Film editing Field of study: Creative management in new media
Programme code: W8-S2CM20.2020

Module name: Film editing
Module code: 09-ZN-S2-MF
Programme code: W8-S2CM20.2020
  • summer semester 2021/2022
  • summer semester 2020/2021
Language of instruction: depending on the choice
Form of verification: exam
ECTS credits: 3
The aim of this subject is the ability to choose the material we have made and integrate it, cover the basics of editing knowledge, image processing technique, the ability to combine the image with music, etc. The student will be able to possess these skills when he describes his idea, plan its costs, he will realize and set how much more or less the project will last. The student will acquire these skills at the stage of the audiovisual material he has realized. The student will experience that the assembly of the material is sometimes the second 50% success of the film, and that the same material can be assembled in any way to make it a different film genre. The student will learn the secrets of technical work on the image and music, including its composition. The music plays a huge role in the editing of the film, the assembly technique is also important, the fast, efficient is a more commercial story, directed to the impatient recipient, ready for entertainment. However, a calm, elongated assembly is a kind of personal, mostly artistic, personal story. The student learns the types of implementation of shots, types of plans, close plan, American plan, approximation, semi-approximation, etc. He will meet the typical international nomenclature, which makes it easier to communicate with the team during the implementation of scenes and the assembly itself.
Student should know techniques of vision realization, he should know the basics of communication and know much about history of tv and cinematography.
Key reading:
Ch. Liewellyn Reed: Film Editing: Theory and Practice. Mercury Learning & Information, 2012. K. Pearlman: Cutting Rhythms. Intuitive Film Editing. Routledge, 2015. S. Hullfish: Art. Of the Cut: Conversations with Film and TV Editors. Routledge, 2017. S. Saltzman: Music Editing for Film and Television: The art. And the process. 2014. G. Chandler: Cut by cut: Editing your Film or video. 2014.
Learning outcome of the module Codes of the learning outcomes of the programme to which the learning outcome of the module is related [level of competence: scale 1-5]
Student knows the rules of the impact of editing on the type of story, as well as the technique of combining the image with music. [MF_1]
K_W07 [5/5]
Student has knowledge of how to tell a given story by editing, he knows the technical foundations of the editor's work. [MF_2]
K_W05 [4/5]
Student has the ability to assemble his short audiovisual material at home. [MF_3]
K_W06 [5/5]
Student has the ability to tell story editing, e.g. through assembly cuts, penetration, etc., and the use of a music piece in editing as an additional connector in the film. [MF_4]
K_W07 [4/5]
Student will gain awareness of how the editing can affect the change of the genre of the film material. [MF_5]
K_K05 [4/5]
Student through the appropriate assembly will be able to try the material realized in several assembly variants, having different character and social overtones. [MF_6]
K_K06 [3/5]
Type Description Codes of the learning outcomes of the module to which assessment is related
Test [MF_w_1]
Practical test consisting in verification of the following competences: recognition of selected frames from the film as part of the story and skilful use of them.
MF_1 MF_2
Continuous evaluation [MF_w_2]
Evaluation of individual editing stages, including basic equipment technical service.
MF_3 MF_4 MF_5 MF_6
Form of teaching Student's own work Assessment of the learning outcomes
Type Description (including teaching methods) Number of hours Description Number of hours
lecture [MF_fs_1]
Lectures combined with discussion, multimedia presentation and screening of films.
Analysis of the literature on the subject, analysis of the lecture content, searching for examples in practice, independent implementation of the indicated material sections, including the subject literature.
30 Test [MF_w_1]
practical classes [MF_fs_2]
Classes will be devoted to the practical presentation of basic film editing techniques.
Individual preparation for each class, systematization of the material presented during classes, preparation of projects - also group ones.
30 Continuous evaluation [MF_w_2]
Module description (PDF)
Information concerning module syllabuses might be changed during studies.
Syllabuses (USOSweb)
Semester Module Language of instruction
(no information given)