Basics of cinematography Field of study: Creative management in new media
Programme code: W8-S2CM20.2020

Module name: Basics of cinematography
Module code: 09-ZN-S2-PSO
Programme code: W8-S2CM20.2020
  • summer semester 2021/2022
  • summer semester 2020/2021
Language of instruction: depending on the choice
Form of verification: exam
ECTS credits: 3
The aim of these classes will be the skilful use of the camera by the student, the skilful use of the camera to accomplish its planned project. The student will have classes with professional film and television operators. It will be important to learn from scratch, such as skilful lighting of the plan. How to use the existing light, or in the case of taking photos outdoors, with the sun, how to avoid overexposure, underexposure. An important lesson will be working with the camera, learning the rules, types of plans and perspectives, getting to know the terms: frame, shot, and how to tell a story through the image, or how to film the interlocutor to make the material even more interesting. Student using film frames will be able to tell the same material in many ways, intimate stories are well-suited in a tight frame. These classes also include the analysis of camera motion and individual frames on the examples of several films and other realizations. During these classes, students will also discuss the basics of film photography, which will bring them closer to being sensitive to beauty.
Student should be able to give a few examples of movies and tv programs with special features in ralization.
Key reading:
B. Brown: Cinematography: Theory and Practice: Image Making for cinematographers & directors. Routledge, 2016. D. Landau: Lighting for Cinematography: A practical Guide to the Art. And Craft of Lighting for the Moving Image. Bloomsbury, 2014. B. Block: The Visual Story: Creating the Visual Structure of Film, TV and Digital Media. Elsevier, 2008.
Learning outcome of the module Codes of the learning outcomes of the programme to which the learning outcome of the module is related [level of competence: scale 1-5]
Student has knowledge of basic film techniques, working with the camera and working with light. [PSO_1]
K_U05 [4/5]
Student knows the basics of communication in the matter of frames and film shots. [PSO_2]
K_W07 [5/5]
Student has the ability to capture a given situation in an audiovisual way, has the ability to tell a story. [PSO_3]
K_U07 [5/5]
Student has the ability to use the existing light at a given moment, as well as change the mood of the material realized by using a different frame or light. [PSO_4]
K_U06 [4/5]
Student is aware of the importance of the transmission of certain values through the image. [PSO_5]
K_K05 [4/5]
Student is able to combine cinematography with other fields of art, using scenario, music and the work of an actor. [PSO_6]
K_K06 [4/5]
Type Description Codes of the learning outcomes of the module to which assessment is related
Test [PSO_w_1]
Students implement small implementation projects, based on which an oral and written exam is conducted.
Continuous evaluation [PSO_w_2]
Evaluating fragments of film material prepared by the student.
Form of teaching Student's own work Assessment of the learning outcomes
Type Description (including teaching methods) Number of hours Description Number of hours
lecture [PSO_fs_1]
Thematic lecture, examples of good and bad use of light in the film, lecture on how to take pictures for the work, the impact of the cinematographer's work on the quality of the work.
Analysis of the literature on the subject, analysis of the lecture content, searching for examples in practice, independent implementation of the indicated material batches, including the subject literature.
45 Test [PSO_w_1]
practical classes [PSO_fs_2]
Work on equipment and instant analysis of photographs taken.
Individual preparation for each class, systematization of the material presented during classes, preparation of projects - also group ones.
45 Continuous evaluation [PSO_w_2]
Module description (PDF)
Information concerning module syllabuses might be changed during studies.
Syllabuses (USOSweb)
Semester Module Language of instruction
(no information given)