Information technology in management Field of study: Entrepreneurship Studies
Programme code: W5-S1PB19.2024

Module name: Information technology in management
Module code: IwZ
Programme code: W5-S1PB19.2024
Semester: winter semester 2024/2025
Language of instruction: Polish
Form of verification: course work
ECTS credits: 3
Purpose and description of the content of education:
The Information Technology in Management module course aims to familiarize students with management information systems and acquire knowledge regarding the use of these systems in business management processes. The educational content for the module Information Technology in Management includes, among other things, the categorization and characteristics of management information systems, the application of these systems in various areas of management, such as production management, human resources, finance, logistics, marketing, etc., the role of information systems in improving decision-making processes and increasing the efficiency of enterprise management, and the implementation and operation of management information systems.
List of modules that must be completed before starting this module (if necessary): not applicable
Learning outcome of the module Codes of the learning outcomes of the programme to which the learning outcome of the module is related [level of competence: scale 1-5]
The student is ready to determine the priorities conducive to the implementation of specific goals and tasks and consult experts in case of difficulties in solving the problem independently. [KS_01]
K_04 [4/5]
Students can use essential IT tools to support business management, such as database management systems, decision support systems, enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, etc. [U_01]
U_09 [4/5]
The student can independently prepare projects using management information tools. [U_02]
U_10 [4/5]
The student has advanced knowledge of business management information systems, such as database management systems, decision support systems, enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, and their applications in various management areas. [W_01]
W_10 [3/5]
The student knows the concepts, models, means and information technologies used in computerising business management processes. [W_02]
W_03 [3/5]
Form of teaching Number of hours Methods of conducting classes Assessment of the learning outcomes Learning outcomes
lecture [FZ_1] 15 Formal lecture/ course-related lecture [a01] 
Problem-based lecture [b01] 
course work KS_01 W_01 W_02
practical classes [FZ_2] 15 Working with a computer [d01] 
Project scheduling [e04] 
course work U_01 U_02
The student's work, apart from participation in classes, includes in particular:
Name Category Description
Developing practical skills [a03] Preparation for classes
activities involving the repetition, refinement and consolidation of practical skills, including those developed during previous classes or new skills necessary for the implementation of subsequent elements of the curriculum (as preparation for class participation)
Implementation of an individual or group assignment necessary for course/phase/examination completion [c03] Preparation for verification of learning outcomes
a set of activities aimed at performing an assigned task, to be executed out of class, as an obligatory phase/element of the verification of the learning outcomes assigned to the course
Module description (PDF)
Information concerning module syllabuses might be changed during studies.
Syllabuses (USOSweb)
Semester Module Language of instruction
(no information given)