International Studies in Political Science and Diplomacy Programme code: W3-S1MS21.2021

Field of study: International Studies in Political Science and Diplomacy
Programme code: W3-S1MS21.2021
Programme code (USOS): W3-S1MS21
Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences
Language of study: Polish
Academic year of entry: winter semester 2021/2022
Level of qualifications/degree: first-cycle studies
Mode of study: full-time
Degree profile: general academic
Number of semesters: 6
Degree: licencjat (Bachelor's Degree)
Access to further studies: the possibility of applying for the second-cycle studies and postgraduate studies
  • Government Administration and Diplomacy
  • Leadership in International Relations
Semester from which the specializations starts: 1
Scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related and their percentage share in education:
  • political science and public administration (social sciences) [leading discipline]: 81%
  • psychology (social sciences): 11%
  • economics and finance (social sciences): 5%
  • law (social sciences): 2%
  • sociology (social sciences): 1%
ISCED code: 0312
The number and date of the Senate’s resolution: 138 (25/05/2021)
General description of the programme:
The study programme of the International Studies in Political Science and Diplomacy I degree has an interdisciplinary character. It is set in the field of political sciences, with particular emphasis on the international perspective. Students also learn about issues from the field of law, economics, sociology, history and psychology. The study profile is all-academic. Its main determinants are multidisciplinarity and multilingualism, a novelty in the didactic offer of the Faculty of Social Sciences and the University of Silesia. Compulsory classes are conducted in Polish and English. In addition, students learn the basics of French and Spanish with particular emphasis on specialist vocabulary in international relations, public administration and diplomacy. The high level of linguistic competence is intended to enable the graduates to pursue a rewarding professional career in an international and intercultural environment. The main goal of the studies is to prepare graduates for employment in government administration, civil service, local government administration and, above all, in Polish diplomatic missions, international institutions and organisations, including European ones. The programme of the first cycle studies equips the graduates with multifaceted knowledge and competences in the field of social sciences and humanities, the ability to synthesise, analyse and critically interpret the surrounding political, social and economic reality, with particular emphasis on the relations between institutions in the European and international dimension. The aim of the graduate's education is to equip him/her with the knowledge and skills necessary for lifelong learning (self-education) in response to constantly changing criteria for effective professional work. Creative professional activities in an international environment also require ethical and intercultural awareness which is reflected in practical solutions. The study programme of the bachelor's degree in International Studies in Political Science and Diplomacy equips graduates to face the challenges in the fields mentioned above and shapes the skills of making decisions and perceiving their consequences. The programme is the first of its kind offered to both Polish and foreign students. Within the programme, two specialisations are offered: 1. Government Administration and Diplomacy - modules conducted in Polish and English; 2. Leadership in International Relations - modules conducted entirely in English. The study programme realises an optimal concept of combining theoretical and practical issues. Classes are taught by research and teaching staff of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Silesia and external experts, including specialists in political science, law, diplomacy, and international relations. Experienced professionals have the opportunity to become mentors for students of the course. Study visits to diplomatic missions and internships in institutions related to diplomacy and international relations are a key element of the programme realised within International Studies in Political Science and Diplomacy. The necessity of preparing a graduate to work in an international environment is connected with the requirement of being able to speak foreign languages fluently: 1. English at B2+ level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of the Council of Europe 2. French at the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages level B1 3. Spanish at the level of proficiency B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of the Council of Europe. The knowledge of foreign languages should also include specialist terminology necessary for the profession. The bachelor's degree in International Studies in Political Science and Diplomacy was created as a reaction of the academic environment of the University of Silesia to the needs resulting from the functioning of Polish diplomacy in the structures of the European Union. It is now necessary to prepare a cadre of young, optimally trained graduates who can support diplomatic representations and public administration units.
Organization of the process of obtaining a degree:
Dyplomowanie na kierunku Międzynarodowe studia nauk politycznych i dyplomacji odbywa się zgodnie z zasadami określonymi w Regulaminie studiów w Uniwersytecie Śląskim w Katowicach. Ponadto ustalono następujące zasady szczegółowe dla kierunku dostępne pod linkiem:
Connection between the field of study and university development strategy, including the university mission:
Kierunek Międzynarodowe studia nauk politycznych i dyplomacji związany jest z następującymi elementami Strategii Rozwoju Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach na lata 2020 - 2025: 1. Umiędzynarodowienie kształcenia - oferta kształcenia w językach obcych - wykłady profesorów wizytujących z renomowanych ośrodków naukowych 2. Indywidualizacja kształcenia - rozwijanie ścieżek kształcenia interdyscyplinarnego - kształcenie we współpracy z podmiotami zewnętrznymi 3. Podniesienie jakości kształcenia w szczególności poprzez upowszechnienie nowoczesnych metod kształcenia wykorzystujących nowe technologie bazujące na interaktywności - wykorzystanie innowacyjnych metod kształcenia - mieszane formy kształcenia (zajęcia stacjonarne i zajęcia online – wideokonferencje 4. Współpraca z otoczeniem społeczno – gospodarczym.
Specialization: Government Administration and Diplomacy
General description of the specialization:
The specialisation trains experts in diplomacy and administration who will have specialist knowledge in this field. However, more importantly, the chosen specialisation students will experience a practical perspective, which is extremely important for specific governmental and diplomatic positions. It is a specialisation that proposes interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary knowledge, which is why students will have modules on it such as: History of Europe 1789-1945, European integration, French in International Relations, Spanish in International Relations, Debating Skills, French in International Relations, Spanish in International Relations, Psychology of Politics and Leadership, Public Diplomacy - research project, Administration, Diplomatic Protocol, Public Administration, Civil Service. This specialisation opens opportunities for useful development in the organisational structures of government administration and diplomacy; it is supposed to prepare graduates for work in local government administration, civil service, and above all in Polish diplomatic missions, international institutions and organisations, including European ones. Candidates learn French and Spanish during their studies. Candidate's knowledge of these languages is NOT required.
Internships (hours and conditions):
In the course of studies the student is obliged to complete a 4-week-long work placement (160 hours; 6 ECTS points) Regulations and framework programme of internships are available at the link:
Graduation requirements:
On the basis of the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 28 September 2018 on degree programmes (Journal of Laws 2018, item 1861), in connection with § 3 (1), it is stated that the condition for obtaining a first-cycle qualification for a specific field of study, certified with a diploma, is the achievement of all the learning outcomes established in the curriculum.
Number of ECTS credits required to achieve the qualification equivalent to the level of study: 180
Professional qualifications:
(no information given)
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits:
  • political science and public administration (social sciences): 81%
  • psychology (social sciences): 11%
  • economics and finance (social sciences): 5%
  • law (social sciences): 2%
  • sociology (social sciences): 1%
Specialization: Leadership in International Relations
General description of the specialization:
The specialisation educates leaders in EU diplomacy and international politics and aims to introduce leadership as a certain philosophy of having certain talents and particular competences and responsibilities. During the course, these ideas are implemented in the perspective of the knowledge of diplomacy, international relations, the European Union, as this context allows to see the political, social and cultural reality in a broad, global way. Students will therefore have modules such as: History of Europe 1789-1945, European Integration, Personality and Personality Development – workshops, Debating Skills, French in International Relations, Spanish in International Relations, Psychology of Politics and Leadership, Leadership of International Organizations, Introduction to Research Projects, The Art of Being a Leader, Diplomatic Protocol, Public Diplomacy - research project, Crisis communication. Creative professional activities in an international environment require ethical and intercultural awareness. The specialisation teaches how to meet leadership challenges by developing decision-making skills, seeing the consequences, implementing vision and management skills. By choosing this specialisation, students have the opportunity to experience what is at the heart of leadership in today's complex world. Candidates learn French and Spanish during their studies. Candidate's knowledge of these languages is NOT required.
Internships (hours and conditions):
In the course of studies the student is obliged to complete a 4-week-long work placement (160 hours; 6 ECTS points) Regulations and framework programme of internships are available at the link:
Graduation requirements:
On the basis of the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 28 September 2018 on degree programmes (Journal of Laws 2018, item 1861), in connection with § 3 (1), it is stated that the condition for obtaining a first-cycle qualification for a specific field of study, certified with a diploma, is the achievement of all the learning outcomes established in the curriculum.
Number of ECTS credits required to achieve the qualification equivalent to the level of study: 180
Professional qualifications:
(no information given)
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits:
  • political science and public administration (social sciences): 81%
  • psychology (social sciences): 11%
  • economics and finance (social sciences): 5%
  • law (social sciences): 2%
  • sociology (social sciences): 1%
The graduate:
The graduate knows the basic terminology used in international relations and diplomacy; he/she undestands its sources and use in related academic disciplines. [MS_1_W01]
The graduate has the basic knowledge of different kinds of social structures and institutions: cultural, political, legal and economic, functioning in connection to diplomacy. [MS_1_W02]
The graduate has the knowledge of the rules of functioning of political systems and sociopolitical organizations and institutions at the Polish, European and world levels. [MS_1_W03]
The graduate has the basic knowledge of the relations between social structures and institutions at the national and international levels, as well as their connection to diplomacy. [MS_1_W04]
The graduate has the knowledge of historical, economic, social, cultural and legal conditioning of political life. [MS_1_W05]
The graduate has the basic knowledge of political and legal norms. [MS_1_W06]
The gratuate has the knowledge of the mechanisms of managing and political decision-making at the national, European and international levels. [MS_1_W07]
The graduate knows and understands the dynamics of the European Union structures and the functioning of its institutions. [MS_1_W08]
The graduate has the knowledge of the basic instruments used in diplomacy. [MS_1_W09]
The graduate has the elementary knowledge of designing and conducting social research, in particular research problems, methods, techniques and tools. [MS_1_W10]
The graduate has the general knowledge of ethics and knows the rules of the diplomats' professional code of ethics. [MS_1_W11]
The graduate has the knowledge of ethical rules and norms, as well as their impact on building civil society, and ways of ethical participation in social, political and economic life. [MS_1_W12]
The graduate has the knowledge enabling him/her to effectively communicate in the international and diplomatic environment. [MS_1_W13]
The graduate knows the main sociological concepts concerning society, state, human nature and relations between society and the individual. [MS_1_W14]
The graduate knows the basic terminology of social sciences and humanities in a selected foreign language. [MS_1_W15]
The graduate has the basic knowledge of other (related or borderline) disciplines which refer to the individual's functioning in society, enabling him/her to effectively communicate in the international and multicultural environments. [MS_1_W16]
The graduate has the knowledge of political, economic, social and cultural factors which determine activities in the international and diplomatic environments. [MS_1_W17]
The graduate knows the main trends in political and economic thought and the ideas of selected classical philosophical authors. [MS_1_W18]
The graduate has the elementary knowledge of interpersonal and social communication processes. [MS_1_W19]

The graduate:
The graduate is able to correctly analyze and explain social and political processes and phenomena occurring in the international environment. [MS_1_U01]
Referring to the basic theoretical knowledge of political science and other social sciences (sociology, economy), as well as humanities (philosophy, history), the graduate is able to interpret political, legal, economic and cultural aspects of social phenomena in the international perspective. [MS_1_U02]
The graduate is able to critically refer to arguments and essentially present his/her own stance, respecting different views of others. [MS_1_U03]
The graduate has the ability to use his/her own knowledge to solve practical problems in diplomacy. [MS_1_U04]
The graduate has the ability to throughly and clearly convey information about his/her own research results. [MS_1_U05]
The graduate is able to use research methods and techniques to describe and analyze phenomena occurring in the international and diplomatic sphere. [MS_1_U06]
Being aware of interdependencies among political, economic, social, historical and cultural processes, the graduate is able to properly evaluate them and interpret. [MS_1_U07]
The graduate has the ability to prepare oral presentations in Polish and in a foreign language, using the knowledge of international relations and diplomacy. [MS_1_U08]
The graduate is able to prepare written texts in Polish and in a foreign language, using the knowledge of international relations and diplomacy. [MS_1_U09]
The graduate correctly uses the terminology of political science, administration and diplomacy, and has linguistic skills required for the B2 level specified by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. [MS_1_U10]
The graduate has the ability to use the skills acquired during the internship during the studies. [MS_1_U11]
The graduate has the ability to identify and analyze problems on the basis of contents acquired in a discipline not related to the degree programme. [MS_1_U12]
The graduate has the ability to understand and create different types of written and oral texts, which requires a systemic knowledge of language, its grammatical structures, lexis and phonetics; he/she communicates in a foreign language, using different channels and technigues of communication specific for a given area of knowledge. [MS_1_U13]

The graduate:
The graduate is able to critically evaluate the level of his/her own knowledge and understands the necessity of constant acquiring new competences in the perspective of professional development, getting new knowledge and new skills, and consulting experts. [MS_1_K01]
The graduate is well prepared and able to participate in public life. [MS_1_K02]
The graduate is able to cooperate in a team as well as effectively organize his/her own work for the public interest. [MS_1_K03]
The graduate is able to participate in preparing projects in generally understood international and diplomatic relations. [MS_1_K04]
The graduate is well prepared to work in public organizations and institutions, international organizations and institutions included. [MS_1_K05]
The graduate is able to function in the international environment, showing openness to worldview and cultural diversity. [MS_1_K06]
The graduate understands the necessity to follow the rules of ethics in professional work and is able to obey them. [MS_1_K07]
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
European integration [EI] English exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Geopolityka i geostrategia lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
History of Europe 1789-1945 [HE] English exam lecture: 30 3
Język francuski w stosunkach międzynarodowych A [JFSM A] course work discussion classes: 45 4
Język hiszpański w stosunkach międzynarodowych A [JHSM A] course work discussion classes: 45 4
Religie i systemy filozoficzne [RSF] Polish course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Warsztaty rozwoju osobistego [WRO] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 3
Wprowadzenie do socjologii [WS] Polish exam lecture: 15 2
Wystąpienia publiczne [WP] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 3
Język obcy [JO] course work practical classes: 30 2
Wychowanie fizyczne [WF] course work practical classes: 30 0
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Debating Skills [DES] English course work laboratory classes: 30 3
European integration [EI] English exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
French in International Relations A [FIR_A] course work discussion classes: 45 4
Geopolitics & Geostrategy lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
History of Europe 1789-1945 [HE] English exam lecture: 30 3
Introduction to Sociology [IS] English exam lecture: 15 2
Personality and Personality Development - workshops [PPD] English course work laboratory classes: 30 3
Religions and Philosophical Systems [RPS] English course work lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Spanish in International Relations A [SIRA] course work discussion classes: 45 4
Foreign Language [FL] course work discussion classes: 30 2
Physical Education [PE] course work practical classes: 30
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Doktryny polityczne [DOP] Polish exam lecture: 15 2
History of International Relations after 1945 [HIR] English exam lecture: 30 3
Język francuski w stosunkach międzynarodowych B [JFSM B] course work discussion classes: 45 4
Język hiszpański w stosunkach międzynarodowych B [JHSM B] course work discussion classes: 45 4
Psychologia polityki i przywództwo polityczne [PPP] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
System polityczny RP [SP_RP] Polish exam lecture: 30 3
Trening umiejętności społecznych [TUS] Polish course work laboratory classes: 15 2
Wspólna polityka zagraniczna i bezpieczeństwa UE [WPZB] Polish exam lecture: 15 2
Wstęp do ekonomii [WE] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 3
Język obcy [JO] course work practical classes: 30 2
Kompetencje cyfrowe, E-polityka i technologie informacyjne [KC] Polish course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Wychowanie fizyczne [WF] course work practical classes: 30 0
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Common Foreign and Security Policy [CFSP] exam lecture: 15 2
French in International Relations B [FIR_B] course work discussion classes: 45 4
History of International Relations after 1945 [HIR] English exam lecture: 30 3
Introduction to Economics [IE] English course work discussion classes: 30 3
Leadership of International Organizations [LIO] English course work laboratory classes: 15 2
Psychology of Politics and Leadership [PPL] English exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Social Skills Training [SST] English course work laboratory classes: 15 2
Spanish in International Relations B [SIRB] course work discussion classes: 45 4
State and Law Studies [SLS] English course work discussion classes: 30 3
Digital Competences, E-politics and Information Technologies [DC] English course work laboratory classes: 30 2
Foreign Language [FL] course work discussion classes: 30 2
Physical Education [PE] course work practical classes: 30
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Economics [EC] English course work discussion classes: 30 3
Introduction to Research Projects [IRP] English course work laboratory classes: 15 2
Język francuski w stosunkach międzynarodowych C [JFSM C] course work discussion classes: 45 4
Język hiszpański w stosunkach międzynarodowych C [JHSM C] course work discussion classes: 45 4
Konwersatorium monograficzne [KM] course work discussion classes: 30 3
Prawo międzynarodowe publiczne [PMP] Polish exam lecture: 30 3
Samorząd terytorialny RP [ST_RP] Polish exam lecture: 15 2
Służba cywilna [SC] Polish exam lecture: 30 3
Warsztaty z komunikacji interpersonalnej [WKI] Polish course work laboratory classes: 15 2
Wykład monograficzny [WM] exam lecture: 30 2
Język obcy [JO] course work practical classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Economics [EC] English course work discussion classes: 30 3
French in International Relations C [FIR_C] course work discussion classes: 45 4
Introduction to Research Projects [IRP] English course work laboratory classes: 15 2
Latin America in International Relations [LAIR] English exam lecture: 15 2
Monographic Lecture [ML] English exam lecture: 30 2
Monographic Seminar [MS] English course work discussion classes: 30 3
Public International Law [PIL] English exam lecture: 30 3
South and East Asia in International Relations [SEA] English exam lecture: 15 2
Spanish in International Relations C [SIRC] course work discussion classes: 45 4
The Art of Being a Leader [TBL] English course work laboratory classes: 30 3
Foreign Language [FL] course work discussion classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Historia dyplomacji [HD] Polish exam lecture: 15 2
Instytucje i agendy UE [IA_UE] Polish exam lecture: 30 3
Język francuski w stosunkach międzynarodowych D [JFSM D] course work discussion classes: 45 4
Język hiszpański w stosunkach międzynarodowych D [JHSM D] course work discussion classes: 45 4
Konwersatorium monograficzne [KM] course work discussion classes: 30 3
Metodologia badań w naukach społecznych [MB] Polish course work discussion classes: 15 2
Negocjacje międzynarodowe [NM] Polish course work laboratory classes: 15 2
Seminarium dyplomowe [SD] Polish course work seminar: 15 2
Systemy polityczne państw UE i USA [SP_UE/USA] Polish exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 15
Wykład monograficzny [WM] exam lecture: 30 2
Język obcy [JO] course work practical classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Diploma Seminar [DS] English course work seminar: 15 2
Diplomatic Protocol [DP] English course work discussion classes: 15 2
French in International Relations D [FIR_D] course work discussion classes: 45 4
International Negotiation [IN] English course work laboratory classes: 15 2
Monographic Lecture [ML] English exam lecture: 30 2
Monographic Seminar [MS] English course work discussion classes: 30 3
Politcal Systems of the EU States and the USA [PSEUUSA] English exam lecture: 30
practical classes: 15
Research Metodology in Social Science [RMSS] English course work discussion classes: 15 2
Spanish in International Relations D [SIRD] course work discussion classes: 45 4
The European Union’s Institutions and Bodies [TEU] English exam lecture: 30 3
Foreign Language [FL] course work discussion classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Administracja i instytucje państwowe [AIP] Polish exam lecture: 30 3
Diplomacy in the 21st century lecture: 30 3
Finanse publiczne [FP] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Język francuski w stosunkach międzynarodowych E [JFSM E] course work discussion classes: 45 4
Język hiszpański w stosunkach międzynarodowych E [JHSM E] course work discussion classes: 45 4
Konwersatorium monograficzne [KM] course work discussion classes: 30 3
Protokół dyplomatyczny i etykieta [PDE] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 3
Public Diplomacy - research project [PD] English course work laboratory classes: 30 3
Seminarium dyplomowe [SD] Polish course work seminar: 15 2
Wykład monograficzny [WM] exam lecture: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Diploma Seminar [DS] English course work seminar: 15 2
French in International Relations E [FIR_E] course work discussion classes: 45 4
Intercultural communication lecture: 30 3
International Organizations [IO] English exam lecture: 30 3
Monographic Lecture [ML] English exam lecture: 30 2
Monographic Seminar [MS] English course work discussion classes: 30 3
Political Sociology [PS] English course work discussion classes: 30 3
Public Diplomacy - research project [PD] English course work laboratory classes: 30 3
Public Relations [PRE] English course work discussion classes: 30 3
Spanish in International Relations E [SIRE] course work discussion classes: 45 4
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Język francuski w stosunkach międzynarodowych F [JFSM F] exam discussion classes: 45 4
Język hiszpański w stosunkach międzynarodowych F [JHSM F] exam discussion classes: 45 4
Komunikacja kryzysowa [KK] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 3
Konwersatorium monograficzne [KM] course work discussion classes: 30 3
Seminarium dyplomowe 2 [SD_2] Polish exam seminar: 30 8
Wykład monograficzny [WM] exam lecture: 30 2
Praktyka [PR] Polish course work internship: 160 6
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Crisis Communication [CC] English course work discussion classes: 30 3
Diploma Seminar [DS_2] English exam seminar: 30 8
French in International Relations F [FIR_F] course work discussion classes: 45 4
Monographic Lecture [ML] English exam lecture: 30 2
Monographic Seminar [MS] English course work discussion classes: 30 3
Spanish in International Relations F [SIRF] course work discussion classes: 45 4
Student Internships [SI] course work internship: 160 6