The Spanish Language in Latin America II Field of study: Romance Philology
Programme code: W1-S1FN19.2021

Module name: The Spanish Language in Latin America II
Module code: W1-FNHA-S1-JHAŁ-2
Programme code: W1-S1FN19.2021
  • summer semester 2024/2025
  • summer semester 2023/2024
Language of instruction: Spanish
Form of verification: exam
ECTS credits: 2
Celem modułu Język hiszpański w Ameryce Łacińskiej II jest przygotowanie studentów do spotkań z innymi kulturami, których istnienie i języki wpłynęły na kształtowanie się obecnych odmian języków hiszpańskiego i portugalskiego.
Podstawowe przygotowanie językoznawcze, elementy kulturoznawstwa i traduktologii (obszar hispanojęzyczny i portugalskojęzyczny).
Key reading:
Bibliografia zawarta w sylabusie.
Learning outcome of the module Codes of the learning outcomes of the programme to which the learning outcome of the module is related [level of competence: scale 1-5]
understands the need for lifelong learning [K01]
K_K01 [5/5]
remains open and searches for the signs indicating the most significant differences between their own and the alien community in reference to habits, traditions, attitudes, views and values [K06]
K_K06 [5/5]
is open to diverse opinions, judgments and interpretations of various socio-cultural phenomena as well as literary texts illustrating said phenomena [K07]
K_K07 [5/5]
is interested in linguistic phenomena [K10]
K_K10 [5/5]
he or she is able to search, analyze, grade, select and use knowledge by means of various sources and strategies [U02]
K_U02 [5/5]
is able to formulate and express his/her own opinions and ideas on important social matters [U07]
K_U07 [5/5]
categorizes the factors which influence relations within and outside of a specific linguistic area [U12]
K_U12 [5/5]
is able to interpret and connect linguistic facts in the historical and contrastive perspective [U13]
K_U13 [5/5]
identifies the role and place of humanities among other sciences and understands the specificity of the subject matter of humanities and their tools [W01]
K_W01 [5/5]
knows basic linguistic terminology and identifies its sources [W02]
K_W02 [5/5]
is aware of the complex nature of language, the sophistication of meaning and diachronic change in the meaning of vocabulary items [W05]
K_W05 [5/5]
recognizes language variety within a language and has a good command of the vocabulary typical of the dialects and registers of that language [W06]
K_W06 [5/5]
knows and identifies the basic means of analyzing and interpreting various cultural phenomena arising from select traditions, theories and schools within the humanistic discipline studied [W07]
K_W07 [5/5]
has the basic nomenclature used with reference to cultural issues and phenomena occurring in a given language area [W09]
K_W09 [5/5]
Type Description Codes of the learning outcomes of the module to which assessment is related
Prezentacja lub praca pisemna [w-1]
Studenci przygotowują prezentację lub referaty na wybrany lub zadany temat.
K01 K06 K07 K10 U02 U07 U12 W02
Praca na zajęciach [w-2]
Studenci biorą czynny udział w zajęciach.
K01 K06 K07 K10 U02 U07 U12 U13 W02 W05 W06 W07
Zaliczenie [w-3]
Studenci biorą czynny udział w zajęciach.
K01 K06 K07 K10 U02 U07 U12 U13 W01 W02 W05 W06 W07 W09
Form of teaching Student's own work Assessment of the learning outcomes
Type Description (including teaching methods) Number of hours Description Number of hours
discussion classes [f-1]
Wykład i prezentacje multimedialne
Studenci przygotowują się do zaliczenia
10 Zaliczenie [w-3]
discussion classes [f-2]
Praca z materiałem filmowym i tekstowym (analiza, omówienie, dyskusja)
Studenci zapoznają się z materiałem, a następnie analizują i dyskutują temat
15 Praca na zajęciach [w-2]
discussion classes [f-3]
Prezentacje multimedialne lub referaty
Studenci opracowują wybrane bądź zadane zagadnienie
5 Prezentacja lub praca pisemna [w-1]
Module description (PDF)
Information concerning module syllabuses might be changed during studies.
Syllabuses (USOSweb)
Semester Module Language of instruction
summer semester 2024/2025 The Spanish Language in Latin America 2 [W1-FNHA-S1-JHAŁ-2] Spanish
summer semester 2023/2024 The Spanish Language in Latin America 2 [W1-FNHA-S1-JHAŁ-2] Spanish