Methods of working with a dysfunctional family Field of study: Pedagogy
Programme code: W6-S2PE19.2020

Module name: Methods of working with a dysfunctional family
Module code: 12-PE-RM-S2-MPRD
Programme code: W6-S2PE19.2020
  • summer semester 2022/2023
  • summer semester 2021/2022
Language of instruction: Polish
Form of verification: course work
ECTS credits: 3
Module's program: Methods of working with family dysfunctions to familiarize with theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of difficult and crisis situations in the family, methods of work with and dysfunctions, methods of work and cooperation.
(no information given)
Key reading:
(no information given)
Learning outcome of the module Codes of the learning outcomes of the programme to which the learning outcome of the module is related [level of competence: scale 1-5]
is aware of the importance of professionalism, reflection on ethical issues and adherence to the principles of professional ethics; shows the features of a reflective practice [_K_1]
KN_K04 [3/5]
can clearly, consistently and accurately express themselves in speech and in writing, on the topics of the methodology of working with the family in a crisis [_U_1]
K_U04 [4/5]
knows the terminology used in the methodology of resocialization pedagogy and its application in related disciplines at the extended level [_W_1]
K_W01 [4/5]
has in-depth knowledge of the types of social ties and the regularities that govern them that are important from the point of view of resocialization processes [_W_2]
K_W07 [4/5]
has a structured knowledge of ethical principles and norms as well as professional ethics in rehabilitation work and family [_W_3]
K_W16 [3/5]
possesses psychological and pedagogical knowledge allowing to understand development processes, socialization, upbringing and teaching - learning as the basic elements of influences in working with family [_W_4]
KNO_W01 [3/5]
Type Description Codes of the learning outcomes of the module to which assessment is related
test [_w_1]
in writing or orally
_K_1 _U_1 _W_1 _W_2 _W_3 _W_4
Form of teaching Student's own work Assessment of the learning outcomes
Type Description (including teaching methods) Number of hours Description Number of hours
practical classes [_fs_1]
presentation methods supported by presentation, activating methods
familiarization with literature, substantive preparation for classes,
60 test [_w_1]
Module description (PDF)
Information concerning module syllabuses might be changed during studies.
Syllabuses (USOSweb)
Semester Module Language of instruction
(no information given)