Arabic: Module 3 - Knowledge About Arab Countries Field of study: English Philology
Programme code: W1-S1FA19.2021

Module name: Arabic: Module 3 - Knowledge About Arab Countries
Module code: W1-FA-TA-S1-WKA-3
Programme code: W1-S1FA19.2021
  • winter semester 2024/2025
  • winter semester 2023/2024
  • winter semester 2022/2023
Language of instruction: Polish
Form of verification: exam
ECTS credits: 2
The purpose of the course is to introduce a student to the specificities of the classical and modern Arabic World. Course content: basic information on Islam, an introduction to the 7th-8th century history of the Arabic World, and the most important information on the classical and contemporary Arabic culture.
Arabic at a beginner level
Key reading:
(no information given)
Learning outcome of the module Codes of the learning outcomes of the programme to which the learning outcome of the module is related [level of competence: scale 1-5]
a student is capable of critical thinking and making socio-cultural observations [TA-S1-WKA1-3_K1]
FA1_K02 [2/5]
a student accepts, tolerates, and respects people of different nationalities, and ethnic and social groups [TA-S1-WKA1-3_K2]
FA1_K07 [2/5]
a student can apply the knowledge and information gained in an analytical and self-eflexive way [TA-S1-WKA1-3_U1]
FA1_U02 [2/5]
a student can apply the rudimental knowledge acquired in the English philology studies to discuss and interpret cultural problems and phenomena [TA-S1-WKA1-3_U2]
FA1_U03 [2/5]
a student demonstrates general knowledge of the culture of Arabic speaking countries, their history, development, and co-occuring cultural phenomena; knows the most representative texts and the most influential authors [TA-S1-WKA1-3_W1]
FA1_W15 [2/5]
a student realizes the influence of cultural phenomena on language, literature, and national identity [TA-S1-WKA1-3_W2]
FA1_W11 [2/5]
Type Description Codes of the learning outcomes of the module to which assessment is related
zaliczenie [TA-S1-WKA1-3_w_1]
active participation in classes; a student is given points for active participation in classes, taking part in discussions, asking questions, his/her wide reading of the assigned literature texts, and preparation for classes. A student is capable of independent and analytical thinking.
TA-S1-WKA1-3_K1 TA-S1-WKA1-3_K2 TA-S1-WKA1-3_U1 TA-S1-WKA1-3_U2 TA-S1-WKA1-3_W1 TA-S1-WKA1-3_W2
Egzamin [TA-S1-WKA1-3_w_2]
oral exam based on the list of topics discussed in class and assigned for self-study
TA-S1-WKA1-3_K1 TA-S1-WKA1-3_K2 TA-S1-WKA1-3_U1 TA-S1-WKA1-3_U2 TA-S1-WKA1-3_W1 TA-S1-WKA1-3_W2
Form of teaching Student's own work Assessment of the learning outcomes
Type Description (including teaching methods) Number of hours Description Number of hours
practical classes [TA-S1-WKA1-3_fs_1]
(interspersed with workshop) on chosen topics with the assistance of audio-visual presentations
A student familiarizes himself/herself with the list of course books, systematically prepares himself/herself for lectures (which helps in active participation in discussions), prepares himself/herself for the exam through the reading of required and supplementary course materials, and familiarizes himself/herself with handouts and notes taken at the lectures.
20 zaliczenie [TA-S1-WKA1-3_w_1] Egzamin [TA-S1-WKA1-3_w_2]
Module description (PDF)
Information concerning module syllabuses might be changed during studies.
Syllabuses (USOSweb)
Semester Module Language of instruction
(no information given)