Linguistics: Module 2 - Language and Communication Field of study: English Philology
Programme code: W1-S1FA19.2021

Module name: Linguistics: Module 2 - Language and Communication
Module code: W1-FA-KM-S1-KJ-2
Programme code: W1-S1FA19.2021
  • summer semester 2023/2024
  • summer semester 2022/2023
  • summer semester 2021/2022
Language of instruction: English
Form of verification: course work
ECTS credits: 3
The aim of the subject is to introduce basic terms related to linguistic communication, semiotics, rhetoric, philosophy of language and cultural studies. The classes aim at the practical presentation of the issues presented during lectures. The students are able to discuss and implement the solutions offered by theoretical models. A wide range of exemplary texts and oral exercises provides the students with opportunities for analyses of language register, stylistics and rhetoric of utterances. The greatest emphasis at this stage of studies is on refining practices of communicative use of the English language, self-evaluating abilities and self-correction.
Successful completion of Linguistics: Module 1
Key reading:
Specified in the syllabus
Learning outcome of the module Codes of the learning outcomes of the programme to which the learning outcome of the module is related [level of competence: scale 1-5]
is aware of their own language communication skills; can notice problems correct them [KM-S1-J2-KJ_K_1]
FA1_K01 [3/5]
can communicate with the group, as well as articulate their ideas and views in cooperation with other students [KM-S1-J2-KJ_K_2]
FA1_K04 [4/5]
can distinguish basic categories of communication, define the goals of communication and relate them to language theories describing communication. [KM-S1-J2-KJ_U_1]
FA1_U01 [3/5] FA1_U03 [3/5] FA1_U16 [4/5]
can independently analyze a linguistic message in terms of its communicative effectiveness, level of redundancy and entropy. [KM-S1-J2-KJ_U_2]
FA1_U03 [3/5] FA1_U09 [3/5] FA1_U10 [2/5] FA1_U12 [2/5] FA1_U14 [2/5]
can classify linguistic messages in terms of their belonging to a specific type of discourse, register, as well as identify their potential target recipient. [KM-S1-J2-KJ_U_3]
FA1_U09 [4/5] FA1_U12 [2/5] FA1_U14 [2/5]
has the knowledge of basic terminology (in English) concerning language communication [KM-S1-J2-KJ_W_1]
FA1_W03 [5/5]
knows basic theories of communication, communication models and its categories. [KM-S1-J2-KJ_W_2]
FA1_W04 [2/5] FA1_W07 [3/5]
has elementary knowledge of semiotics, rhetoric and philosophy of language. [KM-S1-J2-KJ_W_3]
FA1_W07 [2/5] FA1_W08 [2/5]
Type Description Codes of the learning outcomes of the module to which assessment is related
Test or tests [KM-S1-J2-KJ_w_1]
Assessment of students’ knowledge of the issues discussed in class and the skills they have acquired.
KM-S1-J2-KJ_U_1 KM-S1-J2-KJ_U_2 KM-S1-J2-KJ_U_3 KM-S1-J2-KJ_W_1 KM-S1-J2-KJ_W_2 KM-S1-J2-KJ_W_3
Student presentation [KM-S1-J2-KJ_w_2]
Assessment of social competences as well as knowledge and communication skills
KM-S1-J2-KJ_K_1 KM-S1-J2-KJ_K_2 KM-S1-J2-KJ_U_1 KM-S1-J2-KJ_U_2 KM-S1-J2-KJ_U_3 KM-S1-J2-KJ_W_1
Control interview (optional) [KM-S1-J2-KJ_w_3]
Assessment of students’ preparation for classes, conducted on an ongoing basis or carried out at specific course stages specified in the syllabus; the evaluation may include students’ participation during the classes and their knowledge of the issues that have been previously discussed in class
KM-S1-J2-KJ_K_1 KM-S1-J2-KJ_U_1 KM-S1-J2-KJ_U_2 KM-S1-J2-KJ_U_3
Form of teaching Student's own work Assessment of the learning outcomes
Type Description (including teaching methods) Number of hours Description Number of hours
lecture [KM-S1-J2-KJ_fs_1]
Oral presentation Presentation and analysis using graphics, audio-visual materials, etc.
reading assignments; own research in preparation for a test or tests
30 Test or tests [KM-S1-J2-KJ_w_1]
practical classes [KM-S1-J2-KJ_fs_2]
1. Discussion - discussion of the material read by students before the class 2. Presentation - individual presentation by the student of his/her own interpretation of the selected issue 3. Work in subgroups - preparing their views for discussion in the group forum 4. Debate - preparing arguments and presenting them in defense of one's position
Supplementary reading, familiarizing with the text discussed in class (in terms of content and language); preparing a presentation; preparation for the test
45 Test or tests [KM-S1-J2-KJ_w_1] Student presentation [KM-S1-J2-KJ_w_2] Control interview (optional) [KM-S1-J2-KJ_w_3]
Module description (PDF)
Information concerning module syllabuses might be changed during studies.
Syllabuses (USOSweb)
Semester Module Language of instruction
(no information given)