Entrepreneurship Studies Programme code: W5-S1PB19.2024

Field of study: Entrepreneurship Studies
Programme code: W5-S1PB19.2024
Programme code (USOS): W5-S1PB19
Faculty: Faculty of Law and Administration
Language of study: Polish
Academic year of entry: winter semester 2024/2025
Level of qualifications/degree: first-cycle studies
Mode of study: full-time
Degree profile: practical
Number of semesters: 6
Degree: licencjat (Bachelor's Degree)
Number of ECTS credits required to achieve the qualification equivalent to the level of study: 180
Leading discipline: law (social sciences)
ISCED code: 0413
The number and date of the Senate’s resolution: 566/2024 (25/06/2024)
General characteristics of the field of study and the assumed concept of education:
The aim of Bachelor's degree course is to prepare the graduate to run his or her own business or take up a job in a position related to the management and organization of an enterprise. The study profile is intended to ensure that every aspect of starting and running a business and knowledge of the company's structure will take into account both the legal and economic context and will be embedded in practice to the greatest extent possible. This assumption is reflected in the proposed study program, the axis of which is the life cycle of an enterprise, starting from its creation and commencement of business activity, through the functioning of entrepreneurs in trade and the entrepreneur's responsibility, to - finally - liquidation and termination of business activity. Due to the fact that each stage in the enterprise life cycle is associated with the need to master specific knowledge and specific skills, the selection and sequence of modules in the field of entrepreneurship in subsequent semesters have been carefully considered. The introductory issues (first semester) in first-cycle studies are therefore microeconomics and the basics of marketing, management and entrepreneurship, as well as IT in management and the basics of civil law. Discussion of content related to the creation of business entities and starting a business will begin in the second semester; the context here will be issues in the field of strategic management and operational, basics of descriptive statistics, basics of law and administrative proceedings, business psychology and content related to digitalization and personal development. The following semesters - III and IV - assume concentration on related issues with the financing of business activities and the functioning of entities in economic transactions; therefore, they will be accompanied (in the field of legal sciences) by the basics of: labor law and social security, tax law, investing in domestic and foreign markets, EU law; Attention will also be devoted to the practical aspects of creating contracts in business transactions and the civil liability of the entrepreneur, and then - of managers and partners. In the field of economic sciences, this context will be complemented by the basics of: accounting and logistics, human resources management, e-Entrepreneurship and business models and strategies. Specialist education at this stage will also be complemented by developing critical thinking skills. In the fifth semester, the program will focus on the control and then - liquidation and bankruptcy of the entrepreneur; this content will be accompanied by issues related to business taxation, risk management, marketing and market research, and intellectual property in business activities. During the last sixth semester, the student's work will be devoted primarily to the implementation of professional practice and the preparation of a diploma thesis or bachelor's project. As part of their studies, students will also complete 720 hours of student internships, which will enable them to gain experience in business practice. In the modified study program, internships will be carried out starting from the 4th semester (180 hours), with accumulation in the 6th semester (360 hours).
Graduation requirements:
The condition for admission to the diploma examination is to achieve the learning outcomes provided for in the study program, to obtain a certificate of an appropriate level of language proficiency in a foreign language and to obtain positive grades for the diploma dissertation. The condition for graduation is to pass the diploma examination with at least a satisfactory result. A graduate receives a higher education diploma confirming obtaining the qualifications of the appropriate degree. Detailed rules of the diploma process and the requirements for the diploma thesis are set out in the Rules and Regulations of Studies at the University of Silesia and the diploma regulations.
Internships (hours and conditions):
Internships are an integral part of the study program, carried out by students in individual fields, levels, profiles and forms of study. Internships are to help in confronting the knowledge acquired during studies with the requirements of the labour market, acquiring skills useful in the profession, learning about practical issues related to working in positions for which the student is prepared during the course of studies. The internship is to familiarize the student with professional language relevant to a specific industry and work culture. The rules for the organization of internships are set out in the Rector's ordinance. Detailed rules of apprenticeship taking into account the specifics of particular fields of study are set out in the field's of study apprenticeship regulations, in particular: learning outcomes assumed to be achieved by the student during the apprenticeship, framework apprenticeship program including a description of issues, dimension of apprenticeship (number of weeks of practice); form of internship (continuous, mid-year), criteria for choosing the place of internship, obligations of the student staying in the internship, obligations of the academic tutor, conditions for completing the internship by the student and conditions for exemption from the internship obligation in whole or in part. The number of ECTS and the number of hours are specified in the course structure.
Information on the relationship between the studies and the university's strategy as well as the socio-economic needs that determine the conduct of studies and the compliance of learning outcomes with these needs:
Studies at Bachelor's degree course "Entrepreneurship" have been developed in close connection with the goals set out in the Strategy Development of the University of Silesia for 2020-2025. The key strategic goal of the University is to transform the University of Silesia into a research university with the highest level of education, strongly linked to scientific activities (POB 1). In this context, the study program in Entrepreneurship has been developed in such a way that it culminates in the preparation of a diploma thesis (bachelor's thesis) or a bachelor's project (it may be, for example, a business plan for a specific activity or the preparation of an application for co-financing of a new business activity or projects implemented in an existing enterprise). [under a national or EU subsidy] or another project form, appropriate for people who started running a business during their studies, completed a foreign professional internship, or participated in a faculty research project). This is to be achieved through classes that familiarize students with taking up scientific challenges, both as part of research teams and in individual teaching work. This aims to build the best tradition of universitas - a community of learners and scholars, a place for transmitting knowledge, skills and academic values. According to the University of Silesia Development Strategy, the University's educational offer is to be modern, related to scientific research and attractive to students and candidates for studies. Due to this, and with the educational needs of students in mind, studies at Bachelor's degree course "Entrepreneurship" has been prepared to respond as fully as possible to the needs of the labor market and the expectations of graduates. Importantly, its aim is to acquire knowledge and universal skills that are typical of university education. The aim of modifying the Entrepreneurship study program was to combine the provision of information taking into account the latest state of knowledge and shaping a rational image of the world with the development of skills directly useful to a person in running their own business or taking up a job in a position related to the management and organization of an enterprise. This field of study will allow students to acquire in-depth knowledge and skills in the field of law, economics and management, which is crucial for future work in the business sector, undertaking second-cycle studies, and will also contribute to preparing graduates for active participation in socio-economic life. The University of Silesia Development Strategy for 2020-2025 also emphasizes the interdisciplinary nature of education. Entrepreneurship studies also perfectly fit this goal, combining knowledge in the field of law, economics and management, which in turn will allow students to acquire comprehensive competences sought on the labor market. To sum up, the Entrepreneurship study program has been modified taking into account POB research issues, expectations of the socio-economic environment and employers (with particular emphasis on the WPiA Expert Council), expectations of current graduates of faculties taught at WPiA and global challenges. Therefore, there is no doubt that first-cycle studies in Entrepreneurship are in line with the strategic goal of the University of Silesia, which is education at the highest level, adapted to the constantly changing needs of the socio-economic environment. A desirable component of modern education, in the opinion of both representatives of domestic and foreign offices and institutions, as well as all external stakeholders, is the combination of professional and general competencies, such as: communication skills for establishing relationships and solving problems, critical and analytical thinking, cooperation and creativity. First-cycle studies in Entrepreneurship are aimed at preparing you to run your own business or take up a job in a position related to the management and organization of an enterprise. A graduate of this field will have in-depth knowledge of the theoretical foundations of law, economics and management, the structures of state and private institutions participating in economic transactions, and the important relationships between structures and institutions in the economy in the local, regional and global dimensions. In addition, the graduate will have knowledge of economic principles and organizational rules determining the functioning of basic social and economic structures. Thanks to the studies completed, the student will also have the ability to recognize, diagnose and solve problems related to issues such as people management within the business or positions held, and be able to obtain and analyze information in order to then use it to increase the effectiveness of their work. Importantly, the graduate will be familiar with the legal system, which will allow him/her to find and interpret legal provisions, as well as to apply the acquired knowledge in a practical way (conclude contracts, prepare letters, decisions or appeals). Additionally, he will be able to use basic micro and macroeconomic methods in practice, as well as: indicate limitations and conditions affecting the decision-making process, implement projects, analyze and perform other forms of activity typical of an entrepreneur, organizer, and manager. Knows a foreign language at the B2 level of proficiency of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​of the Council of Europe. The graduate also has the competence to work in a team and is able to independently acquire both practical and theoretical knowledge, as well as is capable of entrepreneurial action. The graduate has competences in the use of information technologies, with particular emphasis on the use of databases.
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits:
  • law (social sciences): 70%
  • management and quality studies (social sciences): 20%
  • economics and finance (social sciences): 10%
The graduate:
has advanced knowledge of the theoretical foundations of the science of law and knows advanced principles of economics [W_01]
knows and understands the legal regulations on the creation, operation and liquidation of the enterprise [W_02]
has knowledge of the critical relationships between structures and institutions in the economy locally, regionally and globally [W_03]
knows the mechanisms of human capital management to an advanced degree [W_04]
knows to an advanced degree the legal and economic conditions of doing business [W_05]
knows the principles concerning the protection of industrial property and copyright law [W_06]
knows the conditions for the development of individual entrepreneurship, career paths in different types of organizations and how to plan them [W_07]
knows the patterns of economic and social decision-making in organizations of different types and sizes [W_08]
knows the mutual influence of the internal and external environment on the organization, the work of professional groups, teams, employees and management processes [W_09]
knows the patterns of identifying one's potential and unlocking the potential of the organization [W_10]
has advanced knowledge of selected scientific or scholarly theories and methods, is familiar with the issues specific to the chosen academic discipline and understands its connection with the leading discipline of the degree programme [MOB.2023_W01]
has advanced knowledge of selected scientific theories and methods and is familiar with the issues specific to the selected academic discipline in the context of other disciplines [OMU.2023_W01]

The graduate:
with the help of acquired knowledge, makes accurate assumptions and decisions in the field of business activity [U_01]
has the ability to argue and justify decisions using specialized terminology also in the form of a debate [U_02]
independently drafts letters and contracts necessary in the course of business operations [U_03]
defines the responsibilities of employees and employers, uses labor laws and is able to interpret them [U_04]
applies basic micro and macroeconomic methods in practice [U_05]
indicates the basic legal and financial instruments necessary for the operation of the enterprise and also correctly assesses the legality of the activities in this regard [U_06]
can identify causes and conduct a multidimensional analysis of the determinants of basic economic, organizational, social and managerial processes and phenomena [U_07]
can predict the course of economic processes using standard methods of economic analysis and statistical tools [U_08]
uses digital skills in its business activity [U_09]
can create a business management strategy taking into account variable and entirely unpredictable conditions [U_10]
can determine the priorities of the team's activities, calculate the risks of failures and opportunities for success, control the implementation of the intention defined by him and accept responsibility for its implementation [U_11]
clearly and comprehensibly communicates with others in a foreign language at the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, making use of his/her knowledge and terminology [KJ.2023_U]
asks questions, analyzes research problems and finds solutions to them based on the knowledge, skills and experience he/she has gained within the chosen academic discipline in conjunction with the leading discipline of the degree programme; communicates the results of his/her work in a way which is clear and understandable not only to specialists [MOB.2023_U01]
has advanced skills in asking research questions, analyzing problems or providing practical solutions to them based on the knowledge, experience and skills gained within the chosen academic discipline in the context of other disciplines [OMU.2023_U01]

The graduate:
is prepared to responsibly create and ethically conduct business in compliance with the law [K_01]
is prepared to create and ethically conduct business following the law responsibly [K_02]
has the ability to maintain ethical relationships in a business environment [K_03]
is capable of critical evaluation of his knowledge, entrepreneurial thinking, and action [K_04]
is ready to meet social obligations, co-organize activities for the benefit of the community and is open to scientific solutions to cognitive and practical problems [MOB.2023_K01]
acknowledges and makes use of knowledge from different disciplines and is ready to change opinion in the light of scientifically proven arguments [OMU.2023_K01]
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Basics of civil law [PPC] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 30
Basics of entrepreneurship [PPRZ] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Basics of marketing [PMA] Polish course work lecture: 30 3
Fundamentals of jurisprudence [PPR] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Information technology in management [IwZ] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Management basics [PZA] Polish course work lecture: 30 3
Microeconomics [MIE] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
The subject of general education [PWO] Polish course work lecture: 30 3
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Business psychology [PB] Polish course work lecture: 15 2
Business start-up [PDG] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Creation of entities in economic transactions [TPOG] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Entrepreneur in administrative proceedings [PPA] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 30
Fundamentals of descriptive statistics [PSO] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Strategic management [ZS] Polish course work lecture: 30 3
Group of programme co-related modules 1 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Group of programme co-related modules 2 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Foreign language course 1 [LJO-2023-01] course work language classes: 30 3
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Basics of accounting [PR] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 15
Basics of EU law [PPUE] Polish course work lecture: 15 2
Basics of investing in domestic and foreign markets [PINRKZ] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Basics of logistics [PL] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 15
Basics of tax law [PPP] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Business financing [FDG] Polish course work lecture: 30 2
Functioning of entities in the economic turnover [FPOG] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Group of programme co-related modules 3 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Group of programme co-related modules 4 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Foreign language course 2 [LJO-2023-02] course work language classes: 30 3
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Basics of human resource management [PZZL] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 15
Civil responsibility of entrepreneurs [OCP] Polish course work lecture: 15 2
Diploma module (optional) [MD] Polish course work lecture: 30 3
Diploma seminar part 1 [SD_cz. 1] Polish course work seminar: 30 3
e-Entrepreneurship [eP] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Foundations of labor law and social security law [PPPUS] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 15
Responsibility of managers and partners [OZiW] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Foreign language course 3 [LJO-2023-03] course work language classes: 30 3
Open University Module [OMU-2023-SS-01-OG] course work depending on the choice: 30 3
Interships part 1 [P cz. 1] Polish course work internship: 180 6
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Business liquidation and bankruptcy [LUP] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Business taxation rules [ZODG] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 30
Contracts in business transactions - practical aspects [UOGAP] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Diploma module (optional) [MD] Polish course work lecture: 30 3
Diploma seminar part 2 [SD_cz. 2] Polish course work seminar: 30 3
Intellectual property in business [WIDG] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Market and marketing research [BMR] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 15
Foreign language course 4 [LJO-2023-04] course work language classes: 30 3
Open University Module [OMU-2023-SS-01-OG] course work depending on the choice: 30 3
Interships part 2 [P cz. 2] Polish course work internship: 180 6
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Business models and strategies [MSB] Polish course work lecture: 15 2
Diploma module (optional) [MD] Polish course work lecture: 30 3
Diploma seminar part 3 [SD_cz. 3] Polish course work seminar: 30 6
Entrepreneur's control [KP] Polish course work lecture: 15 2
Risk management [ZR] Polish course work lecture: 15 2
Open University Module [OMU-2023-SS-01-OG] course work depending on the choice: 30 3
Interships part 3 [P cz. 3] Polish course work internship: 360 12