Sculpture 2 Field of study: Art Therapy
Programme code: W3-S1AR19.2024

Module name: Sculpture 2
Module code: S1_AR_R_2
Programme code: W3-S1AR19.2024
Semester: summer semester 2024/2025
Language of instruction: Polish
Form of verification: course work
ECTS credits: 2
Purpose and description of the content of education:
The module is a continuation of mastering the content regarding knowledge about the reflective use of artistic means to create works in the field of sculpture, with free use of techniques in the field of composition, proportions, matter and structure. The aim is to equip the student with the ability to in-depth, conscious and reflective use of various sculptural means with a focus on purposeful conditioning of the expression of the work addressed to various recipient groups
List of modules that must be completed before starting this module (if necessary): Sculpture 1 [S1_AR_R_1]
Learning outcome of the module Codes of the learning outcomes of the programme to which the learning outcome of the module is related [level of competence: scale 1-5]
The student knows the connections and dependencies between the theoretical and practical elements of artistic workshops related to sculpture and its use with activities aimed at various target groups [AR_R_2_01]
ART_W04 [3/5]
The student has the necessary skills to express himself through the technique of sculpture, freely using techniques in the field of composition, proportions, matter and structure [AR_R_2_02]
ART_U09 [3/5]
The student uses imagination in artistic activities using the sculpture technique, demonstrating the ability to think flexibly and adapt to changing conditions [AR_R_2_03]
ART_K06 [3/5]
Form of teaching Number of hours Methods of conducting classes Assessment of the learning outcomes Learning outcomes
practical classes [AR_R_2_ĆW] 30 Value-based methods – expressive methods [c09] 
Creation/production – creative workshop [e03] 
Plein air session [e09] 
course work AR_R_2_01 AR_R_2_02 AR_R_2_03
The student's work, apart from participation in classes, includes in particular:
Name Category Description
Implementation of an individual or group assignment necessary for course/phase/examination completion [c03] Preparation for verification of learning outcomes
a set of activities aimed at performing an assigned task, to be executed out of class, as an obligatory phase/element of the verification of the learning outcomes assigned to the course
Analysis of the corrective feedback provided by the academic teacher on the results of the verification of learning outcomes [d01] Consulting the results of the verification of learning outcomes
reading through the academic teacher’s comments, assessments and opinions on the implementation of the task aimed at checking the level of the achieved learning outcomes
Module description (PDF)
Information concerning module syllabuses might be changed during studies.
Syllabuses (USOSweb)
Semester Module Language of instruction
(no information given)