Pedagogy: Pre-School Education and Early School Education Programme code: W6-NMPP19.2024

Field of study: Pedagogy: Pre-School Education and Early School Education
Programme code: W6-NMPP19.2024
Programme code (USOS): W6-NMPP19
Faculty: Faculty of Fine Arts and Educational Science
Language of study: Polish
Academic year of entry: winter semester 2024/2025
Level of qualifications/degree: long-cycle studies
Mode of study: part-time
Degree profile: general academic
Number of semesters: 10
Degree: magister (Master's Degree)
Number of ECTS credits required to achieve the qualification equivalent to the level of study: 300
Leading discipline: education (social sciences)
ISCED code: 0113
The number and date of the Senate’s resolution: 540/2024 (21/05/2024)
General characteristics of the field of study and the assumed concept of education:
Kształcenie na jednolitych studiach magisterskich na kierunku pedagogika przedszkolna i wczesnoszkolna mieści się w obszarze kształcenia w zakresie nauk społecznych i humanistycznych dla kwalifikacji na poziomie 7 Polskiej Ramy Kwalifikacji. Są to jednolite 5-letnie studia magisterskie o profilu ogólnoakademickim. Program tych studiów jest zgodny z załącznikiem nr 2 Rozporządzenia Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego z dnia 25 lipca 2019r. w sprawie standardu przygotowującego do wykonywania zawodu nauczyciela (Dz. U. z dnia 2 sierpnia 2019r., poz. 1450; Dz. U. z 2021 r. poz. 890 ze zm. oraz z 2022 r. poz. 1872 ze zm.) Celem studiów jest przygotowanie osób studiujących do kompetentnego wykonywania zawodu nauczyciela przedszkola oraz nauczyciela klas I-III szkoły podstawowej. Kształcenie kierunkowe na studiach w obszarze nauk humanistycznych i społecznych jest realizowane w trakcie10 semestrów (301 punktów ECTS) i obejmuje w sumie 20 bloków dydaktycznych: blok psychologiczny, wprowadzający, humanistyczno-społeczny, ogólnodydaktyczny, pedeutologiczny, medialno-technologiczny, zdrowotny, projektowo-badawczy, polonistyczny, matematyczny, społeczno-przyrodniczy, techniczno-informatyczny, artystyczny, diagnostyczno-terapeutyczny, prakseologiczny – wychowanie przedszkolne, prakseologiczny – edukacja wczesnoszkolna, blok fakultatywny, język obcy, wychowanie fizyczne oraz praktyki pedagogiczne, pozwalające zapoznać się z funkcjonowaniem środowisk wychowawczych, instytucji oświatowych, opiekuńczych i pomocowych, ich roli i wartości w rozwoju człowieka. Zgodnie z uchwałami Senatu Uniwersytetu Śląskiego program studiów uwzględnia moduły, zaliczane do „zespołu modułów dyplomowych” („Metodologia badań pedagogicznych”; „Statystyka”; „Ochrona własności intelektualnej”; „Proseminarium”; „Seminarium magisterskie” oraz moduły realizowane na poziomie ogólnouczelnianym. Wzbogacono kształcenie kierunkowe o treści wspierające (subsydiarne) pochodzące z innych dyscyplin - w ramach dwóch modułów obszarowych do wyboru (6 ECTS) oraz jednego otwartego modułu uniwersyteckiego do wyboru (3 ECTS) - co pozwoli absolwentom na możliwie największe wykorzystanie swojego wykształcenia uniwersyteckiego w zmieniającym się otoczeniu społeczno-gospodarczym. Student na jednolitych 5-letnich studiach magisterskich poznaje, doświadcza, realizuje w praktyce i kształtuje relacje ze środowiskiem społecznym na bazie podstaw i pogłębionych treści teoretycznych i praktycznych (metodycznych, w tym nauczycielskich) z zakresu modułów ogólnopedagogicznych i specjalnościowych oraz modułów obszarowych i ogólnouczelnianych. Na kierunku pedagogika przedszkolna i wczesnoszkolna są realizowane treści zgodne z przyjętymi efektami uczenia się. Student w zakresie efektów uczenia się dotyczących wiedzy poznaje pedagogikę jako naukę, jej związki z innymi subdyscyplinami naukowymi. Zna elementarną i pogłębioną terminologię pedagogiczną, teorie wychowania oraz uczenia się i nauczania. Zna teorie rozwoju człowieka w toku życia. Ma wiedzę o strukturze i funkcjach systemu edukacji i jego uczestnikach. Ma uporządkowaną wiedzę na temat zasad i norm etycznych, w tym zasad zawodu nauczyciela. W zakresie efektów uczenia się w obszarze umiejętności absolwent potrafi obserwować, badać i wyciągać wnioski z różnych obszarów działalności pedagogicznej. Potrafi badać środowisko przedszkolne, szkolne i społeczne dziecka, ucznia. Ma rozwinięte umiejętności w zakresie komunikacji. Potrafi rozwijać swoje umiejętności profesjonalne. W obszarze efektów uczenia się w zakresie kompetencji społecznych jest świadomy etycznego wymiaru badań naukowych, przygotowania i realizacji praktyki pedagogicznej, pracy nauczyciela w środowisku. Na studiach zwraca się szczególną uwagę na indywidualny rozwój studenta. Absolwent kierunku pedagogika przedszkolna i wczesnoszkolna posiada kwalifikacje i jest przygotowany do wykonywania zawodu nauczyciela przedszkola, klas I-III w szkołach podstawowych, szkołach sanatoryjnych i prewentoryjnych w systemie szkolnictwa publicznego i niepublicznego, w firmach specjalizujących się w opiece, wychowaniu i edukacji dzieci oraz wszelkich przedsięwzięciach związanych z edukacją i wychowaniem na poziomie przedszkolnym i wczesnoszkolnym. Ponadto może wykonywać pracę opiekuna dziecka młodszego w klubach dziecięcych, żłobkach, w charakterze opiekuna dziennego i niani, co otwiera absolwentom studiów szerokie możliwości zatrudnienia w istniejących placówkach opieki, a także nowych formach opieki tworzonych w oparciu o Ustawę z dnia 4 lutego 2011 roku (Dz. U. z 2023 r. poz. 204) o opiece nad dziećmi w wieku do lat 3. Absolwent dysponuje dodatkowymi umiejętnościami niezbędnymi w pracy pedagoga szkolnego, wychowawcy świetlicy szkolnej lub środowiskowej, jest również w pełni kompetentny do samodzielnego organizowania procesów edukacyjnych i wychowawczych w ramach własnej działalności gospodarczej, wolontaryjnej lub charytatywnej. Ukończenie studiów uprawnia do podjęcia studiów podyplomowych, dotyczących doskonalenia pracy nauczyciela, zdobywania dodatkowych kwalifikacji i kompetencji (np. zarządzania, terapeutycznych, nauczania przedmiotowego). Absolwent posiada pełne przygotowanie pedagogiczne i kwalifikacje do zajmowania stanowiska nauczyciela w przedszkolach i klasach I–III szkół podstawowych.
Graduation requirements:
The condition for admission to the diploma examination is to achieve the learning outcomes provided for in the study program, to obtain a certificate of an appropriate level of language proficiency in a foreign language and to obtain positive grades for the diploma dissertation. The condition for graduation is to pass the diploma examination with at least a satisfactory result. A graduate receives a higher education diploma confirming obtaining the qualifications of the appropriate degree. Detailed rules of the diploma process and the requirements for the diploma thesis are set out in the Rules and Regulations of Studies at the University of Silesia and the diploma regulations.
Internships (hours and conditions):
Internships are an integral part of the study program, carried out by students in individual fields, levels, profiles and forms of study. Internships are to help in confronting the knowledge acquired during studies with the requirements of the labour market, acquiring skills useful in the profession, learning about practical issues related to working in positions for which the student is prepared during the course of studies. The internship is to familiarize the student with professional language relevant to a specific industry and work culture. The rules for the organization of internships are set out in the Rector's ordinance. Detailed rules of apprenticeship taking into account the specifics of particular fields of study are set out in the field's of study apprenticeship regulations, in particular: learning outcomes assumed to be achieved by the student during the apprenticeship, framework apprenticeship program including a description of issues, dimension of apprenticeship (number of weeks of practice); form of internship (continuous, mid-year), criteria for choosing the place of internship, obligations of the student staying in the internship, obligations of the academic tutor, conditions for completing the internship by the student and conditions for exemption from the internship obligation in whole or in part. The number of ECTS and the number of hours are specified in the course structure.
Information on the relationship between the studies and the university's strategy as well as the socio-economic needs that determine the conduct of studies and the compliance of learning outcomes with these needs:
Program kształcenia na kierunku pedagogika przedszkolna i wczesnoszkolna jest zgodny ze Strategią rozwoju Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach na lata 2020-2025, obejmującą program działań strategicznych na lata 2019-2020 oraz kieruje się Misją przedstawioną w dokumencie przyjętym przez Senat UŚ w dniu 20 maja 1997 roku oraz przywołaną w Statucie Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach z dnia 28 maja 2019 roku, w którym wskazano także wartości, jakim hołduje społeczność Uniwersytetu, czyli: 1. kształcenie oraz kształtowanie cnót intelektualnych i obywatelskich, w tym rzetelności, krytycyzmu, szacunku dla innych, poszanowania wolności i praw człowieka i obywatela; 2. wpływ na otoczenie Uniwersytetu, krzewienie wiedzy i wartości humanistycznych, przyczynianie się do rozwoju tego otoczenia z wykorzystaniem osiągnięć naukowych, dydaktycznych i artystycznych, a także współpracę z gospodarką, instytucjami publicznymi i organizacjami społeczeństwa obywatelskiego. Przyjęcie od roku akademickiego 2019/2020 nowych efektów uczenia się i wdrożenie standardów kształcenia nauczycieli na kierunku pedagogika przedszkolna i wczesnoszkolna oraz od roku 2023/2024 zmiana programu studiów zgodna z Nową Koncepcją Studiów na Uniwersytecie Śląskim w Katowicach wiąże się z realizacją zadań określonych w Strategii rozwoju Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach na lata 2020-2025, tj.: - oferta dydaktyczna UŚ w dużej części spójna z priorytetowymi obszarami badawczymi, np. POB 1: Harmonijny rozwój człowieka – troska o ochronę zdrowia i jakość życia; (stan docelowy O6 Strategii). Absolwent kierunku to nauczyciel przedszkola i edukacji wczesnoszkolnej (klasy I-III szkoły podstawowej) wszechstronnie przygotowany merytorycznie i metodycznie do prowadzenia zajęć z dziećmi, diagnozowania ich potrzeb oraz wspierania wszechstronnego rozwoju dzieci. - wkład w tworzenie atrakcyjnej oferty dydaktycznej dla studentów (stan docelowy T3 Strategii). Program kształcenia na kierunku pedagogika przedszkolna i wczesnoszkolna odpowiada następującym celom operacyjnym określonym w Strategii rozwoju Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach na lata 2020-2025 obejmującej program działań strategicznych na lata 2019-2020: - kształcenie, cel 1.3: Opracowanie założeń kształcenia nauczycieli, - kształcenie, cel 1.6: Zwiększenie powiązania programów studiów z badaniami naukowymi stosowanymi poprzez współpracę z pracodawcami, w tym umożliwienie praktyk u tych pracodawców, - kształcenie, cel 1.8: Powiązanie oferty kształcenia z otoczeniem społeczno-gospodarczym, włączanie ekspertów zewnętrznych w realizację kształcenia. - kształcenie, cel 1.9: Zwiększenie umiejętności informatycznych studentów na wszystkich kierunkach studiów. - kształcenie, cel 4.3: Umożliwienie studentom nabywania umiejętności i doświadczenia poprzez rozwiązywanie problemów badawczych. - kształcenie, cel 4.4: Systematyczny przegląd innowacyjnych metod dydaktycznych na świecie. Studia z zakresu pedagogiki przedszkolnej i wczesnoszkolnej, prowadzone są przez odpowiednio przygotowaną kadrę pracowników samodzielnych i młodszych pracowników naukowych, formy i sposoby kształcenia w ich ramach dostosowane są do przekazywanych treści oraz zamierzonych efektów. Kadra dydaktyczna łączy swoją aktywność w zakresie kształcenia z prowadzeniem badań naukowych w dziedzinach odpowiadających działalności dydaktycznej, tym samym realizuje ideę europejskiego uniwersytetu, dostarczając wiedzy aktualnej i w pełni zweryfikowanej naukowo.
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits: education (social sciences): 100%
The graduate:
knows and understands the fundamentals of educational philosophy and pedagogical axiology and can relate them to the personal, integral development of the child or pupil [PP_W_01]
knows and understands classical and contemporary theories of human development, upbringing, learning and teaching or education and their application values, and is able to critically evaluate and creatively use them [PP_W_02]
knows and understands contemporary interdisciplinary Childhood Studies on the issue of child well-being [PP_W_03]
knows and understands the main educational environments, their specificities and the processes involved in them [PP_W_04]
knows and understands the structure and functions of the educational system and alternative forms of education: foundations, aims, organisation and functioning of educational, upbringing and care institutions [PP_W_05]
knows and understands the issue of inclusive education and how to implement the principle of inclusion [PP_W_06]
knows and understands the issue of intercultural education [PP_W_07]
knows and understands the rights of the child and a person with a disability, how to enforce and promote them in both the pre-school and school, as well as out-of-school and in-school environments [PP_W_08]
knows and understands the principles of health and safety at work in educational, childcare and educational institutions, with particular emphasis on with particular reference to nursery and primary schools, the principles of first aid and the legal responsibility of the carer [PP_W_09]
knows and understands the methodology of tasks - standards, procedures and good practices used in pre-school education and early childhood education [PP_W_10]
knows and understands the importance and possibilities of the purposeful and varied use of play in the process of raising and educating children [PP_W_11]
knows and understands the role of pedagogical innovations in pre-school education and early childhood education which inspire planning and organising their own work [PP_W_12]
knows and understands the differing developmental and educational needs of children or pupils in pre-school and early school age, resulting from delays, disturbances or accelerated development, and conditioned by the influence of environmental factors and ways of adapting developmental and educational tasks to them [PP_W_13]
know and understand the design and conduct of diagnostic activities which take account of the specific functioning of pre-school and younger school-age children and their differing educational needs, including the extent and quality of social support [PP_W_14]
knows and understands the different types and functions of assessment [PP_W_15]
knows and understands the role of the teacher or educator in modelling children's or pupils' attitudes and behaviour [PP_W_16]
knows and understands social communication processes and their regularities and disruptions [PP_W_17]
knows and understands the functioning and dysfunctions of the speech, hearing and vision apparatus and the correct habits of their use [PP_W_18]
knows and understands research methodology applied to the social sciences [PP_W_19]
knows and understands the methodological terms and assumptions as well as ethical principles and standards for the design and implementation of research in pre-school, school and alternative pedagogy [PP_W_20]
knows and understands the principles of protection of intellectual property and copyright [PP_W_21]

The graduate:
is able to observe pedagogical situations and events, analyse them using pedagogical-psychological knowledge and propose solutions to problems [PP_U_01]
is able to identify children's or pupils' needs, abilities and aptitudes and to design and conduct pedagogical activities as well as to plan, implement and evaluate personalised programmes of learning and education [PP_U_02]
is able to use a variety of ways to organise the learning and teaching environment in everyday educational practice, taking into account the specific needs and abilities of individual children or learners and the group [PP_U_03]
is able to select, create, test and modify materials, means and methods adequately to the aims of education and training [PP_U_04]
is able to use information and communication technology effectively in the implementation of teaching tasks [PP_U_05]
is able to identify and stimulate children's or pupils' interests and adapt teaching methods and content accordingly [PP_U_06]
is able to develop children's or pupils' key competences, in particular creativity, critical reflection and ability to solve problems independently and in teams [PP_U_07]
is able to effectively animate and monitor the implementation of team-based learning activities for children or pupils, using various types of play [PP_U_08]
is able to identify spontaneous behaviour of children or pupils as educational and teaching situations and use them in the educational process and therapeutic aims [PP_U_09]
is able to create upbringing and didactic situations motivating children or pupils to learn and work on themselves, analyse their effectiveness and modify actions in order to achieve the desired effects of upbringing and education [PP_U_10]
is able to use the process of evaluation and feedback to stimulate children or pupils in their work on their own development [PP_U_11]
is able to work effectively in a culturally diverse environment and with children with migrant background, including children for whom Polish is the second language, using intercultural and glottodidactic competences [PP_U_12]
is able to manage his or her study time rationally and in accordance with the rules of mindfulness and to organise the child's or pupil's extracurricular activities responsibly, while respecting his or her right to rest [PP_U_13]
is able to use effectively in his/her work with the child or student information obtained from specialists, including a psychologist, speech therapist, pedagogue, doctor, and parents or guardians of the child or student [PP_U_14]
is able to use the Polish language correctly and to show concern for the culture and ethics of his/her own expression and that of the child or pupil [PP_U_15]
can use the speech apparatus in accordance with the rules of voice emission [PP_U_16]
can provide first aid [PP_U_17]
is able to distinguish methodological orientations in research, formulate objectives and research problems, apply the selection of appropriate methods and techniques, construct research tools, develop, present and interpret research results, draw conclusions, indicate directions for further research within pre-school and early school pedagogy [PP_U_18]
is able to cooperate with members of research teams at all stages of research design and implementation [PP_U_19]
clearly and comprehensibly communicates with others in a foreign language at the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, making use of his/her knowledge and terminology [PP_U_KJ.2023]
communicates clearly and comprehensibly using knowledge and terminology from a variety of fields and is able to use a foreign language at B2+ level [PP_U_KJM.2023]

The graduate:
is ready to use universal ethical principles and norms in his/her professional activity, guided by respect for every human being [PP_K_01]
is ready to form appropriate behaviors and attitudes of children or students, including towards culture and art [PP_K_02]
is ready to build relationships based on mutual trust between all entities in the upbringing and education process, including parents or guardians of a child or student, and to involve them in activities conducive to educational effectiveness [PP_K_03]
are willing to work in a team, to assume various roles within a team and to cooperate with teachers, pedagogues, specialists, parents or guardians of children or pupils and other members of the pre-school, school and local community [PP_K_04]
is ready to communicate with people from different backgrounds and emotional states, to resolve conflicts in a dialogical way and to create a good atmosphere for communication within and outside the kindergarten group and the school classroom [PP_K_05]
is ready to recognise the specificities of the local and regional environment and their impact on the functioning of children or pupils, and to cooperate for the benefit of children or pupils and these environments [PP_K_06]
is ready to design and implement activities aimed at axiological education and education to values - introducing children or pupils to the world of values [PP_K_07]
is ready to design activities aimed at the development of the pre-school or school and stimulate improvement of the quality of the work of these institutions [PP_K_08]
The graduate:
understands the relationship between entrepreneurship-related issues and the leading discipline of the degree programme, exhibits an entrepreneurial mindset [MOB.2023_jsm_W02_P]
has advanced knowledge of selected scientific or scholarly theories and methods, is familiar with the issues specific to the chosen academic discipline and understands its connection with the leading discipline of the degree programme [MOB.2023_W01]
has advanced knowledge of selected scientific theories and methods and is familiar with the issues specific to the selected academic discipline in the context of other disciplines [OMU.2023_W01]

The graduate:
asks questions, analyzes research problems and finds solutions to them based on the knowledge, skills and experience he/she has gained within the chosen academic discipline in conjunction with the leading discipline of the degree programme; communicates the results of his/her work in a way which is clear and understandable not only to specialists [MOB.2023_U01]
has advanced skills in asking research questions, analyzing problems or providing practical solutions to them based on the knowledge, experience and skills gained within the chosen academic discipline in the context of other disciplines [OMU.2023_U01]

The graduate:
is ready to meet social obligations, co-organize activities for the benefit of the community and is open to scientific solutions to cognitive and practical problems [MOB.2023_K01]
acknowledges and makes use of knowledge from different disciplines and is ready to change opinion in the light of scientifically proven arguments [OMU.2023_K01]
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules (preparing for the teaching profession)
Biomedical Basis of Development and Upbringing of Pre-school and Early School Age Children [PP-B9-BPRW] Polish exam lecture: 10
practical classes: 20
Concepts of Philosophy and Ethics [PP-A1-KFE] Polish course work lecture: 10
practical classes: 10
Early Childhood Pedagogy [PP-A2-PW] Polish exam lecture: 10
practical classes: 10
General Didactics [PP-A1-DO] Polish exam lecture: 10
practical classes: 10
History of Education [PP-A1-HW] Polish course work practical classes: 10 2
Information and Communication Technology [PP-B5-TIK] Polish course work laboratory classes: 10 2
Intellectual Property Protection [PP-K-OWI] Polish course work lecture: 5 1
Logic [PP-B3-L] Polish course work lecture: 10 2
Musical Activities [PP-B7-ZU] Polish course work practical classes: 10 2
Pedagogy [PP-A1-PO] Polish exam lecture: 10
practical classes: 10
Pre-school Pedagogy [PP-A2-PPR] Polish exam lecture: 10
practical classes: 10
Problems of Contemporary Sociology [PP-A1-PWS] Polish course work lecture: 10 1
Psychology [PP-A3-PSO] Polish course work lecture: 10
practical classes: 10
Vocal Emission [PP-B7-EG] Polish course work practical classes: 20 2
Pedagogical Facilities in Support of Child Development (practical activities) [PP-J1.1-PPWRD] Polish course work workshop: 30 1
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules (preparing for the teaching profession)
Creative Art Workshops [PP-B6-PWT] Polish course work practical classes: 10 2
Developmental Psychology [PP-A3-PR] Polish exam lecture: 10
practical classes: 10
Foreign language 1 [PP-B2-JO1] course work language classes: 20 3
Fundamentals of Children's Music Education [PP-B7-PEMD] Polish course work practical classes: 10 3
Fundamentals of Mathematics Education in the Early Years Classroom [PP-B3-PEM] Polish course work lecture: 10
practical classes: 20
Fundamentals of Nature Education in Kindergarten and Grades I-III [PP-B4-PEP] Polish course work practical classes: 10 2
Fundamentals of Social Education in Kindergarten and Grades I-III [PP-B4-PES] Polish course work practical classes: 10 2
Methodology of Pre-school Education (sem. 1) [PP-D-MWP1] Polish course work lecture: 10
practical classes: 20
Optional Block G - Person with an Awareness of His/Her Interests [PP-C-BG_OSZ] Polish course work practical classes: 10 3
Premedical First Aid [PP-B10-PPP] Polish course work practical classes: 10 2
Systemic Foundations of Language Education for Children [PP-B1-PSKJ] Polish course work lecture: 10
practical classes: 10
Field modules (preparing for the teaching profession)
Theory of Education [PP-A1-TW] Polish exam lecture: 10
practical classes: 10
Programme co-related modules
Obszar Społeczeństwo Obywatelskie i Przedsiębiorczość: Przedsiębiorczość [MO-2023-NS-JSMSOP-P] course work depending on the choice: 18 3
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules (preparing for the teaching profession)
Basics of Children's Visual Arts Education [PP-B6-PEPD] Polish course work lecture: 10 3
Foreign language 2 [PP-B2-JO2] course work language classes: 20 3
Fundamentals of Hygiene and Safety with Ergonomics [PP-B10-PHB] Polish course work lecture: 10 2
Fundamentals of Physical Culture Education [PP-B9-PKKF] Polish course work practical classes: 10 2
Fundamentals of Technical Education in Kindergarten and Grades I-III [PP-B8-PET] Polish course work lecture: 10
practical classes: 10
Methodology of Art Education in Kindergarten and Grades I-III (sem. 1) [PP-E6-MEPL1] Polish course work lecture: 10
practical classes: 10
Methodology of Music Education in Kindergarten and Grades I-III (sem. 1) [PP-E7-MEMU1] Polish course work practical classes: 10 3
Methodology of Pre-school Education (sem. 2) [PP-D-MWP2] Polish exam lecture: 10
practical classes: 20
Methodology of Social and Natural Education in Kindergarten and Grades I-III [PP-E4-MESP] Polish exam lecture: 10
practical classes: 20
Methodology of Technical Education in Kindergarten and Grades I-III (sem. 1) [PP-E8-MET1] Polish course work practical classes: 10 1
Optional Block E - Participant of a Team/Teams [PP-A2-BE_CZ] Polish course work practical classes: 10 3
Methodology of Pre-school Education - practical activities (sem. 1) [PP-J1.2-MWPP1] Polish course work workshop: 30 1
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules (preparing for the teaching profession)
Foreign language 3 [PP-B2-JO3] course work language classes: 20 3
Literary Education of the Child in Upbringing, Education and Therapy [PP-B1-KLD] Polish course work lecture: 10
practical classes: 10
Methodology of Art Education in Kindergarten and Grades I-III (sem. 2) [PP-E6-MEPL2] Polish course work practical classes: 10 2
Methodology of Mathematics Education in Early Childhood Education (sem. 1) [PP-E3-MEM1] Polish course work lecture: 10
practical classes: 20
Methodology of Music Education in Kindergarten and Grades I-III (sem. 2) [PP-E7-MEMU2] Polish course work practical classes: 20 3
Methodology of Physical Education in Kindergarten and Grades I-III (sem. 1) [PP-E9-MWF1] Polish course work lecture: 10
practical classes: 10
Methodology of Polonistic Education in Early Childhood Education (sem. 1) [PP-E1-MEP1] Polish course work lecture: 10
practical classes: 20
Methodology of Technical Education in Kindergarten and Grades I-III (sem. 2) [PP-E8-MET2] Polish course work practical classes: 10 2
Optional Block C - Erudite Person [PP-C-BC_E] Polish course work practical classes: 10 3
Programme co-related modules
Group of programme co-related modules lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 18
Methodology of Pre-school Education - practical activities (sem. 2) [PP-J1.2-MWPP2] Polish course work workshop: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules (preparing for the teaching profession)
Basics of IT Education [PP-B5-PEI] Polish course work lecture: 10 2
Early Childhood Education Methodology [PP-D-MEW] Polish course work lecture: 10
practical classes: 10
Foreign language 4 [PP-B2-JO4] course work language classes: 20 3
Games and Play in Work with Children [PP-A2-GZ] Polish course work practical classes: 10 1
Methodology of Mathematics Education in Early Childhood Education (sem. 2) [PP-E3-MEM2] Polish exam lecture: 10
practical classes: 20
Methodology of Pedagogical Research [PP-K-MBP] Polish exam lecture: 10
practical classes: 20
Methodology of Physical Education in Kindergarten and Grades I-III (sem. 2) [PP-E9-MWF2] Polish course work lecture: 10
practical classes: 10
Methodology of Polonistic Education in Early Childhood Education (sem. 2) [PP-E1-MEP2] Polish exam lecture: 10
practical classes: 20
Optional Block D - a Reliable Caregiver [PP-C-BD_SO] Polish course work practical classes: 10 3
Continuing Professional Practice (Kindergarten) [PP-J2-PZC1] Polish course work internship: 60 1
Early Childhood Education Methodology - practical activities (sem. 1) [PP-J1.2-MEWP1] Polish course work workshop: 30 1
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules (preparing for the teaching profession)
Elective Module: Theatre Techniques in Working with the Child [PP-C-MTPD] Polish course work practical classes: 10 3
Intersemiotic Interpretation of Cultural Texts in Education and Therapy [PP-F-IIT] Polish course work practical classes: 10 2
Mathematical Games and Activities [PP-C-GZM] Polish course work practical classes: 10 1
Media in the Teacher's Work [PP-E5-MPN] Polish course work practical classes: 10 2
Methodology of Integrated Education [PP-D-MKZ] Polish course work practical classes: 10 1
Methodology of IT Education [PP-E5-MEI] Polish course work laboratory classes: 20 2
Neurodidactic Foundations of Education [PP-A3-NPE] Polish course work practical classes: 20 1
Optional Block F - Person with Positive Attitude to New Experiences, Looking for New Solutions [PP-C-BF-CPNR] Polish course work practical classes: 10 3
Play in the Stimulation of the Child's Speech Development [PP-C-ZSRM] Polish course work practical classes: 10 1
Proseminar [PP-K-P] Polish course work proseminar: 30 3
Psychological and Pedagogical Basis of Teaching a Foreign Language to Children [PP-A4-PPNJO] Polish course work lecture: 20
practical classes: 20
Psychopedagogical Diagnosis of Children in Kindergarten and Grades I-III [PP-H-DPD] Polish exam lecture: 10
practical classes: 10
Special Pedagogy [PP-F-PSP] Polish course work lecture: 10
practical classes: 10
Open access modules
Open University Module [OMU-2023-NS-01-OG] course work depending on the choice: 14 3
Early Childhood Education Methodology - practical activities (sem. 2) [PP-J1.2-MEWP2] Polish course work workshop: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules (preparing for the teaching profession)
Basics of Social Psychology [PP-A3-PPS] Polish exam lecture: 10
practical classes: 10
Correction of Children's Developmental Disorders [PP-C-KZRD] Polish exam lecture: 10
practical classes: 10
Diagnosis and Speech Therapy [PP-H-DTL] Polish course work lecture: 10
practical classes: 10
Early Childhood Development [SMPP-C-WWRD] Polish exam lecture: 10
practical classes: 10
Elective Module: New Technologies in Education and Upbringing [PP-C-MNTE] Polish course work laboratory classes: 20 3
Master's Seminar 1 [PP-A1-SM1] Polish course work seminar: 30 5
Media Education of Primary School Pupils [PP-A2-EM] Polish course work lecture: 10 1
Methodology of Teaching a Foreign Language to a Young Child (sem. 1) [PP-E2-MNJO1] Polish course work lecture: 10
practical classes: 10
Optional Block H - Ethical Person [PP-C-BH_CZE] Polish course work practical classes: 10 3
Pedeutology [PP-A1-P] Polish course work lecture: 10 1
Propedeutics of Art Therapy [PP-C-PA] Polish course work practical classes: 20 2
Psychology of Teaching-Learning [PP-A3-PNU] Polish course work practical classes: 10 2
Continuing Professional Practice (School - Grades I-III) [PP-J2-PZC2] Polish course work internship: 60 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules (preparing for the teaching profession)
Contemporary Pedagogical Directions [PP-A1-WKP] Polish course work lecture: 10
practical classes: 10
Creative Pedagogy [PP-C-PT] Polish course work lecture: 10
practical classes: 10
Elective Module: Innovations in Teacher's Work [PP-A2-MIPN] Polish course work practical classes: 10 3
Interpersonal Communication [PP-I-KI] Polish course work lecture: 10
practical classes: 10
Master's Seminar 2 [PP-A1-SM2] Polish course work seminar: 30 5
Methodology of Corrective-Compensatory Work and Didactic-Compensatory Classes [PP-F-MPKK] Polish exam lecture: 10
practical classes: 10
Methodology of Health Education in Kindergarten and Grades I-III [PP-E10-MEZ] Polish course work practical classes: 20 3
Methodology of Teaching a Foreign Language to a Young Child (sem. 2) [PP-E2-MNJO2] Polish course work lecture: 10
practical classes: 10
Optional Block B - Development Support Expert [PP-C-BB_EWR] Polish course work practical classes: 10 3
Rhythmics and Dance [PP-C-RT] Polish course work practical classes: 10 1
Social Pedagogy [PP-A1-PS] Polish course work lecture: 10 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules (preparing for the teaching profession)
Alternative Forms of Pre-school Work [PP-G-AFP] Polish course work practical classes: 10 1
Comparative Pedagogy [PP-A1-PP] Polish course work practical classes: 10 2
Cooperation of the Teacher with the Environment [PP-A2-WN] Polish course work practical classes: 10 1
Elective Module: Pre-school and School Cooperation with the Child's Family [PP-A2-MWPSR] Polish course work practical classes: 10 3
Elective Module: Teacher Personal Development Workshops [PP-A3-MWRON] Polish course work practical classes: 10 2
Ethnopedagogy [PP-C-E] Polish course work lecture: 10 1
Family Pedagogy [PP-C-PR] Polish course work lecture: 10
practical classes: 10
Legal Basis of Child Care, Upbringing and Education [PP-G-POWE] Polish course work lecture: 10 3
Master's Seminar 3 [PP-A1-SM3] Polish course work seminar: 30 5
Measurement in Education [PP-K-PE] Polish course work practical classes: 10 1
Optional Block A - Reflective Practitioner [PP-F-BA_RP] Polish course work practical classes: 10 3
Regional and Intercultural Education [PP-C-EM] Polish course work practical classes: 10 1
Statistics [PP-K-S] Polish course work lecture: 10
practical classes: 10
Working with a Child with Educational Difficulties [PP-F-PDTW] Polish course work practical classes: 10 1
Working with a Gfted Child [PP-F-PDZ] Polish course work practical classes: 10 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules (preparing for the teaching profession)
Culture of Language with Rhetoric [PP-I-KJR] Polish course work practical classes: 20 4
Educational Law and the Professional Status of the Teacher [PP-G-POSZN] Polish course work lecture: 10
practical classes: 10
Elective Module: Activation Methods in Education [PP-A2-MMAE] Polish course work practical classes: 20 3
Elective Module: Developing Educational Competences [PP-C-MRKW] Polish course work practical classes: 10 3
Elective module: Stress and Professional Burnout in the Work of a Teacher [PP-A3-MSWZN] Polish course work practical classes: 20 3
Master's Seminar 4 [PP-A1-SM4] Polish course work seminar: 30 11
Optional Block I - Leisure time organizing [PP-C-BI_LTO] English course work practical classes: 20 3