ukończeniu studiów magisterskich – zgodnie ze standardami kształcenia nauczycieli określonymi w rozporządzeniu Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego z 2019 roku. Program specjalności obejmuje przedmioty przygotowawcze (m.in. psychologię i pedagogikę, podstawy dydaktyki, emisję głosu i technikę mowy, dydaktykę języka i literatury polskiej w szkole podstawowej) oraz przedmioty uzupełniające obejmujące m.in. literaturę dla dzieci i młodzieży i elementy humanistyki środowiskowej. Zajęcia praktyczne obejmują: pierwszą pomoc przedmedyczną, praktyki zawodowe psychologiczno-pedagogiczne, śródroczne i ciągłe dydaktyczne praktyki zawodowe w szkole podstawowej.
Internships (hours and conditions):
Internships are an integral part of the study program, carried out by students in individual fields, levels, profiles and forms of study. Internships are to help in confronting the knowledge acquired during studies with the requirements of the labour market, acquiring skills useful in the profession, learning about practical issues related to working in positions for which the student is prepared during the course of studies. The internship is to familiarize the student with professional language relevant to a specific industry and work culture. The rules for the organization of internships are set out in the Rector's ordinance. Detailed rules of apprenticeship taking into account the specifics of particular fields of study are set out in the field's of study apprenticeship regulations, in particular: learning outcomes assumed to be achieved by the student during the apprenticeship, framework apprenticeship program including a description of issues, dimension of apprenticeship (number of weeks of practice); form of internship (continuous, mid-year), criteria for choosing the place of internship, obligations of the student staying in the internship, obligations of the academic tutor, conditions for completing the internship by the student and conditions for exemption from the internship obligation in whole or in part. The number of ECTS and the number of hours are specified in the course structure.
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits:
  • literary studies (humanities): 55%
  • linguistics (humanities): 30%
  • polish studies (humanities): 15%
The graduate:
zna i rozumie specyfikę przedmiotową i metodologiczną humanistyki oraz posiada zaawansowaną wiedzę o miejscu filologii polskiej pośród innych dyscyplin humanistycznych [K_W01]
zna i w zaawansowanym stopniu rozumie terminologię z zakresu dyscyplin humanistycznych przydatną dla polonistyki, literaturoznawstwa i językoznawstwa oraz pojęcia właściwe dla polonistyki, literaturoznawstwa i językoznawstwa wykorzystywane przez inne dyscypliny humanistyczne [K_W02]
zna i rozumie wybrane: fakty, procesy i zjawiska oraz dotyczące ich metody i teorie wyjaśniające złożone zależności między nimi, stanowiące zaawansowaną wiedzę z zakresu dyscyplin polonistyka, literaturoznawstwo i językoznawstwo [K_W03]
zna i rozumie teorie, terminologię oraz wybrane zagadnienia z zakresu wiedzy szczegółowej właściwe dla polonistyki i literaturoznawstwa (historii literatury polskiej, teorii literatury, analizy i interpretacji tekstu) [K_W04]
zna i rozumie teorie, terminologię oraz wybrane zagadnienia z zakresu wiedzy szczegółowej właściwe dla polonistyki i językoznawstwa (współczesnego języka polskiego, historycznych przemian polszczyzny, teorii języka, działów i poddziałów językoznawstwa ogólnego i stosowanego) [K_W05]
zna i rozumie główne kierunki rozwoju i najważniejsze nowe osiągnięcia polonistyki, literaturoznawstwa i językoznawstwa [K_W06]
zna i rozumie wpływ innych kultur na literaturę i język polski; rozumie związki i zależności między różnymi literaturami, kulturami i kodami komunikacyjnymi [K_W07]
zna i rozumie fundamentalny wpływ przemian cywilizacyjnych i technologicznych na literaturę i język polski; rozumie związki i zależności między nimi [K_W08]
zna i rozumie rolę oraz podstawowe uwarunkowania ich funkcjonowania instytucji propagujących, podtrzymujących i rozwijających działalność literacką i kulturalnojęzykową [K_W09]
zna i rozumie zasady postępowania badawczego i etyki naukowej oraz podstawowe pojęcia z zakresu prawa autorskiego [K_W10]
zna i rozumie podstawowe ekonomiczne, prawne, etyczne oraz inne warunki przedsiębiorczego funkcjonowania polonisty na rynku pracy [K_W11]
has advanced knowledge of selected scientific or scholarly theories and methods, is familiar with the issues specific to the chosen academic discipline and understands its connection with the leading discipline of the degree programme [MOB.2023_W01]
has advanced knowledge of selected scientific theories and methods and is familiar with the issues specific to the selected academic discipline in the context of other disciplines [OMU.2023_W01]

The graduate:
potrafi komunikować się z otoczeniem z użyciem specjalistycznej terminologii właściwej dla polonistyki/ literaturoznawstwa, językoznawstwa i dyscyplin pokrewnych oraz brać udział w debacie – przedstawiać i oceniać różne opinie i stanowiska oraz dyskutować o nich [K_U01]
potrafi merytorycznie argumentować i wyprowadzać wnioski badawcze z celowym wykorzystaniem specjalistycznej literatury przedmiotu z zakresu polonistyki/ literaturoznawstwa, językoznawstwa oraz dyscyplin pokrewnych [K_U02]
potrafi formułować oraz twórczo rozwiązywać złożone i nietypowe problemy, a także wykonywać zadania w warunkach nie w pełni przewidywalnych przez właściwy dobór źródeł i informacji z zakresu polonistyki/ literaturoznawstwa, językoznawstwa oraz dyscyplin pokrewnych [K_U03]
potrafi dokonywać pogłębionej oceny, krytycznej analizy i syntezy informacji oraz źródeł [K_U04]
potrafi postrzegać zjawiska językowe i literackie przez pryzmat społeczno-kulturowego zróżnicowania obiegów komunikacyjnych [K_U05]
potrafi adekwatnie dobierać i stosować metody i narzędzia właściwe dla warsztatu polonisty; w tym zaawansowane techniki informacyjno-komunikacyjne [K_U06]
potrafi planować i organizować pracę indywidualną oraz współdziałać z innymi osobami w ramach prac zespołowych (także o charakterze interdyscyplinarnym) [K_U07]
potrafi świadomie planować i realizować samokształcenie; poszerzać wiedzę i zakres umiejętności zawodowych z uwzględnieniem aktualnych potrzeb środowiska pracy i otoczenia społecznego [K_U08]
potrafi aktualizować stan swojej wiedzy oraz rozwijać umiejętności ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem kompetencji cyfrowych [K_U09]
clearly and comprehensibly communicates with others in a foreign language at the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, making use of his/her knowledge and terminology [KJ.2023_U]
asks questions, analyzes research problems and finds solutions to them based on the knowledge, skills and experience he/she has gained within the chosen academic discipline in conjunction with the leading discipline of the degree programme; communicates the results of his/her work in a way which is clear and understandable not only to specialists [MOB.2023_U01]
has advanced skills in asking research questions, analyzing problems or providing practical solutions to them based on the knowledge, experience and skills gained within the chosen academic discipline in the context of other disciplines [OMU.2023_U01]

The graduate:
jest gotów do uznania znaczenia wiedzy eksperckiej w rozwiązywaniu problemów poznawczych właściwych dla literaturoznawstwa/językoznawstwa/polonistyki [K_K01]
jest gotów do świadomego i krytycznego uczestnictwa w obiegu informacji i wiedzy w świecie współczesnym [K_K02]
jest gotów do adaptacji do wymagań rynku pracy, myślenia w sposób przedsiębiorczy oraz inicjowania działań na rzecz interesu publicznego i środowiska społecznego [K_K03]
jest gotów do udziału w wytwarzaniu kultury i zaangażowania społecznego na poziomie środowiskowym, lokalnym lub ponadlokalnym, z zachowaniem świadomości znaczenia języka i tradycji literackiej oraz przenikania się wpływów kulturowych na poziomie ogólnopolskim i regionalnym [K_K04]
jest gotów do krzewienia kultury czytelniczej i propagowania poprawnej polszczyzny w swoim środowisku społecznym i zawodowym [K_K05]
jest gotów do realizacji społecznych zobowiązań polonisty poprzez twórcze korzystanie z dziedzictwa kultury, literatury i języka polskiego [K_K06]
jest gotów do kierowania się zasadami etyki w pracy zawodowej oraz w działalności społecznej [K_K07]
is ready to meet social obligations, co-organize activities for the benefit of the community and is open to scientific solutions to cognitive and practical problems [MOB.2023_K01]
acknowledges and makes use of knowledge from different disciplines and is ready to change opinion in the light of scientifically proven arguments [OMU.2023_K01]
The graduate:
knows and understands the rudiments of the philosophy of education and pedagogical axiology, the peculiarities of the main educational environments and the processes taking place in them [KN.2023_W01]
knows and understands classical and contemporary theories of human development, upbringing, learning and teaching or education as well as their application values [KN.2023_W02]
knows and understands the role of the teacher or tutor in modeling the students’ attitudes and behavior [KN.2023_W03]
knows and understands standards, procedures and good practices used in pedagogical activities (pre-school education, teaching in primary and secondary schools, in technical and vocational schools, in special needs schools and in special needs and inclusive facilities, in various types of educational centres and lifelong learning centres [KN.2023_W04]
knows and understands the issue of inclusive education as well as ways of implementing the principle of inclusion [KN.2023_W05]
knows and understands the diversity of students' educational needs and the resulting school's obligations to adapt the way the education and upbringing process is organized [KN.2023_W06]
knows and understands methods of designing and conducting diagnostic activities in pedagogical practice [KN.2023_W07]
knows and understands the structure and functions of the education system – objectives, legal basis, organization and functioning of different kinds of educational and child care institutions, as well as alternative forms of education [KN.2023_W08]
knows and understands the legal basis of the education system necessary for the proper implementation of educational activities [KN.2023_W09]
knows and understands the rights of the child and the person with disabilities [KN.2023_W10]
knows and understands the principles of occupational health and safety in educational, upbringing and care institutions and the legal responsibility of the teacher in this/her respect, as well as the principles of first aid [KN.2023_W11]
knows and understands interpersonal and social communication processes, the normal course they can take as well as the ways they can be disrupted [KN.2023_W12]
knows and understands the speech apparatus, its functions and pathologies, the principles of voice emission, the visual and the vestibular systems [KN.2023_W13]
knows and understands learning content and typical learning difficulties it poses for students [KN.2023_W14]
knows and understands teaching methods and the selection of effective teaching aids, including Internet resources which support teaching a subject or conducting classes, taking into account the diverse educational needs of the students [KN.2023_W15]

The graduate:
is able to observe pedagogical situations and events, to analyze them using pedagogical and psychological knowledge and to propose solutions to problems [KN.2023_U01]
is able to adequately select, create and adapt materials and means to the diverse needs of the students, including in the field of information and communication technology, as well as methods for independent design and effective implementation of pedagogical, didactic, educational and child care activities [KN.2023_U02]
is able to recognize the needs, abilities and talents of students and to design and conduct activities promoting the integral development of students, their activity and participation in the process of education and upbringing, and in social life [KN.2023_U03]
is able to design and implement curricula taking into account the diverse educational needs of the students [KN.2023_U04]
is able to design and implement educational-preventive programs concerning the content and educational as well as preventive activities directed at students, their parents or guardians and teachers [KN.2023_U05]
is able to create training situations motivating students to study and to work on themselves, to analyze their effectiveness and modify activities so as to achieve the desired educational effects [KN.2023_U06]
is able to undertake work with students that stimulates their interests and develops their talents, to properly select teaching content, tasks and forms of work as part of self-education, also to promote students' achievements [KN.2023_U07]
is able to develop in students creativity and the ability of independent, critical thinking [KN.2023_U08]
is able to effectively stimulate and monitor students’ teamwork involving educational projects [KN.2023_U09]
is able to use the process of assessment and feedback in order to stimulate students in their work on their own development [KN.2023_U10]
is able to monitor students’ progress, their activity and participation in the social life of the school [KN.2023_U11]
is able to work with children with special educational needs, including children with adaptation difficulties related to their migration experience, who come from culturally diverse backgrounds or with limited knowledge of the Polish language [KN.2023_U12]
is able to responsibly organize the students' school and extracurricular work, respecting his/her right to rest [KN.2023_U13]
is able to effectively implement activities supporting students in making informed and responsible educational and professional decisions [KN.2023_U14]
is able to use the Polish language correctly; to use subject-related terminology correctly and adequately to the age of the students [KN.2023_U15]
is able to use the speech apparatus in accordance with the principles of voice emission [KN.2023_U16]
is able to provide first aid [KN.2023_U17]
is able to develop knowledge and pedagogical skills on one’s own, using various sources, including sources in foreign languages, as well as technology [KN.2023_U18]

The graduate:
is ready to use universal principles and ethical standards in professional activity, guided by respect for every human being [KN.2023_KS01]
is ready to build a relation based on mutual trust between all participants of the upbringing and education process, including the student's parents or guardians, and involving them in activities conducive to educational effectiveness [KN.2023_KS02]
is ready to communicate with people from different backgrounds, exhibiting diverse emotional states, resolving conflicts through dialogue, creating an atmosphere conducive to communication in and outside the classroom [KN.2023_KS03]
is ready to make decisions related to the way the educational process is organized in inclusive education [KN.2023_KS04]
is ready to recognize the peculiarity of the local community and to engage in cooperation for the benefit of the students and the community [KN.2023_KS05]
is ready to design activities supporting the developing of the school or the educational institution and stimulating the improvement of the quality of work of these institutions [KN.2023_KS06]
is ready to work in a team, performing various roles in it and cooperating with teachers, tutors, specialists, students’ parents or guardians as well as other members of the school and local community [KN.2023_KS07]
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Ancient sources of literary culture [W1-FP-S1-AZKE] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 3
Applied rhetoric [W1-FP-S1-RS] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Contemporary literature (after 1989) [W1-FP-S1-LW] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Interpretation practices [W1-FP-S1-PI] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 3
Introduction to literary studies [W1-FP-S1-WDNOL] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Introduction to Polish culture [W1-FP-S1-WKP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Introduction to the study of language [W1-FP-S1-WDNOJ] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Lexicography and digital tools in linguistics [W1-FP-S1-LiNC] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 3
Literary studies specialist’s technique [W1-FP-S1-WAPO] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Phonetics and phonology of modern Polish language [W1-FP-S1-FFJP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Applied rhetoric [W1-FP-S1-RS] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Contemporary literature (after 1989) [W1-FP-S1-LW] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Introduction to literary studies [W1-FP-S1-WDNOL] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Introduction to Polish culture [W1-FP-S1-WKP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Introduction to the study of language [W1-FP-S1-WDNOJ] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Lexicography and digital tools in linguistics [W1-FP-S1-LiNC] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 3
Literary studies specialist’s technique [W1-FP-S1-WAPO] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Phonetics and phonology of modern Polish language [W1-FP-S1-FFJP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3

The following list includes programme requirements for individual teacher studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Ancient sources of literary culture [W1-FP-S1-AZKE] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 3
Applied rhetoric [W1-FP-S1-RS] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Contemporary literature (after 1989) [W1-FP-S1-LW] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Interpretation practices [W1-FP-S1-PI] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 3
Introduction to literary studies [W1-FP-S1-WDNOL] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Introduction to Polish culture [W1-FP-S1-WKP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Introduction to the study of language [W1-FP-S1-WDNOJ] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Lexicography and digital tools in linguistics [W1-FP-S1-LiNC] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 3
Literary studies specialist’s technique [W1-FP-S1-WAPO] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Phonetics and phonology of modern Polish language [W1-FP-S1-FFJP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Applied rhetoric [W1-FP-S1-RS] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Contemporary literature (after 1989) [W1-FP-S1-LW] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Introduction to literary studies [W1-FP-S1-WDNOL] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Introduction to Polish culture [W1-FP-S1-WKP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Introduction to the study of language [W1-FP-S1-WDNOJ] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Lexicography and digital tools in linguistics [W1-FP-S1-LiNC] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 3
Literary studies specialist’s technique [W1-FP-S1-WAPO] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Phonetics and phonology of modern Polish language [W1-FP-S1-FFJP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3

The following list includes programme requirements for individual teacher studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Ancient sources of literary culture [W1-FP-S1-AZKE] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 3
Applied rhetoric [W1-FP-S1-RS] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Contemporary literature (after 1989) [W1-FP-S1-LW] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Interpretation practices [W1-FP-S1-PI] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 3
Introduction to literary studies [W1-FP-S1-WDNOL] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Introduction to Polish culture [W1-FP-S1-WKP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Introduction to the study of language [W1-FP-S1-WDNOJ] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Lexicography and digital tools in linguistics [W1-FP-S1-LiNC] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 3
Literary studies specialist’s technique [W1-FP-S1-WAPO] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Phonetics and phonology of modern Polish language [W1-FP-S1-FFJP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Applied rhetoric [W1-FP-S1-RS] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Contemporary literature (after 1989) [W1-FP-S1-LW] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Introduction to literary studies [W1-FP-S1-WDNOL] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Introduction to Polish culture [W1-FP-S1-WKP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Introduction to the study of language [W1-FP-S1-WDNOJ] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Lexicography and digital tools in linguistics [W1-FP-S1-LiNC] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 3
Literary studies specialist’s technique [W1-FP-S1-WAPO] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Phonetics and phonology of modern Polish language [W1-FP-S1-FFJP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3

The following list includes programme requirements for individual teacher studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Contemporary literature (after 1989) [W1-FP-S1-LW] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Introduction to literary studies [W1-FP-S1-WDNOL] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Introduction to Polish culture [W1-FP-S1-WKP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Introduction to the study of language [W1-FP-S1-WDNOJ] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Lexicography and digital tools in linguistics [W1-FP-S1-LiNC] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 3
Literary studies specialist’s technique [W1-FP-S1-WAPO] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Phonetics and phonology of modern Polish language [W1-FP-S1-FFJP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Descriptive poetics [W1-FP-S1-POO] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Editor's electronic workshop [W1-FP-E-S1-EWP] Polish course work workshop: 30 2
History of books, writing and typography [W1-FP-E-S1-HK] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Introduction to editing [W1-FP-E-S1-WDE] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Morphology of modern Polish language [W1-FP-S1-MWJP] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Old Polish Literature [W1-FP-S1-LSP] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Slavic sources of the Polish language [W1-FP-S1-SZJP] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on history of literature I [W1-FP-S1-KH.1] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on history of literature I [W1-FP-S1-KH.1] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on linguistics I [W1-FP-S1-KJ.1] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on theory of literature I [W1-FP-S1-KT.1] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Programme co-related modules
Group of programme co-related modules: 1 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Group of programme co-related modules: 2 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Open access modules
Foreign language course 1 [LJO-2023-01] course work language classes: 30 3
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Descriptive poetics [W1-FP-S1-POO] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Editor's electronic workshop [W1-FP-E-S1-EWP] Polish course work workshop: 30 2
History of books, writing and typography [W1-FP-E-S1-HK] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Introduction to editing [W1-FP-E-S1-WDE] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Morphology of modern Polish language [W1-FP-S1-MWJP] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Old Polish Literature [W1-FP-S1-LSP] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Slavic sources of the Polish language [W1-FP-S1-SZJP] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on history of literature I [W1-FP-S1-KH.1] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on history of literature I [W1-FP-S1-KH.1] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on linguistics I [W1-FP-S1-KJ.1] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on theory of literature I [W1-FP-S1-KT.1] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1

The following list includes programme requirements for individual teacher studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Descriptive poetics [W1-FP-S1-POO] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Morphology of modern Polish language [W1-FP-S1-MWJP] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Narratology [W1-FP-LI-S1-N] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Old Polish Literature [W1-FP-S1-LSP] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Slavic sources of the Polish language [W1-FP-S1-SZJP] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tropology [W1-FP-LI-S1-T] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Tutorial on history of literature I [W1-FP-S1-KH.1] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on history of literature I [W1-FP-S1-KH.1] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on linguistics I [W1-FP-S1-KJ.1] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on theory of literature I [W1-FP-S1-KT.1] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Programme co-related modules
Group of programme co-related modules: 1 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Group of programme co-related modules: 2 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Open access modules
Foreign language course 1 [LJO-2023-01] course work language classes: 30 3
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Descriptive poetics [W1-FP-S1-POO] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Morphology of modern Polish language [W1-FP-S1-MWJP] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Narratology [W1-FP-LI-S1-N] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Old Polish Literature [W1-FP-S1-LSP] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Slavic sources of the Polish language [W1-FP-S1-SZJP] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tropology [W1-FP-LI-S1-T] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Tutorial on history of literature I [W1-FP-S1-KH.1] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on history of literature I [W1-FP-S1-KH.1] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on linguistics I [W1-FP-S1-KJ.1] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on theory of literature I [W1-FP-S1-KT.1] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1

The following list includes programme requirements for individual teacher studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Descriptive poetics [W1-FP-S1-POO] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Morphology of modern Polish language [W1-FP-S1-MWJP] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Old Polish Literature [W1-FP-S1-LSP] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Slavic sources of the Polish language [W1-FP-S1-SZJP] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on history of literature I [W1-FP-S1-KH.1] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on history of literature I [W1-FP-S1-KH.1] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on linguistics I [W1-FP-S1-KJ.1] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on theory of literature I [W1-FP-S1-KT.1] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Programme co-related modules
Group of programme co-related modules: 1 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Group of programme co-related modules: 2 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organised at the university level)
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Pedagogika 1 [KN-2023-SS-ZIN-PE1] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Psychologia 1 [KN-2023-SS-ZIN-PS1] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Open access modules
Foreign language course 1 [LJO-2023-01] course work language classes: 30 3
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Descriptive poetics [W1-FP-S1-POO] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Morphology of modern Polish language [W1-FP-S1-MWJP] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Old Polish Literature [W1-FP-S1-LSP] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Slavic sources of the Polish language [W1-FP-S1-SZJP] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on history of literature I [W1-FP-S1-KH.1] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on history of literature I [W1-FP-S1-KH.1] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on linguistics I [W1-FP-S1-KJ.1] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on theory of literature I [W1-FP-S1-KT.1] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organised at the university level)
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Pedagogika 1 [KN-2023-SS-ZIN-PE1] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Psychologia 1 [KN-2023-SS-ZIN-PS1] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 30

The following list includes programme requirements for individual teacher studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Descriptive poetics [W1-FP-S1-POO] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Morphology of modern Polish language [W1-FP-S1-MWJP] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Old Polish Literature [W1-FP-S1-LSP] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Slavic sources of the Polish language [W1-FP-S1-SZJP] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on history of literature I [W1-FP-S1-KH.1] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on history of literature I [W1-FP-S1-KH.1] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on linguistics I [W1-FP-S1-KJ.1] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on theory of literature I [W1-FP-S1-KT.1] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Copywriting – workshop [W1-FP-E-S1-CW] Polish course work workshop: 30 2
Historical poetics [W1-FP-S1-POH] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Language and content editing [W1-FP-E-S1-RJM] Polish course work practical classes: 15 2
Literature of the Enlightenment and Romanticism [W1-FP-S1-LOR] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Modern Polish syntax [W1-FP-S1-SWJP] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Semantics [W1-FP-S1-SEM] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Studies on the historical development of the Polish language I [W1-FP-S1-WHRJ.1] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Technical editing with proofreading [W1-FP-E-S1-RTKT] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Tutorial on history of literature II [W1-FP-S1-KH.2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on history of literature II [W1-FP-S1-KH.2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on linguistics II [W1-FP-S1-KJ.2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on theory of literature II [W1-FP-S1-KT.2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Programme co-related modules
Group of programme co-related modules: 3 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Open access modules
Foreign language course 2 [LJO-2023-02] course work language classes: 30 3
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Copywriting – workshop [W1-FP-E-S1-CW] Polish course work workshop: 30 2
Historical poetics [W1-FP-S1-POH] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Language and content editing [W1-FP-E-S1-RJM] Polish course work practical classes: 15 2
Literature of the Enlightenment and Romanticism [W1-FP-S1-LOR] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Modern Polish syntax [W1-FP-S1-SWJP] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Semantics [W1-FP-S1-SEM] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Studies on the historical development of the Polish language I [W1-FP-S1-WHRJ.1] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Technical editing with proofreading [W1-FP-E-S1-RTKT] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Tutorial on history of literature II [W1-FP-S1-KH.2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on history of literature II [W1-FP-S1-KH.2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on linguistics II [W1-FP-S1-KJ.2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on theory of literature II [W1-FP-S1-KT.2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1

The following list includes programme requirements for individual teacher studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Anthropology of literature [W1-FP-LI-S1-AL] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Historical poetics [W1-FP-S1-POH] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Literature of the Enlightenment and Romanticism [W1-FP-S1-LOR] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Modern Polish syntax [W1-FP-S1-SWJP] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Semantics [W1-FP-S1-SEM] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Studies on the historical development of the Polish language I [W1-FP-S1-WHRJ.1] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Textology [W1-FP-LI-S1-TEK] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Tutorial on history of literature II [W1-FP-S1-KH.2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on history of literature II [W1-FP-S1-KH.2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on linguistics II [W1-FP-S1-KJ.2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on theory of literature II [W1-FP-S1-KT.2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Writing practices in literary studies [W1-FP-LI-S1-LPP] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Programme co-related modules
Group of programme co-related modules: 3 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Open access modules
Foreign language course 2 [LJO-2023-02] course work language classes: 30 3
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Anthropology of literature [W1-FP-LI-S1-AL] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Historical poetics [W1-FP-S1-POH] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Literature of the Enlightenment and Romanticism [W1-FP-S1-LOR] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Modern Polish syntax [W1-FP-S1-SWJP] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Semantics [W1-FP-S1-SEM] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Studies on the historical development of the Polish language I [W1-FP-S1-WHRJ.1] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Textology [W1-FP-LI-S1-TEK] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Tutorial on history of literature II [W1-FP-S1-KH.2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on history of literature II [W1-FP-S1-KH.2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on linguistics II [W1-FP-S1-KJ.2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on theory of literature II [W1-FP-S1-KT.2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Writing practices in literary studies [W1-FP-LI-S1-LPP] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2

The following list includes programme requirements for individual teacher studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Historical poetics [W1-FP-S1-POH] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Literature of the Enlightenment and Romanticism [W1-FP-S1-LOR] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Modern Polish syntax [W1-FP-S1-SWJP] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Semantics [W1-FP-S1-SEM] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Studies on the historical development of the Polish language I [W1-FP-S1-WHRJ.1] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Tutorial on history of literature II [W1-FP-S1-KH.2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on history of literature II [W1-FP-S1-KH.2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on linguistics II [W1-FP-S1-KJ.2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on theory of literature II [W1-FP-S1-KT.2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Humanistic community education [W1-FP-PN-S1-HES] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organised at the university level)
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Podstawy dydaktyki [KN-2023-SS-ZIN-PD] Polish course work lecture: 15
discussion classes: 15
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Praktyka zawodowa psychologiczno-pedagogiczna [KN-2023-SS-ZIN-PZPP] Polish course work internship: 30 2
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Warsztaty pedagogiczne 1 [KN-2023-SS-ZIN-WPE1] Polish course work workshop: 15 1
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Warsztaty psychologiczne 1 [KN-2023-SS-ZIN-WPS1] Polish course work workshop: 15 1
Open access modules
Foreign language course 2 [LJO-2023-02] course work language classes: 30 3
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Historical poetics [W1-FP-S1-POH] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Literature of the Enlightenment and Romanticism [W1-FP-S1-LOR] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Modern Polish syntax [W1-FP-S1-SWJP] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Semantics [W1-FP-S1-SEM] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Studies on the historical development of the Polish language I [W1-FP-S1-WHRJ.1] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Tutorial on history of literature II [W1-FP-S1-KH.2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on history of literature II [W1-FP-S1-KH.2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on linguistics II [W1-FP-S1-KJ.2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on theory of literature II [W1-FP-S1-KT.2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organised at the university level)
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Podstawy dydaktyki [KN-2023-SS-ZIN-PD] Polish course work lecture: 15
discussion classes: 15
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Praktyka zawodowa psychologiczno-pedagogiczna [KN-2023-SS-ZIN-PZPP] Polish course work internship: 30 2

The following list includes programme requirements for individual teacher studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Historical poetics [W1-FP-S1-POH] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Literature of the Enlightenment and Romanticism [W1-FP-S1-LOR] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Modern Polish syntax [W1-FP-S1-SWJP] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Semantics [W1-FP-S1-SEM] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Studies on the historical development of the Polish language I [W1-FP-S1-WHRJ.1] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Tutorial on history of literature II [W1-FP-S1-KH.2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on history of literature II [W1-FP-S1-KH.2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on linguistics II [W1-FP-S1-KJ.2] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Humanistic community education [W1-FP-PN-S1-HES] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Basics of textology and scientific editing [W1-FP-E-S1-PTEN] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Book design and art [W1-FP-E-S1-PSK] Polish course work lecture: 15 1
Computer-related preparation of publication [W1-FP-E-S1-KOMPP] Polish course work workshop: 30 2
Culture of Polish Language [W1-FP-S1-KJP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Linguistic text analysis [W1-FP-S1-LINGAT] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Literature of Positivism and Young Poland [W1-FP-S1-LPIMP] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Practical syntax [W1-FP-E-S1-SP] Polish exam laboratory classes: 30 2
Pragmalinguistics [W1-FP-S1-PRA] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Studies on the historical development of the Polish language II [W1-FP-S1-WHRJ.2] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Tutorial on history of literature III [W1-FP-S1-KH.3] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on history of literature III [W1-FP-S1-KH.3] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on linguistics III [W1-FP-S1-KJ.3] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on theory of literature III [W1-FP-S1-KT.3] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Open access modules
Foreign language course 3 [LJO-2023-03] course work language classes: 30 3

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Basics of textology and scientific editing [W1-FP-E-S1-PTEN] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Book design and art [W1-FP-E-S1-PSK] Polish course work lecture: 15 1
Computer-related preparation of publication [W1-FP-E-S1-KOMPP] Polish course work workshop: 30 2
Culture of Polish Language [W1-FP-S1-KJP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Linguistic text analysis [W1-FP-S1-LINGAT] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Literature of Positivism and Young Poland [W1-FP-S1-LPIMP] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Practical syntax [W1-FP-E-S1-SP] Polish exam laboratory classes: 30 2
Pragmalinguistics [W1-FP-S1-PRA] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Studies on the historical development of the Polish language II [W1-FP-S1-WHRJ.2] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30

The following list includes programme requirements for individual teacher studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Culture of Polish Language [W1-FP-S1-KJP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Digital humanities [W1-FP-LI-S1-EHC] Polish course work workshop: 15 1
Interpretation laboratory [W1-FP-LI-S1-LI] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Linguistic text analysis [W1-FP-S1-LINGAT] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Literary discourses [W1-FP-LI-S1-DL] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Literature and post-literacy [W1-FP-LI-S1-PP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Literature of Positivism and Young Poland [W1-FP-S1-LPIMP] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Pragmalinguistics [W1-FP-S1-PRA] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Studies on the historical development of the Polish language II [W1-FP-S1-WHRJ.2] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Tutorial on history of literature III [W1-FP-S1-KH.3] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on history of literature III [W1-FP-S1-KH.3] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on linguistics III [W1-FP-S1-KJ.3] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on theory of literature III [W1-FP-S1-KT.3] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Open access modules
Foreign language course 3 [LJO-2023-03] course work language classes: 30 3

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Culture of Polish Language [W1-FP-S1-KJP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Digital humanities [W1-FP-LI-S1-EHC] Polish course work workshop: 15 1
Interpretation laboratory [W1-FP-LI-S1-LI] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Linguistic text analysis [W1-FP-S1-LINGAT] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Literary discourses [W1-FP-LI-S1-DL] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Literature and post-literacy [W1-FP-LI-S1-PP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Literature of Positivism and Young Poland [W1-FP-S1-LPIMP] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Pragmalinguistics [W1-FP-S1-PRA] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Studies on the historical development of the Polish language II [W1-FP-S1-WHRJ.2] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30

The following list includes programme requirements for individual teacher studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Culture of Polish Language [W1-FP-S1-KJP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Linguistic text analysis [W1-FP-S1-LINGAT] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Literature of Positivism and Young Poland [W1-FP-S1-LPIMP] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Pragmalinguistics [W1-FP-S1-PRA] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Studies on the historical development of the Polish language II [W1-FP-S1-WHRJ.2] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Tutorial on history of literature III [W1-FP-S1-KH.3] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on history of literature III [W1-FP-S1-KH.3] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on linguistics III [W1-FP-S1-KJ.3] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on theory of literature III [W1-FP-S1-KT.3] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Teaching language and literature in primary school I [W1-FP-PN-S1-DJLSP.1] Polish course work lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organised at the university level)
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Emisja głosu [KN-2023-SS-ZIN-EG] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Pierwsza pomoc przedmedyczna [KN-2023-SS-ZIN-PPP] Polish course work practical classes: 15 1
Open access modules
Foreign language course 3 [LJO-2023-03] course work language classes: 30 3
Mid-year professional teaching practice in a primary school [W1-FP-PN-S1-SPNSP] Polish course work workshop: 30 2

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Culture of Polish Language [W1-FP-S1-KJP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Linguistic text analysis [W1-FP-S1-LINGAT] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Literature of Positivism and Young Poland [W1-FP-S1-LPIMP] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Pragmalinguistics [W1-FP-S1-PRA] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Studies on the historical development of the Polish language II [W1-FP-S1-WHRJ.2] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Teaching language and literature in primary school I [W1-FP-PN-S1-DJLSP.1] Polish course work lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organised at the university level)
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Emisja głosu [KN-2023-SS-ZIN-EG] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Kształcenie Nauczycielskie: Pierwsza pomoc przedmedyczna [KN-2023-SS-ZIN-PPP] Polish course work practical classes: 15 1
Mid-year professional teaching practice in a primary school [W1-FP-PN-S1-SPNSP] Polish course work workshop: 30 2

The following list includes programme requirements for individual teacher studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Culture of Polish Language [W1-FP-S1-KJP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Linguistic text analysis [W1-FP-S1-LINGAT] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Literature of Positivism and Young Poland [W1-FP-S1-LPIMP] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Pragmalinguistics [W1-FP-S1-PRA] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Studies on the historical development of the Polish language II [W1-FP-S1-WHRJ.2] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Teaching language and literature in primary school I [W1-FP-PN-S1-DJLSP.1] Polish course work lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
20th century literature (1918-1989) [W1-FP-S1-LXX] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Basics of copyright law [W1-FP-E-S1-PPA] Polish course work lecture: 15 1
Diploma seminar I [W1-FP-S1-SEMD.1] Polish course work seminar: 30 2
Literary theory [W1-FP-S1-TL] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Text editing - workshops [W1-FP-E-S1-RTW] Polish course work workshop: 30 2
Theory and practice of discourse [W1-FP-S1-TIPD] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Theory of language [W1-FP-S1-TEJ] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Tutorial on history of literature IV [W1-FP-S1-KH.4] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on history of literature IV [W1-FP-S1-KH.4] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on linguistics IV [W1-FP-S1-KJ.4] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 2
Tutorial on theory of literature IV [W1-FP-S1-KT.4] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Open access modules
Foreign language course 4 [LJO-2023-04] course work language classes: 30 3
Open University Module [OMU-2023-SS-01-OG] course work depending on the choice: 30 3

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
20th century literature (1918-1989) [W1-FP-S1-LXX] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Basics of copyright law [W1-FP-E-S1-PPA] Polish course work lecture: 15 1
Diploma seminar I [W1-FP-S1-SEMD.1] Polish course work seminar: 30 2
Literary theory [W1-FP-S1-TL] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Text editing - workshops [W1-FP-E-S1-RTW] Polish course work workshop: 30 2
Theory and practice of discourse [W1-FP-S1-TIPD] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Theory of language [W1-FP-S1-TEJ] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Tutorial on history of literature IV [W1-FP-S1-KH.4] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on history of literature IV [W1-FP-S1-KH.4] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on linguistics IV [W1-FP-S1-KJ.4] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 2

The following list includes programme requirements for individual teacher studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
20th century literature (1918-1989) [W1-FP-S1-LXX] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Diploma seminar I [W1-FP-S1-SEMD.1] Polish course work seminar: 30 2
Literary theory [W1-FP-S1-TL] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Media-critical workshop [W1-FP-LI-S1-WMK] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Social contexts of literature [W1-FP-LI-S1-SKL] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Theory and practice of discourse [W1-FP-S1-TIPD] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Theory of language [W1-FP-S1-TEJ] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Tutorial on history of literature IV [W1-FP-S1-KH.4] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on history of literature IV [W1-FP-S1-KH.4] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on linguistics IV [W1-FP-S1-KJ.4] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 2
Tutorial on theory of literature IV [W1-FP-S1-KT.4] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Open access modules
Foreign language course 4 [LJO-2023-04] course work language classes: 30 3
Open University Module [OMU-2023-SS-01-OG] course work depending on the choice: 30 3

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
20th century literature (1918-1989) [W1-FP-S1-LXX] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Diploma seminar I [W1-FP-S1-SEMD.1] Polish course work seminar: 30 2
Literary theory [W1-FP-S1-TL] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Media-critical workshop [W1-FP-LI-S1-WMK] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Social contexts of literature [W1-FP-LI-S1-SKL] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Theory and practice of discourse [W1-FP-S1-TIPD] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Theory of language [W1-FP-S1-TEJ] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Tutorial on history of literature IV [W1-FP-S1-KH.4] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on history of literature IV [W1-FP-S1-KH.4] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on linguistics IV [W1-FP-S1-KJ.4] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 2

The following list includes programme requirements for individual teacher studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
20th century literature (1918-1989) [W1-FP-S1-LXX] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Diploma seminar I [W1-FP-S1-SEMD.1] Polish course work seminar: 30 2
Literary theory [W1-FP-S1-TL] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Theory and practice of discourse [W1-FP-S1-TIPD] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Theory of language [W1-FP-S1-TEJ] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Tutorial on history of literature IV [W1-FP-S1-KH.4] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on history of literature IV [W1-FP-S1-KH.4] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on linguistics IV [W1-FP-S1-KJ.4] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 2
Tutorial on theory of literature IV [W1-FP-S1-KT.4] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Teaching language and literature in primary school II [W1-FP-PN-S1-DJLSP.2] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Open access modules
Foreign language course 4 [LJO-2023-04] course work language classes: 30 3
Open University Module [OMU-2023-SS-01-OG] course work depending on the choice: 30 3

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
20th century literature (1918-1989) [W1-FP-S1-LXX] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Diploma seminar I [W1-FP-S1-SEMD.1] Polish course work seminar: 30 2
Literary theory [W1-FP-S1-TL] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Theory and practice of discourse [W1-FP-S1-TIPD] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Theory of language [W1-FP-S1-TEJ] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Tutorial on history of literature IV [W1-FP-S1-KH.4] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on history of literature IV [W1-FP-S1-KH.4] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 1
Tutorial on linguistics IV [W1-FP-S1-KJ.4] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 2
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Teaching language and literature in primary school II [W1-FP-PN-S1-DJLSP.2] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30

The following list includes programme requirements for individual teacher studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
20th century literature (1918-1989) [W1-FP-S1-LXX] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Diploma seminar I [W1-FP-S1-SEMD.1] Polish course work seminar: 30 2
Literary theory [W1-FP-S1-TL] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Theory and practice of discourse [W1-FP-S1-TIPD] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Theory of language [W1-FP-S1-TEJ] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Teaching language and literature in primary school II [W1-FP-PN-S1-DJLSP.2] Polish exam lecture: 15
laboratory classes: 30
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Diploma seminar I [W1-FP-S1-SEMD.2] Polish exam seminar: 30 9
Modern literary life [W1-FP-S1-WZL] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Public speaking [W1-FP-S1-SWP] Polish course work practical classes: 15 1
Regional diversity of the Polish language [W1-FP-S1-RZP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
The art of interpretation [W1-FP-S1-SI] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
World literature [W1-FP-S1-LP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Field modules
Humanities module: modern comparative studies [W1-FP-S1-MH] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Open access modules
Open University Module [OMU-2023-SS-01-OG] course work depending on the choice: 30 3
Open University Module [OMU-2023-SS-01-OG] course work depending on the choice: 30 3
Professional internship (editorial) [W1-FP-E-S1-PSE] Polish course work internship: 60 3

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Diploma seminar I [W1-FP-S1-SEMD.2] Polish exam seminar: 30 9
Modern literary life [W1-FP-S1-WZL] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Public speaking [W1-FP-S1-SWP] Polish course work practical classes: 15 1
Regional diversity of the Polish language [W1-FP-S1-RZP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
The art of interpretation [W1-FP-S1-SI] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
World literature [W1-FP-S1-LP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Professional internship (editorial) [W1-FP-E-S1-PSE] Polish course work internship: 60 3

The following list includes programme requirements for individual teacher studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Diploma seminar I [W1-FP-S1-SEMD.2] Polish exam seminar: 30 9
Modern literary life [W1-FP-S1-WZL] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Project in literary studies [W1-FP-LI-S1-PLIT] Polish course work workshop: 30 3
Public speaking [W1-FP-S1-SWP] Polish course work practical classes: 15 1
Regional diversity of the Polish language [W1-FP-S1-RZP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
The art of interpretation [W1-FP-S1-SI] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
World literature [W1-FP-S1-LP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Field modules
Humanities module: modern comparative studies [W1-FP-S1-MH] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Open access modules
Open University Module [OMU-2023-SS-01-OG] course work depending on the choice: 30 3
Open University Module [OMU-2023-SS-01-OG] course work depending on the choice: 30 3

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Diploma seminar I [W1-FP-S1-SEMD.2] Polish exam seminar: 30 9
Modern literary life [W1-FP-S1-WZL] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Project in literary studies [W1-FP-LI-S1-PLIT] Polish course work workshop: 30 3
Public speaking [W1-FP-S1-SWP] Polish course work practical classes: 15 1
Regional diversity of the Polish language [W1-FP-S1-RZP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
The art of interpretation [W1-FP-S1-SI] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
World literature [W1-FP-S1-LP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2

The following list includes programme requirements for individual teacher studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Diploma seminar I [W1-FP-S1-SEMD.2] Polish exam seminar: 30 9
Modern literary life [W1-FP-S1-WZL] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Public speaking [W1-FP-S1-SWP] Polish course work practical classes: 15 1
Regional diversity of the Polish language [W1-FP-S1-RZP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
The art of interpretation [W1-FP-S1-SI] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
World literature [W1-FP-S1-LP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Literature for children and teenagers [W1-FP-PN-S1-LITDIM] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 3
Field modules
Humanities module: modern comparative studies [W1-FP-S1-MH] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Open access modules
Open University Module [OMU-2023-SS-01-OG] course work depending on the choice: 30 3
Continuous professional teaching practice in primary school [W1-FP-PN-S1-PZNSP] Polish course work internship: 60 3

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Diploma seminar I [W1-FP-S1-SEMD.2] Polish exam seminar: 30 9
Modern literary life [W1-FP-S1-WZL] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Public speaking [W1-FP-S1-SWP] Polish course work practical classes: 15 1
Regional diversity of the Polish language [W1-FP-S1-RZP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
The art of interpretation [W1-FP-S1-SI] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
World literature [W1-FP-S1-LP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Continuous professional teaching practice in primary school [W1-FP-PN-S1-PZNSP] Polish course work internship: 60 3

The following list includes programme requirements for individual teacher studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Diploma seminar I [W1-FP-S1-SEMD.2] Polish exam seminar: 30 9
Modern literary life [W1-FP-S1-WZL] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Regional diversity of the Polish language [W1-FP-S1-RZP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
The art of interpretation [W1-FP-S1-SI] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Literature for children and teenagers [W1-FP-PN-S1-LITDIM] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 3
Continuous professional teaching practice in primary school [W1-FP-PN-S1-PZNSP] Polish course work internship: 60 3