Media: Module 1 - Film Field of study: English Philology
Programme code: W1-S1FA19.2021

Module name: Media: Module 1 - Film
Module code: W1-FA-SKM-S1-F-4
Programme code: W1-S1FA19.2021
  • summer semester 2024/2025
  • summer semester 2023/2024
  • summer semester 2022/2023
Language of instruction: English
Form of verification: exam
ECTS credits: 3
The module’s purpose is to familiarise students with film history and basic concepts in film theory including film genres and critical terminology necessary for the process of film interpretation. The module also discusses the most important critical schools and theoretical approaches and their historical contexts.
Successful completion of the first year of studies.
Key reading:
Specified in the syllabus.
Learning outcome of the module Codes of the learning outcomes of the programme to which the learning outcome of the module is related [level of competence: scale 1-5]
identifies the role and importance of film in shaping and perpetuating the values of an open society [SW-S1-M2-F_K_1]
FA1_K02 [3/5]
applies acquired knowledge in a broad cultural context [SW-S1-M2-F_K_2]
FA1_K05 [3/5]
interprets and analyzes selected films in the context of the development of film art and in a proper historical and social context [SW-S1-M2-F_U_1]
FA1_U01 [3/5] FA1_U04 [3/5]
applies basic film studies terminology in English [SW-S1-M2-F_U_2]
FA1_U14 [3/5]
situates selected films within the broader context of cinematic history [SW-S1-M2-F_U_3]
FA1_U05 [3/5]
recalls basic knowledge of the history of the art of filmmaking and its major trends, as well as about the historical and political contexts and their influence on the development of cinematography [SW-S1-M2-F_W_1]
FA1_W04 [3/5] FA1_W15 [3/5]
identifies major film theories, research schools and film works representative for them [SW-S1-M2-F_W_2]
FA1_W08 [3/5]
identifies basic film studies terminology in English as well as basic divisions of film genres and their origins [SW-S1-M2-F_W_3]
FA1_W03 [3/5] FA1_W12 [4/5]
Type Description Codes of the learning outcomes of the module to which assessment is related
Examination [SW-S1-M2-F_w_1]
Assessment of students' knowledge of selected theoretical issues of film and film studies.
SW-S1-M2-F_K_1 SW-S1-M2-F_K_2 SW-S1-M2-F_W_1 SW-S1-M2-F_W_2 SW-S1-M2-F_W_3
Essay, essays, or other written assignments [SW-S1-M2-F_w_2]
Assessment of students' analytical skill in the interpretation of selected film or films and their use of proper terminology.
SW-S1-M2-F_K_1 SW-S1-M2-F_K_2 SW-S1-M2-F_U_1 SW-S1-M2-F_U_2 SW-S1-M2-F_U_3 SW-S1-M2-F_W_1 SW-S1-M2-F_W_2 SW-S1-M2-F_W_3
Control interview (optional) [SW-S1-M2-F_w_3]
Assessment of students’ preparation for classes, conducted on an ongoing basis or carried out at specific course stages specified in the syllabus. The evaluation may include students’ participation during the classes and their knowledge of the issues that have been previously discussed in class;
SW-S1-M2-F_K_1 SW-S1-M2-F_K_2 SW-S1-M2-F_U_1 SW-S1-M2-F_U_2 SW-S1-M2-F_U_3 SW-S1-M2-F_W_1 SW-S1-M2-F_W_2 SW-S1-M2-F_W_3
Form of teaching Student's own work Assessment of the learning outcomes
Type Description (including teaching methods) Number of hours Description Number of hours
lecture [SW-S1-M2-F_fs_1]
Multimedia-rich lectures introducing the topics outlined in the course syllabus.
Reading assignments; own research in preparation for the examination.
15 Examination [SW-S1-M2-F_w_1]
practical classes [SW-S1-M2-F_fs_2]
Class-based discussions and analyses of selected texts and issues outlined in the course syllabus; formal instruction and presentation of selected theoretical issues.
Reading assignments, own research in preparation for the in-class discussions and tests, written assignments.
20 Essay, essays, or other written assignments [SW-S1-M2-F_w_2] Control interview (optional) [SW-S1-M2-F_w_3]
Module description (PDF)
Information concerning module syllabuses might be changed during studies.
Syllabuses (USOSweb)
Semester Module Language of instruction
(no information given)