Administration Programme code: W5-N2AD19.2024

Field of study: Administration
Programme code: W5-N2AD19.2024
Programme code (USOS): W5-N2AD19
Faculty: Faculty of Law and Administration
Language of study: Polish
Academic year of entry: winter semester 2024/2025
Level of qualifications/degree: second-cycle studies
Mode of study: part-time
Degree profile: general academic
Number of semesters: 4
Degree: magister (Master's Degree)
Number of ECTS credits required to achieve the qualification equivalent to the level of study: 120
Leading discipline: law (social sciences)
ISCED code: 0413
The number and date of the Senate’s resolution: 565/2024 (25/06/2024)
General characteristics of the field of study and the assumed concept of education:
The degree program maintains a logical sequence of educational content consisting of gradual initiation into increasingly complex secrets of theoretical and professional knowledge acquired. Therefore, the modules in the curriculum of the second degree program are designed to enable the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competencies different from those of the first degree program, while linking the study axis to the problems of administration. The concept and objectives of the education in the field of administration were based on the idea of imparting knowledge, as well as skills and competencies, enabling preparation for employment, including holding managerial positions in local administration. The educational program was aimed at educating managers of modern administration by preparing students to program, create and implement the necessary changes regarding the organization, methods and processes of the administration, as well as effective ways to manage its resources. In addition, ready to independently fully aware of the legal and social consequences of practicing the profession within local, national and European administrative structures. The second degree program combines elements of knowledge and general legal culture with specific professional skills in the field of administration. It has been focused on change management, efficiency and results of action, the ability to organize interaction and communication, decision-making that requires specialized knowledge. Graduates of the master's degree program will have the knowledge to independently solve problems underlying conflicts and social tensions, organize and lead employee teams, present a critical stance on the processes occurring in the functioning of the administration, make decisions while maintaining human rights and ethical and legal principles, demonstrate creative initiatives, and participate in various types of social projects. In addition, the graduate will put into practice the habits of systematic training and professional development. The concept of education also involves the activation of students to expand their knowledge and prepare them for scientific research. A graduate of the second degree program is prepared to take up research challenges and further individual development, including studies at the Doctoral School. The learning outcomes indicated in the educational modules in terms of knowledge, skills and competencies reflect the importance that the WPiA attaches to seriously and responsibly and effectively carrying out the mission of the University of Silesia. Graduates in this field of study are characterized by (and the studies prepare them for) legal and administrative knowledge, exemplary moral attitudes, knowledge of the principles of state and society, as well as the ability to be flexible to social, political, economic or technological changes. The peculiarities of performing work within the administration necessitate that the people employed there are equipped not only with specialized knowledge, or skills and competencies, but also with social sensitivity, which together shape the pattern of an administrative employee.
Graduation requirements:
The condition for admission to the diploma examination is to achieve the learning outcomes provided for in the study program, to obtain a certificate of an appropriate level of language proficiency in a foreign language and to obtain positive grades for the diploma dissertation. The condition for graduation is to pass the diploma examination with at least a satisfactory result. A graduate receives a higher education diploma confirming obtaining the qualifications of the appropriate degree. Detailed rules of the diploma process and the requirements for the diploma thesis are set out in the Rules and Regulations of Studies at the University of Silesia and the diploma regulations.
Internships (hours and conditions):
not applicable
Information on the relationship between the studies and the university's strategy as well as the socio-economic needs that determine the conduct of studies and the compliance of learning outcomes with these needs:
The concept, as well as the educational program for the administration major, were created based on consultations with external stakeholders. To this end, the potential of the members of the Expert Council - a consultative and advisory body of the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, consisting of representatives of key external stakeholders - government and local administration bodies, the judiciary, non-governmental organizations and business entities - was used. Internal stakeholders - academics and representatives of the WPiA student government - were also involved in the development of the new programs. Taking into account the expectations of external and internal stakeholders, the curriculum of the second degree program included the administrative and legal modules that are most important from the point of view of the silhouette of an administrator. A new concept of elective subjects (around seminars) has been introduced, the topics of which will focus on three areas (blocks): tax and fiscal administration, real estate administration, internal security administration. The program of studies in the field of administration is closely related, on the one hand, to the scientific activities carried out at the Faculty, while on the other hand, to the practical experience of the employees. At this point, it is necessary to emphasize the fact that the employees of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences in the vast majority of cases are engaged in the legal profession, are entrepreneurs or cooperate with them, work in administrative bodies. Holding positions in the administrative structures of the state, local government units, allows employees to learn not only the theory, but also the practice of the application of law and the functioning of administration. The confrontation of these two dimensions of science and knowledge in theory and practice is used in work with students, which gives the opportunity to give them content that goes much further beyond the framework resulting from the letter of the law, while sensitizing them to social, economic or ethical aspects. In addition, the administration course conducted at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences is firmly rooted in the tradition of the “Katowice School of Administrativists,” which allows the Faculty of Arts and Sciences to be treated as a center that promotes the culture of administration, respect for the law and good manners in the functioning of administrative bodies. This makes it a major center for the training of administrative personnel in the region and the country. The research activities carried out by the academic staff of the WPiA, including those teaching administration, are of a permanent, interdisciplinary and international nature. An important area of their research is related to the functioning of the administration, constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens, or forms of public administration. The faculty, while making a wide educational offer to students, provides opportunities for participation in national and international academic programs, facilitates access to modern equipment, programs and apparatus used in the work of administrators, and enriches students through their scientific, social and economic activation in the form of activities of scientific circles, involvement in the organization of conferences and seminars. The new concept of the study program for the second degree program in administration will enable the training of highly qualified graduates with advanced knowledge of the functioning of public administration, meeting the expectations of the dynamically changing labor market. Thanks to the comprehensive formula of the studies, the graduate of the course will be able to successfully undertake work in: local and government administration, consulting and advisory companies, non-governmental organizations, international organizations and the European Union, institutions dealing with issues of European integration or obtaining European funds. The implementation of the study program will allow the UŚ to respond to the market demand for professional administrative service to entrepreneurs, consumers and to strengthen the cadres of the administrative structure. The conducted classes meet the modern challenges of didactic methods, and the rich program and optional classes are complemented by the connection of theory and practice of turnover, giving the graduates of the administration faculty a flexible education, allowing them to perform various professions in the future. The brand of the WPiA is known not only in the region, but also nationally and, in recent times, increasingly beyond its borders. This is primarily due to the scientific and professional activity of the WPiA staff and the training of young administrative professionals at the highest level, as evidenced by the achievements of our graduates and the high, always near the top, places that the WPiA holds in national rankings of law and administration faculties.
Percentage of the ECTS credits for each of the scientific or artistic disciplines to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits: law (social sciences): 100%
The graduate:
knows and understands in-depth the status of administration as a social science compared to other social sciences, understanding the conditions of professional activity related to the field of study [K_W01]
knows and understands in-depth the terminology of legal sciences [K_W02]
knows the principles of legal reasoning and has in-depth knowledge of the interpretation of administrative law [K_W03]
knows and understands in-depth knowledge about the system, structure and functioning of the state and its institutions, including non-public entities [K_W04]
has knowledge about the institutions and structure of modern government and local government administration and the principles of their operation Poland and the European Union [K_W05]
knows and understands to an in-depth level the institutions of administrative law and general administrative proceedings, but also has knowledge about special proceedings as well as court and administrative proceedings [K_W06]
knows and understands the constitutional principles and values ​​related to the functioning of the state, as well as fundamental dilemmas related to the functioning of modern civilization [K_W07]
has in-depth knowledge of the institutions of international and European law, with particular emphasis on international protection of human rights and EU legal protection [K_W08]
knows and understands the regulations regarding the implementation of public finances and the tax system in Poland and the European Union, the functioning of structural funds, as well as the principles of managing public property [K_W09]
knows and understands the tools and methods of obtaining data, including judgments in administrative matters [K_W10]
knows and understands in-depth the institutions of civil, commercial, criminal law, liability, as well as criminal and civil procedure [K_W11]
has in-depth knowledge of environmental protection law and spatial development, also in the context of EU law [K_W12]
has knowledge of ethics and human rights and understands international mechanisms for their protection [K_W13]
has in-depth knowledge of the principles and institutions of labor law, clerical law and employment relations in administration, as well as social policy and insurance [K_W14]
knows and understands in-depth the functioning of economic administration, commercial law, running a business (also in the EU), the functioning of structural funds and the use of EU funds [K_W15]
has knowledge of auxiliary sciences for administration and expands it with knowledge of copyright and industrial property protection [K_W16]
The student has in-depth knowledge of selected scientific methods and knows problems characteristic of a particular field of science unrelated to the leading discipline of the study programme. [OOD.2024_W01]

The graduate:
communicates clearly and comprehensibly in a foreign language at the B2+ level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, using his/her knowledge and specialized terminology [KJ.2023_U]
is able to correctly interpret, forecast, explain and react to social, cultural and political phenomena affecting law-making and administrative decision-making and the economic situation [K_U01]
is able to communicate his/her acquired knowledge and propose solutions to non-specialist problems in the functioning of the administration [K_U02]
has the skills necessary to lead a team, interact with others, including setting up and running a variety of business activities [K_U03]
is capable of interpreting and explaining the functioning and responsibilities of administrative authorities, taking a leading role in the work of the team [K_U04]
is able to communicate skilfully with specialists in administrative science [K_U05]
is able to use in practice the acquired knowledge in the field of labor law and clerical law, independently planning and implementing further learning, as well as guiding others in this area [K_U06]
is able to solve professional dilemmas, manage human resources, and communicate with various audiences in an ethical manner and with respect for human rights [K_U07]
is able to use in-depth theoretical knowledge to analyze legal and financial instruments that can be used by institutions performing tasks using public and private funds, as well as assess the legality of activities in this area [K_U08]
has the ability to use in-depth knowledge of administrative law, administrative proceedings and judicial and administrative proceedings in practice and is able to propose a solution to a specific problem [K_U09]
can prepare an oral presentation and moderate a debate using theory and practice [K_U10]
The student has advanced skills to set scientific questions and analyse problems or to solve problems practically on the basis of the course content, experience and skills gained in a particular field of science unrelated to the leading discipline of the study programme. [OOD.2024_U01]

The graduate:
is a valuable employee in managerial positions in local and state administrations and public institutions of a varied nature (including courts and prosecutors' offices), including the so-called “testifying administration” and in the banking and private sectors. However, he/she is able to interact in a group, taking on various roles, not only managerial [K_K01]
is willing to think and act creatively, seeking expert advice when necessary [K_K02]
is ready to seek compromise solutions in conflict situations and proposes solutions for specific problems and the procedure for their implementation [K_K03]
is a conscious and active participant in public life at the European, national and local level, critically assessing the knowledge and content received [K_K04]
is ready to participate in various types of social projects and predict their effects, as well as enterprising thinking and acting and initiating activities for the public interest [K_K05]
is ready to correctly identify the interests of individuals, local communities, states and is aware of the consequences of Poland's membership in the European Union and other international structures [K_K06]
The student has in-depth knowledge of selected scientific methods and knows problems characteristic of a particular field of science unrelated to the leading discipline of the study programme. [OOD.2024_KS01]
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Constitutional values ​​and principles in the functioning of administration [wzkfa_a2_01] Polish exam lecture: 20
practical classes: 10
Elements of civil law [epc_a2_01] Polish exam lecture: 20
practical classes: 10
Evolution of administration and administrative thought [eama_a2_01] Polish course work lecture: 20
practical classes: 10
Local law [pm_a2_01] Polish course work lecture: 14 3
Module in a foreign language [mjo_a2_01] course work lecture: 14 3
module to choose 1 lecture: 20
depending on the choice: 14
Systemic models of public administration in European countries [muappe_a2_01] Polish course work lecture: 20
practical classes: 10
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Administrative law, special part [pacs_a2_02] Polish exam lecture: 20
practical classes: 14
elective module 2nd semester 2 lecture: 16
depending on the choice: 0
European institutions [ie_a2_02] Polish exam lecture: 20
practical classes: 10
Functioning of local government administration in practice [fasp_a2_02] Polish exam lecture: 20
practical classes: 10
Intellectual property law [pwi_a2_03] Polish exam lecture: 10
practical classes: 10
Local government anti-corruption law [spa_a2_02] Polish course work lecture: 14 2
Management of public property [gmp_a2_02] Polish exam lecture: 20
practical classes: 10
optional module 1 semester 2 lecture: 16
depending on the choice: 10
Seminar - part I [sem_a2_02] course work seminar: 20 3
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
elective module 2nd semester 3 lecture: 16
depending on the choice: 0
Elements of commercial law [eph_a2_03] Polish exam lecture: 20
practical classes: 10
Labor relations in administration [spa_a2_03] Polish exam lecture: 20
practical classes: 10
module to choose 2 lecture: 20
depending on the choice: 10
Monitoring compliance with EU law [kppue_a2_03] Polish exam lecture: 20
practical classes: 10
optional module 1 semester 3 lecture: 16
depending on the choice: 10
Seminar - part II [sem_a2_03] course work seminar: 30 5
Open access modules
General academic module (Humanities) [OOD_2024_NS_MOH] course work depending on the choice: 14 3
Module Language of instruction Form of verification Number of hours ECTS credits
Programme modules
Administrative legislation [la_a2_04] Polish course work practical classes: 14 3
elective module 2nd semester 4 lecture: 16
depending on the choice: 0
EU funds and projects [fpue_a2_02] Polish exam lecture: 20
practical classes: 10
Interpretation of administrative law [wpa_a2_04] Polish exam lecture: 20 2
optional module 1 sem.4 lecture: 16
depending on the choice: 10
Public procurement (case study) [zp_a2_04] Polish course work lecture: 20
practical classes: 14
Seminar - part III [sem_a2_04] course work seminar: 30 7
Open access modules
General academic module (Humanities) [OOD_2024_NS_MOH] course work depending on the choice: 14 3