Romance Philology Programme code: W1-S1FN19.2021

Field of study: Romance Philology
Programme code: W1-S1FN19.2021
Programme code (USOS): W1-S1FN19
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
Language of study: Polish
Academic year of entry:
  • winter semester 2022/2023
  • winter semester 2021/2022
Level of qualifications/degree: first-cycle studies
Mode of study: full-time
Degree profile: general academic
Number of semesters: 6
Degree: licencjat (Bachelor's Degree)
Access to further studies: the possibility of applying for the second-cycle studies and postgraduate studies
  • Elementary French with Translation Studies and French for Specific Purposes
  • French and English as Applied Languages and Translation Studies
  • French and Translation Studies
  • Italian and English as Applied Languages and Translation Studies
  • Italian and Translation Studies
  • Spanish and Translation Studies
  • Spanish and the Culture, Literature, and Media in Latin America
Semester from which the specializations starts: 1
Scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related and their percentage share in education:
  • linguistics (humanities) [leading discipline]: 55%
  • literary studies (humanities): 45%
ISCED code: 0232
The number and date of the Senate’s resolution: 151/2021 (29/06/2021)
General description of the programme:
A characteristic feature of the degree course in Romance Philology is a close link with solid theoretical knowledge of modern applications. After completing this course, graduates not only have the knowledge and skills in the two languages, but they are also efficient translators and interpreters and authors of effective creative solutions in unconventional situations that require an interdisciplinary perspective.
Organization of the process of obtaining a degree:
Regulamin dyplomowania Regulamin dyplomowania
Connection between the field of study and university development strategy, including the university mission:
The degree course in Romance Philology performs the following tasks directly resulting from the strategy of the University of Silesia: - Diversification of forms of study, - Enrichment of teaching on original and innovative programs of study, - Taking into account national and international mobility programs of study, - Development of modern information technology and computer - Possibility to acquire high qualifications within particular fields of study that prepare graduates to work and perform public roles.
Specialization: Elementary French with Translation Studies and French for Specific Purposes
General description of the specialization:
SPECIALIZATION CHARACTERISTICS Studies in the specialization Elementary French with Translation Studies and French for Specific Purposes are addressed to those who associate their professional career with the practical use of French language, e.g. in translation offices, diplomatic missions, cultural and research institutions, publishing houses, companies cooperating with foreign partners, tourism, etc. Apart from practical knowledge of French and a second foreign language, the curriculum also incorporates such subjects as the history of literature and civilization of France and Franco-Swiss countries, new technologies in the professional environment and a block of translation modules. The key assumption of the curriculum is intensive French language learning from the basics and also training in specialist languages and specialized translation. The selection of subjects allows students to become proficient speakers of French and to be fluent in the second language, both in terms of everyday and specialized usage. The students also gain thorough knowledge of the functioning of the French language system and about the culture and literature of France and the countries of the French language area. Additionally, the students have an opportunity to broaden their general academic knowledge and to learn how to use the most important translation techniques and new technologies in the work on written and spoken texts. CAREER PROSPECTS: • work in translation offices; • work in Polish companies cooperating with foreign partners; • work in foreign companies and their representatives in Poland; • work in institutions and organizations providing tourist services; • work in cultural and research institutions; • work in diplomatic missions; • work in the mass media (radio, press, Internet, TV); • work in foreign language publishing houses.
Internships (hours and conditions):
Internship: 30 hours
Graduation requirements:
The student receives a bachelor's degree in the field of specialty: Elementary French with Translation Studies and French for Specific Purposes when he or she: 1. achieves all effects of learning assumed by the education program; 2. passes courses (2280 worth at least 180 ECTS points in total), including: • all basic subjects of a given specialization, • all course subjects for a given specialization •Internship 3. writes a bachelor's thesis, 4. passes the diploma exam with a positive result.
Number of ECTS credits required to achieve the qualification equivalent to the level of study: 180
Professional qualifications:
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits:
  • linguistics (humanities): 55%
  • literary studies (humanities): 45%
Specialization: French and English as Applied Languages and Translation Studies
General description of the specialization:
SPECIALIZATION CHARACTERISTICS Studies in the specialization French and English as Applied Languages and Translation Studies, are addressed to those who associate their professional career with the practical use of the language or both proposed foreign languages, e.g. in translation offices, diplomatic missions, cultural and research institutions, publishing houses, companies cooperating with foreign partners, tourism, etc. Apart from practical English and French, the curriculum also incorporates such subjects as the history of literature and civilization of France and French-speaking countries as well as the English language area, new technologies in the professional environment and a block of translation modules. The aforementioned selection of subjects allows students to become proficient speakers of English and to be fluent in French, both in terms of everyday and specialized usage. The students also gain thorough knowledge of the functioning of the English and French language system, the culture and literature of France and the French-speaking countries and the culture and literature of England and the English-speaking countries. In addition, they acquire the ability to use the most important translation techniques and new technologies in the work on written and spoken texts. CAREER PROSPECTS: • work in translation offices; • work in Polish companies cooperating with foreign partners; • work in foreign companies and their representatives in Poland; • work in institutions and organizations providing tourist services; • work in cultural and research institutions; • work in diplomatic missions; • work in the mass media (radio, press, Internet, TV); • work in foreign language publishing houses.
Internships (hours and conditions):
Internship: 30 hours
Graduation requirements:
SPECIALIZATION CHARACTERISTICS Studies in the specialization French and English as Applied Languages and Translation Studies, are addressed to those who associate their professional career with the practical use of the language or both proposed foreign languages, e.g. in translation offices, diplomatic missions, cultural and research institutions, publishing houses, companies cooperating with foreign partners, tourism, etc. Apart from practical English and French, the curriculum also incorporates such subjects as the history of literature and civilization of France and French-speaking countries as well as the English language area, new technologies in the professional environment and a block of translation modules. The aforementioned selection of subjects allows students to become proficient speakers of English and to be fluent in French, both in terms of everyday and specialized usage. The students also gain thorough knowledge of the functioning of the English and French language system, the culture and literature of France and the French-speaking countries and the culture and literature of England and the English-speaking countries. In addition, they acquire the ability to use the most important translation techniques and new technologies in the work on written and spoken texts. CAREER PROSPECTS: • work in translation offices; • work in Polish companies cooperating with foreign partners; • work in foreign companies and their representatives in Poland; • work in institutions and organizations providing tourist services; • work in cultural and research institutions; • work in diplomatic missions; • work in the mass media (radio, press, Internet, TV); • work in foreign language publishing houses.
Number of ECTS credits required to achieve the qualification equivalent to the level of study: 180
Professional qualifications:
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits:
  • linguistics (humanities): 55%
  • literary studies (humanities): 45%
Specialization: French and Translation Studies
General description of the specialization:
SPECIALIZATION CHARACTERISTICS Studies in the specialization French and Translation Studies, are addressed to those who associate their professional career with the practical use of French language, e.g. in translation offices, diplomatic missions, cultural and research institutions, publishing houses, companies cooperating with foreign partners, tourism, etc. Apart from practical knowledge of French and a second foreign language, the curriculum also incorporates such subjects as the history of literature and civilization of France and French-speaking countries, new technologies in the professional environment and a block of translation modules, such as, eg., specialized translation (law, administration, economy) in both languages. The aforementioned selection of subjects allows students to become proficient speakers of French and to be fluent in the second language, both in terms of everyday and of specialized usage. The students also gain thorough knowledge of the functioning of the French language system and of the culture and literature of France and the French-speaking countries. In addition, they acquire the ability to use the most important translation techniques and new technologies in the work on written and spoken texts. CAREER PROSPECTS: • work in translation offices; • work in Polish companies cooperating with partners in the French language area; • work in foreign companies and their representatives in Poland; • work in institutions and organizations providing tourist services; • work in cultural and research institutions; • work in diplomatic missions; • work in the mass media (radio, press, Internet, TV); • work in foreign language publishing houses.
Internships (hours and conditions):
Internship: 30 hours
Graduation requirements:
The student receives a bachelor's degree in the field of specialty: French and Translation Studies when he or she: 1. achieves all effects of learning assumed by the education program; 2. passes courses (2205 worth at least 180 ECTS points in total), including: • all basic subjects of a given specialization, • all course subjects for a given specialization •Internship 3. writes a bachelor's thesis, 4. passes the diploma exam with a positive result.
Number of ECTS credits required to achieve the qualification equivalent to the level of study: 180
Professional qualifications:
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits:
  • linguistics (humanities): 55%
  • literary studies (humanities): 45%
Specialization: Italian and English as Applied Languages and Translation Studies
General description of the specialization:
Studies in the specialization Italian and English as Applied Languages and Translation Studies, are addressed to those who associate their professional career with the practical use of the language or both proposed foreign languages, e.g. in translation offices, diplomatic missions, cultural and research institutions, publishing houses, companies cooperating with foreign partners, tourism, etc. Apart from practical English and French, the curriculum also incorporates such subjects as the history of literature and civilization of Italy and Italian-speaking countries as well as the English language area, new technologies in the professional environment and a block of translation modules. The aforementioned selection of subjects allows students to become proficient speakers of English and to be fluent in Italian, both in terms of everyday and specialized usage. The students also gain thorough knowledge of the functioning of the English and Italian language system, the culture and literature of Italy and the Italian-speaking countries and the culture and literature of England and the English-speaking countries. In addition, they acquire the ability to use the most important translation techniques and new technologies in the work on written and spoken texts. CAREER PROSPECTS: • work in translation offices; • work in Polish companies cooperating with foreign partners; • work in foreign companies and their representatives in Poland; • work in institutions and organizations providing tourist services; • work in cultural and research institutions; • work in diplomatic missions; • work in the mass media (radio, press, Internet, TV); • work in foreign language publishing houses.
Internships (hours and conditions):
Internship: 30 hours
Graduation requirements:
The student receives a bachelor's degree in the field of specialty: Italian and English as Applied Languages and Translation Studies when he or she: 1. achieves all effects of learning assumed by the education program; 2. passes courses (2385 worth at least 180 ECTS points in total), including: • all basic subjects of a given specialization, • all course subjects for a given specialization •Internship 3. writes a bachelor's thesis, 4. passes the diploma exam with a positive result.
Number of ECTS credits required to achieve the qualification equivalent to the level of study: 180
Professional qualifications:
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits:
  • linguistics (humanities): 55%
  • literary studies (humanities): 45%
Specialization: Italian and Translation Studies
General description of the specialization:
SPECIALIZATION CHARACTERISTICS Studies in the specialization Italian and Translation Studies, are addressed to those who associate their professional career with the practical use of French, e.g. in translation offices, diplomatic missions, cultural and research institutions, publishing houses, companies cooperating with foreign partners, tourism, etc. Apart from practical knowledge of Italian and a second foreign language, the curriculum also incorporates such subjects as the history of literature and civilization of Italy and of Italian-speaking countries, new technologies in the professional environment and a block of translation modules, such as, eg. specialized translation (law, administration, economy) in both languages. The aforementioned selection of subjects allows students to become proficient speakers of Italian and to be fluent in the second language, both in terms of everyday and specialized usage. The students also gain thorough knowledge of the functioning of the Italian language system and of the culture and literature of Italy and the Italian-speaking countries. In addition, they acquire the ability to use the most important translation techniques and new technologies in the work on written and spoken texts. CAREER PROSPECTS: • work in translation offices; • work in Polish companies cooperating with foreign partners; • work in foreign companies and their representatives in Poland; • work in institutions and organizations providing tourist services; • work in cultural and research institutions; • work in diplomatic missions; • work in the mass media (radio, press, Internet, TV); • work in foreign language publishing houses.
Internships (hours and conditions):
Internship: 30 hours
Graduation requirements:
The student receives a bachelor's degree in the field of specialty: Italian and Translation Studies when he or she: 1. achieves all effects of learning assumed by the education program; 2. passes courses (1950 worth at least 180 ECTS points in total), including: • all basic subjects of a given specialization, • all course subjects for a given specialization •Internship 3. writes a bachelor's thesis, 4. passes the diploma exam with a positive result.
Number of ECTS credits required to achieve the qualification equivalent to the level of study: 180
Professional qualifications:
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits:
  • linguistics (humanities): 55%
  • literary studies (humanities): 45%
Specialization: Spanish and the Culture, Literature, and Media in Latin America
General description of the specialization:
SPECIALIZATION CHARACTERISTICS Spanish and Latin American Culture, Literature and Media is an undergraduate degree programme designed for those who intend to pursue a career involving a fluent command of the Spanish language. The programme includes an intensive Spanish language course starting at an introductory level. Apart from general philological courses and a second foreign language course, the programme also includes modules covering general knowledge in the fields of literature and culture of the Spanish language regions as well as the study of the Spanish language as a system with a special focus on culture and Spanish in Latin America. Students also attend courses devoted to the media in the Spanish language regions and learn to skillfully use new technologies in professional contexts. Career prospects • work in the media (radio, TV, the Internet) • work in culture and research institutions • work in Polish companies cooperating with foreign partners • work in foreign companies and their branches in Poland • work in travel and tourist industry • work in diplomatic establishments • work in foreign publishing houses • work in translation agencies
Internships (hours and conditions):
Internship: 30 hours
Graduation requirements:
The student receives a bachelor's degree in the field of specialization: Spanish and the Culture, Literature, and Media in Latin America when he or she: 1. achieves all effects of learning assumed by the education program; 2. passes courses (1950 worth at least 180 ECTS points in total), including: • all basic subjects of a given specialization, • all course subjects for a given specialization •Internship •A subject in the field of social sciences •Physical training 3. writes a bachelor's thesis, 4. passes the diploma exam with a positive result.
Number of ECTS credits required to achieve the qualification equivalent to the level of study: 180
Professional qualifications:
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits:
  • linguistics (humanities): 55%
  • literary studies (humanities): 45%
Specialization: Spanish and Translation Studies
General description of the specialization:
SPECIALIZATION CHARACTERISTICS Spanish with Translation Programme is an undergraduate degree programme designed for those who intend to pursue a career involving a fluent command of the Spanish language. The programme offers intensive Spanish language courses starting at an introductory level. Apart from general philological courses and a second foreign language course, the programme also includes modules covering general knowledge in the fields of literature and culture of the Spanish language regions as well as the study of the Spanish language as a system. Students also attend an extensive translation module (including both written translation and interpreting) and learn to skillfully use new technologies in professional contexts. Career prospects • work in the media (radio, TV, the Internet) • work in culture and research institutions • work in Polish companies cooperating with foreign partners • work in foreign companies and their branches in Poland • work in travel and tourist industry • work in diplomatic establishments • work in foreign publishing houses • work in translation agencies
Internships (hours and conditions):
Internship: 30 hours
Graduation requirements:
The student receives a bachelor's degree in the field of specialty: Spanish and Translation Studies when he or she: 1. achieves all effects of learning assumed by the education program; 2. passes courses (1950 worth at least 180 ECTS points in total), including: • all basic subjects of a given specialization, • all course subjects for a given specialization •Internship 3. writes a bachelor's thesis, 4. passes the diploma exam with a positive result.
Number of ECTS credits required to achieve the qualification equivalent to the level of study: 180
Professional qualifications:
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits:
  • linguistics (humanities): 55%
  • literary studies (humanities): 45%
The graduate:
identifies the role and place of the humanities among other sciences and understands their specifics and tools [K_W01]
knows basic linguistic terminology and identifies its sources [K_W02]
knows the basic terminology pertaining to literary studies and identifies its sources [K_W03]
has basic knowledge of the relationships between philology and other fields in the humanities [K_W04]
is aware of the complex nature of language, of the sophistication of meaning and of diachronic change in the meaning of vocabulary items [K_W05]
recognizes language varieties within a language and has a good command of the vocabulary typical of the dialects and registers of that language [K_W06]
knows and identifies the basic means of analyzing and interpreting various cultural phenomena arising from selected traditions, theories and schools within the humanistic discipline studied [K_W07]
has basic knowledge of cultural life and cultural institutions [K_W08]
knows the basic nomenclature used with reference to cultural issues and phenomena occurring in a given language area [K_W09]
recognizes social phenomena occurring in the countries of a given language area [K_W10]
knows the main literary movements and tendencies in a given linguistic region [K_W11]
distinguishes between translating strategies used in literary and practical translation [K_W12]
knows the basic terminology in the fields of economics, law, administration, and science in the language that is studied and in the native language [K_W13]
knows the basic terms for using CAT software [K_W14]
knows the instruments for creating multimedia didactic aids and for work on an educational platform [K_W15]
knows and understands the basic terms and rules of protecting industrial freehold and copyright [K_W16]
has basic knowledge of the functioning of speech apparatus [K_W17]
has basic knowledge in the field of information technologies, word processing, the use of spreadsheet, databases, presentation graphics, information network services, and gaining and processing information [K_W18]
has basic knowledge of the association between the studied language and Latin [K_W19]

The graduate:
by using various communication channels and techniques s/he is able to communicate with specialists in the humanities discipline studied, in the native and foreign language [K_U01]
is able to search, analyze, grade, select and use knowledge by employing various sources and strategies [K_U02]
has elementary research skills which allow him or her to solve typical tasks and problems in the field of the subjects studied [K_U03]
is able to broaden his/her knowledge on his/her own, and can develop his/her cognitive abilities with the guidance of an academic supervisor [K_U04]
is able to work out selected problems in a particular field of knowledge (culture, literature, linguistics, teaching methodology, translation studies) on his/her own, meeting the criteria of objectivity and academic reasoning – in accordance with obligatory standards for a bachelor’s thesis [K_U05]
is able to work in a group, following the aims and guidelines formulated by the supervisor [K_U06]
is able to formulate and express his/her own opinions and ideas on important social matters [K_U07]
is able to incorporate other authors’ opinions into his/her argumentation, and to draw conclusions [K_U08]
is able to prepare written assignments and speeches on subjects related to the discipline of humanities that s/he studies, with the use of the most important theoretical approaches and a variety of sources [K_U09]
is able to recognize different kinds of texts and products of material culture from the field of philology, and conduct critical analysis and interpretation of them [K_U10]
formulates his/her own critical opinions on the accepted canon of authors and texts of literature from a specific linguistic area [K_U11]
categorizes the factors that influence relations within and without a specific linguistic area [K_U12]
is able to interpret and connect linguistic facts in the historical and contrastive perspective [K_U13]
is able to apply theoretical knowledge to the process of learning foreign languages. [K_U14]
is able to plan and create his/her own didactic materials on educational platforms [K_U15]
knows how to translate structures, sentences and texts into a different language with the use of the most appropriate equivalents in the target language. [K_U16]
operates the following programs efficiently: CAT: WordFast, Trados, MemoQ [K_U17]
presents and interprets results with the use of different data presentation techniques. (e.g. visual aids) [K_U18]
has language skills in areas of knowledge proper to the chosen major, that conform with the requirements determined for the B2 and B1 levels for the major and the second language respectively, in keeping with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages [K_U19]
has correct habits in using the vocal organs [K_U20]
The student understands written and spoken texts; the student knows how to speak and write using language as a system (its grammatical structures, lexis and phonetics); the student communicates in the foreign language using a variety of channels and communication techniques to the extent adequate to the given field of knowledge [K_U21]

The graduate:
understands the need for lifelong learning [K_K01]
identifies correctly and solves dilemmas connected with his/her profession [K_K02]
knows how to determine priorities in carrying out a particular task performed by them or by others [K_K03]
demonstrates independent decision-making initiative in professional enterprises [K_K04]
takes part in cultural life with the use of different media and its various forms [K_K05]
remains open and searches for the signs indicating the most significant differences between their own and other communities in reference to habits, traditions, attitudes, views and values [K_K06]
is open to diverse opinions, judgments and interpretations of various socio-cultural phenomena as well as literary texts illustrating such phenomena [K_K07]
is conscious of the influence of foreign-language literature on Polish literature and other European literatures [K_K08]
strives to correctly communicate in a foreign language, and aspires to establish competence in the field of translation or foreign language teaching [K_K09]
is interested in linguistic phenomena [K_K10]
is conscious of mistakes that influence the cohesion of texts, including translated texts [K_K11]
organizes the work of a team through adequate analysis of the team components, evaluation of the work load and proper task distribution [K_K12]
is open to the use of modern technologies in the work environment [K_K13]
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Culture of French-speaking regions I [W1-FNFP-S1-KFOJ-1] Polish exam discussion classes: 30 4
Introduction to literary studies [W1-FN-S1-WL] Polish course work lecture: 30 2
Practical French I [W1-FNFP-S1-PNJF-1] Polish exam practical classes: 155
discussion classes: 25
Practical Spanish or Italian I [W1-FNFP-S1-PN2JHW-1] Polish course work practical classes: 60 7
Latin language and the culture of antiquity [W1-FN-S1-ŁKA] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Physical education I [W1-FN-S1-W-F-1] Polish course work practical classes: 30

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Culture of French-speaking regions I [W1-FNFP-S1-KFOJ-1] Polish exam discussion classes: 30 4
Introduction to literary studies [W1-FN-S1-WL] Polish course work lecture: 30 2
Practical French I [W1-FNFP-S1-PNJF-1] Polish exam practical classes: 155
discussion classes: 25
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Descriptive grammar of English with elements of historical and contrastive grammar I [W1-FNSFW-S1-GOAHK-1] English exam discussion classes: 30 2
History of American literature I [W1-FNSFW-S1-HLA-1] English exam discussion classes: 30 2
History of British literature I [W1-FNSFW-S1-HLB-1] English exam discussion classes: 30 2
Introduction to literary studies [W1-FN-S1-WL] Polish course work lecture: 30 2
Practical English I [W1-FNSFW-S1-PNJA-1] English exam practical classes: 90 10
Practical French I [W1-FNSF-S1-PNJF-1] Polish course work practical classes: 150 12
Physical education I [W1-FN-S1-W-F-1] Polish course work practical classes: 30

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Descriptive grammar of English with elements of historical and contrastive grammar I [W1-FNSFW-S1-GOAHK-1] English exam discussion classes: 30 2
History of American literature I [W1-FNSFW-S1-HLA-1] English exam discussion classes: 30 2
History of British literature I [W1-FNSFW-S1-HLB-1] English exam discussion classes: 30 2
Introduction to literary studies [W1-FN-S1-WL] Polish course work lecture: 30 2
Practical English I [W1-FNSFW-S1-PNJA-1] English exam practical classes: 90 10
Practical French I [W1-FNSF-S1-PNJF-1] Polish course work practical classes: 150 12
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Culture of French-speaking regions I [W1-FNFT-S1-KFOJ-1] Polish exam discussion classes: 30 4
History of French literature I [W1-FNFT-S1-HLF-1] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Introduction to literary studies [W1-FN-S1-WL] Polish course work lecture: 30 2
Practical French I [W1-FNFT-S1-PNJF-1] Polish exam practical classes: 105
discussion classes: 15
Practical Spanish or Italian I [W1-FNFT-S1-PN2JHW-1] course work practical classes: 60 7
Latin language and the culture of antiquity [W1-FN-S1-ŁKA] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Physical education I [W1-FN-S1-W-F-1] Polish course work practical classes: 30

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Culture of French-speaking regions I [W1-FNFT-S1-KFOJ-1] Polish exam discussion classes: 30 4
History of French literature I [W1-FNFT-S1-HLF-1] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Introduction to literary studies [W1-FN-S1-WL] Polish course work lecture: 30 2
Practical French I [W1-FNFT-S1-PNJF-1] Polish exam practical classes: 105
discussion classes: 15
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Descriptive grammar of English with elements of historical and contrastive grammar I [W1-FNSFW-S1-GOAHK-1] English exam discussion classes: 30 2
History of American literature I [W1-FNSFW-S1-HLA-1] English exam discussion classes: 30 2
History of British literature I [W1-FNSFW-S1-HLB-1] English exam discussion classes: 30 2
Introduction to literary studies [W1-FN-S1-WL] Polish course work lecture: 30 2
Practical English I [W1-FNSFW-S1-PNJA-1] English exam practical classes: 90 10
Practical Italian I [W1-FNSW-S1-PNJW-1] Polish course work practical classes: 150 12
Physical education I [W1-FN-S1-W-F-1] Polish course work practical classes: 30

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Descriptive grammar of English with elements of historical and contrastive grammar I [W1-FNSFW-S1-GOAHK-1] English exam discussion classes: 30 2
History of American literature I [W1-FNSFW-S1-HLA-1] English exam discussion classes: 30 2
History of British literature I [W1-FNSFW-S1-HLB-1] English exam discussion classes: 30 2
Introduction to literary studies [W1-FN-S1-WL] Polish course work lecture: 30 2
Practical English I [W1-FNSFW-S1-PNJA-1] English exam practical classes: 90 10
Practical Italian I [W1-FNSW-S1-PNJW-1] Polish course work practical classes: 150 12
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Elective subject I depending on the choice: 30 3
Introduction to linguistics [W1-FN-S1-WDJ] Polish course work practical classes: 15
discussion classes: 15
Introduction to Literary Studies [W1-FN-S1-WDL] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 4
Practical Italian I [W1-FNWT-S1-PNJW-1] Polish exam practical classes: 150 10
Second Foreign Language Skills [W1-FN-S1-PN2JO-1] course work practical classes: 60 6
Stylistics of Polish [W1-FN-S1-SJP] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 3
Physical education I [W1-FN-S1-W-F-1] Polish course work practical classes: 30

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Introduction to linguistics [W1-FN-S1-WDJ] Polish course work practical classes: 15
discussion classes: 15
Introduction to Literary Studies [W1-FN-S1-WDL] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 4
Practical Italian I [W1-FNWT-S1-PNJW-1] Polish exam practical classes: 150 10
Stylistics of Polish [W1-FN-S1-SJP] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 3
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Elective subject I depending on the choice: 30 3
Introduction to linguistics [W1-FN-S1-WDJ] Polish course work practical classes: 15
discussion classes: 15
Introduction to Literary Studies [W1-FN-S1-WDL] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 4
Practical Spanish I [W1-FNHTHA-S1-PNJH-1] Polish course work practical classes: 150 10
Second Foreign Language Skills [W1-FN-S1-PN2JO-1] course work practical classes: 60 6
Stylistics of Polish [W1-FN-S1-SJP] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 3
Physical education I [W1-FN-S1-W-F-1] Polish course work practical classes: 30

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Introduction to linguistics [W1-FN-S1-WDJ] Polish course work practical classes: 15
discussion classes: 15
Introduction to Literary Studies [W1-FN-S1-WDL] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 4
Practical Spanish I [W1-FNHTHA-S1-PNJH-1] Polish course work practical classes: 150 10
Stylistics of Polish [W1-FN-S1-SJP] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 3
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Elective subject I depending on the choice: 30 3
Introduction to linguistics [W1-FN-S1-WDJ] Polish course work practical classes: 15
discussion classes: 15
Introduction to Literary Studies [W1-FN-S1-WDL] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 4
Practical Spanish I [W1-FNHTHA-S1-PNJH-1] Polish course work practical classes: 150 10
Second Foreign Language Skills [W1-FN-S1-PN2JO-1] course work practical classes: 60 6
Stylistics of Polish [W1-FN-S1-SJP] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 3
Physical education I [W1-FN-S1-W-F-1] Polish course work practical classes: 30

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Introduction to linguistics [W1-FN-S1-WDJ] Polish course work practical classes: 15
discussion classes: 15
Introduction to Literary Studies [W1-FN-S1-WDL] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 4
Practical Spanish I [W1-FNHTHA-S1-PNJH-1] Polish course work practical classes: 150 10
Stylistics of Polish [W1-FN-S1-SJP] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 3
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Applied linguistics I [W1-FN-S1-JS-1] Polish exam lecture: 30 2
Culture of French-speaking regions II [W1-FNFP-S1-KFOJ-2] Polish exam discussion classes: 30 4
Elective subject VIII: Grammar and stylistics of Polish orThe acquisition and study of languages [W1-FN-S1-WAGJP] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 3
Introduction to linguistics [W1-FN-S1-WJ] Polish course work lecture: 30 2
Practical French II [W1-FNFP-S1-PNJF-2] Polish course work practical classes: 80
discussion classes: 100
Practical Spanish or Italian II [W1-FNFP-S1-PN2JHW-2] Polish exam practical classes: 60 8
Physical education II [W1-FN-S1-W-F-2] Polish course work practical classes: 30

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Applied linguistics I [W1-FN-S1-JS-1] Polish exam lecture: 30 2
Culture of French-speaking regions II [W1-FNFP-S1-KFOJ-2] Polish exam discussion classes: 30 4
Elective subject VIII: Grammar and stylistics of Polish orThe acquisition and study of languages [W1-FN-S1-WAGJP] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 3
Introduction to linguistics [W1-FN-S1-WJ] Polish course work lecture: 30 2
Practical French II [W1-FNFP-S1-PNJF-2] Polish course work practical classes: 80
discussion classes: 100
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Applied linguistics I [W1-FN-S1-JS-1] Polish exam lecture: 30 2
Descriptive grammar of English with elements of historical and contrastive grammar II [W1-FNSFW-S1-GOAHK-2] English exam discussion classes: 30 2
Elective subject I: Translation of literary texts – English I orTranslation of functional texts --English I [W1-FNSFW-S1-PTULJA-1] Polish exam practical classes: 30 6
History of American literature II [W1-FNSFW-S1-HLA-2] English exam discussion classes: 30 2
History of British literature II [W1-FNSFW-S1-HLB-2] English exam discussion classes: 30 2
Introduction to linguistics [W1-FN-S1-WJ] Polish course work lecture: 30 2
Practical English II [W1-FNSFW-S1-PNJA-2] English course work practical classes: 80
discussion classes: 10
Practical French II [W1-FNSF-S1-PNJF-2] Polish exam practical classes: 150 7
Physical education II [W1-FN-S1-W-F-2] Polish course work practical classes: 30

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Applied linguistics I [W1-FN-S1-JS-1] Polish exam lecture: 30 2
Descriptive grammar of English with elements of historical and contrastive grammar II [W1-FNSFW-S1-GOAHK-2] English exam discussion classes: 30 2
Elective subject I: Translation of literary texts – English I orTranslation of functional texts --English I [W1-FNSFW-S1-PTULJA-1] Polish exam practical classes: 30 6
History of American literature II [W1-FNSFW-S1-HLA-2] English exam discussion classes: 30 2
History of British literature II [W1-FNSFW-S1-HLB-2] English exam discussion classes: 30 2
Introduction to linguistics [W1-FN-S1-WJ] Polish course work lecture: 30 2
Practical English II [W1-FNSFW-S1-PNJA-2] English course work practical classes: 80
discussion classes: 10
Practical French II [W1-FNSF-S1-PNJF-2] Polish exam practical classes: 150 7
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Culture of French-speaking regions II [W1-FNFT-S1-KFOJ-2] Polish exam discussion classes: 30 4
Descriptive grammar of French with elements of historical and constrastive grammar I [W1-FNFT-S1-GOFHK-1] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
History of French literature II [W1-FNFT-S1-HLF-2] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Introduction to linguistics [W1-FN-S1-WJ] Polish course work lecture: 30 2
Practical French II [W1-FNFT-S1-PNJF-2] Polish course work practical classes: 50
discussion classes: 70
Practical Spanish or Italian II [W1-FNFT-S1-PN2JHW-2] exam practical classes: 60 8
Physical education II [W1-FN-S1-W-F-2] Polish course work practical classes: 30

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Culture of French-speaking regions II [W1-FNFT-S1-KFOJ-2] Polish exam discussion classes: 30 4
Descriptive grammar of French with elements of historical and constrastive grammar I [W1-FNFT-S1-GOFHK-1] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
History of French literature II [W1-FNFT-S1-HLF-2] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Introduction to linguistics [W1-FN-S1-WJ] Polish course work lecture: 30 2
Practical French II [W1-FNFT-S1-PNJF-2] Polish course work practical classes: 50
discussion classes: 70
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Applied linguistics I [W1-FN-S1-JS-1] Polish exam lecture: 30 2
Descriptive grammar of English with elements of historical and contrastive grammar II [W1-FNSFW-S1-GOAHK-2] English exam discussion classes: 30 2
Elective subject I: Translation of literary texts – English I or Translation of functional texts - English I [W1-FNSFW-S1-PTLUJA-1] Polish exam practical classes: 30 6
History of American literature II [W1-FNSFW-S1-HLA-2] English exam discussion classes: 30 2
History of British literature II [W1-FNSFW-S1-HLB-2] English exam discussion classes: 30 2
Introduction to linguistics [W1-FN-S1-WJ] Polish course work lecture: 30 2
Practical English II [W1-FNSFW-S1-PNJA-2] English course work practical classes: 80
discussion classes: 10
Practical Italian II [W1-FNSW-S1-PNJW-2] Polish exam practical classes: 150 7
Physical education II [W1-FN-S1-W-F-2] Polish course work practical classes: 30

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Applied linguistics I [W1-FN-S1-JS-1] Polish exam lecture: 30 2
Descriptive grammar of English with elements of historical and contrastive grammar II [W1-FNSFW-S1-GOAHK-2] English exam discussion classes: 30 2
Elective subject I: Translation of literary texts – English I or Translation of functional texts - English I [W1-FNSFW-S1-PTLUJA-1] Polish exam practical classes: 30 6
History of American literature II [W1-FNSFW-S1-HLA-2] English exam discussion classes: 30 2
History of British literature II [W1-FNSFW-S1-HLB-2] English exam discussion classes: 30 2
Introduction to linguistics [W1-FN-S1-WJ] Polish course work lecture: 30 2
Practical English II [W1-FNSFW-S1-PNJA-2] English course work practical classes: 80
discussion classes: 10
Practical Italian II [W1-FNSW-S1-PNJW-2] Polish exam practical classes: 150 7
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Descriptive Grammar of Italian I [W1-FNWT-S1-GOW-1] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 4
Fundamentals of Translation [W1-FN-S1-PP] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 3
Italian History and Culture I [W1-FNWT-S1-HKW-1] Polish exam discussion classes: 30 4
Practical Italian II [W1-FNWT-S1-PNJW-2] Polish exam practical classes: 150 10
Reading Literature [W1-FNWT-S1-PTL] Italian course work practical classes: 30 3
Second Foreign Language Skills [W1-FN-S1-PN2JO-2] exam practical classes: 60 6
Physical education II [W1-FN-S1-W-F-2] Polish course work practical classes: 30

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Descriptive Grammar of Italian I [W1-FNWT-S1-GOW-1] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 4
Fundamentals of Translation [W1-FN-S1-PP] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 3
Italian History and Culture I [W1-FNWT-S1-HKW-1] Polish exam discussion classes: 30 4
Practical Italian II [W1-FNWT-S1-PNJW-2] Polish exam practical classes: 150 10
Reading Literature [W1-FNWT-S1-PTL] Italian course work practical classes: 30 3
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Descriptive Grammar of Spanish [W1-FNHTHA-S1-GOH-1] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 4
History and Culture of Latin America I [W1-FNHA-S1-HKAŁ-1] Polish exam discussion classes: 30 4
Introduction to Media Studies [W1-FNHA-S1-WM] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 3
Practical Spanish II [W1-FNS1-PNJH-2] Polish exam practical classes: 150 10
Reading Literature [W1-FNHTHA-S1-PTL] Spanish course work practical classes: 30 3
Second Foreign Language Skills [W1-FN-S1-PN2JO-2] exam practical classes: 60 6
Physical education II [W1-FN-S1-W-F-2] Polish course work practical classes: 30

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Descriptive Grammar of Spanish [W1-FNHTHA-S1-GOH-1] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 4
History and Culture of Latin America I [W1-FNHA-S1-HKAŁ-1] Polish exam discussion classes: 30 4
Introduction to Media Studies [W1-FNHA-S1-WM] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 3
Practical Spanish II [W1-FNS1-PNJH-2] Polish exam practical classes: 150 10
Reading Literature [W1-FNHTHA-S1-PTL] Spanish course work practical classes: 30 3
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Descriptive Grammar of Spanish [W1-FNHTHA-S1-GOH-1] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 4
Fundamentals of Translation [W1-FN-S1-PP] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 3
Practical Spanish II [W1-FNS1-PNJH-2] Polish exam practical classes: 150 10
Reading Literature [W1-FNHTHA-S1-PTL] Spanish course work practical classes: 30 3
Second Foreign Language Skills [W1-FN-S1-PN2JO-2] exam practical classes: 60 6
Spanish History and Culture I [W1-FNHT-S1-HKH-1] Polish exam discussion classes: 30 4
Physical education II [W1-FN-S1-W-F-2] Polish course work practical classes: 30

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Descriptive Grammar of Spanish [W1-FNHTHA-S1-GOH-1] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 4
Fundamentals of Translation [W1-FN-S1-PP] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 3
Practical Spanish II [W1-FNS1-PNJH-2] Polish exam practical classes: 150 10
Reading Literature [W1-FNHTHA-S1-PTL] Spanish course work practical classes: 30 3
Spanish History and Culture I [W1-FNHT-S1-HKH-1] Polish exam discussion classes: 30 4
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Applied linguistics II [W1-FN-S1-JS-2] Polish exam lecture: 30 2
Descriptive grammar of French with elements of historical and constrastive grammar I [W1-FNFP-S1-GOFHK-1] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Elective subject II: Analysis of legal texts – French I or Analysis of technical texts – French I [W1-FNFT-S1-PTPTJF-1] Polish exam practical classes: 30 3
Elective subject III: Civil and commercial law Culture and communication [W1-FN-S1-KKPCH] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Fundamentals of interpretation [W1-FNFP-S1-PT] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
History of French literature I [W1-FNFP-S1-HLF-1] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Information technology and Editing of academic texts [W1-FN-S1-TIED] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Practical French III [W1-FNFP-S1-PNJF-3] Polish exam practical classes: 70
discussion classes: 50
Practical Spanish or Italian III [W1-FNFP-S1-PN2JHW-3] Polish course work practical classes: 60 6

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Applied linguistics II [W1-FN-S1-JS-2] Polish exam lecture: 30 2
Descriptive grammar of French with elements of historical and constrastive grammar I [W1-FNFP-S1-GOFHK-1] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Elective subject II: Analysis of legal texts – French I or Analysis of technical texts – French I [W1-FNFT-S1-PTPTJF-1] Polish exam practical classes: 30 3
Fundamentals of interpretation [W1-FNFP-S1-PT] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
History of French literature I [W1-FNFP-S1-HLF-1] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Practical French III [W1-FNFP-S1-PNJF-3] Polish exam practical classes: 70
discussion classes: 50
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Applied linguistics II [W1-FN-S1-JS-2] Polish exam lecture: 30 2
Civilization of English-speaking countries [W1-FNSFW-S1-CAOJ] English course work discussion classes: 30 3
Descriptive grammar of English with elements of historical and contrastive grammar III [W1-FNFW-S1-GOAHK-3] English exam discussion classes: 30 2
Elective subject II: Analysis of legal texts – English I or Analysis of technical texts - English I [W1-FNSFW-S1-PTPTJA-1] English exam practical classes: 30 3
Elective subject III: Civil and commercial law Culture and communication [W1-FN-S1-KKPCH] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Elective subject I: Translation of literary texts – English II or Translation of functional texts --English II [W1-FNSFW-S1-PTLUJA-2] Polish exam practical classes: 30 4
History of literature of French-speaking regions I [W1-FNSF-S1-HLFOJ-1] Polish exam discussion classes: 30 2
Practical English III [W1-FNSFW-S1-PNJA-3] English exam practical classes: 40
discussion classes: 20
Practical French III [W1-FNSF-S1-PNJF-3] Polish course work practical classes: 100
discussion classes: 20

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Applied linguistics II [W1-FN-S1-JS-2] Polish exam lecture: 30 2
Civilization of English-speaking countries [W1-FNSFW-S1-CAOJ] English course work discussion classes: 30 3
Descriptive grammar of English with elements of historical and contrastive grammar III [W1-FNFW-S1-GOAHK-3] English exam discussion classes: 30 2
Elective subject II: Analysis of legal texts – English I or Analysis of technical texts - English I [W1-FNSFW-S1-PTPTJA-1] English exam practical classes: 30 3
Elective subject I: Translation of literary texts – English II or Translation of functional texts --English II [W1-FNSFW-S1-PTLUJA-2] Polish exam practical classes: 30 4
History of literature of French-speaking regions I [W1-FNSF-S1-HLFOJ-1] Polish exam discussion classes: 30 2
Practical English III [W1-FNSFW-S1-PNJA-3] English exam practical classes: 40
discussion classes: 20
Practical French III [W1-FNSF-S1-PNJF-3] Polish course work practical classes: 100
discussion classes: 20
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Applied linguistics I [W1-FN-S1-JS-1] Polish exam lecture: 30 2
Elective subject II: Analysis of legal texts – French I or Analysis of technical texts – French I [W1-FNFT-S1-PTPTJF-1] Polish exam practical classes: 30 3
Elective subject III: Civil and commercial law Culture and communication [W1-FN-S1-KKPCH] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Fundamentals of interpretation – French [W1-FNFT-S1-PTUJF] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Gramatyka opisowa języka francuskiego z elementami gramatyki historycznej i kontrastywnej II [W1-FNFT-S1-GOFHK-2] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
History of French literature III [W1-FNFT-S1-HLF-3] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Information Technology [W1-FN-S1-TI] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Practical French III [W1-FNFT-S1-PNJF-3] Polish exam practical classes: 50
discussion classes: 40
Practical Spanish or Italian III [W1-FNFT-S1-PN2JHW-3] course work practical classes: 60 6

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Applied linguistics I [W1-FN-S1-JS-1] Polish exam lecture: 30 2
Elective subject II: Analysis of legal texts – French I or Analysis of technical texts – French I [W1-FNFT-S1-PTPTJF-1] Polish exam practical classes: 30 3
Fundamentals of interpretation – French [W1-FNFT-S1-PTUJF] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Gramatyka opisowa języka francuskiego z elementami gramatyki historycznej i kontrastywnej II [W1-FNFT-S1-GOFHK-2] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
History of French literature III [W1-FNFT-S1-HLF-3] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Practical French III [W1-FNFT-S1-PNJF-3] Polish exam practical classes: 50
discussion classes: 40
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Applied linguistics II [W1-FN-S1-JS-2] Polish exam lecture: 30 2
Civilization of English-speaking countries [W1-FNSFW-S1-CAOJ] English course work discussion classes: 30 3
Descriptive grammar of English with elements of historical and contrastive grammar III [W1-FNFW-S1-GOAHK-3] English exam discussion classes: 30 2
Elective subject II: Analysis of legal texts – English I or Analysis of technical texts - English I [W1-FNSFW-S1-PTPTJA-1] English exam practical classes: 30 3
Elective subject III: Civil and commercial law Culture and communication [W1-FN-S1-KKPCH] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Elective subject I: Translation of literary texts – English II or Translation of functional texts --English II [W1-FNSFW-S1-PTLUJA-2] Polish exam practical classes: 30 4
History of Italian literature I [W1-FNSW-S1-HLW-1] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Practical English III [W1-FNSFW-S1-PNJA-3] English exam practical classes: 40
discussion classes: 20
Practical Italian III [W1-FNSW-S1-PNJW-3] Polish course work practical classes: 120 6

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Applied linguistics II [W1-FN-S1-JS-2] Polish exam lecture: 30 2
Civilization of English-speaking countries [W1-FNSFW-S1-CAOJ] English course work discussion classes: 30 3
Descriptive grammar of English with elements of historical and contrastive grammar III [W1-FNFW-S1-GOAHK-3] English exam discussion classes: 30 2
Elective subject II: Analysis of legal texts – English I or Analysis of technical texts - English I [W1-FNSFW-S1-PTPTJA-1] English exam practical classes: 30 3
Elective subject I: Translation of literary texts – English II or Translation of functional texts --English II [W1-FNSFW-S1-PTLUJA-2] Polish exam practical classes: 30 4
History of Italian literature I [W1-FNSW-S1-HLW-1] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Practical English III [W1-FNSFW-S1-PNJA-3] English exam practical classes: 40
discussion classes: 20
Practical Italian III [W1-FNSW-S1-PNJW-3] Polish course work practical classes: 120 6
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Applied linguistics I [W1-FNWT-S1-JS-1] Italian exam practical classes: 15
discussion classes: 15
Descriptive Grammar of Italian II [W1-FNWT-S1-GOW-2] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 3
History of Italian Literature I [W1-FNWT-S1-HLW-1] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 3
Information Technology [W1-FN-S1-TI] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Italian History and Culture II [W1-FNWT-S1-HKW-2] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 3
Practical Italian III [W1-FNWT-S1-PNJW-3] Italian exam practical classes: 120 8
Second Foreign Language Skills [W1-FN-S1-PN2JO-3] course work practical classes: 60 5
Translation of Journal and Functional Texts [W1-FNWT-S1-PPPU] Italian course work practical classes: 30 3

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Applied linguistics I [W1-FNWT-S1-JS-1] Italian exam practical classes: 15
discussion classes: 15
Descriptive Grammar of Italian II [W1-FNWT-S1-GOW-2] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 3
History of Italian Literature I [W1-FNWT-S1-HLW-1] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 3
Italian History and Culture II [W1-FNWT-S1-HKW-2] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 3
Practical Italian III [W1-FNWT-S1-PNJW-3] Italian exam practical classes: 120 8
Translation of Journal and Functional Texts [W1-FNWT-S1-PPPU] Italian course work practical classes: 30 3
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Applied linguistics I [W1-FNHTHA-S1-JS-1] Spanish exam practical classes: 15
discussion classes: 15
Descriptive Grammar of Spanish II [W1-FNHTHA-S1-GOH-2] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 3
History and Culture of Latin America II [W1-FN-HA-S1-HKAŁ-2] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 3
History of Latin American Literature I [W1-FNHA-S1-HLLA-1] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 3
Information Technology [W1-FN-S1-TI] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Media in Latin America [W1-FNHA-S1-MAŁ] Spanish course work discussion classes: 30 3
Practical Spanish III [W1-FNHTHA-S1-PNJH-3] Spanish exam practical classes: 120 8
Second Foreign Language Skills [W1-FN-S1-PN2JO-3] course work practical classes: 60 5

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Applied linguistics I [W1-FNHTHA-S1-JS-1] Spanish exam practical classes: 15
discussion classes: 15
Descriptive Grammar of Spanish II [W1-FNHTHA-S1-GOH-2] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 3
History and Culture of Latin America II [W1-FN-HA-S1-HKAŁ-2] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 3
History of Latin American Literature I [W1-FNHA-S1-HLLA-1] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 3
Media in Latin America [W1-FNHA-S1-MAŁ] Spanish course work discussion classes: 30 3
Practical Spanish III [W1-FNHTHA-S1-PNJH-3] Spanish exam practical classes: 120 8
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Applied linguistics I [W1-FNHTHA-S1-JS-1] Spanish exam practical classes: 15
discussion classes: 15
Descriptive Grammar of Spanish II [W1-FNHTHA-S1-GOH-2] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 3
History of Spanish Literature I [W1-FNHT-S1-HLHS-1] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 3
Information Technology [W1-FN-S1-TI] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Practical Spanish III [W1-FNHTHA-S1-PNJH-3] Spanish exam practical classes: 120 8
Second Foreign Language Skills [W1-FN-S1-PN2JO-3] course work practical classes: 60 5
Spanish History and Culture II [W1-FNHT-S1-HKH-2] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 3
Translation of Journal and Functional Texts [W1-FNHT-S1-PPPU] Spanish course work practical classes: 30 3

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Applied linguistics I [W1-FNHTHA-S1-JS-1] Spanish exam practical classes: 15
discussion classes: 15
Descriptive Grammar of Spanish II [W1-FNHTHA-S1-GOH-2] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 3
History of Spanish Literature I [W1-FNHT-S1-HLHS-1] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 3
Practical Spanish III [W1-FNHTHA-S1-PNJH-3] Spanish exam practical classes: 120 8
Spanish History and Culture II [W1-FNHT-S1-HKH-2] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 3
Translation of Journal and Functional Texts [W1-FNHT-S1-PPPU] Spanish course work practical classes: 30 3
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Descriptive grammar of French with elements of historical and constrastive grammar II [W1-FNFP-S1-GOFHK-2] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Elective subject I: Analysis of legal texts – French II or Analysis of technical texts – French II [W1-FNFT-S1-PTPTJF-2] Polish exam practical classes: 30 2
History of French literature II [W1-FNFP-S1-HLF-2] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Knowledge of the Text I [W1-FN-S1-WT-1] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Practical French IV [W1-FNFP-S1-PNJF-4] Polish course work practical classes: 90 7
Practical Spanish or Italian IV [W1-FNFP-S1-PN2JHW-4] Polish exam practical classes: 60 6
Specialized translation [W1-FNFP-S1-TS] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 3
Stylistics of academic and translated texts [W1-FNFTSF-S1-STAT] French course work practical classes: 30 2
Internship [W1-FN-S1-PZ] Polish course work internship: 30 1

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Descriptive grammar of French with elements of historical and constrastive grammar II [W1-FNFP-S1-GOFHK-2] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Elective subject I: Analysis of legal texts – French II or Analysis of technical texts – French II [W1-FNFT-S1-PTPTJF-2] Polish exam practical classes: 30 2
History of French literature II [W1-FNFP-S1-HLF-2] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Knowledge of the Text I [W1-FN-S1-WT-1] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Practical French IV [W1-FNFP-S1-PNJF-4] Polish course work practical classes: 90 7
Specialized translation [W1-FNFP-S1-TS] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 3
Stylistics of academic and translated texts [W1-FNFTSF-S1-STAT] French course work practical classes: 30 2
Internship [W1-FN-S1-PZ] Polish course work internship: 30 1
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Civilization of French-speaking regions [W1-FNSF-S1-CFOJ] Polish course work discussion classes: 45 3
Descriptive grammar of French with elements of historical and constrastive grammar I [W1-FNSF-S1-GOFHK-1] Polish exam discussion classes: 30 2
Elective subject II: Analysis of legal texts – English II or Analysis of technical texts - English II [W1-FNSFW-S1-PTPTJA-2] English exam practical classes: 30 4
Elective subject IV: Certified translation -English or Conference translation -English [W1-FNSFW-S1-TPKJA] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
History of literature of French-speaking regions II [W1-FNSF-S1-HLFOJ-2] Polish exam discussion classes: 30 3
Knowledge of the Text I [W1-FN-S1-WT-1] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Practical English IV [W1-FNSFW-S1-PNJA-4] English course work practical classes: 40
discussion classes: 20
Practical French IV [W1-FNSF-S1-PNJF-4] Polish exam practical classes: 50
discussion classes: 40
Stylistics of academic and translated texts [W1-FNFTSF-S1-STAT] French course work practical classes: 30 2
Internship [W1-FN-S1-PZ] Polish course work internship: 30 1

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Civilization of French-speaking regions [W1-FNSF-S1-CFOJ] Polish course work discussion classes: 45 3
Descriptive grammar of French with elements of historical and constrastive grammar I [W1-FNSF-S1-GOFHK-1] Polish exam discussion classes: 30 2
Elective subject II: Analysis of legal texts – English II or Analysis of technical texts - English II [W1-FNSFW-S1-PTPTJA-2] English exam practical classes: 30 4
Elective subject IV: Certified translation -English or Conference translation -English [W1-FNSFW-S1-TPKJA] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
History of literature of French-speaking regions II [W1-FNSF-S1-HLFOJ-2] Polish exam discussion classes: 30 3
Knowledge of the Text I [W1-FN-S1-WT-1] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Practical English IV [W1-FNSFW-S1-PNJA-4] English course work practical classes: 40
discussion classes: 20
Practical French IV [W1-FNSF-S1-PNJF-4] Polish exam practical classes: 50
discussion classes: 40
Stylistics of academic and translated texts [W1-FNFTSF-S1-STAT] French course work practical classes: 30 2
Internship [W1-FN-S1-PZ] Polish course work internship: 30 1
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Applied linguistics II [W1-FN-S1-JS-2] Polish exam lecture: 30 2
Descriptive grammar of French with elements of historical and constrastive grammar III [W1-FNFT-S1-GOFHK-3] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Elective subject I: Analysis of legal texts – French II or Analysis of technical texts – French II [W1-FNFT-S1-PTPTJF-2] Polish exam practical classes: 30 2
History of French literature IV [W1-FNFT-S1-HLF-4] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Knowledge of the Text I [W1-FN-S1-WT-1] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Practical French IV [W1-FNFT-S1-PNJF-4] Polish course work practical classes: 90 5
Practical Spanish or Italian IV [W1-FNFT-S1-PN2JHW-4] exam practical classes: 60 6
Specialized translation – spanish or Italian [W1-FNFT-S1-TJWH] course work discussion classes: 30 3
Stylistics of academic and translated texts [W1-FNFTSF-S1-STAT] French course work practical classes: 30 2
Internship [W1-FN-S1-PZ] Polish course work internship: 30 1

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Applied linguistics II [W1-FN-S1-JS-2] Polish exam lecture: 30 2
Descriptive grammar of French with elements of historical and constrastive grammar III [W1-FNFT-S1-GOFHK-3] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Elective subject I: Analysis of legal texts – French II or Analysis of technical texts – French II [W1-FNFT-S1-PTPTJF-2] Polish exam practical classes: 30 2
History of French literature IV [W1-FNFT-S1-HLF-4] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Knowledge of the Text I [W1-FN-S1-WT-1] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Practical French IV [W1-FNFT-S1-PNJF-4] Polish course work practical classes: 90 5
Stylistics of academic and translated texts [W1-FNFTSF-S1-STAT] French course work practical classes: 30 2
Internship [W1-FN-S1-PZ] Polish course work internship: 30 1
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Descriptive grammar of Italian with elements of historical and contrastive grammar I [W1-FNSW-S1-GOWHK-1] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Elective subject II: Analysis of legal texts – English II or Analysis of technical texts - English II [W1-FNSFW-S1-PTPTJA-2] English exam practical classes: 30 4
Elective subject IV: Certified translation -English or Conference translation -English [W1-FNSFW-S1-TPKJA] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
History of Italian literature II [W1-FNSW-S1-HLW-2] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 3
Italian civilization [W1-FNSW-S1-CW] Italian course work discussion classes: 45 3
Knowledge of the Text I [W1-FN-S1-WT-1] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Practical English IV [W1-FNSFW-S1-PNJA-4] English course work practical classes: 40
discussion classes: 20
Practical Italian IV [W1-FNSW-S1-PNJW-4] Polish exam practical classes: 90 5
Stylistics of academic and translated texts [W1-FNSW-S1-STAT] Italian course work practical classes: 30 2
Internship [W1-FN-S1-PZ] Polish course work internship: 30 1

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Descriptive grammar of Italian with elements of historical and contrastive grammar I [W1-FNSW-S1-GOWHK-1] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Elective subject II: Analysis of legal texts – English II or Analysis of technical texts - English II [W1-FNSFW-S1-PTPTJA-2] English exam practical classes: 30 4
Elective subject IV: Certified translation -English or Conference translation -English [W1-FNSFW-S1-TPKJA] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
History of Italian literature II [W1-FNSW-S1-HLW-2] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 3
Italian civilization [W1-FNSW-S1-CW] Italian course work discussion classes: 45 3
Knowledge of the Text I [W1-FN-S1-WT-1] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Practical English IV [W1-FNSFW-S1-PNJA-4] English course work practical classes: 40
discussion classes: 20
Practical Italian IV [W1-FNSW-S1-PNJW-4] Polish exam practical classes: 90 5
Stylistics of academic and translated texts [W1-FNSW-S1-STAT] Italian course work practical classes: 30 2
Internship [W1-FN-S1-PZ] Polish course work internship: 30 1
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Applied linguistics II [W1-FNWT-S1-JS-2] Italian exam practical classes: 15
discussion classes: 15
Descriptive Grammar of Italian III [W1-FNWT-S1-GOW-3] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 3
Elective subject II lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
History of Italian Literature II [W1-FNWT-S1-HLW-2] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 3
Knowledge of the Text I [W1-FNWT-S1-WT-1] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 4
Practical Italian IV [W1-FNWT-S1-PNJW-4] Italian exam practical classes: 120 8
Second Foreign Language Skills [W1-FN-S1-PN2JO-4] exam practical classes: 30 4
Internship [W1-FN-S1-PZ] Polish course work internship: 30 1

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Applied linguistics II [W1-FNWT-S1-JS-2] Italian exam practical classes: 15
discussion classes: 15
Descriptive Grammar of Italian III [W1-FNWT-S1-GOW-3] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 3
Elective subject II lecture: 0
depending on the choice: 30
History of Italian Literature II [W1-FNWT-S1-HLW-2] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 3
Knowledge of the Text I [W1-FNWT-S1-WT-1] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 4
Practical Italian IV [W1-FNWT-S1-PNJW-4] Italian exam practical classes: 120 8
Internship [W1-FN-S1-PZ] Polish course work internship: 30 1
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Applied linguistics II [W1-FNHTHA-S1-JS-2] Spanish exam practical classes: 15
discussion classes: 15
Descriptive Grammar of Spanish II [W1-FNHTHA-S1-GOH-3] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 3
Elective subject II depending on the choice: 30 4
History of Latin American Literature II [W1-FNHA-S1-HLLA-2] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 3
Knowledge of the Text I [W1-FNHTHA-S1-WT-1] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 4
Practical Spanish VI [W1-FNHTHA-S1-PNJH-4] Spanish exam practical classes: 120 8
Second Foreign Language Skills [W1-FN-S1-PN2JO-4] exam practical classes: 30 4
Internship [W1-FN-S1-PZ] Polish course work internship: 30 1

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Applied linguistics II [W1-FNHTHA-S1-JS-2] Spanish exam practical classes: 15
discussion classes: 15
Descriptive Grammar of Spanish II [W1-FNHTHA-S1-GOH-3] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 3
Elective subject II depending on the choice: 30 4
History of Latin American Literature II [W1-FNHA-S1-HLLA-2] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 3
Knowledge of the Text I [W1-FNHTHA-S1-WT-1] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 4
Practical Spanish VI [W1-FNHTHA-S1-PNJH-4] Spanish exam practical classes: 120 8
Internship [W1-FN-S1-PZ] Polish course work internship: 30 1
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Applied linguistics II [W1-FNHTHA-S1-JS-2] Spanish exam practical classes: 15
discussion classes: 15
Descriptive Grammar of Spanish II [W1-FNHTHA-S1-GOH-3] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 3
Elective subject II depending on the choice: 30 4
History of Spanish Literature II [W1-FNHT-S1-HLHS-2] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 3
Knowledge of the Text I [W1-FNHTHA-S1-WT-1] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 4
Practical Spanish VI [W1-FNHTHA-S1-PNJH-4] Spanish exam practical classes: 120 8
Second Foreign Language Skills [W1-FN-S1-PN2JO-4] exam practical classes: 30 4
Internship [W1-FN-S1-PZ] Polish course work internship: 30 1

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Applied linguistics II [W1-FNHTHA-S1-JS-2] Spanish exam practical classes: 15
discussion classes: 15
Descriptive Grammar of Spanish II [W1-FNHTHA-S1-GOH-3] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 3
Elective subject II depending on the choice: 30 4
History of Spanish Literature II [W1-FNHT-S1-HLHS-2] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 3
Knowledge of the Text I [W1-FNHTHA-S1-WT-1] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 4
Practical Spanish VI [W1-FNHTHA-S1-PNJH-4] Spanish exam practical classes: 120 8
Internship [W1-FN-S1-PZ] Polish course work internship: 30 1
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Consecutive interpretation [W1-FNFP-TK] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Descriptive grammar of French with elements of historical and constrastive grammar III [W1-FNFP-S1-GOFHK-3] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Diploma seminar I [W1-FN-S1FTFP-SD-1] Polish course work seminar: 30 3
History of French literature III [W1-FNFP-S1-HLF-3] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Knowledge of the Text II [W1-FN-S1-WT-2] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Practical French V [W1-FNFP-S1-PNJF-5] Polish exam practical classes: 20
discussion classes: 70
Practical Spanish or Italian V [W1-FNFP-S1-PN2JHW-5] course work practical classes: 60 4
Research methodology [W1-FN-S1-MB] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 2
Subject in the field of social sciences [W1-FN-S1-POS] Polish course work lecture: 30 5

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Consecutive interpretation [W1-FNFP-TK] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Descriptive grammar of French with elements of historical and constrastive grammar III [W1-FNFP-S1-GOFHK-3] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Diploma seminar I [W1-FN-S1FTFP-SD-1] Polish course work seminar: 30 3
History of French literature III [W1-FNFP-S1-HLF-3] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Knowledge of the Text II [W1-FN-S1-WT-2] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Practical French V [W1-FNFP-S1-PNJF-5] Polish exam practical classes: 20
discussion classes: 70
Research methodology [W1-FN-S1-MB] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Descriptive grammar of French with elements of historical and constrastive grammar II [W1-FNSF-S1-GOFHK-2] Polish exam discussion classes: 30 2
Diploma seminar I [W1-FN-S1-SD-1] Polish course work seminar: 30 4
Elective subject VI: Analysis of legal texts – French I or Analysis of technical texts - French I [W1-FN-SFS1-PTPTJF-1] Polish exam practical classes: 30 2
Elective subject VII: or Certified translation -- French or Conference translation -- French [W1-FNSF-S1-TPKJF] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Elective subject V: Translation of literary texts French I orTranslation of functional texts - French I [W1-FNSF-S1-PTLUJF-1] Polish exam practical classes: 30 2
History of literature of French-speaking regions III [W1-FNSF-S1-HLFOJ-3] Polish exam discussion classes: 30 2
Knowledge of the Text II [W1-FN-S1-WT-2] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Practical English V [W1-FNSFW-S1-PNJA-5] English exam practical classes: 30 2
Practical French V [W1-FNSF-S1-PNJF-5] Polish course work practical classes: 90 4
Research methodology [W1-FN-S1-MB] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 2
Subject in the field of social sciences [W1-FN-S1-POS] Polish course work lecture: 30 5

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Descriptive grammar of French with elements of historical and constrastive grammar II [W1-FNSF-S1-GOFHK-2] Polish exam discussion classes: 30 2
Diploma seminar I [W1-FN-S1-SD-1] Polish course work seminar: 30 4
Elective subject VI: Analysis of legal texts – French I or Analysis of technical texts - French I [W1-FN-SFS1-PTPTJF-1] Polish exam practical classes: 30 2
Elective subject VII: or Certified translation -- French or Conference translation -- French [W1-FNSF-S1-TPKJF] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Elective subject V: Translation of literary texts French I orTranslation of functional texts - French I [W1-FNSF-S1-PTLUJF-1] Polish exam practical classes: 30 2
History of literature of French-speaking regions III [W1-FNSF-S1-HLFOJ-3] Polish exam discussion classes: 30 2
Knowledge of the Text II [W1-FN-S1-WT-2] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Practical English V [W1-FNSFW-S1-PNJA-5] English exam practical classes: 30 2
Practical French V [W1-FNSF-S1-PNJF-5] Polish course work practical classes: 90 4
Research methodology [W1-FN-S1-MB] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Consecutive interpretation [W1-FNFT-S1-TK] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Descriptive grammar of French with elements of historical and constrastive grammar IV [W1-FNFT-S1-GOFHK-4] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Diploma seminar I [W1-FN-S1FTFP-SD-1] Polish course work seminar: 30 3
History of French literature V [W1-FNFT-S1-HLF-5] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Knowledge of the Text II [W1-FN-S1-WT-2] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Practical French V [W1-FNFT-S1-PNJF-5] Polish exam practical classes: 10
discussion classes: 50
Practical Spanish or Italian V [W1-FNFT-S1-PN2JHW-5] course work practical classes: 60 4
Research methodology [W1-FN-S1-MB] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 2
Subject in the field of social sciences [W1-FN-S1-POS] Polish course work lecture: 30 5

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Consecutive interpretation [W1-FNFT-S1-TK] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Descriptive grammar of French with elements of historical and constrastive grammar IV [W1-FNFT-S1-GOFHK-4] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Diploma seminar I [W1-FN-S1FTFP-SD-1] Polish course work seminar: 30 3
History of French literature V [W1-FNFT-S1-HLF-5] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Knowledge of the Text II [W1-FN-S1-WT-2] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Practical French V [W1-FNFT-S1-PNJF-5] Polish exam practical classes: 10
discussion classes: 50
Research methodology [W1-FN-S1-MB] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Descriptive grammar of Italian with elements of historical and contrastive grammar II [W1-FNSW-S1-GOWHK-2] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Diploma seminar I [W1-FNSW-S1-SD-1] Italian course work seminar: 30 3
Elective subject VI: Analysis of legal texts – Italian I or Analysis of technical texts – Italian I [W1-FNSW-S1-PTPTJW-1] Italian exam practical classes: 30 2
Elective subject VII: Certified translation -- Italian or Conference translation -- Italian [W1-FNSW-S1-TPKJW] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Elective subject V: Translation of literary texts – Italian I or Translation of functional texts – Italian I [W1-FNSW-S1-PTLUJW-1] Polish exam practical classes: 30 2
History of Italian literature III [W1-FNSW-S1-HLW-3] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Knowledge of the Text II [W1-FN-S1-WT-2] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Practical English V [W1-FNSFW-S1-PNJA-5] English exam practical classes: 30 2
Practical Italian V [W1-FNSW-S1-PNJW-5] Italian course work practical classes: 90 5
Research methodology [W1-FN-S1-MB] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 2
Subject in the field of social sciences [W1-FN-S1-POS] Polish course work lecture: 30 5

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Descriptive grammar of Italian with elements of historical and contrastive grammar II [W1-FNSW-S1-GOWHK-2] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Diploma seminar I [W1-FNSW-S1-SD-1] Italian course work seminar: 30 3
Elective subject VI: Analysis of legal texts – Italian I or Analysis of technical texts – Italian I [W1-FNSW-S1-PTPTJW-1] Italian exam practical classes: 30 2
Elective subject VII: Certified translation -- Italian or Conference translation -- Italian [W1-FNSW-S1-TPKJW] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Elective subject V: Translation of literary texts – Italian I or Translation of functional texts – Italian I [W1-FNSW-S1-PTLUJW-1] Polish exam practical classes: 30 2
History of Italian literature III [W1-FNSW-S1-HLW-3] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Knowledge of the Text II [W1-FN-S1-WT-2] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Practical English V [W1-FNSFW-S1-PNJA-5] English exam practical classes: 30 2
Practical Italian V [W1-FNSW-S1-PNJW-5] Italian course work practical classes: 90 5
Research methodology [W1-FN-S1-MB] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Consecutive Interpretation [W1-FNWT-S1-TUK] Italian course work practical classes: 30 2
Descriptive Grammar of Italian IV [W1-FNWT-S1-GOW-4] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 3
Dipoma Module I depending on the choice: 30 13
History of Italian Literature III [W1-FNWT-S1-HLW-3] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Knowledge of the Text II [W1-FNWT-S1-WT-2] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Practical Italian V [W1-FNWT-S1-PNJW-5] Italian exam practical classes: 90 4
Second Foreign Language Skills [W1-FN-S1-240PN2JO-5] course work practical classes: 30 2
Translation of Scientific and Literary Texts [W1-FNWT-S1-PPTL] Italian course work practical classes: 30 2

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Consecutive Interpretation [W1-FNWT-S1-TUK] Italian course work practical classes: 30 2
Descriptive Grammar of Italian IV [W1-FNWT-S1-GOW-4] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 3
Dipoma Module I depending on the choice: 30 13
History of Italian Literature III [W1-FNWT-S1-HLW-3] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Knowledge of the Text II [W1-FNWT-S1-WT-2] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Practical Italian V [W1-FNWT-S1-PNJW-5] Italian exam practical classes: 90 4
Translation of Scientific and Literary Texts [W1-FNWT-S1-PPTL] Italian course work practical classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Art of Latin American Countries [W1-FNHA-S1-SKL] Spanish course work discussion classes: 30 2
Descriptive Grammar of Spanish IV [W1-FNHTHA-S1-GOH-4] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 3
Dipoma Module I depending on the choice: 30 13
History of Latin American Literature III [W1-FNHA-S1-HLLA-3] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 2
Knowledge of the Text II [W1-FNHTHA-S1-WT-2] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 2
Practical Spanish V [W1-FNHTHA-S1-PNJH-5] Spanish exam practical classes: 90 4
Second Foreign Language Skills [W1-FN-S1-240PN2JO-5] course work practical classes: 30 2
The Spanish Language in Latin America I [W1-FNHA-S1-JHAŁ-1] Spanish course work discussion classes: 30 2

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Art of Latin American Countries [W1-FNHA-S1-SKL] Spanish course work discussion classes: 30 2
Descriptive Grammar of Spanish IV [W1-FNHTHA-S1-GOH-4] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 3
Dipoma Module I depending on the choice: 30 13
History of Latin American Literature III [W1-FNHA-S1-HLLA-3] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 2
Knowledge of the Text II [W1-FNHTHA-S1-WT-2] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 2
Practical Spanish V [W1-FNHTHA-S1-PNJH-5] Spanish exam practical classes: 90 4
The Spanish Language in Latin America I [W1-FNHA-S1-JHAŁ-1] Spanish course work discussion classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Consecutive Interpretation [W1-FNHT-S1-TUK] Spanish course work practical classes: 30 2
Descriptive Grammar of Spanish IV [W1-FNHTHA-S1-GOH-4] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 3
Dipoma Module I depending on the choice: 30 13
History of Spanish Literature III [W1-FNHT-S1-HLHS-3] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 2
Knowledge of the Text II [W1-FNHTHA-S1-WT-2] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 2
Practical Spanish V [W1-FNHTHA-S1-PNJH-5] Spanish exam practical classes: 90 4
Second Foreign Language Skills [W1-FN-S1-240PN2JO-5] course work practical classes: 30 2
Translation of Scientific and Literary Texts [W1-FNHT-S1-PPTLN] Spanish course work practical classes: 30 2

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Consecutive Interpretation [W1-FNHT-S1-TUK] Spanish course work practical classes: 30 2
Descriptive Grammar of Spanish IV [W1-FNHTHA-S1-GOH-4] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 3
Dipoma Module I depending on the choice: 30 13
History of Spanish Literature III [W1-FNHT-S1-HLHS-3] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 2
Knowledge of the Text II [W1-FNHTHA-S1-WT-2] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 2
Practical Spanish V [W1-FNHTHA-S1-PNJH-5] Spanish exam practical classes: 90 4
Translation of Scientific and Literary Texts [W1-FNHT-S1-PPTLN] Spanish course work practical classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Descriptive grammar of French with elements of historical and constrastive grammar IV [W1-FNFP-S1-GOFHK-4] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Diploma seminar II [W1-FNFTFP-S1-SD-2] course work seminar: 30 6
History of French literature IV [W1-FNFP-S1-HLF-4] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Practical French VI [W1-FNFP-S1-PNJF-6] Polish course work practical classes: 90 8
Practical Spanish or Italian VI [W1-FNFP-S1-PN2JHW-6] exam practical classes: 60 6
Simultaneous interpretation [W1-FNFP-S1-TSYM] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Descriptive grammar of French with elements of historical and constrastive grammar IV [W1-FNFP-S1-GOFHK-4] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Diploma seminar II [W1-FNFTFP-S1-SD-2] course work seminar: 30 6
History of French literature IV [W1-FNFP-S1-HLF-4] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Practical French VI [W1-FNFP-S1-PNJF-6] Polish course work practical classes: 90 8
Simultaneous interpretation [W1-FNFP-S1-TSYM] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Descriptive grammar of French with elements of historical and constrastive grammar III [W1-FNSF-S1-GOFHK-3] Polish exam discussion classes: 30 3
Diploma seminar II [W1-FN-S1-SD-2] Polish course work seminar: 30 8
Elective subject VI: Analysis of legal texts – French II or Analysis of technical texts - French II [W1-FNSF-S1-PTPTJF-2] Polish exam practical classes: 30 3
Elective subject VIII: Grammar and stylistics of Polish orThe acquisition and study of languages [W1-FN-S1-WAGJP] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 3
Elective subject V: Translation of literary texts French II orTranslation of functional texts - French II [W1-FNSF-S1-PTLUJF-2] Polish exam practical classes: 30 3
History of literature of French-speaking regions IV [W1-FNSF-S1-HLFOJ-4] Polish exam discussion classes: 30 2
Information technology and Editing of academic texts [W1-FN-S1-TIED] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Practical English VI [W1-FNSFW-S1-PNJA-6] English course work practical classes: 30 2
Practical French VI [W1-FNSF-S1-PNJF-6] Polish exam practical classes: 90 4

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Descriptive grammar of French with elements of historical and constrastive grammar III [W1-FNSF-S1-GOFHK-3] Polish exam discussion classes: 30 3
Diploma seminar II [W1-FN-S1-SD-2] Polish course work seminar: 30 8
Elective subject VI: Analysis of legal texts – French II or Analysis of technical texts - French II [W1-FNSF-S1-PTPTJF-2] Polish exam practical classes: 30 3
Elective subject V: Translation of literary texts French II orTranslation of functional texts - French II [W1-FNSF-S1-PTLUJF-2] Polish exam practical classes: 30 3
History of literature of French-speaking regions IV [W1-FNSF-S1-HLFOJ-4] Polish exam discussion classes: 30 2
Practical English VI [W1-FNSFW-S1-PNJA-6] English course work practical classes: 30 2
Practical French VI [W1-FNSF-S1-PNJF-6] Polish exam practical classes: 90 4
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Descriptive grammar of French with elements of historical and constrastive grammar V [W1-FNFT-S1-GOFHK-5] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Diploma seminar II [W1-FNFTFP-S1-SD-2] course work seminar: 30 6
Editing of academic texts [W1-FN-S1-ED] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
History of French literature VI [W1-FNFT-S1-HLF-6] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Practical French VI [W1-FNFT-S1-PNJF-6] Polish course work practical classes: 60 6
Practical Spanish or Italian VI [W1-FNFT-S1-PN2JHW-6] exam practical classes: 60 6
Simultaneous interpretation [W1-FNFT-S1-TS] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Descriptive grammar of French with elements of historical and constrastive grammar V [W1-FNFT-S1-GOFHK-5] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Diploma seminar II [W1-FNFTFP-S1-SD-2] course work seminar: 30 6
Editing of academic texts [W1-FN-S1-ED] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
History of French literature VI [W1-FNFT-S1-HLF-6] Polish exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 30
Practical French VI [W1-FNFT-S1-PNJF-6] Polish course work practical classes: 60 6
Simultaneous interpretation [W1-FNFT-S1-TS] Polish course work practical classes: 30 3
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Descriptive grammar of Italian with elements of historical and contrastive grammar III [W1-FNSW-S1-GOWHK-3] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 3
Diploma seminar II [W1-FNSW-S1-SD-2] Italian course work seminar: 30 8
Elective subject VI: Analysis of legal texts – Italian II or Analysis of technical texts – Italian II [W1-FNSW-S1-PTPTJW-2] Italian exam practical classes: 30 3
Elective subject VIII: Grammar and stylistics of Polish orThe acquisition and study of languages [W1-FN-S1-WAGJP] Polish course work discussion classes: 30 3
Elective subject V: Translation of literary texts – Italian II or Translation of functional texts – Italian II [W1-FNSW-S1-PTLUJW-2] Polish exam practical classes: 30 3
History of Italian literature IV [W1-FNSW-S1-HLW-4] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Information technology and Editing of academic texts [W1-FN-S1-TIED] Polish course work practical classes: 30 2
Practical English VI [W1-FNSFW-S1-PNJA-6] English course work practical classes: 30 2
Practical Italian VI [W1-FNSW-S1-PNJW-6] Italian exam practical classes: 90 4

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Descriptive grammar of Italian with elements of historical and contrastive grammar III [W1-FNSW-S1-GOWHK-3] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 3
Diploma seminar II [W1-FNSW-S1-SD-2] Italian course work seminar: 30 8
Elective subject VI: Analysis of legal texts – Italian II or Analysis of technical texts – Italian II [W1-FNSW-S1-PTPTJW-2] Italian exam practical classes: 30 3
Elective subject V: Translation of literary texts – Italian II or Translation of functional texts – Italian II [W1-FNSW-S1-PTLUJW-2] Polish exam practical classes: 30 3
History of Italian literature IV [W1-FNSW-S1-HLW-4] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Practical English VI [W1-FNSFW-S1-PNJA-6] English course work practical classes: 30 2
Practical Italian VI [W1-FNSW-S1-PNJW-6] Italian exam practical classes: 90 4
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpretation [W1-FNWT-S1-TUKS] Italian course work practical classes: 30 2
Dipoma Module II depending on the choice: 60 16
History of Italian Literature IV [W1-FNWT-S1-HLW-4] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Practical Italian VI [W1-FNWT-S1-PNJW-6] Italian course work practical classes: 30
field practice: 30
Second Foreign Language Skills [W1-FN-S1-PN2JO-6] course work practical classes: 30 2
Subject in the field of social sciences [W1-FN-S1-POS] Polish course work lecture: 30 5

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpretation [W1-FNWT-S1-TUKS] Italian course work practical classes: 30 2
Dipoma Module II depending on the choice: 60 16
History of Italian Literature IV [W1-FNWT-S1-HLW-4] Italian exam discussion classes: 30 2
Practical Italian VI [W1-FNWT-S1-PNJW-6] Italian course work practical classes: 30
field practice: 30
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Dipoma Module II depending on the choice: 60 16
Practical Spanish VI [W1-FNHTHA-S1-PNJH-6] Spanish course work practical classes: 60 3
Second Foreign Language Skills [W1-FN-S1-PN2JO-6] course work practical classes: 30 2
Theory and Practice of Translation [W1-FNHA-S1-TPP] Spanish course work practical classes: 30 2
The Spanish Language in Latin America II [W1-FNHA-S1-JHAŁ-2] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 2
Subject in the field of social sciences [W1-FN-S1-POS] Polish course work lecture: 30 5

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Dipoma Module II depending on the choice: 60 16
Practical Spanish VI [W1-FNHTHA-S1-PNJH-6] Spanish course work practical classes: 60 3
Theory and Practice of Translation [W1-FNHA-S1-TPP] Spanish course work practical classes: 30 2
The Spanish Language in Latin America II [W1-FNHA-S1-JHAŁ-2] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 2
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpretation [W1-FNHT-S1-TUKS] Spanish course work practical classes: 30 2
Dipoma Module II depending on the choice: 60 16
History of Spanish Literature IV [W1-FNHT-S1-HLHS-4] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 2
Practical Spanish VI [W1-FNHTHA-S1-PNJH-6] Spanish course work practical classes: 60 3
Second Foreign Language Skills [W1-FN-S1-PN2JO-6] course work practical classes: 30 2
Subject in the field of social sciences [W1-FN-S1-POS] Polish course work lecture: 30 5

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpretation [W1-FNHT-S1-TUKS] Spanish course work practical classes: 30 2
Dipoma Module II depending on the choice: 60 16
History of Spanish Literature IV [W1-FNHT-S1-HLHS-4] Spanish exam discussion classes: 30 2
Practical Spanish VI [W1-FNHTHA-S1-PNJH-6] Spanish course work practical classes: 60 3