New media journalism Field of study: Creative management in new media
Programme code: W8-S2CM20.2020

Module name: New media journalism
Module code: 09-ZN-S2-DNM
Programme code: W8-S2CM20.2020
  • winter semester 2021/2022
  • winter semester 2020/2021
Language of instruction: depending on the choice
Form of verification: exam
ECTS credits: 2
During the course the student acquires the skills and knowledge about the functioning of journalism in the realities of new media. They familiarize with practical problems and dilemmas facing journalism in the digital world and learns ways to overcome them. They get acquainted with the methodology of journalistic work in new media, and then prepares an independent project on a given topic. They have an in-depth journalism workshop in the field of new media. They can prepare journalistic material for all types of new media. In addition, They can prepare an effective persuasive, informational and promotional message. Acquires skills related to the keywords that are supposed to reflect the specifics of new media, they are "hypertext", "simulation", "convergence", "blogosphere" and "Network 2.0". Classes are conducted in producer groups established for the needs of the classes. As a result of technical and workshop changes, the genres of journalistic statements are also being reformed, regardless of whether the authors of these statements are professional journalists or "citizen" journalists. That is why the subject of the classes is the editorial practice - the structure of journalistic material, the criteria for selecting the photographic form, audio and video. Classes are preparing the students to undertake independent journalistic professional trials in the field of online journalism. During the classes, it will also be important to indicate the features necessary for the performance of this profession. This is, of course, not so much a doctrine that determines the methods of journalistic work, but a constant reference point in assessing the image and media habitus.
Student has to be good in writing, he should be able to find information in Internet and ability of creating content for Internet.
Key reading:
K. Saltzis: Inside the changing newsroom: journalists' responses to media convergence. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2008. J. Rwe: Broadcoast news writing for professionals. Oak Park 2005. M. Deuze, L. Fortunati: Journalism Without Journalists. [in:] G. Meikle, G. Redden: News Online. Transformations and Continuities. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke 2010. M. Deuze: The Professional Identity of Journalists in the Context of Convergence Culture. [in:] Observatorio Journal. 2008, nr 7. G. Lawson-Borders: Media Organizations and Convergence. Case Studies of Media Convergence Pioneers. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah 2006. G. Lawson-Borders: Integrating New Media and Old Media. Seven Observations of Convergence as a Strategy for Best Practices in Media Organizations. [in:] International Journal of Media Management. 2003, nr 5(2).
Learning outcome of the module Codes of the learning outcomes of the programme to which the learning outcome of the module is related [level of competence: scale 1-5]
Student has knowledge of the production of journalistic texts, knows and can justify the production costs and can indicate the sources of its financing. [DNM_1]
K_W01 [4/5]
Student has knowledge of new media technologies, their evolution and role in the last decades of the twentieth and early twenty-first century. [DNM_2]
K_W03 [5/5]
Student knows the applicable documentation in the production of journalistic texts is able to prepare the documentation necessary during the implementation of, for example, video and in particular to prepare a cost estimate of the program. The student knows the responsibilities of individual team members and is able to plan work at work positions in the production group. [DNM_3]
K_U03 [5/5]
The student knows the concepts of the use of computer science in the media industry, has the ability to analyze processes occurring in the digital environment. He is able to navigate in the world of new media and use their wealth to create new media and media forms. [DNM_4]
K_U02 [4/5]
The student has the ability to independently deepen knowledge, expand cognitive horizons and verify knowledge. He can present his own position based on the skill of flexible and open thinking. [DNM_5]
K_K02 [4/5]
The student has assertive skills; can analyze management situations and make decisions. He is able to interact and work in a group, taking on different roles. [DNM_6]
K_K01 [3/5]
Type Description Codes of the learning outcomes of the module to which assessment is related
Test [DNM_w_1]
Written test. The student's activity and the quality of prepared projects are also taken into account. The student is evaluated in terms of timeliness of tasks performed, reliability and ingenuity.
Continuous evaluation [DNM_w_2]
The tutor appoints producer groups that prepare presentations on specific problems. Next, alternatives to the problem solution are analyzed, the discussion reveals the ability to apply theoretical knowledge for the assessment and selection of the most appropriate solution (resolving the practical problem), after completing the discussion on the subject, the short summary summarizes the comments of the discussants. The way of verification of students 'own work: participation in classes, The way of verification of students' own work: activity in classes, control work (e.g. preparation of a media project).
Form of teaching Student's own work Assessment of the learning outcomes
Type Description (including teaching methods) Number of hours Description Number of hours
lecture [DNM_fs_1]
Classes in a conversational form, problem discussions. The host appoints producer groups that prepare presentations on specific problems. During the presentation, the tutor evaluates the student's knowledge (not skills).
Analysis of the literature on the subject, analysis of the lecture content, searching for examples in practice, independent implementation of the indicated material batches, including the subject literature.
15 Test [DNM_w_1]
practical classes [DNM_fs_2]
Work on the preparation of presentations regarding the emergence of, for example, media format - from the initial stage, explication, budgeting, program production, up to its promotion. The final grade of the module is a weighted average of the individual methods of verification of learning outcomes.
Individual preparation for each class, systematization of the material presented during classes, preparation of projects - also group ones.
15 Continuous evaluation [DNM_w_2]
Module description (PDF)
Information concerning module syllabuses might be changed during studies.
Syllabuses (USOSweb)
Semester Module Language of instruction
(no information given)