Public International Law (General Part) Field of study: International Business Law and Arbitration
Programme code: 07-S2LA19.2019

Module name: Public International Law (General Part)
Module code: IBLA-GC-PILGP
Programme code: 07-S2LA19.2019
  • winter semester 2023/2024
  • winter semester 2022/2023
  • winter semester 2021/2022
  • winter semester 2020/2021
  • winter semester 2019/2020
Language of instruction: English
Form of verification: exam
ECTS credits: 3
The objective of the course is to provide students with knowledge, skills and competences in the field of public international law, including principal legal acts and other sources of international law as well as key issues concerning particular branches of international law. Accordingly, the syllabus covers in detail the sources of law, objects and dispute resolutions, as well as the place of international law within national systems. Upon successful completion of the course, the students will know the rules of the international community functioning, will be able to evaluate and verify media information in the field of foreign policy and events on the international arena. In addition, they will properly interpret official documents and diplomatic statements, as well as have the skills to freely navigate the websites of international organizations, bodies and databases. The course should become a solid base for other courses.
Key reading:
Handbook: Anthony Aust, Handbook of international law, Cambridge University Press, second edition 2010 Recommended documents from:
Learning outcome of the module Codes of the learning outcomes of the programme to which the learning outcome of the module is related [level of competence: scale 1-5]
Has an advanced knowledge of the axiology and the essence of regulation adopted by the international community. [PILGP_1]
IBLA_W01 [4/5]
While preparing aposition, can use the international law literature, the databases of international acts, the jurisprudence of international courts as well as quasi - judicial bodies, and has an advanced knowledge of information and communication technologies (ICT), including the so-called "cyberdiplomacy." [PILGP_10]
IBLA_U09 [4/5]
In the field of international law, is able to find and apply to the procedures required by law. [PILGP_11]
IBLA_U10 [5/5]
Is able to take decisions, convincingly justify them and defend his/her own position. [PILGP_12]
IBLA_U12 [4/5]
Is able to communicate with other persons, including non-specialists in the field of international law, to provide and defend his/her views and can express his/her views on important social and worldview issues. [PILGP_13]
IBLA_K01 [4/5]
Has an ability to carry out a critical analysis of events, phenomena and social situations taking place on the international arena. Is able to identify and assess individual and collective interests of participants of international life (with a particular emphasis on business trading), social interests protected on international forums and mutual relations among various stakeholders. [PILGP_14]
IBLA_K02 [5/5]
Has a structured knowledge of the institutions and legal structures developed on international forums; in particular, recognizes the difference between the regulations of international and national laws. [PILGP_2]
IBLA_W02 [3/5]
Knows advanced terminology in the field of international law related to activity in the sphere of international relations, including economic relations. [PILGP_3]
IBLA_W03 [3/5]
Knows the principal issues in the field of public international law, understands its specificity in comparison with other branches of law, correctly defines its sources (particularly international agreements), its objects (with special regard to states, international organizations and some legal persons) and judicial and non-judicial methods means of resolving international disputes. [PILGP_4]
IBLA_W08 [5/5]
Has an advanced knowledge of international dispute resolution, including arbitration and diplomatic methods of resolving international disputes. [PILGP_5]
IBLA_W15 [2/5]
Is fluent in specialist English terminology in the field of international law. [PILGP_6]
IBLA_U01 [4/5]
Is able to identify, interpret and forecast (also unusual) social, political, economic and cultural phenomena, taking into account the context of their relationship with international law. [PILGP_7]
IBLA_U02 [5/5]
Is able to find the right regulation of international law, interpret its provisions and draw conclusions as to the permissible or required course of action. [PILGP_8]
IBLA_U04 [5/5]
Can formulate proposals for legal solutions de lege ferenda. [PILGP_9]
IBLA_U06 [3/5] IBLA_U11 [2/5]
Type Description Codes of the learning outcomes of the module to which assessment is related
Written exam, all parts [PILGP_w_1]
The form of the exam (especially the part containing open-ended questions) makes it possible to verify a student’s knowledge of the axiology of international law. The exam requires knowledge of the institutions and regulations and mechanisms functioning on the basis of international provisions. The exam requires knowledge of terminology relevant to international law (especially the part containing open-ended questions and the case to be resolved). Exam questions concern subjectivity, sources of law and settlements of disputes. At least three exam tasks deal with settlements of disputes – methods and procedures. At least one exam task concerns perspectives for the development of international law. Exam questions also apply to procedures including the conclusion of treaties and judicial and arbitration proceedings.
Written exam, open-ended questions [PILGP_w_2]
The student must understand the questions and the content of the case. The exam requires knowledge of the terminology relevant to international law. All parts of the exam require the student to know international legal provisions. The ability to interpret them is verified in parts containing open-ended questions and a case to be resolved. At least one exam question concerns perspectives for the development of international law in relation to a specific issue requiring changes or a reform.
Written exam, a case to be resolved [PILGP_w_3]
At least one exam question concerns perspectives for the development of international law in relation to a specific issue requiring changes or a reform. During the second part of the exam, the student must be able to use the collection of legal acts and databases of decisions (UNTS, CETS, CURIA, HUDOC) to find relevant provisions, if he/she wants to resolve a case. The solution of a case at the exam should be convincingly justified. Selection of arguments is evaluated. The solution of a provided case should be clearly and easily formulated. The form and clarity of the message is evaluated.
Form of teaching Student's own work Assessment of the learning outcomes
Type Description (including teaching methods) Number of hours Description Number of hours
lecture [PILGP_fs]
An interactive lecture explaining the most important issues related to international law. During the lecture, film materials and presentations will be used. A part of lecture time will be devoted to discussion and exchange of opinions.
The student analyzes the international law documents The student gets acquainted with the views of doctrine of international law. The student follows media information and gets acquainted with Internet resources and film materials to discuss during the lecture.
55 Written exam, all parts [PILGP_w_1] Written exam, open-ended questions [PILGP_w_2] Written exam, a case to be resolved [PILGP_w_3]
Module description (PDF)
Information concerning module syllabuses might be changed during studies.
Syllabuses (USOSweb)
Semester Module Language of instruction
(no information given)