Italian Studies Programme code: W1-S1FO23.2023

Field of study: Italian Studies
Programme code: W1-S1FO23.2023
Programme code (USOS): W1-S1FO23
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
Language of study: Polish
Academic year of entry:
  • winter semester 2024/2025
  • winter semester 2023/2024
Level of qualifications/degree: first-cycle studies
Mode of study: full-time
Degree profile: general academic
Number of semesters: 6
Degree: licencjat (Bachelor's Degree)
  • Italian Studies: Intercultural Communication
  • Italian Studies: Italian-English Translation Studies
Semester from which the specializations starts: 2
Number of ECTS credits required to achieve the qualification equivalent to the level of study: 180
Leading discipline: linguistics (humanities)
ISCED code: 0232
The number and date of the Senate’s resolution: 389/2023 (23/05/2023)
General characteristics of the field of study and the assumed concept of education:
The theoretical knowledge of linguistics acquired during the course of study, including the structure and functioning of language, pragmatic mechanisms of communication and discourse, provides the graduates of Italian Philology with a practical basis for independent development of linguistic, translation and communication competence not only in the studied language but also in other foreign languages, as well as - in the future - for teaching the target language at the elementary and intermediate levels. The knowledge of literary studies makes the students sensitive to the diversity of human experience and the discourses that describe it. It allows them to actively participate in initiatives to promote and disseminate the culture of the Italian-speaking countries.
Graduation requirements:
The condition for admission to the diploma examination is to achieve the learning outcomes provided for in the study program, to obtain a certificate of an appropriate level of language proficiency in a foreign language and to obtain positive grades for the diploma dissertation. The condition for graduation is to pass the diploma examination with at least a satisfactory result. A graduate receives a higher education diploma confirming obtaining the qualifications of the appropriate degree. Detailed rules of the diploma process and the requirements for the diploma thesis are set out in the Rules and Regulations of Studies at the University of Silesia and the diploma regulations.
Information on the relationship between the studies and the university's strategy as well as the socio-economic needs that determine the conduct of studies and the compliance of learning outcomes with these needs:
Italian Philology implements the strategic educational actions specified in the Development Strategy of the University of Silesia in Katowice for the years 2020–2025. In the framework of Objective 1 (Modification of the educational offer), the study programs were optimised, considering the need to introduce modern and interdisciplinary education, the educational needs of today's candidates and students, and the current job market requirements. This programme (specialisation) of studies is in line with the implementation of Goal 2 (Internationalization of education), offering education in a foreign language (Italian and a second Romance language or English), as well as allowing students to participate in international mobility programs (e.g., Erasmus +). Study programs are oriented toward Goal 4 (Improving education quality) by emphasising modern educational methods and developing the student's soft skills. The Italian Philology program fits directly into the needs of cultural and economic development of the Silesian region and the country in the context of international cooperation with public and private entities and cultural institutions of the Romance language-speaking countries. At the same time, it ensures the continuation and popularisation at home and abroad of the research heritage of Silesian Romance Philology. It increases the competitiveness of the didactic offer of the University of Silesia against the national background. It opens it to the culturally and economically important Italian-speaking area, providing space for active didactic (e.g., exchanging students and academics) and scientific cooperation with Italian universities. Providing the job market with people with high language competence in Italian and a second Romance language or English, communication and translation skills, and knowledge of the socio-cultural peculiarities of a given language area increases the region's competitiveness in the context of cultural and economic cooperation, as it allows Silesia to implement international projects, bilateral cooperation, create international institutions, organise cultural and economic events (e.g., fairs, festivals, symposiums, sports events) and promote the region abroad. The philological nature of the study stems from the conviction that broadly understood communication and effective socio-economic cooperation require an excellent knowledge not only of the foreign language but also of the historical and cultural context in which it was formed and in which it developed. In addition, it implies the promotion of Romance languages and cultures and integrating the local community of lovers of the Italian language and culture around the University through cooperation with domestic and foreign cultural institutions, schools and other educational institutions.
Specialization: Italian Studies: Intercultural Communication
General description of the specialization:
The study program is designed for those who want to improve their foreign language skills, communication skills, expand their linguistic and cultural knowledge of the Italian-speaking countries, and acquire competencies desirable in the international and multicultural job market (cultural institutions, foreign companies, multinational corporations, etc.). It is based on three modules. The distribution of subjects within each of them has been thought out in such a way that, through the gradual introduction of theoretical knowledge and improvement of linguistic competence, the space for discussion, reflection and critical analysis of cultural, linguistic and social phenomena is expanded during the educational process, with particular attention to the challenges of the modern world. The three modules improve the knowledge of Italian and a second Romance language, culture and literature of a given language-speaking country, discourse and intercultural communication. In terms of the first module, the main emphasis is on the practical study of the target language, expanded by traditionally philological subjects (e.g., descriptive grammar, text studies), allowing a better understanding of the mechanisms operating at the level of language and text, and thus increasing students' linguistic awareness. The second module includes subjects in the field of literature and culture of the area of the target language, distributed over the course of study according to the assumed language level of the students. Their theoretical-practical character (conversation classes) gives space not only to gain knowledge of the cultural heritage of the Italian-speaking countries but also to analyze the phenomena occurring at the level of culture, literature and language, as well as mutual relations between them, both from a synchronic and diachronic perspective. The third module consists of subjects in contemporary linguistics and discourse studies designed to familiarize students with the latest research on language and communication, particularly from a cognitive and interdisciplinary perspective, and with trends arising from the development of new technologies, the Internet and AI. These subjects give space to reflect on phenomena such as tabloidisation of the media, disinformation, manipulation on the Internet, hate language, etc. The program of the specialization Italian: Intercultural Communication is designed to develop students' knowledge and skills in the indicated area to the fullest possible extent, develop their awareness of the complexity of linguistic and cultural phenomena, encourage them to expand their knowledge and prepare them to enter the international job market. The distribution of subjects during successive semesters takes into account the peculiarities of the gradualness of the didactic process, and the number of scheduled hours gives space for the selection of general subjects in accordance with the preferences and needs of the students.
Internships (hours and conditions):
not applicable
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits:
  • linguistics (humanities): 55%
  • literary studies (humanities): 45%
Specialization: Italian Studies: Italian-English Translation Studies
General description of the specialization:
The study program is designed for those who want to become professional translators in the future and/or want to train in this field at the graduate level. It assumes the development of the students' translation knowledge and competence, considering the real skills of those admitted to the university in the following years of study. The program assumes that the core competence of a translator is language skills, so the main emphasis has been placed on the practical study of Italian and English extended by traditional philological subjects (descriptive grammar of both languages, introduction to linguistics). This approach facilitates the understanding of the principles of language but also shows the differences at the level of the two language systems. In addition to foreign language-oriented subjects, the study program also includes a module on topics in literature and culture, which allow students to develop their cultural competence and, indirectly, their knowledge of the vocabulary in this area. An essential element of the study program is practical translation subjects arranged according to the degree of difficulty of translating particular types of texts in Italian and English, which, in addition to practical skills, give students the basis for reflection on the specifics of translation in comparative terms. Italian-English Translation Studies provide students with the opportunity to the gradual and coordinated development of linguistic, cultural and translational competence. In doing so, the study program opens up space for independent analysis and reflection focused on translation in its broadest sense, the possibilities of working with two foreign languages and the resulting differences and similarities in how these linguistic societies view the world.
Internships (hours and conditions):
not applicable
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits:
  • linguistics (humanities): 55%
  • literary studies (humanities): 45%
The graduate:
knows terminology pertaining to linguistics, literary studies, translation and culture in Italian and in another foreign language, identifies its sources and knows the relationships between philology and other fields in Humanities [W01]
is aware of the complex nature of the Italian language and another foreign language as well as the complexity and diachronic changes in terms of lexical meaning [W02]
recognizes language varieties within the Italian language and another foreign language, and has a good command of the vocabulary typical of its dialects and registers [W03]
knows sociocultural phenomena occurring in the Italian-speaking countries and another language region [W04]
knows the main trends and tendencies in the literature and art of the Italian-speaking countries [W05]
knows translation strategies in Italian and in another foreign language [W06]
knows mechanics of persuasion and rules of effective communication in the Italian language as well as another foreign language [W07]
has advanced knowledge of selected scientific or scholarly theories and methods, is familiar with the issues specific to the chosen academic discipline and understands its connection with the leading discipline of the degree programme [MOB.2023_W01]
has advanced knowledge of selected scientific theories and methods and is familiar with the issues specific to the selected academic discipline in the context of other disciplines [OMU.2023_W01]

The graduate:
can search, analyse, evaluate, select and use information using various sources and ways both on his/her own and in a team [U01]
has research skills that allow solving tasks/problems within areas of knowledge proper to the chosen degree programme, is conscious of these skills and is willing to expand them [U02]
can work out selected problems in a particular field of knowledge (culture, literature, linguistics, teaching methodology, translation studies) on his/her own, and plans his/her research activity meeting the criteria of objectivity and academic reasoning [U03]
can formulate and express his/her own opinions and ideas on important social and ideological matters and is able to incorporate other authors’ opinions into his/her argumentation and to draw conclusions [U04]
knows how to translate structures, sentences, and texts into a different language using the most appropriate equivalents in the target language. [U05]
has language skills in areas of knowledge proper to the chosen degree programme that conform with the requirements determined for the B2 and B1 levels for the major and the second language, respectively, in keeping with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages [U06]
asks questions, analyzes research problems and finds solutions to them based on the knowledge, skills and experience he/she has gained within the chosen academic discipline in conjunction with the leading discipline of the degree programme; communicates the results of his/her work in a way which is clear and understandable not only to specialists [MOB.2023_U01]
has advanced skills in asking research questions, analyzing problems or providing practical solutions to them based on the knowledge, experience and skills gained within the chosen academic discipline in the context of other disciplines [OMU.2023_U01]

The graduate:
knows how to communicate effectively in a multi-cultural team and interprets inner social phenomena [K01]
remains open prone to search for signs indicating the most significant differences between their own and other communities in reference to habits, traditions, attitudes, views, and values [K02]
is open to diverse opinions, judgments, and interpretations of various socio-cultural phenomena as well as literary texts illustrating such phenomena, and is conscious of their influence [K03]
is interested in linguistic phenomena, strives to communicate in a foreign language correctly, is conscious of his/her knowledge and willing to enhance it [K04]
defines goals, plans and undertakes projects in areas of knowledge proper to the chosen degree programme with observation of ethical rules and intellectual property [K05]
is ready to meet social obligations, co-organize activities for the benefit of the community and is open to scientific solutions to cognitive and practical problems [MOB.2023_K01]
acknowledges and makes use of knowledge from different disciplines and is ready to change opinion in the light of scientifically proven arguments [OMU.2023_K01]
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Introduction to Linguistics [W1-FHO-S1-WJ] Polish exam lecture: 30 5
Introduction to Literary Studies [W1-FHO-S1-WL] Polish exam lecture: 30 5
Practical Italian 1 [W1-FO-S1-PNJW-1] Polish course work practical classes: 150 15
Practical Knowledge of 2nd Romance Language 1 [W1-FHO-S1-PN2JR-1] Polish course work practical classes: 30 5

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Introduction to Linguistics [W1-FHO-S1-WJ] Polish exam lecture: 30 5
Introduction to Literary Studies [W1-FHO-S1-WL] Polish exam lecture: 30 5
Practical Italian 1 [W1-FO-S1-PNJW-1] Polish course work practical classes: 150 15
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Introduction to Linguistics [W1-FHO-S1-WJ] Polish exam lecture: 30 5
Introduction to Literary Studies [W1-FHO-S1-WL] Polish exam lecture: 30 5
Practical English 1 [W1-FOPW-S1-PNJA-1] English course work practical classes: 30 5
Practical Italian 1 [W1-FO-S1-PNJW-1] Polish course work practical classes: 150 15

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Introduction to Linguistics [W1-FHO-S1-WJ] Polish exam lecture: 30 5
Introduction to Literary Studies [W1-FHO-S1-WL] Polish exam lecture: 30 5
Practical Italian 1 [W1-FO-S1-PNJW-1] Polish course work practical classes: 150 15
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Contemporary Society of Italian-Speaking Countries in Literature and Media 1 [W1-FOKM-S1-WSWLM-1] Italian course work discussion classes: 30 2
Culture of Italian-Speaking Countries 1 [W1-FO-S1-KOW-1] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Descriptive Grammar of Italian 1 [W1-FO-S1-GOJW-1] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Intercultural Communication: Italian-Speaking Countries [W1-FOKM-S1-KMOW] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 2
Literary Text Analysis - Italian [W1-FOKM-S1-PTLW] Italian course work practical classes: 30 2
Practical Italian 2 [W1-FO-S1-PNJW-2] Italian exam practical classes: 180 14
Practical Knowledge of 2nd Romance Language 2 [W1-FHO-S1-PN2JR-2] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Programme co-related modules
Module in the "Digital World" area [MO-2023-SS-CS] course work depending on the choice: 30 3
Open access modules
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Contemporary Society of Italian-Speaking Countries in Literature and Media 1 [W1-FOKM-S1-WSWLM-1] Italian course work discussion classes: 30 2
Culture of Italian-Speaking Countries 1 [W1-FO-S1-KOW-1] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Descriptive Grammar of Italian 1 [W1-FO-S1-GOJW-1] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Intercultural Communication: Italian-Speaking Countries [W1-FOKM-S1-KMOW] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 2
Literary Text Analysis - Italian [W1-FOKM-S1-PTLW] Italian course work practical classes: 30 2
Practical Italian 2 [W1-FO-S1-PNJW-2] Italian exam practical classes: 180 14
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Culture and Literature of English-Speaking Countries 1 [W1-FHO-S1-KLOA-1] English course work discussion classes: 30 2
Culture of Italian-Speaking Countries 1 [W1-FO-S1-KOW-1] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Descriptive Grammar of English 1 [W1-FHO-S1-GOJA-1] English course work discussion classes: 30 2
Descriptive Grammar of Italian 1 [W1-FO-S1-GOJW-1] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Practical English 2 [W1-FOPW-S1-PNJA-2] English course work practical classes: 60 5
Practical Italian 2 [W1-FO-S1-PNJW-2] Italian exam practical classes: 180 14
Programme co-related modules
Module in the "Digital World" area [MO-2023-SS-CS] course work depending on the choice: 30 3
Open access modules
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Culture and Literature of English-Speaking Countries 1 [W1-FHO-S1-KLOA-1] English course work discussion classes: 30 2
Culture of Italian-Speaking Countries 1 [W1-FO-S1-KOW-1] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Descriptive Grammar of English 1 [W1-FHO-S1-GOJA-1] English course work discussion classes: 30 2
Descriptive Grammar of Italian 1 [W1-FO-S1-GOJW-1] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Practical Italian 2 [W1-FO-S1-PNJW-2] Italian exam practical classes: 180 14
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Contemporary Research on Language and Communication 1 [W1-FOKM-S1-WBJK-1] Italian course work discussion classes: 30 2
Contemporary Society of Italian-Speaking Countries in Literature and Media 2 [W1-FOKM-S1-WSWLM-2] Italian course work discussion classes: 30 2
Culture of Italian-Speaking Countries 2 [W1-FO-S1-KOW-2] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Descriptive Grammar of Italian 2 [W1-FO-S1-GOJW-2] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Italian Literature 1 [W1-FO-S1-LW-1] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Practical Italian 3 [W1-FO-S1-PNJW-3] Italian exam practical classes: 150 12
Practical Knowledge of 2nd Romance Language 3 [W1-FHO-S1-PN2JR-3] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Theory and Practice of Translation 1 [W1-FOKM-S1-TP-1] Italian course work practical classes: 30 2
Programme co-related modules
Module in the "Digital World" area [MO-2023-SS-CS] course work depending on the choice: 30 3
Open access modules
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Contemporary Research on Language and Communication 1 [W1-FOKM-S1-WBJK-1] Italian course work discussion classes: 30 2
Contemporary Society of Italian-Speaking Countries in Literature and Media 2 [W1-FOKM-S1-WSWLM-2] Italian course work discussion classes: 30 2
Culture of Italian-Speaking Countries 2 [W1-FO-S1-KOW-2] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Descriptive Grammar of Italian 2 [W1-FO-S1-GOJW-2] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Italian Literature 1 [W1-FO-S1-LW-1] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Practical Italian 3 [W1-FO-S1-PNJW-3] Italian exam practical classes: 150 12
Theory and Practice of Translation 1 [W1-FOKM-S1-TP-1] Italian course work practical classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Culture and Literature of English-Speaking Countries 2 [W1-FHO-S1-KLOA-2] English course work discussion classes: 30 2
Culture of Italian-Speaking Countries 2 [W1-FO-S1-KOW-2] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Descriptive Grammar of English 2 [W1-FHO-S1-GOJA-2] English course work discussion classes: 30 2
Descriptive Grammar of Italian 2 [W1-FO-S1-GOJW-2] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Italian Literature 1 [W1-FO-S1-LW-1] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Practical English 3 [W1-FOPW-S1-PNJA-3] English course work practical classes: 60 5
Practical Italian 3 [W1-FO-S1-PNJW-3] Italian exam practical classes: 150 12
Programme co-related modules
Module in the "Digital World" area [MO-2023-SS-CS] course work depending on the choice: 30 3
Open access modules
Physical education [WF-2023] course work practical classes: 30 0

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Culture and Literature of English-Speaking Countries 2 [W1-FHO-S1-KLOA-2] English course work discussion classes: 30 2
Culture of Italian-Speaking Countries 2 [W1-FO-S1-KOW-2] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Descriptive Grammar of English 2 [W1-FHO-S1-GOJA-2] English course work discussion classes: 30 2
Descriptive Grammar of Italian 2 [W1-FO-S1-GOJW-2] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Italian Literature 1 [W1-FO-S1-LW-1] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Practical Italian 3 [W1-FO-S1-PNJW-3] Italian exam practical classes: 150 12
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Contemporary Research on Language and Communication 2 [W1-FOKM-S1-WBJK-2] Italian course work discussion classes: 30 2
Descriptive Grammar of Italian 3 [W1-FO-S1-GOJW-3] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Italian Literature 2 [W1-FO-S1-LW-2] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Monographic Lecture - Italian Literary Studies [W1-FOKM-S1-WMLW] Italian course work lecture: 30 2
Multimodal Discourse in Media [W1-FOKM-S1-DMM] Italian course work discussion classes: 30 2
Practical Italian 4 [W1-FO-S1-PNJW-4] Italian exam practical classes: 120 8
Practical Knowledge of 2nd Romance Language 4 [W1-FHO-S1-PN2JR-4] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Text Studies 1 [W1-FOKM-S1-WT-1] Italian course work discussion classes: 30 2
Theory and Practice of Translation 2 [W1-FOKM-S1-TP-2] Italian course work practical classes: 30 2
Programme co-related modules
Module in the "Civil Society and Entrepreneurship" area [MO-2023-SS-SOP] course work depending on the choice: 30 3
Module in the "Creative Expression and Critical Thinking" area [MO-2023-SS-ETKM] course work depending on the choice: 30 3

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Contemporary Research on Language and Communication 2 [W1-FOKM-S1-WBJK-2] Italian course work discussion classes: 30 2
Descriptive Grammar of Italian 3 [W1-FO-S1-GOJW-3] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Italian Literature 2 [W1-FO-S1-LW-2] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Monographic Lecture - Italian Literary Studies [W1-FOKM-S1-WMLW] Italian course work lecture: 30 2
Multimodal Discourse in Media [W1-FOKM-S1-DMM] Italian course work discussion classes: 30 2
Practical Italian 4 [W1-FO-S1-PNJW-4] Italian exam practical classes: 120 8
Text Studies 1 [W1-FOKM-S1-WT-1] Italian course work discussion classes: 30 2
Theory and Practice of Translation 2 [W1-FOKM-S1-TP-2] Italian course work practical classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Descriptive Grammar of Italian 3 [W1-FO-S1-GOJW-3] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Elective Module 1 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Elective Module 2 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Elective Module 3 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Introduction to Translation Theory [W1-FOPW-S1-WP] Italian course work discussion classes: 30 2
Italian Literature 2 [W1-FO-S1-LW-2] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Practical English 4 [W1-FOPW-S1-PNJA-4] English course work practical classes: 60 4
Practical Italian 4 [W1-FO-S1-PNJW-4] Italian exam practical classes: 120 8
Programme co-related modules
Module in the "Civil Society and Entrepreneurship" area [MO-2023-SS-SOP] course work depending on the choice: 30 3
Module in the "Creative Expression and Critical Thinking" area [MO-2023-SS-ETKM] course work depending on the choice: 30 3

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Descriptive Grammar of Italian 3 [W1-FO-S1-GOJW-3] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Elective Module 1 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Elective Module 2 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Elective Module 3 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Introduction to Translation Theory [W1-FOPW-S1-WP] Italian course work discussion classes: 30 2
Italian Literature 2 [W1-FO-S1-LW-2] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Practical Italian 4 [W1-FO-S1-PNJW-4] Italian exam practical classes: 120 8
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Descriptive Grammar of Italian 4 [W1-FO-S1-GOJW-4] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Diploma Thesis Seminar 1 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Italian Literature 3 [W1-FO-S1-LW-3] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Monographic Lecture - Italian Linguistics [W1-FOKM-S1-WMJW] Italian course work lecture: 30 2
Practical Italian 5 [W1-FO-S1-PNJW-5] Italian exam practical classes: 150 10
Practical Knowledge of 2nd Romance Language 5 [W1-FHO-S1-PN2JR-5] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Text Studies 2 [W1-FOKM-S1-WT-2] Italian course work discussion classes: 30 2
Transmedial Literature [W1-FOKM-S1-LT] Italian course work discussion classes: 30 2
Programme co-related modules
Module in the "Civil Society and Entrepreneurship" area [MO-2023-SS-SOP] course work depending on the choice: 30 3
Module in the "Creative Expression and Critical Thinking" area [MO-2023-SS-ETKM] course work depending on the choice: 30 3

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Descriptive Grammar of Italian 4 [W1-FO-S1-GOJW-4] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Diploma Thesis Seminar 1 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Italian Literature 3 [W1-FO-S1-LW-3] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Monographic Lecture - Italian Linguistics [W1-FOKM-S1-WMJW] Italian course work lecture: 30 2
Practical Italian 5 [W1-FO-S1-PNJW-5] Italian exam practical classes: 150 10
Text Studies 2 [W1-FOKM-S1-WT-2] Italian course work discussion classes: 30 2
Transmedial Literature [W1-FOKM-S1-LT] Italian course work discussion classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Descriptive Grammar of Italian 4 [W1-FO-S1-GOJW-4] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Diploma Thesis Seminar 1 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Elective Module 4 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Elective Module 5 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Elective Module 6 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Italian Literature 3 [W1-FO-S1-LW-3] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Practical English 5 [W1-FOPW-S1-PNJA-5] English course work practical classes: 30 2
Practical Italian 5 [W1-FO-S1-PNJW-5] Italian exam practical classes: 150 10
Programme co-related modules
Module in the "Civil Society and Entrepreneurship" area [MO-2023-SS-SOP] course work depending on the choice: 30 3
Module in the "Creative Expression and Critical Thinking" area [MO-2023-SS-ETKM] course work depending on the choice: 30 3

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Descriptive Grammar of Italian 4 [W1-FO-S1-GOJW-4] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Diploma Thesis Seminar 1 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Elective Module 4 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Elective Module 5 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Elective Module 6 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Italian Literature 3 [W1-FO-S1-LW-3] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Practical Italian 5 [W1-FO-S1-PNJW-5] Italian exam practical classes: 150 10
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Academic Writing - Italian [W1-FO-S1-STAW] Italian course work practical classes: 30 2
Diploma Thesis Seminar 2 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Italian Literature 4 [W1-FO-S1-LW-4] Italian course work discussion classes: 30 2
Practical Italian 6 [W1-FO-S1-PNJW-6] Italian course work practical classes: 90 6
Practical Knowledge of 2nd Romance Language 6 [W1-FHO-S1-PN2JR-6] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Open access modules
Open University Module [OMU-2023-SS-01-OG] course work depending on the choice: 30 3
Open University Module [OMU-2023-SS-01-OG] course work depending on the choice: 30 3

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Academic Writing - Italian [W1-FO-S1-STAW] Italian course work practical classes: 30 2
Diploma Thesis Seminar 2 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Italian Literature 4 [W1-FO-S1-LW-4] Italian course work discussion classes: 30 2
Practical Italian 6 [W1-FO-S1-PNJW-6] Italian course work practical classes: 90 6
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Academic Writing - Italian [W1-FO-S1-STAW] Italian course work practical classes: 30 2
Diploma Thesis Seminar 2 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Italian Literature 4 [W1-FO-S1-LW-4] Italian course work discussion classes: 30 2
Practical English 6 [W1-FOPW-S1-PNJA-6] English course work practical classes: 30 2
Practical Italian 6 [W1-FO-S1-PNJW-6] Italian course work practical classes: 90 6
Open access modules
Open University Module [OMU-2023-SS-01-OG] course work depending on the choice: 30 3
Open University Module [OMU-2023-SS-01-OG] course work depending on the choice: 30 3

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Academic Writing - Italian [W1-FO-S1-STAW] Italian course work practical classes: 30 2
Diploma Thesis Seminar 2 lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
Italian Literature 4 [W1-FO-S1-LW-4] Italian course work discussion classes: 30 2
Practical Italian 6 [W1-FO-S1-PNJW-6] Italian course work practical classes: 90 6