Creative management in new media Programme code: W8-S2CM20.2020

Field of study: Creative management in new media
Programme code: W8-S2CM20.2020
Programme code (USOS): W8-S2CM20
Faculty: Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School
Language of study: English
Academic year of entry:
  • winter semester 2021/2022
  • winter semester 2020/2021
Level of qualifications/degree: second-cycle studies
Mode of study: full-time
Degree profile: general academic
Number of semesters: 4
Degree: magister (Master's Degree)
Access to further studies: the possibility of applying for post graduate and doctoral studies
Scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related and their percentage share in education:
  • film and theatre (the arts) [leading discipline]: 58%
  • management and quality studies (social sciences): 13%
  • communication and media studies (social sciences): 12%
  • music (the arts): 6%
  • law (social sciences): 5%
  • psychology (social sciences): 4%
  • information and communication technology (engineering and technology): 2%
ISCED code: 0211
The number and date of the Senate’s resolution: 489 (28/01/2020)
General description of the programme:
Characteristic of candidates: The course is an offer for people who have a bachelor's or master's (MSc) degree and want to strengthen their competences in the field of communication in social media, as well as expand, organize and consolidate knowledge about new tools and techniques for the use of social media. Target group of the course, type of education or professional interests: a) type of previous education and professional interests: - graduates of journalism, theatre and film arts, marketing, PR, film and television production, photography, - people creating creative network messages and operating in the area of communication in virtual space using audio-visual image, - people who intend to run or already run their own business in the film, television or social media industry. b) country of origin and study conditions - students from Poland and from other countries (European Union and othe countries) - students able to pay for the studies (the payment for one semester is about 2500 Euro) Characteristic of graduates: The aim of the studies is to educate professionals in the field of digital film art, taking into account all aspects of effective communication in virtual space. After graduation, the graduate will be a specialist in visual communication, a specialist in the field of content creation in social networks, an analyst in the field of social media. Regardless of whether the graduate will run his own blog, video blog, profiles in social media, operate an online store, work in a creative agency, e-marketing department or run a company in the media industry - they will understand what is communication using modern means of communication and how to achieve business goals using digital media, as well as how to use the phenomenon of media convergence using a film and television tools. Organization and fields of study: The study program includes 1200 hours of classes included in the study program and 240 hours of workshops conducted by lecturers from abroad, financed from the POWER 3.5 program edition 2018. All subjects have 30 teaching hours, 10 subjects per semester. The number of ECTS points will be varied depending on the student workload within a given semester. The studies will end with the defence of the master's thesis combined with the presentation of the multimedia project implemented as part of the studies. The study program has been designed so that during the 3 semesters of studies, students will prepare and create their own multimedia project, which will be verified in terms of viewership, effectiveness of activities etc. on the fourth semester of study. Then, while defending the master's thesis (we assume that its subject will be related to their media project), they will present the path they have overcome to create this project and implement it for the first semester of their studies. The direction will also be in English. Due to the small number of students enrolled in the group (15 people) and the narrow specialization of the program itself, the course will not have separate specialties. The studies include 1,200 didactic hours in four thematic areas: - artistic and creative area (script writing techniques, animated film, music video, advertising film, television and film genres, new media journalism, film editing, sound production, the basics of cinematography, basics of directing, cooperation with an actor, basics of design graphics, film history and television, music in the film), - social media area (copywriting, social media technology, media project management, new media development directions, self-promotion techniques in social media, content management in social media, social media marketing, social media analysis, e-Commerce), - business area (business plan of the media undertaking, social psychology basics, production team management, conducting business negotiations, multimedia project budget, multimedia art sales techniques, obtaining funds and sponsoring, creative thinking techniques), - legal area (copyright, intellectual property protection in the network, information security management) - film, TV and new media workshops (30h per semester) conducted as part of the study program, - workshops conducted by foreign lecturers (60 hours per semester) as part of the POWER 3.5 program 2018 edition. Possibilities of teaching based on the human resources and facilities: 1. Program of studies (1,200 didactic hours) will be done as it follows: - 75% of didactic hours (900) are going to be done by the lecturers of Krzysztof Kieslowski Film School or other faculties of the University of Silesia in Katowice, - 25% of didactic hours (300) are going to be done by the specialists from multimedia sector, practitioners, YouTubers etc. 2. Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School has got the most modern location and educational equipment which let do the workshops and lectues at the highest level on the location of the School. 3. The educational equipment of Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School consists of new appliances to create content in new media, tv and film realization, directing, cooperation a directors with actors etc. The forecasted employment opportunities and further education of graduates: 1. A graduate of the "Creative management in new media" course can work in: - digital and PR agencies in creating multimedia content, - marketing departments of companies, - television, radio, internet portals or other "traditional" media using the phenomenon of media convergence, - run their own business in a virtual space in creative industries (blogger, YouTuber, etc.). 2. Further education of graduates may take place within the framework of planned e-learning courses, which, however, are a separate educational project.
Organization of the process of obtaining a degree:
The procedure for obtaining a master's degree in the course "Creative management in new media" is regulated by the applicable Regulations of studies at the University of Silesia in Katowice. The separate document will define the rules relating to the organization of the process of obtaining a master's degree in art, including: - rules for preparing the diploma thesis and its forms, - the manner of evaluating the dissertation by the promoter and reviewer, - the process of the diploma exam, - the method and criteria for calculating the final grade. In addition, diploma procedures used are part of the Diploma Archive (Order No. 16 of the Rector of the University of Silesia from January 28, 2015 on the introduction and archiving of written diploma theses and ordinance No. 69 of the Rector of the University of Silesia in Katowice of 18 May 2015, amending the ordinance on the procedure of submitting and archiving written diploma theses). During the third semester of the second year of study, students become familiar with the methodology of research in the field of social media, as well as the implementation of projects in the field of social media, which is a good preparation for starting activities related to the preparation of the master's thesis. This process inaugurates the meeting of students with the promoters of magisterial works (beginning of the second year of studies). Promoters present the subject of their seminars. The research areas proposed to students are consistent with the direction of the promoters' own research. After selecting the seminar, the students determine with the promoter the issues, methodology and methods of undertaken research, the method of analysing their results, as well as the principles of writing a dissertation in terms of formal (footnotes, annex, bibliography). The subject of the master's thesis should be convergent with the multimedia project realized by the student as part of the workshops throughout the course of studies. The preparation of the dissertation at the master's level is based on empirical research, which may be casuistic or include a larger research group. The student prepares work during two semesters, using consultations with the supervisor, with whom they determine not only the subject of the thesis, but also the structure of the work, the type of research methods used, and the method of analysing the results of empirical research. It also establishes a reference at work to their own multimedia project, its business and artistic assumptions and the possibilities of personal student development based on this project. In the seminar mode, conclusions from research results as well as activities in a multimedia project of a practical nature are consulted. After completing all subjects included in the curriculum in the course "Creative management in new media", the work promoter's approval (the promoter's signature on the admission of the dissertation), as well as obtaining positive work reviews, the student can take the diploma exam, which processes in accordance with the Diploma Regulations in University of Silesia.
Internships (hours and conditions):
not applicable
Graduation requirements:
not applicable
Number of ECTS credits required to achieve the qualification equivalent to the level of study: 120
Professional qualifications:
not applicable
Connection between the field of study and university development strategy, including the university mission:
Studies in the field of "Creative management in new media" are in line with the strategic objectives of the University of Silesia in Katowice, written down in the Development Strategy of the University of Silesia in Katowice for 2012-2020 and with the strategy and mission of Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School called Art-digit-science. These studies are also part of the assumptions of the strategy of the University of Silesia in Katowice for the coming years and the strategy of Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School for 2020-2024. The basic strategic goal is innovative education and a modern didactic offer. In connection with the above, the didactic offer was prepared in the form of the study field: "Creative management in new media", which is corresponding to the market needs in the field of cinematography, television, new media and other production areas taking into account technological and organizational changes taking place in these areas. The studies "Creative management in new media" implement specific operational goals of the above development strategies, including constant adaptation of education programs to the changing needs of the audio-visual market, acquiring for didactic work outstanding artists with transnational achievements and specialists with high professional qualifications, as well as active cooperation of the university with the environment. In the case of Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School, teaching and programming cooperation with potential employers is particularly important, including Polish Television SA, film and cultural institutions, television broadcasters, the Polish Film Institute, the Krakow Film Foundation and public, local and regional entities of an economic and cultural nature. The implementation of strategic goals is aimed at comprehensive preparation of graduates of the course "Creative management in new media" to take effective decisions and actions on the dynamically developing market influenced by new information technologies.
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits:
  • film and theatre (the arts): 58%
  • management and quality studies (social sciences): 13%
  • communication and media studies (social sciences): 12%
  • music (the arts): 6%
  • law (social sciences): 5%
  • psychology (social sciences): 4%
  • information and communication technology (engineering and technology): 2%
The graduate:
The student has knowledge of the media, the Internet as well as art and aesthetics; knows and understands problems of contemporary aesthetics; consciously moves in contemporary artistic phenomena and theoretical discussions on visual culture and evolution of mass media. [K_W01]
The student has knowledge of the principles of visual perception, ways of image notation, construction of image, and creation in connection with art. [K_W02]
The student has knowledge in the field of: technology and principles of functioning of websites and web browsers; web design – their functionality, the sphere of visual presentation; has knowledge of modern network standards in the field of designing internet and mobile applications. [K_W03]
The student knows the production, financial and marketing aspects of network production; can position new productions and take into account their budget aspect. The student has knowledge about digital film art including all aspects of effective communication in virtual space. [K_W04]
The student has knowledge of the history of art, theatre and drama; knows and understands the issues of contemporary multimedia work, has knowledge in the field of social and cultural contexts of audiovisual media. [K_W05]
The student knows and defines the goals and role of budgeting in business management, including understanding and being able to apply methods of modern budgeting, knows the types of costs and principles making cost estimates in the production of an audiovisual project. [K_W06]
The student has knowledge of the professional terminology regarding video editing, they can use own imagination and artistic expression for editing individual projects and in a team, has knowledge about the cinematographer's and photographic, actor‘s and sound and music workshop. [K_W07]
The student knows and understands the concepts of intellectual property protection, characterizes personal and property rights. Identifies the rules of copyright in connection with the European Community law in this area, understands the concept copyright protection, duration of rights, understands the categories of fair use and license, understands the concept of contract. [K_W08]
The student has knowledge of market analysis of multimedia project, business conditions, project product description, conducting negotiations with potential investors. [K_W09]
The student knows the principles of conducting business and employee negotiations, knows the s psychology, including internet psychology, has knowledge of the determinants of the functioning of network. [K_W10]
The student has knowledge about team management, team work planning, budgeting, multimedia project management, including techniques for supporting one's own and team creativity. [K_W11]
The student has a knowledge of film music and sound implementation in multimedia works used in social media. [K_W12]

The graduate:
Student has the skills to implement his own independent film, promotional and advertising or production projects. [K_U01]
Student has skills in the design of static and multimedia graphic elements intended for publication on the Internet; has skills of independent creation of websites using HTML, CSS and support. [K_U02]
The student has the ability to create their own artistic expression with the use of tools characteristic for interactive media. [K_U03]
The student has the skills to lead the team. Student can think and act in an enterpreneur way – which enables independent business operations. [K_U04]
The student is able to recognize the film work and carry out its critical analysis and interpretation using typical methods to determine its meanings and functions, as well as cultural impact. [K_U05]
The student has the ability to operate the hardware and software used for image and sound recording and multimedia presentations. Student can handle editing programs and consciously choose the forms and techniques of imaging depending on proper characterization of the implemented project. [K_U06]
Student is able to create, implement and publicly present own aesthetic and original artistic concepts in the field of directing. [K_U07]
The student has the ability to protect data, student keeps up with the rapid development of technology related to network security. [K_U08]
The student has the skills to build a project team with a high-level creativity and can also use the techniques of budgeting and business planning in social media. [K_U09]
The student can create multimedia songs for use in social media, student can use music and sound effects in these works, using the latest IT technologies. [K_U10]
The student has the ability to write a business plan in the field of multimedia projects, student can analyze the activity of users of websites and social media tools. [K_U11]
The student has the skills to negotiate contracts with other entities and their own employees, can use the principles of social influence and principles of internet psychology. [K_U12]
The student has the skills to communicate in English at a level B2 in writing, speaking and listening. [K_U13]

The graduate:
The student has competences in the field of media art in the field of understanding and critical assessment of the specifics of interactive media in contemporary culture, art and business; can collect and analyze information necessary for the project, work and communicate in a team. [K_K01]
The student has competence in understanding the specificity of the creation of multimedia space, can create and communicate independent ideas. Understands the need for lifelong learning due to the rapid evolution of the technology of implementing auditory and audiovisual forms, he can inspire and organize the learning process of other people. [K_K02]
The student has competence in understanding the mechanisms of the creative process and creative work in a team. [K_K03]
The student has the ability to build an internet community around network artistic and business projects, and is able to share and propagate created by themselves multimedia works in the Internet. [K_K04]
Student demonstrates social competences related to public performances and presentations their own creative achievements, cooperates and is responsible for their work, shows the ability to critically evaluate own and other people's actions and artistic achievements, opinions and creative and intellectual attitudes. [K_K05]
The student is focused on continuous development and self-improvement, and inspires and organizes the process of teaching others is able to deepen knowledge and expand cognitive horizons in the framework of continuous self-education and verification of the adopted intellectual and artistic assumptions and attitudes. [K_K06]
Student is aware of civil liability for violation of property rights and intellectual property, indicates selected examples from legal jurisprudence. [K_K07]
The student discusses the possibility of modernizing and improving the subvention system and more efficient acquisition of EU funds. [K_K08]
Student has competences in the area of project team management, such as motivating, resolving conflicts, conducting appraisal interviews, planning work, budgeting and organization of working time. [K_K09]
The student has competence in establishing trade relations with external partners, seeking investors, understanding the activity of social media users using secondary and primary data for this. [K_K10]
Student has music sensitivity and insight in dominant trends in implementation film music aimed at arousing the desired emotions of the recipient. [K_K11]
Student has the ability to use Internet technologies to build positive relationships with recipients of their works, bearing in mind technical limitations of social networks. [K_K12]
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Advertising film [09-ZN-S2-FR] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Animated film [09-ZN-S2-FA] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Basics of psychology (optional courses: Basics of social psychology or Basics of internet psychology) [09-ZN-S2-PP] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Business plan [09-ZN-S2-B] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Copyright [09-ZN-S2-PA] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Film and television genres [09-ZN-S2-GTIF] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Music video [09-ZN-S2-T] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
New media journalism [09-ZN-S2-DNM] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Script-writing techniques [09-ZN-S2-TPS] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Workshop 1 (optional courses: Film and television workshop 1 or Producer's workshop 1) [09-ZN-S2-W1] exam lecture: 15
workshop: 15

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
The studies are an offer for people who have a bachelor's or master's (MSc) degree and want to strengthen their competences in the field of communication in social media, as well as expand, organize and consolidate knowledge about new tools and techniques for the use of social media. The studies will prepare in a comprehensive way to work in the era of media convergence and smooth movement in the world of digital media. The aim of the studies is to educate professionals in the field of digital film art, taking into account all aspects of effective communication in virtual space. After graduation, the graduate will be a specialist in visual communication, a specialist in the field of content creation in social networks, an analyst in the field of social media. The main assumption of the studies is to provide the necessary knowledge and skills by the means of: creators and artists employed at Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School in the discipline of theatrical and film arts using these competences to create content in the field of new media, - practitioners who have built their own e-businesses and successfully run them, as well as people who create valuable content in social media. Carefully prepared program of classes allows to gain knowledge about the film workshop to the extent enabling the implementation of their own independent film, promotional and advertising or production projects, and also allows the student to acquire team management skills and creative abilities. During the course, systematic theoretical and practical knowledge about all stages and aspects of the creation of film, television and advertising works will be conveyed. Students learn technology and techniques used in the production of films and multimedia. Students not only learn the tools, but above all gain knowledge about how and in what context to use the acquired knowledge and how to measure the effectiveness of their activities. The study program includes 1200 hours of classes included in the study program and 240 hours of workshops conducted by lecturers from abroad, financed from the POWER 3.5 program edition 2018. All subjects have 30 teaching hours, 10 subjects per semester. The number of ECTS points will be varied depending on the student workload within a given semester. The studies will end with the defence of the master's thesis combined with the presentation of the multimedia project implemented as part of the studies. The study program has been designed so that during the 3 semesters of studies, students will prepare and create their own multimedia project, which will be verified in terms of viewership, effectiveness of activities etc. on the fourth semester of study. Then, while defending the master's thesis (we assume that its subject will be related to their media project), they will present the path they have overcome to create this project and implement it for the first semester of their studies. The direction will also be in English. Due to the small number of students enrolled in the group (15 people) and the narrow specialization of the program itself, the course will not have separate specialties.
Advertising film [09-ZN-S2-FR] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Animated film [09-ZN-S2-FA] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Copyright [09-ZN-S2-PA] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Film and television genres [09-ZN-S2-GTIF] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Music video [09-ZN-S2-T] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
New media journalism [09-ZN-S2-DNM] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Script-writing techniques [09-ZN-S2-TPS] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Basics of cinematography [09-ZN-S2-PSO] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Basics of directing [09-ZN-S2-PR] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Cooperation with actors [09-ZN-S2-WZA] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Copywriting [09-ZN-S2-C] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Film editing [09-ZN-S2-MF] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Multimedia project budgeting [09-ZN-S2-BPM] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Negotiations (optional courses: Conducting business negotiations or Conducting employee negotiations) [09-ZN-S2-PN] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Production team management [09-ZN-S2-ZZP] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Sound production [09-ZN-S2-RD] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Workshop 2 (optional courses: Film and television workshop 2 or Producer's workshop 2) [09-ZN-S2-W2] exam lecture: 15
workshop: 15

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
The studies are an offer for people who have a bachelor's or master's (MSc) degree and want to strengthen their competences in the field of communication in social media, as well as expand, organize and consolidate knowledge about new tools and techniques for the use of social media. The studies will prepare in a comprehensive way to work in the era of media convergence and smooth movement in the world of digital media. The aim of the studies is to educate professionals in the field of digital film art, taking into account all aspects of effective communication in virtual space. After graduation, the graduate will be a specialist in visual communication, a specialist in the field of content creation in social networks, an analyst in the field of social media. The main assumption of the studies is to provide the necessary knowledge and skills by the means of: creators and artists employed at Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School in the discipline of theatrical and film arts using these competences to create content in the field of new media, - practitioners who have built their own e-businesses and successfully run them, as well as people who create valuable content in social media. Carefully prepared program of classes allows to gain knowledge about the film workshop to the extent enabling the implementation of their own independent film, promotional and advertising or production projects, and also allows the student to acquire team management skills and creative abilities. During the course, systematic theoretical and practical knowledge about all stages and aspects of the creation of film, television and advertising works will be conveyed. Students learn technology and techniques used in the production of films and multimedia. Students not only learn the tools, but above all gain knowledge about how and in what context to use the acquired knowledge and how to measure the effectiveness of their activities. The study program includes 1200 hours of classes included in the study program and 240 hours of workshops conducted by lecturers from abroad, financed from the POWER 3.5 program edition 2018. All subjects have 30 teaching hours, 10 subjects per semester. The number of ECTS points will be varied depending on the student workload within a given semester. The studies will end with the defence of the master's thesis combined with the presentation of the multimedia project implemented as part of the studies. The study program has been designed so that during the 3 semesters of studies, students will prepare and create their own multimedia project, which will be verified in terms of viewership, effectiveness of activities etc. on the fourth semester of study. Then, while defending the master's thesis (we assume that its subject will be related to their media project), they will present the path they have overcome to create this project and implement it for the first semester of their studies. The direction will also be in English. Due to the small number of students enrolled in the group (15 people) and the narrow specialization of the program itself, the course will not have separate specialties.
Basics of cinematography [09-ZN-S2-PSO] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Basics of directing [09-ZN-S2-PR] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Cooperation with actors [09-ZN-S2-WZA] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Copywriting [09-ZN-S2-C] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Film editing [09-ZN-S2-MF] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Multimedia project budgeting [09-ZN-S2-BPM] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Sound production [09-ZN-S2-RD] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Basics of psychology (optional courses: Basics of social psycholog or Basics of Internet psychology) [09-ZN-S2-PGP] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Film and television history [09-ZN-S2-HFIT] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Funds raising and sponsoring [09-ZN-S2-PSFIS] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Information security management [09-ZN-S2-ZBI] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
MA seminar 1 [09-ZN-S2-SM1] exam seminar: 30 7
Music in films (optional courses: Music in feature film or Music in documentary film) [09-ZN-S2-MWF] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Protection of intellectual property [09-ZN-S2-OWI] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Sales techniques of multimedia products [09-ZN-S2-TSDM] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Technology in social media [09-ZN-S2-TMS] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Workshop 3 (optional courses: Film and television workshop 3 or Producer's workshop 3) [09-ZN-S2-W3] exam lecture: 15
workshop: 15

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
The studies are an offer for people who have a bachelor's or master's (MSc) degree and want to strengthen their competences in the field of communication in social media, as well as expand, organize and consolidate knowledge about new tools and techniques for the use of social media. The studies will prepare in a comprehensive way to work in the era of media convergence and smooth movement in the world of digital media. The aim of the studies is to educate professionals in the field of digital film art, taking into account all aspects of effective communication in virtual space. After graduation, the graduate will be a specialist in visual communication, a specialist in the field of content creation in social networks, an analyst in the field of social media. The main assumption of the studies is to provide the necessary knowledge and skills by the means of: creators and artists employed at Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School in the discipline of theatrical and film arts using these competences to create content in the field of new media, - practitioners who have built their own e-businesses and successfully run them, as well as people who create valuable content in social media. Carefully prepared program of classes allows to gain knowledge about the film workshop to the extent enabling the implementation of their own independent film, promotional and advertising or production projects, and also allows the student to acquire team management skills and creative abilities. During the course, systematic theoretical and practical knowledge about all stages and aspects of the creation of film, television and advertising works will be conveyed. Students learn technology and techniques used in the production of films and multimedia. Students not only learn the tools, but above all gain knowledge about how and in what context to use the acquired knowledge and how to measure the effectiveness of their activities. The study program includes 1200 hours of classes included in the study program and 240 hours of workshops conducted by lecturers from abroad, financed from the POWER 3.5 program edition 2018. All subjects have 30 teaching hours, 10 subjects per semester. The number of ECTS points will be varied depending on the student workload within a given semester. The studies will end with the defence of the master's thesis combined with the presentation of the multimedia project implemented as part of the studies. The study program has been designed so that during the 3 semesters of studies, students will prepare and create their own multimedia project, which will be verified in terms of viewership, effectiveness of activities etc. on the fourth semester of study. Then, while defending the master's thesis (we assume that its subject will be related to their media project), they will present the path they have overcome to create this project and implement it for the first semester of their studies. The direction will also be in English. Due to the small number of students enrolled in the group (15 people) and the narrow specialization of the program itself, the course will not have separate specialties.
Basics of psychology (optional courses: Basics of social psycholog or Basics of Internet psychology) [09-ZN-S2-PGP] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Film and television history [09-ZN-S2-HFIT] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Funds raising and sponsoring [09-ZN-S2-PSFIS] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
MA seminar 1 [09-ZN-S2-SM1] exam seminar: 30 7
Music in films (optional courses: Music in feature film or Music in documentary film) [09-ZN-S2-MWF] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Protection of intellectual property [09-ZN-S2-OWI] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Sales techniques of multimedia products [09-ZN-S2-TSDM] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Autopromotion techniques in social media [09-ZN-S2-TAWMS] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Content management in social media [09-ZN-S2-ZTWMS] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Creative thinking techniques (optional courses: Creative thinking techniques - individual or Creative thinking techniques - group techniques) [09-ZN-S2-TTM] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
e-Commerce [09-ZN-S2-EC] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Marketing in social media [09-ZN-S2-MWMS] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
MA seminar 2 [09-ZN-S2-SM2] exam seminar: 30 7
Multimedia project management [09-ZN-S2-ZPM] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
New media development [09-ZN-S2-KRNM] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Social media analysis [09-ZN-S2-AMS] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Workshop 4 (optional courses: Film and television workshop 4 or Producer's workshop 4) [09-ZN-S2-W4] exam lecture: 15
workshop: 15

The following list includes programme requirements for interdisciplinary individual studies.
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
The studies are an offer for people who have a bachelor's or master's (MSc) degree and want to strengthen their competences in the field of communication in social media, as well as expand, organize and consolidate knowledge about new tools and techniques for the use of social media. The studies will prepare in a comprehensive way to work in the era of media convergence and smooth movement in the world of digital media. The aim of the studies is to educate professionals in the field of digital film art, taking into account all aspects of effective communication in virtual space. After graduation, the graduate will be a specialist in visual communication, a specialist in the field of content creation in social networks, an analyst in the field of social media. The main assumption of the studies is to provide the necessary knowledge and skills by the means of: creators and artists employed at Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School in the discipline of theatrical and film arts using these competences to create content in the field of new media, - practitioners who have built their own e-businesses and successfully run them, as well as people who create valuable content in social media. Carefully prepared program of classes allows to gain knowledge about the film workshop to the extent enabling the implementation of their own independent film, promotional and advertising or production projects, and also allows the student to acquire team management skills and creative abilities. During the course, systematic theoretical and practical knowledge about all stages and aspects of the creation of film, television and advertising works will be conveyed. Students learn technology and techniques used in the production of films and multimedia. Students not only learn the tools, but above all gain knowledge about how and in what context to use the acquired knowledge and how to measure the effectiveness of their activities. The study program includes 1200 hours of classes included in the study program and 240 hours of workshops conducted by lecturers from abroad, financed from the POWER 3.5 program edition 2018. All subjects have 30 teaching hours, 10 subjects per semester. The number of ECTS points will be varied depending on the student workload within a given semester. The studies will end with the defence of the master's thesis combined with the presentation of the multimedia project implemented as part of the studies. The study program has been designed so that during the 3 semesters of studies, students will prepare and create their own multimedia project, which will be verified in terms of viewership, effectiveness of activities etc. on the fourth semester of study. Then, while defending the master's thesis (we assume that its subject will be related to their media project), they will present the path they have overcome to create this project and implement it for the first semester of their studies. The direction will also be in English. Due to the small number of students enrolled in the group (15 people) and the narrow specialization of the program itself, the course will not have separate specialties.
Autopromotion techniques in social media [09-ZN-S2-TAWMS] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Content management in social media [09-ZN-S2-ZTWMS] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
e-Commerce [09-ZN-S2-EC] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Marketing in social media [09-ZN-S2-MWMS] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
MA seminar 2 [09-ZN-S2-SM2] exam seminar: 30 7
Multimedia project management [09-ZN-S2-ZPM] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
New media development [09-ZN-S2-KRNM] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15
Social media analysis [09-ZN-S2-AMS] exam lecture: 15
practical classes: 15