Pedagogy Programme code: W6-S1PE19.2023

Field of study: Pedagogy
Programme code: W6-S1PE19.2023
Programme code (USOS): W6-S1PE19
Faculty: Faculty of Fine Arts and Educational Science
Language of study: Polish
Academic year of entry: winter semester 2023/2024
Level of qualifications/degree: first-cycle studies
Mode of study: full-time
Degree profile: general academic
Number of semesters: 6
Degree: licencjat (Bachelor's Degree)
  • Care-Educational Pedagogy and Family Life Education
  • corrective pedagogy (pedagogical therapy)
  • resocialization pedagogy and sociotherapy
Semester from which the specializations starts: 1
Number of ECTS credits required to achieve the qualification equivalent to the level of study: 180
Leading discipline: education (social sciences)
ISCED code: 0011
The number and date of the Senate’s resolution: 442/2023 (27/06/2023)
General characteristics of the field of study and the assumed concept of education:
Kierunek studiów pedagogika realizuje profil ogólnoakademicki i został zmodyfikowany oraz dostosowany do założeń nowej koncepcji studiów w Uniwersytecie Śląskim zakładającej, iż student powinien oprócz wykształcenia kierunkowego posiadać również szerszą wiedzę ogólną pozwalającą mu na swobodne poruszanie się z różnych obszarach życia. Program studiów zakłada realizację modułów kierunkowych, modułów przygotowujących do wykonywania zawodu nauczyciela (organizowanych na poziomie kierunku), modułów ogólnouczelnianych, modułów obszarowych wspierających kształcenie kierunkowe oraz modułów dziedzinowych. Pedagogika jako nauka o wymiarze teoretycznym i praktycznym zarówno w obszarze nauk społecznych i humanistycznych jest realizowana w zakresie studiów pierwszego i drugiego stopnia na Wydziale Sztuki i Nauk o Edukacji w ramach działań dydaktycznych, naukowych, społecznych na rzecz środowiska lokalnego, ogólnopolskiego i międzynarodowego. Realizuje przyjęte i wytyczone przez Uniwersytet Śląski zadania rozwojowe. Przedmiot badań pedagogiki obejmuje zarówno zakres idei w odniesieniu do ideałów, norm i powinności, jak i praktyki społecznej. Treści pedagogiki w obszarze nauk humanistycznych obejmują teorię i praktykę wychowania, nauczania i uczenia się oraz w obszarze nauk społecznych teorii i praktyki funkcjonowania, środowisk wychowawczych, systemów i instytucji oświatowych, opiekuńczych, ich roli i wartości w rozwoju człowieka. Pedagogika bada i tworzy teorie w zakresie rozwoju i uczenia się człowieka w ciągu całego życia w wymiarze jednostkowym i społecznym. Wiedza i praktyka w pedagogice poddawana jest krytycznej analizie pod kątem zmian procesów edukacyjnych w odniesieniu do kulturowych, społecznych, politycznych, historycznych i ekonomicznych kontekstów. Treści i badania na kierunku studiów pedagogika są realizowane integralnie w zakresie poziomu wiedzy, umiejętności i kompetencji społecznych. Na kierunku pedagogika student w zakresie efektów uczenia się z wiedzy poznaje pedagogikę jako naukę, jej związki z innymi subdyscyplinami naukowymi. Zna elementarną terminologię pedagogiczną, teorie wychowania, uczenia się i nauczania. Zna teorie rozwoju człowieka w toku życia. Ma podstawową wiedzę o strukturze i i funkcjach systemu edukacji i jego uczestnikach Ma uporządkowaną wiedzę na temat zasad i norm etycznych. W zakresie efektów uczenia się w obszarze umiejętności absolwent potrafi obserwować, badać i wyciągać wnioski z różnych obszarów działalności pedagogicznej. Potrafi badać środowisko szkolne i społeczne ucznia. Ma rozwinięte umiejętności w zakresie komunikacji. Potrafi rozwijać swoje umiejętności profesjonalne. W obszarze efektów uczenia się w zakresie kompetencji społecznych jest świadomy etycznego wymiaru badań naukowych, realizacji praktyki pedagogicznej. Na kierunku pedagogika są realizowane treści zgodnie z przyjętymi efektami uczenia się, a) na studiach 1 stopnia student poznaje, doświadcza, realizuje w praktyce i kształtuje relacje ze środowiskiem społecznym na bazie głównych założeń teoretycznych i praktycznych (metodycznych w tym nauczycielskich) z zakresu modułów ogólnopedagogicznych i specjalnościowych, b) na studiach 2 stopnia student poznaje, doświadcza, realizuje w praktyce i w relacjach ze środowiskiem społecznym pogłębione treści w zakresie modułów ogólnopedagogicznych i specjalnościowych oraz rozwija umiejętności zgodnie z założeniami merytorycznymi i metodycznymi w zakresie przygotowania do wykonywania zawodu nauczyciela, wychowawcy, pedagoga specjalnego. Założone efekty uczenia się na kierunku pedagogika odnoszą się do dwóch obszarów kształcenia (nauk społecznych i humanistycznych). Dotyczą programu studiów pierwszego i drugiego stopnia o profilu ogólnoakademickim i zostały sformułowane w zgodzie z Rozporządzeniem Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego w sprawie charakterystyk drugiego stopnia efektów uczenia się dla kwalifikacji na poziomach 6–8 Polskiej Ramy Kwalifikacji z dnia 14 listopada 2018 roku. Podzielone są na trzy grupy obejmując efekty odnoszące się do wiedzy, umiejętności i kompetencji społecznych oraz zawierają zestaw efektów uczenia się przewidziany dla specjalności przygotowujących do wykonywania zawodu nauczyciela zgodnie z Rozporządzeniem Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego z dnia 25 lipca 2019r. w sprawie standardu kształcenia przygotowującego do wykonywania zawodu nauczyciela. Przewidziane dla kierunku studiów efekty uczenia się studenci uzyskują w ramach realizacji modułów teoretycznych i praktycznych. Stosunek modułów teoretycznych do praktycznych wykazuje wyraźną przewagę modułów zaliczanych do pierwszej grupy (zgodnie z ogólnoakademickim profilem kształcenia). Efekty uczenia się na kierunku pedagogika są monitorowane w oparciu o procedury Systemu Zapewnienia Jakości Kształcenia dla kierunków studiów organizowanych przez Wydział Sztuki i Nauk o Edukacji. W programie kształcenia na kierunku pedagogika przewidziano praktyki studenckie oraz określono wymiar, zasady i formy ich odbywania w zależności od specjalności. Praktyki na kierunku Pedagogika (studia I i II stopnia) organizowane są zgodnie z wymogami określonymi przez obowiązujące Zarządzenie Rektora Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w sprawie organizowania studenckich praktyk zawodowych i określenia obowiązków opiekunów praktyk (wskazane w regulaminie odbywania studenckich praktyk zawodowych na Wydziale Sztuki i Nauk o Edukacji Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach), Rozporządzenie Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego z dnia 25 lipca 2019r. w sprawie standardu kształcenia przygotowującego do wykonywania zawodu nauczyciela, Rozporządzenie Ministra Edukacji Narodowej z dnia 1 sierpnia 2017r. w sprawie szczegółowych kwalifikacji wymaganych od nauczycieli, Rozporządzenie Ministra Edukacji Narodowej z dnia 1 marca 2019r zmieniające rozporządzenie w sprawie szczegółowych kwalifikacji wymaganych od nauczycieli, jak również w oparciu o Regulamin Studiów w Uniwersytecie Śląskim oraz Procedury Systemu Zapewnienia Jakości Kształcenia dla kierunków studiów organizowanych przez Wydział Sztuki i Nauk o Edukacji. Program studiów pierwszego stopnia obejmuje 6 semestrów, w tym 180 pkt ECTS. W ramach studiów pierwszego stopnia na kierunku pedagogika są przygotowane następujące specjalności: 1. pedagogika opiekuńczo-wychowawcza i wychowanie do życia w rodzinie 2. pedagogika korekcyjna (terapia pedagogiczna) 3. pedagogika resocjalizacyjna i socjoterapia. Program studiów pedagogicznych realizowany jest z uwzględnieniem Europejskiego Systemu Transferu Punktów (ECTS). Okres zajęć dydaktycznych podzielony jest na 2 semestry – semestr zimowy i semestr letni. Warunkiem zaliczenia semestru jest uzyskanie zaliczeń wszystkich modułów przewidzianych planem studiów i uzyskanie łącznie co najmniej 30 punktów ECTS. Okresy weryfikacji efektów uczenia się (sesje egzaminacyjne) trwają od 14 do 21 dni. Studenci na każdym poziomie studiów, bez względu na formę ich realizacji uzyskują 30 punktów ECTS w każdym semestrze studiów. Program kształcenia zapewnia studentom kierunku wybór modułów kształcenia. Zarówno na studiach pierwszego i drugiego stopnia zwraca się szczególną uwagę na indywidualny rozwój studenta, co przejawia się: - zabezpieczeniem w modułach i sylabusach odpowiedniej liczby godzin na samodzielną pracę studenta, - umożliwieniem studentom aktywnego, naukowego i praktycznego uczestnictwa i prac w ramach organizacji studenckich, kół naukowych, AZS, - prowadzeniem działalności społecznej na rzecz środowiska lokalnego i uczelnianego (wolontariaty w instytucjach oświatowowychowawczych, jako wartościowe uzupełnienie programu praktyk).
Graduation requirements:
The condition for admission to the diploma examination is to achieve the learning outcomes provided for in the study program, to obtain a certificate of an appropriate level of language proficiency in a foreign language and to obtain positive grades for the diploma dissertation. The condition for graduation is to pass the diploma examination with at least a satisfactory result. A graduate receives a higher education diploma confirming obtaining the qualifications of the appropriate degree. Detailed rules of the diploma process and the requirements for the diploma thesis are set out in the Rules and Regulations of Studies at the University of Silesia and the diploma regulations.
Information on the relationship between the studies and the university's strategy as well as the socio-economic needs that determine the conduct of studies and the compliance of learning outcomes with these needs:
Strategia rozwoju kierunku pedagogika ściśle wiąże się z wizją Uniwersytetu Śląskiego. Obszary rozwoju pedagogiki uwzględniają główne zadania kluczowe, cele operacyjne, określone przez dokument Strategia rozwoju Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach na lata 2020-2025, co przyczyni się do zrównoważonego rozwoju kierunku na Wydziale w Uczelni. Uniwersytet Śląski akcentuje znaczenie badań naukowych i równie dużą wagę przywiązuje do kształcenia. Dydaktyka stanowi o istocie uniwersytetu jako miejscu przekazywania wiedzy, umiejętności i wartości akademickich kolejnym pokoleniom studentów i doktorantów. W uniwersytecie badawczym kształcenie na najwyższym poziomie jest powiązane z prowadzonymi badaniami. Służy temu między innymi angażowanie studentów w prace zespołów badawczych oraz indywidualizacja kształcenia, zwłaszcza na wyższych latach studiów, także lokowanie prac dyplomowych studentów i słuchaczy studiów podyplomowych w nurcie badań prowadzonych w uniwersytecie. Zadania kluczowe na kierunku wiążą się z dbałością o poziom prowadzonych badań naukowych i mocne zespoły badawcze, o zwiększenie form kształcenia i doskonalenie, modyfikowanie oferty dydaktycznej, o zintensyfikowanie i poszerzenie współpracy z otoczeniem, współpracy międzynarodowej (z uczelniami zagranicznymi). Program kształcenia na kierunku pedagogika odpowiada następującym celom operacyjnym w zakresie obszaru: KSZTAŁCENIE, określonym w Strategii rozwoju Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach na lata 2020-2025: - kształcenie, cel 1.1. Optymalizacja kierunków i programów studiów, - kształcenie, cel 1.3: Opracowanie założeń kształcenia nauczycieli, - kształcenie, cel 1.6: Zwiększenie powiązania programów studiów z badaniami naukowymi stosowanymi poprzez współpracę z pracodawcami, w tym umożliwienie praktyk u tych pracodawców, - kształcenie, cel 1.8: Powiązanie oferty kształcenia z otoczeniem społeczno-gospodarczym, włączanie ekspertów zewnętrznych w realizację kształcenia, - kształcenie, cel 1.9: Zwiększenie umiejętności informatycznych studentów na wszystkich kierunkach studiów, - kształcenie, cel 2.2: Przygotowanie oferty kształcenia w językach obcych - (studia drugiego stopnia) - kształcenie, cel 4.3: Umożliwienie studentom nabywania umiejętności i doświadczenia poprzez rozwiązywanie problemów badawczych. - kształcenie, cel 4.4: Systematyczny przegląd innowacyjnych metod dydaktycznych na świecie. Realizacja tych celów na kierunku pedagogika pozwala na wyzwalanie kreatywności pracowników i studentów, stworzenie jak najlepszych warunków studiowania i prowadzenia badań naukowych, otwartość na potrzeby Uczelni i współpracujących jednostek zewnętrznych. Obszary działań na kierunku pedagogika opierają się na zasadach: otwartości, nowoczesności i kreatywności. Przyczynia się to do kształtowania u absolwentów postaw obywatelskich, prospołecznych, które znacząco oddziałują na szeroko rozumiane otoczenie społeczno-gospodarcze.
Specialization: Care-Educational Pedagogy and Family Life Education
General description of the specialization:
Na studiach 1 stopnia na kierunku pedagogika o specjalności pedagogika opiekuńczo-wychowawcza i wychowanie do życia w rodzinie prowadzi się kształcenie przygotowujące do wykonywania zawodu nauczyciela, które obejmuje następujące grupy zajęć: przygotowanie merytoryczne do nauczania przedmiotu wychowanie do życia w rodzinie (program studiów określa efekty uczenia się obejmujące wiedzę i umiejętności odpowiadające wszystkim wymaganiom podstawy programowej przedmiotu nauczania w szkole podstawowej); pełne przygotowanie psychologiczno-pedagogiczne; pełne przygotowanie dydaktyczne (podstawy dydaktyki i emisję głosu); przygotowanie dydaktyczne do nauczania przedmiotu (dydaktykę przedmiotu nauczania i praktyki zawodowe). Studia przygotowują do rozpoznawania indywidualnych potrzeb wychowanków, analizy przyczyn trudności zarówno w środowisku szkolnym, jak i rodzinnym, do stawiania specjalistycznej diagnozy pedagogicznej, będącej punktem wyjścia do zaplanowania programu naprawczego, optymalnej strategii wychowawczej, projektowania programów korekcyjnych i profilaktycznych oraz ścieżki wsparcia rozwoju jednostek z rodzin dysfunkcyjnych i ze środowisk społecznie zmarginalizowanych. Kształcenie na specjalności pedagogika opiekuńczo-wychowawcza i wychowanie do życia w rodzinie jest prowadzone zgodnie z wytycznymi określonymi w załączniku 1 do Rozporządzenia Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego z dnia 25 lipca 2019r. w sprawie standardu przygotowującego do wykonywania zawodu nauczyciela (Dz. U. z dnia 2 sierpnia 2019r., poz. 1450). Uzyskanie pełnych kwalifikacji do wykonywania zawodu nauczyciela przedmiotu wiąże się z ukończeniem studiów pierwszego stopnia i drugiego stopnia na kierunku, którego program studiów określa efekty uczenia się obejmujące wiedzę i umiejętności odpowiadające wszystkim wymaganiom podstawy programowej przedmiotu nauczania.
Internships (hours and conditions):
Internships are an integral part of the study program, carried out by students in individual fields, levels, profiles and forms of study. Internships are to help in confronting the knowledge acquired during studies with the requirements of the labour market, acquiring skills useful in the profession, learning about practical issues related to working in positions for which the student is prepared during the course of studies. The internship is to familiarize the student with professional language relevant to a specific industry and work culture. The rules for the organization of internships are set out in the Rector's ordinance. Detailed rules of apprenticeship taking into account the specifics of particular fields of study are set out in the field's of study apprenticeship regulations, in particular: learning outcomes assumed to be achieved by the student during the apprenticeship, framework apprenticeship program including a description of issues, dimension of apprenticeship (number of weeks of practice); form of internship (continuous, mid-year), criteria for choosing the place of internship, obligations of the student staying in the internship, obligations of the academic tutor, conditions for completing the internship by the student and conditions for exemption from the internship obligation in whole or in part. The number of ECTS and the number of hours are specified in the course structure.
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits: education (social sciences): 100%
Specialization: corrective pedagogy (pedagogical therapy)
General description of the specialization:
Studia 1 stopnia w ramach specjalności pedagogika korekcyjna (terapia pedagogiczna) wyposażają studenta w umiejętność prowadzenia indywidualnych oraz grupowych zajęć terapeutycznych z dziećmi mającymi trudności w uczeniu się (specyficzne trudności w uczeniu się) i wykazującymi zaburzenia zachowania, a także umożliwiają zdobycie kompetencji umożliwiających stworzenie optymalnych warunków nauki dla dzieci ujawniających specjalne potrzeby edukacyjne. Absolwent nabędzie również umiejętność rozpoznawania zaburzeń i dysfunkcji rozwojowych, które mogą być przyczyną trudności w uczeniu się i niepowodzeń szkolnych, planowania procesu wychowawczo-terapeutycznego, diagnozowania indywidualnych możliwości dziecka oraz wskazywania jego możliwości edukacyjnych. Kształcenie na specjalności pedagogika korekcyjna (terapia pedagogiczna) jest prowadzone zgodnie z wytycznymi określonymi w załączniku 3 do Rozporządzenia Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego z dnia 25 lipca 2019r. w sprawie standardu przygotowującego do wykonywania zawodu nauczyciela (Dz. U. z dnia 2 sierpnia 2019r., poz. 1450). Uzyskanie pełnych kwalifikacji do wykonywania zawodu nauczyciela pedagoga specjalnego w zakresie pedagogiki korekcyjnej (terapii pedagogicznej) wiąże się z ukończeniem studiów pierwszego stopnia i drugiego stopnia na kierunku innym niż pedagogika specjalna na tej samej specjalności.
Internships (hours and conditions):
Internships are an integral part of the study program, carried out by students in individual fields, levels, profiles and forms of study. Internships are to help in confronting the knowledge acquired during studies with the requirements of the labour market, acquiring skills useful in the profession, learning about practical issues related to working in positions for which the student is prepared during the course of studies. The internship is to familiarize the student with professional language relevant to a specific industry and work culture. The rules for the organization of internships are set out in the Rector's ordinance. Detailed rules of apprenticeship taking into account the specifics of particular fields of study are set out in the field's of study apprenticeship regulations, in particular: learning outcomes assumed to be achieved by the student during the apprenticeship, framework apprenticeship program including a description of issues, dimension of apprenticeship (number of weeks of practice); form of internship (continuous, mid-year), criteria for choosing the place of internship, obligations of the student staying in the internship, obligations of the academic tutor, conditions for completing the internship by the student and conditions for exemption from the internship obligation in whole or in part. The number of ECTS and the number of hours are specified in the course structure.
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits: education (social sciences): 100%
Specialization: resocialization pedagogy and sociotherapy
General description of the specialization:
Studenci w ramach studiów 1 stopnia na specjalności pedagogika resocjalizacyjna i socjoterapia nabywają podstawowe kwalifikacje diagnostyczne oraz metodyczne do pracy z osobami nieprzystosowanymi społecznie i z zaburzeniami zachowania w środowisku szkolnym, osobami w trudnych życiowych sytuacjach, osobami wchodzącymi w konflikt z prawem. Studia przygotowują w zakresie podstawowej wiedzy i umiejętności rozumienia, diagnozowania i zastosowania adekwatnych metod pracy w odniesieniu do: dewiacji społecznych; procesu resocjalizacji; diagnozy psychopedagogicznej w resocjalizacji; uwarunkowań prawno-społecznych procesu resocjalizacji; sytuacji edukacyjnej uczniów, nauczycieli, rodziców z perspektywy zjawisk niepożądanych w kontekście nieprawidłowej socjalizacji; zagrożenia niedostosowaniem społecznym dzieci i młodzieży; instytucji o charakterze zamkniętym takich jak zakłady karne, placówki o charakterze resocjalizacyjnym; probacji; interwencji kryzysowej; uzależnień i ich skutków. Ponadto przygotowują w zakresie umiejętności prowadzenia oddziaływań resocjalizacyjnych oraz zajęć socjoterapeutycznych w środowisku otwartym i placówkach resocjalizacyjnych. Kształcenie na specjalności pedagogika resocjalizacyjna i socjoterapia jest prowadzone zgodnie z wytycznymi określonymi w załączniku 3 do Rozporządzenia Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego z dnia 25 lipca 2019r. w sprawie standardu przygotowującego do wykonywania zawodu nauczyciela (Dz. U. z dnia 2 sierpnia 2019r., poz. 1450). Uzyskanie pełnych kwalifikacji do wykonywania zawodu nauczyciela pedagoga specjalnego w zakresie pedagogiki resocjalizacyjnej wiąże się z ukończeniem studiów pierwszego stopnia i drugiego stopnia na kierunku innym niż pedagogika specjalna na tej samej specjalności.
Internships (hours and conditions):
Internships are an integral part of the study program, carried out by students in individual fields, levels, profiles and forms of study. Internships are to help in confronting the knowledge acquired during studies with the requirements of the labour market, acquiring skills useful in the profession, learning about practical issues related to working in positions for which the student is prepared during the course of studies. The internship is to familiarize the student with professional language relevant to a specific industry and work culture. The rules for the organization of internships are set out in the Rector's ordinance. Detailed rules of apprenticeship taking into account the specifics of particular fields of study are set out in the field's of study apprenticeship regulations, in particular: learning outcomes assumed to be achieved by the student during the apprenticeship, framework apprenticeship program including a description of issues, dimension of apprenticeship (number of weeks of practice); form of internship (continuous, mid-year), criteria for choosing the place of internship, obligations of the student staying in the internship, obligations of the academic tutor, conditions for completing the internship by the student and conditions for exemption from the internship obligation in whole or in part. The number of ECTS and the number of hours are specified in the course structure.
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits: education (social sciences): 100%
The graduate:
has advanced knowledge on the place of pedagogy in the system of sciences, its subject matter and methodological connections with other scientific disciplines, its sub-disciplines, the knowledge including the knowledge of terminology used in pedagogy and understands its sources and application within the related disciplines [K_W01]
has advanced knowledge of traditional and contemporary currents, pedagogical systems and understands their historical and cultural conditions [K_W02]
has advanced knowledge of different types of social structures and institutions of social life, understanding the relationships between them and the types of social bonds and the regularities governing them [K_W03]
has advanced knowledge of designing and conducting research in pedagogy, in particular research problems, research methods, techniques and tools, and is familiar with the paradigmatic traditions of social research from which particular methods originate [K_W04]
has advanced knowledge of health and safety at work in educational, upbringing, caring, therapeutic, cultural and welfare institutions [K_W05]
has an advanced knowledge of ethical principles and norms, principles of intellectual property protection [K_W06]
has advanced knowledge of selected scientific or scholarly theories and methods, is familiar with the issues specific to the chosen academic discipline and understands its connection with the leading discipline of the degree programme [MOB.2023_W01]
has advanced knowledge of selected scientific theories and methods and is familiar with the issues specific to the selected academic discipline in the context of other disciplines [OMU.2023_W01]

The graduate:
is able to use theoretical knowledge of pedagogy and related disciplines to observe, analyze and interpret socio cultural phenomena, educational, upbringing, caring, cultural, and support problems [K_U01]
is able to use theoretical approaches to analyze motives and patterns of human behavior, diagnose and forecast situations, and analyze and design pedagogical strategies for practical action in relation to different contexts of pedagogical activity [K_U02]
is able to use his/her knowledge in research activities - analysing examples of research and constructing and conducting pedagogical research; is able to formulate conclusions, process and present results (using ICT), and indicate directions for further research [K_U03]
is able to develop oral and written expression taking into account systematic knowledge of the language in terms of its grammatical structures, lexicon and phonetics, is able to use a specialised language and to communicate in a precise and consistent way in Polish/foreign language using a variety of communication channels and techniques with specialists in the field of pedagogy as well as with non-specialist audiences [K_U04]
is able to present his/her own ideas, doubts and suggestions, supporting them with argumentation in the context of selected theoretical perspectives, views of various authors [K_U05]
is able to animate the development of participants in pedagogical processes and support their independence in acquiring knowledge, as well as inspire actions for lifelong learning [K_U06]
is able to use ethical principles and norms in his/her activity, notices and analyses ethical dilemmas [K_U07]
is able to work in a team playing different roles; is able to accept and assign tasks, has basic organisational skills, which enable him/her to meet objectives related to designing and taking professional actions [K_U08]
is able to analyse his/her own actions and identify possible areas for modification in future action [K_U09]
clearly and comprehensibly communicates with others in a foreign language at the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, making use of his/her knowledge and terminology [KJ.2023_U]
asks questions, analyzes research problems and finds solutions to them based on the knowledge, skills and experience he/she has gained within the chosen academic discipline in conjunction with the leading discipline of the degree programme; communicates the results of his/her work in a way which is clear and understandable not only to specialists [MOB.2023_U01]
has advanced skills in asking research questions, analyzing problems or providing practical solutions to them based on the knowledge, experience and skills gained within the chosen academic discipline in the context of other disciplines [OMU.2023_U01]

The graduate:
is ready for continuous professional and personal development, self-evaluation of his/her competences and improvement of skills, setting directions for his/her own development and education [K_K01]
is ready to appreciate the importance of pedagogical sciences for the maintenance and development of proper relations in social environments and applies the acquired knowledge to design professional activities [K_K02]
is ready to observe the principles of ethics in research and to require this from others [K_K03]
is ready to appreciate the traditions and achievements of scientific research in pedagogy and to continue and extend them to new areas and research procedures [K_K04]
is ready to meet social obligations, co-organize activities for the benefit of the community and is open to scientific solutions to cognitive and practical problems [MOB.2023_K01]
acknowledges and makes use of knowledge from different disciplines and is ready to change opinion in the light of scientifically proven arguments [OMU.2023_K01]
The graduate:
knows and understands the basics of the philosophy of upbringing and pedagogical axiology, the specificity of the main upbringing environments, and the processes in them occurring in them [KN1_W01]
knows and understands classical and contemporary theories of human development, upbringing, learning and teaching or education and their application values [KN1_W02]
knows and understands the role of the teacher or educator in modelling pupils' attitudes and behaviour [KN1_W03]
knows and understands the standards, procedures and good practices used in pedagogical activities (pre-school education, teaching in primary and secondary general education schools, technical and vocational schools, special schools and special and integration classes, in various types of educational centres and in continuing education) [KN1_W04]
knows and understands inclusive education and how to implement the principle of inclusion [KN1_W05]
knows and understands the diversity of pupils' educational needs and the resulting tasks of the school concerning adaptation of the organisation of the process of education and upbringing [KN1_W06]
knows and understands the ways of designing and conducting diagnostic activities in pedagogical practice [KN1_W07]
knows and understands the structure and functions of the educational system - aims, legal basis, organisation and functioning of educational, upbringing and caring institutions, as well as alternative forms of education [KN1_W08]
knows and understands the legal basis of the educational system necessary for the proper implementation of the educational activities carried out [KN1_W09]
knows and understands the rights of the child and of the person with a disability [KN1_W10]
knows and understands the principles of safety and hygiene at work in educational, upbringing and caring institutions and the teacher's legal responsibility in this respect as well as the principles of first aid [KN1_W11]
knows and understands interpersonal and social communication processes and their regularities and disruptions [KN1_W12]
knows and understands the basics of functioning and pathologies of the speech apparatus, the principles of voice emission, the basics of sight and balance [KN1_W13]
knows and understands the content of teaching and the typical difficulties of pupils in mastering it [KN1_W14]
knows and understands teaching methods and the selection of effective teaching resources, including online resources, to support the teaching of a subject or the delivery of lessons, taking into account the different learning needs of students [KN1_W15]
knows and understands the value of the family in a person's personal life, the value of making a positive contribution to the family; knows and understands the components of an attitude of responsible parenting [KN1_W16]
knows and understands the developmental changes of the human body during the prenatal and postnatal periods [KN1_W17]
knows and understands the integral vision of human sexuality and the importance of human acceptance of one's own sexuality [KN1_W18]

The graduate:
is able to observe pedagogical situations and events, analyse them using pedagogical-psychological knowledge and propose solutions to problems [KN1_U01]
is able to select, create and adapt to differentiated needs of pupils materials and means, including ICT, and working methods in order to independently design and effectively carry out pedagogical, didactic, educational and caring activities [KN1_U02]
is able to recognise the needs, abilities and talents of pupils and design and conduct activities supporting the integral development of pupils, their activity and participation in the process of education and upbringing and in social life [KN1_U03]
is able to design and implement curricula taking into account the differentiated learning needs of pupils [KN1_U04]
is able to design and implement educational and preventive programs in terms of educational and preventive content and activities addressed to students, their parents or guardians and teachers [KN1_U05]
is able to create educational-didactic situations motivating pupils to learn and work on themselves, analyse their effectiveness and modify actions in order to achieve desired effects of upbringing and education [KN1_U06]
is able undertake work with pupils that stimulates their interests and develops their talents, appropriately select the content of teaching, tasks and forms of work within the framework of self-education, and promote the achievements of pupils [KN1_U07]
is able develop pupils' creativity and ability to think independently and critically [KN1_U08]
is able effectively animate and monitor the implementation of team-based learning activities [KN1_U09]
is able to use the assessment and feedback process to stimulate students in their self-development work [KN1_U10]
is able to monitor pupils' progress, activity and participation in the school community [KN1_U11]
is able to work with children with special educational needs, including children with adaptation difficulties due to their migrant background, from a culturally diverse background or with limited knowledge of the Polish language [KN1_U12]
is able to organise his/her school and extracurricular activities responsibly, while respecting his/her right to rest [KN1_U13]
is able to effectively implement activities supporting pupils in taking educational and vocational decisions consciously and responsibly [KN1_U14]
can use the Polish language correctly and can use the terminology of the subject appropriately and appropriately to the age of the pupils [KN1_U15]
can use the speech apparatus in accordance with the principles of voice emission [KN1_U16]
is able to administer first aid [KN1_U17]
is able to independently develop pedagogical knowledge and skills using a variety of sources, including foreign language sources and technology [KN1_U18]
is able to help to solve difficulties in adolescence and to choose and realise values serving personal development, an integral vision of the person [KN1_U19]
is able to justify the need for preparation for marriage and starting a family [KN1_U20]
is able to encourage respect for other people, appreciation of their efforts and work, adopting an attitude of self-respect and analysing and expressing feelings [KN1_U21]
is able to develop the ability to protect one's intimacy and sexual integrity and to respect the body of another person [KN1_U22]
can justify the use of media, including the Internet, in a selective manner in order to protect oneself from their destructive effects [KN1_U23]

The graduate:
is ready to use universal ethical principles and norms in his/her professional activity, guided by respect for every human being [KN1_K01]
is ready to build a relationship of mutual trust between all those involved in the education and training process, including the student's parents or guardians, and to involve them in activities that foster educational effectiveness [KN1_K02]
is ready to communicate with people from different backgrounds and emotional states, to resolve conflicts in a dialogical way and to create a good atmosphere for communication in and out of the school classroom [KN1_K03]
is ready to make decisions related to the organisation of the learning process in inclusive education [KN1_K04]
is ready to recognise the specifics of the local environment and to cooperate for the benefit of pupils and this environment [KN1_K05]
is ready to design activities aimed at the development of the school or educational institution and stimulating improvement of the quality of work of these institutions [KN1_K06]
is ready to work as part of a team, to play a variety of roles within it and to cooperate with teachers, educators, specialists, parents or carers of pupils and other members of the school and local community [KN1_K07]
The graduate:
knows and understands the basics of the philosophy of upbringing and pedagogical axiology, the specificity of the main upbringing environments, and the processes in them occurring in them [KN3_W01]
knows classical and contemporary theories of human development, upbringing, learning and teaching or education, socialisation and the various determinants of these processes [KN3_W02]
knows and understands the origins and place of special pedagogy in science and its subject and methodological links with the fields of social sciences, humanities, and medical and health sciences; [KN3_W03]
knows and understands the fields of special pedagogy [KN3_W04]
knows and understands the concepts of rehabilitation, education, re-socialization and therapy of pupils with special educational needs and the various conditions of these processes [KN3_W05]
knows and understands applied research methodology in the humanities and social sciences, in particular the principles of designing and conducting research in special pedagogy, and the postulate of multi-paradigm [KN3_W06]
knows and understands the methodological assumptions and principles as well as ethical standards for designing and conducting research in the field of special education [KN3_W07]
knows and understands the principles and ethical standards applicable to rehabilitation, education, therapy and re-socialization [KN3_W08]
knows and understands the modern approach to the problems of students with special educational needs and the resulting new forms of education, including integration and inclusion [KN3_W09]
knows the system of special education in the context of the general education system [KN3_W10]
knows and understands the organization and methodology of education for pupils with special educational needs in an inclusive and integrated system, in particular models of cooperation between special educators and teachers, specialists, parents or carers, as well as models of lesson individualization, effective teaching strategies, and universal lesson design [KN3_W11]
knows and understands a substantive and methodical basis for teaching - according to the chosen field of special pedagogy [KN3_W12]
knows and understands the basics of functioning and pathologies of the speech apparatus and the principles of effective use of speech [KN3_W13]
knows and understands interpersonal and social communication processes and their regularities and disruptions [KN3_W14]
knows and understands the rules of first aid [KN3_W15]
knows and understands the principles of intellectual property protection [KN3_W16]

The graduate:
is able to use and integrate the knowledge of special pedagogy and related disciplines to analyze rehabilitation, educational, therapeutic, and re-socialization problems [KN3_U01]
is able to recognize and interpret social phenomena, showing their links with different areas of special pedagogy, the social sciences, the humanities, and medical and health sciences [KN3_U02]
is able to distinguish methodological orientations in pedagogical research, formulate research objectives and problems, apply the selection of adequate methods and techniques, construct research tools, elaborate, present, and interpret research results, draw conclusions, indicate directions for further research within the selected scope of special pedagogy [KN3_U03]
is able to diagnose complex rehabilitation, educational, therapeutic, and resocialization situations, design and conduct classes taking into account the special educational needs of students [KN3_U04]
use current psychological and pedagogical concepts in the planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the process of upbringing and teaching students with special educational needs [KN3_U05]
is able to use psychological knowledge at a basic level and pedagogical knowledge at an extended level and acquire data to analyze behaviors, processes, and phenomena in the fields of rehabilitation, education, therapy, and re-socialization [KN3_U06]
is able to teach in a heterogeneous group, individualize tasks, adapt methods and content to the needs and abilities of pupils, including pupils with special educational needs, and use the principles and methods of individual lesson design [KN3_U07]
is able to implement effective programs to increase pupils' cognitive skills and social competences and programs to improve the peer integration of pupils with special educational needs [KN3_U08]
is able to work as part of a team in a variety of roles, to take on and delegate tasks, cooperate with teachers, professionals, parents, and carers of pupils [KN3_U09]
analyze own pedagogical, didactic, educational, caring, and rehabilitation activities, identify areas for modification, experimentation, and implementation of innovative actions [KN3_U10]
is able to design, conduct and evaluate activities - in accordance with the chosen field of the area of special pedagogy [KN3_U11]
is able to use the Polish language correctly and in an age-appropriate way use specialist terminology for pupils [KN3_U12]
can use the speech apparatus in accordance with the principles of voice emission [KN3_U13]
is able to administer first aid [KN3_U14]
is able to collaborate with members of research teams at every stage of the design and implementation of research [KN3_U15]
can independently develop knowledge and pedagogical skills using a variety of sources, including foreign language sources and technologies [KN3_U16]
can creatively use theories of human development, socialization, upbringing, and teaching-learning and critically evaluate them [KN3_U17]

The graduate:
is ready to apply universal ethical principles and norms in his/her professional activity, guided by respect for every human being [KN3_K01]
appreciates the importance of building a relationship of mutual trust between all those involved in the education and training process, including the parents or guardians of pupils, and involving them in activities that foster educational effectiveness [KN3_K02]
is ready to communicate and cooperate with the environment and actively participate in groups and organizations implementing educational, rehabilitative, therapeutic, and resocialisation [KN3_K03]
is ready to communicat with people from different backgrounds and with different emotional conditions emotional state, resolving conflicts in a dialogical manner, and creating a good atmosphere for communication in the school classroom and beyond [KN3_K04]
is ready to recognizes the importance of diagnosing the specific characteristics of the local and regional environment and their impact on pupils' functioning, and of working together for the benefit of pupils and these environments [KN3_K05]
is ready to take action to improve the quality of the pre-school, school or educational establishment [KN3_K06]
is prepared to work as part of a team, to play a variety of roles within it, and to cooperate with teachers, educators, specialists, parents or carers of pupils and other members of the school and local community [KN3_K07]
is ready to appreciate the tradition and heritage of research in special education and to continue and expand it into new areas and research procedures [KN3_K08]
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
History of Education [W6-PE-S1-HW] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Introduction to Philosophy [W6-PE-S1-WDF] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Introduction to sociology [W6-PE-S1-WDS] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Basics of Developmental and Social Psychology [W6-PE-WZ-S1-PPRS] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
General Didactics [W6-PE-S1-DO] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Pedagogy [W6-PE-WZ-S1-PED] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Psychology [W6-PE-WZ-S1-PS] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Vocal Emission [W6-PE-S1-EG] Polish course work practical classes: 15 1
Specialization modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Basics of Multi-and Intercultural Education [W6-PE-WZ-S1-PEWIM] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Basics of Special Education [W6-PE-WZ-S1-PPS] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Family Pedagogy [W6-PE-WZ-S1-PRO] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Field modules
Biomedical Basis of Development and Upbringing [W6-PE-S1-BPR] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
History of Education [W6-PE-S1-B2.HW] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Introduction to Philosophy [W6-PE-S1-WDF] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Introduction to sociology [W6-PE-S1-WDS] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Basics of Developmental and Social Psychology [W6-PE-S1-B1.PPRS] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
General Didactics [W6-PE-S1-C1.DO] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Pedagogy [W6-PE-S1-B2.PED] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Psychology [W6-PE-S1-B1.PS] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Vocal Emission [W6-PE-S1-F.EG] Polish course work practical classes: 15 1
Specialization modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Basics of special education [W6-PE-KT-S1-C3.PPS] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Fundamentals of Correctional Pedagogy [W6-PE-KT-S1-E1.PPK] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Prenatal Pedagogy [W6-PE-KT-S1-E1.PP] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Field modules
Biomedical Basis of Development and Upbringing [W6-PE-S1-C1.BPR] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
History of Education [W6-PE-S1-B2.HW] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Introduction to Philosophy [W6-PE-S1-WDF] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Introduction to sociology [W6-PE-S1-WDS] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Basics of Developmental and Social Psychology [W6-PE-S1-B1.PPRS] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
General Didactics [W6-PE-S1-C1.DO] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Pedagogy [W6-PE-S1-B2.PED] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Psychology [W6-PE-S1-B1.PS] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Vocal Emission [W6-PE-S1-F.EG] Polish course work practical classes: 15 1
Specialization modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Basics of Special Education [W6-PE-SR-S1-PPS] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Deviations and Social Pathologies [W6-PE-SR-S1-DPS] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
History of Resocialization Pedagogy [W6-PE-SR-S1-HPR] Polish course work practical classes: 15 2
Field modules
Biomedical Basis of Development and Upbringing [W6-PE-S1-C1.BPR] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Communication and Information Technologies [W6-PE-WZ-S1-TIK] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 3
Intellectual Property Protection [W6-PE-S1-OWI] Polish course work lecture: 5 1
Methods of Pedagogical Research [W6-PE-S1-MBP] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Language Culture [W6-PE-WZ-S1-KJ] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Pedagogy - Workshops [W6-PE-WZ-S1-PEDW] Polish course work practical classes: 45 2
Premedical First Aaid [W6-PE-S1-PPR] Polish course work practical classes: 15 1
Psychology - Workshops [W6-PE-WZ-S1-PSW] Polish course work practical classes: 45 2
Specialization modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Basics of care and Education Pedagogy [W6-PE-WZ-S1-PPOW] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 15
Creative Pedagogy [W6-PE-WZ-S1-PT] Polish course work practical classes: 15 2
Social Skills Workshop. Interpersonal Skills Development Workshop [W6-PE-WZ-S1-WKS.RUS] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Field modules
Theory of Education [W6-PE-S1-TW] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Open access modules
Foreign language course 1 [LJO-2023-01] course work language classes: 30 3
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0
Practice (in the Field of Psychological and Pedagogical Preparation) [W6-PE-WZ-S1-PZPP] Polish course work internship: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Communication and Information Technologies [W6-PE-S1-F4.TIK] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 3
Intellectual Property Protection [W6-PE-S1-G.OWI] Polish course work lecture: 5 1
Methods of Pedagogical Research [W6-PE-S1-G.MBP] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Language Culture [W6-PE-S1-F.KJ] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Pedagogy - Workshops [W6-PE-S1-B2.PEDW] Polish course work practical classes: 45 2
Premedical First Aid [W6-PE-S1-F3.PPR] Polish course work practical classes: 15 1
Psychology - Workshops [W6-PE-S1-B1.PSW] Polish course work practical classes: 45 2
Specialization modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Basics of Pedagogy of People with Intellectual Disabilities [W6-PE-KT-S1-C3.PNI] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Organizational Contexts in inclusive Education [W6-PE-KT-S1-D5.KOE] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
The Basics of Arttherapy [W6-PE-KT-S1-C3.PA] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Field modules
Theory of Education [W6-PE-S1-B2.TW] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Open access modules
Foreign language course 1 [LJO-2023-01] course work language classes: 30 3
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0
Practice (in the Field of Psychological and Pedagogical Preparation) [W6-PE-S1-B3.PZPP] Polish course work internship: 30 3
Professional Practice: Practice with Tutoring part.1 [W6-PE-KT-S1-E3.PT.1] Polish course work internship: 10 1
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Communication and Information Technologies [W6-PE-S1-F4.TIK] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 3
Intellectual Property Protection [W6-PE-S1-G.OWI] Polish course work lecture: 5 1
Methods of Pedagogical Research [W6-PE-S1-G.MBP] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Language Culture [W6-PE-S1-F.KJ] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Pedagogy - Workshops [W6-PE-S1-B2.PEDW] Polish course work practical classes: 45 2
Premedical First Aid [W6-PE-S1-F3.PPR] Polish course work practical classes: 15 1
Psychology - Workshops [W6-PE-S1-B1.PSW] Polish course work practical classes: 45 2
Specialization modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Basics of Sociotherapy [W6-PE-SR-S1-PST] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Prevention and Health Promotion [W6-PE-SR-S1-PPZ] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Theoretical Basis of Resocialization Pedagogy [W6-PE-SR-S1-TPPR] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 15
Field modules
Theory of Education [W6-PE-S1-B2.TW] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Open access modules
Foreign language course 1 [LJO-2023-01] course work language classes: 30 3
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0
Practice (in the Field of Psychological and Pedagogical Preparation) [W6-PE-S1-B3.PZPP] Polish course work internship: 30 3
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Main Doctrines and Pedagogical Systems [W6-PE-S1-GDSP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Social Pedagogy [W6-PE-S1-PS] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Sociology of Upbringing [W6-PE-S1-SW] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Proseminar [W6-PE-WZ-S1-PROS] Polish course work proseminar: 30 3
Specialization modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Activating Methods in the Care and Educational Work [W6-PE-WZ-S1-MAP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Care and Support Institutions [W6-PE-WZ-S1-IOW] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Communication in the Family [W6-PE-WZ-S1-KR] Polish course work practical classes: 15 1
Fundamentals of Sexology [W6-PE-WZ-S1-PSE] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Intercultural Competences Workshop [W6-PE-WZ-S1-WKM] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Legal Bases of Care and Support of a Family Work [W6-PE-WZ-S1-1PPD] Polish course work lecture: 15 2
Open access modules
Foreign language course 2 [LJO-2023-02] course work language classes: 30 3
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0
Professional Practice After the First Year [W6-PE-WZ-S1-PZ1] Polish course work internship: 90 3
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Main Doctrines and Pedagogical Systems [W6-PE-S1-B2.GDSP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Social Pedagogy [W6-PE-S1-PS] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Sociology of Upbringing [W6-PE-S1-SW] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Basics of Deaf Education [W6-PE-S1-C1.PS] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Proseminar [W6-PE-S1-G.PRO] Polish course work proseminar: 30 3
Specialization modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Basics of Individual Revalidation [W6-PE-KT-S1-D2.PRI] Polish course work practical classes: 15 1
Child and Adolescent Psychopathology [W6-PE-KT-S1-PDM] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Fundamentals of Methodology of Care and Educational Work [W6-PE-KT-S1-PMPO] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Methodology of Educational-Therapeutic Work with a Student with Special Educational Needs [W6-PE-KT-S1-D3.MPET] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Open access modules
Foreign language course 2 [LJO-2023-02] course work language classes: 30 3
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0
Professional Practice After the First Year [W6-PE-KT-S1-PZ.1] Polish course work internship: 90 3
Professional Practice: Practice with Tutoring part.2 [W6-PE-KT-S1-E3.PT.2] Polish course work internship: 10 1
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Main Doctrines and Pedagogical Systems [W6-PE-S1-B2.GDSP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Social Pedagogy [W6-PE-S1-PS] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Sociology of Upbringing [W6-PE-S1-SW] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Basics of Deaf Education [W6-PE-S1-C1.PS] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Proseminar [W6-PE-S1-G.PRO] Polish course work proseminar: 30 3
Specialization modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Basics of Pedagogy of People with Intellectual Disabilities [W6-PE-SR-S1-PPNI] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Child and Adolescent Psychopathology [W6-PE-SR-S1-PDM] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Organization and Methods of Social Rehabilitation in the Open Environment [W6-PE-SR-S1-OMOS] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Psychopedagogical Diagnosis in Resocialization and Sociotherapy [W6-PE-SR-S1-DPRS] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Open access modules
Foreign language course 2 [LJO-2023-02] course work language classes: 30 3
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0
Mid-Year Professional Practice with Tutoring part 1 [W6-PE-SR-S1-PZT1] Polish course work internship: 15 1
Professional Practice After the First Year [W6-PE-SR-S1-PZ1] Polish course work internship: 90 3
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Diploma Seminar part 1 [W6-PE-WZ-S1-SD.1] Polish course work seminar: 30 4
Specialization modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Basics of the Diagnosis of the Social and Educational Environment in Theory and Practice [W6-PE-WZ-S1-PDSS] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Children and Youth's Developmental and Behavioural Disorders [W6-PE-WZ-S1-ZRZ] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Counseling in Care and Educational Work [W6-PE-WZ-S1-3PPOW] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Fundamentals of Methodology of Care and Educational Work [W6-PE-WZ-S1-PMPO] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Resocialization Pedagogy [W6-PE-WZ-S1-PR] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Social Competence Workshop. Designing Activities in the Environment [W6-PE-WZ-S1-WKS.PDS] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Social Competence Workshops. Activating the Local Community [W6-PE-WZ-S1-WKS.ASL] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Open access modules
Foreign language course 3 [LJO-2023-03] course work language classes: 30 3
Open University Module [OMU-2023-SS-01-OG] course work depending on the choice: 30 3
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Diploma Seminar part 1 [W6-PE-S1-SD.1] Polish course work seminar: 30 4
Social Divisions and Inequality [W6-PE-S1-D1.SPN] Polish course work practical classes: 15 1
Specialization modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Children and youth's developmental and behavioural disorders [W6-PE-KT-S1-C2.ZRZ] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Corrective-Compensatory Methodology [W6-PE-KT-S1-D3.MZKK] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Fundamentals of Pedagogy of People with Autism Spectrum [W6-PE-KT-S1-C1.PPSA] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Psychopedagogical Diagnosis [W6-PE-KT-S1-C6.DP] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Special Andragogy [W6-PE-KT-S1-C4.AS] Polish course work practical classes: 15 3
The Creative Workshop of the Educator [W6-PE-KT-S1-E2.TWP] Polish course work practical classes: 45 3
Open access modules
Foreign language course 3 [LJO-2023-03] course work language classes: 30 3
Open University Module [OMU-2023-SS-01-OG] course work depending on the choice: 30 3
Professional Practice: Practice with Tutoring part.3 [W6-PE-KT-S1-E3.PT.3] Polish course work internship: 10 1
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Diploma Seminar part 1 [W6-PE-S1-SD.1] Polish course work seminar: 30 4
Social Divisions and Inequality [W6-PE-S1-D1.SPN] Polish course work practical classes: 15 1
Specialization modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Basics of Multi-and Intercultural Education [W6-PE-SR-S1-PEWM] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Fundamentals of Methodology of Care and Educational Work [W6-PE-SR-S1-PMPO] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Legal and Social Conditions of the Process of Resocialization and Sociotherapy [W6-PE-SR-S1-PSU] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 15
Methodology of Resocialization [W6-PE-SR-S1-MR] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Organisation and Functioning of Resoscialization Institutions [W6-PE-SR-S1-EPPR] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
The Basics of Arttherapy [W6-PE-SR-S1-PA] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Open access modules
Foreign language course 3 [LJO-2023-03] course work language classes: 30 3
Open University Module [OMU-2023-SS-01-OG] course work depending on the choice: 30 3
Mid-Year Professional Practice with Tutoring part 2 [W6-PE-SR-S1-PZT2] Polish course work internship: 15 1
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Diploma Seminar part 2 [W6-PE-WZ-S1-SD.2] Polish course work seminar: 30 4
Specialization modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Ethics of Marital and Family Life [W6-PE-WZ-S1-EZM] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Methodology of Upbringing for Family Life part 1 (didactics of the subject) [W6-PE-WZ-S1-MPWZ] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Person with a Disability in the Family [W6-PE-WZ-S1-ONR] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Social Prevention [W6-PE-WZ-S1-6PS] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Supporting a dysfunctional family in a local environment [W6-PE-WZ-S1-WRD] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
The Basics of Statistics [W6-PE-WZ-S1-POS] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Programme co-related modules
Module in the "Civil Society and Entrepreneurship" area [MO-2023-SS-SOP] course work depending on the choice: 30 3
Open access modules
Foreign language course 4 [LJO-2023-04] course work language classes: 30 3
Professional Practice After the Second Year [W6-PE-WZ-S1-PZ2] Polish course work internship: 90 3
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Basics of Typhlopedagogy [W6-PE-S1-C1.PT] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Diploma Seminar part 2 [W6-PE-S1-SD.2] Polish course work seminar: 30 3
Fundamentals of Gifted Person Pedagogy [W6-PE-S1-C1.PPOU] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Specialization modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Basics of Therapeutic Pedagogy [W6-PE-KT-S1-C1.PPL] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Legal Aspects of the Functioning of a Student with Specific Learning Difficulties [W6-PE-KT-S1-E1.PAFU] Polish course work lecture: 10 2
Social Risks and Pathologies [W6-PE-KT-S1-D1.ZPS] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Special Didactics [W6-PE-KT-S1-C5.DS] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Therapy Methods for Specific Reading and Writing Difficulties [W6-PE-KT-S1-E2.MTTCP] Polish course work practical classes: 45 4
Programme co-related modules
Module in the "Civil Society and Entrepreneurship" area [MO-2023-SS-SOP] course work depending on the choice: 30 3
Open access modules
Foreign language course 4 [LJO-2023-04] course work language classes: 30 3
Professional Practice After the Second Year [W6-PE-KT-S1-PZ.2] Polish course work internship: 90 3
Professional Practice: Practice with Tutoring part.4 [W6-PE-KT-S1-D6.PT.4] Polish course work internship: 15 1
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Basics of Typhlopedagogy [W6-PE-S1-C1.PT] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Diploma Seminar part 2 [W6-PE-S1-SD.2] Polish course work seminar: 30 3
Fundamentals of Gifted Person Pedagogy [W6-PE-S1-C1.PPOU] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Specialization modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Basics of Crisis Intervention [W6-PE-SR-S1-PIK] Polish course work practical classes: 15 2
Methodology of Sociotherapy part 1 [W6-PE-SR-S1-MS.1] Polish course work practical classes: 45 4
Methods of Creative Resocialization [W6-PE-SR-S1-MTR] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Organisation of Social Rehabilitation Interventions in the School Education System [W6-PE-SR-S1-OMSO] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
The Basics of Career and Education Counseling [W6-PE-SR-S1-PDZE] Polish course work practical classes: 15 1
Programme co-related modules
Module in the "Civil Society and Entrepreneurship" area [MO-2023-SS-SOP] course work depending on the choice: 30 3
Open access modules
Foreign language course 4 [LJO-2023-04] course work language classes: 30 3
Mid-Year Professional Practice with Tutoring part 3 [W6-PE-SR-S1-PZT3] Polish course work internship: 15 1
Professional Practice After the Second Year [W6-PE-SR-S1-PZ.2] Polish course work internship: 90 3
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Diploma Seminar part3 [W6-PE-WZ-S1-SD.3] Polish course work seminar: 30 4
Specialization modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Basics of Sociotherapy [W6-PE-WZ-S1-PST] Polish course work practical classes: 45 4
Child's Development in Family [W6-PE-WZ-S1-RDR] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Family Mediation Skills Workshop [W6-PE-WZ-S1-WMR] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Fundamentals of Geragogy [W6-PE-WZ-S1-PG] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Methodology of Upbringing for Family Life Part 2 (didactics of the subject) [W6-PE-WZ-S1-MPWZ.2] Polish course work practical classes: 45 3
Personal and Professional Skills Workshop [W6-PE-WZ-S1-WUOZ] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Prevention and Health Promotion [W6-PE-WZ-S1-PPZ] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Sociology of Marriage and Family [W6-PE-WZ-S1-SMR] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Supporting children and young people in independent learning and development of talents [W6-PE-WZ-S1-WSU] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Diploma Seminar part 3 [W6-PE-S1-SD.3] Polish course work seminar: 30 5
Workshop for Interpersonal Skills Development [W6-PE-S1-E2.WRIU] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Specialization modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Basics of Sociotherapy [W6-PE-KT-S1-D4.PST] Polish course work practical classes: 20 3
Cooperation with Parents, Professionals and Institutional Support [W6-PE-KT-S1-C3.WRS] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Methodology for the Construction of Therapeutic, Educational and Upbringing programmes [W6-PE-KT-S1-B2.MKP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Prevention and Health Promotion [W6-PE-KT-S1-E2.PPZ] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Psychological and Pedagogical Foundations of Corrective Pedagogy [W6-PE-KT-S1-E1.PPPK] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Psychopedagogical Prevention of Specific Learning Difficulties [W6-PE-KT-S1-E2.PPSTU] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Resocialization Pedagogy [W6-PE-KT-S1-C1.PR] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Therapy Methods for Specific Learning Difficulties in Mathematics [W6-PE-KT-S1-E2.MTSTM] Polish course work practical classes: 45 3
Professional Practice: Practice with Tutoring part.5 [W6-PE-KT-S1-D6.PT.5] Polish course work internship: 15 1
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Diploma Seminar part 3 [W6-PE-S1-SD.3] Polish course work seminar: 30 5
Workshop for Interpersonal Skills Development [W6-PE-S1-E2.WRIU] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Specialization modules preparing for the teaching profession (organized at the programme level)
Fundamentals of Pedagogy of People with Autism Spectrum [W6-PE-SR-S1-PPSA] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Mediation and Negotiation Techniques [W6-PE-SR-S1-TMN] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Methodology of Constructing Therapeutic, Educational and Preventive Programs [W6-PE-SR-S1-MKP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Methodology of Sociotherapy part 2 [W6-PE-SR-S1-MS.2] Polish course work field practice: 45 3
Methods of Working with a Dysfunctional Family [W6-PE-SR-S1-MPRD] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Organisation and Methodology of Rehabilitation Interventions in Penitentiary units [W6-PE-SR-S1-OMOZP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Organisation and Methodology of the Probation Officer's Work [W6-PE-SR-S1-OMPK] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Organization and Methods of Addiction Therapy [W6-PE-SR-S1-OMTU] Polish course work practical classes: 15 2
Mid-Year Professional Practice with Tutoring part 4 [W6-PE-SR-S1-PZT4] Polish course work internship: 15 1