Educational and preventive programmes in education Field of study: Special Education
Programme code: W6-NMPC19.2023

Module name: Educational and preventive programmes in education
Module code: PS_D4_PWPE
Programme code: W6-NMPC19.2023
  • winter semester 2027/2028
  • winter semester 2028/2029
Language of instruction: Polish
Form of verification: course work
ECTS credits: 2
Purpose and description of the content of education:
Moduł programy wychowawcze i profilaktyczne w edukacji umożliwia zdobycie wiedzy z zakresu konstruowania i wdrażania szkolnych programów wychowawczo-profilaktycznych, ich podstaw prawnych i merytorycznych. Zakłada się, że wszystkie efekty uczenia się modułu będą realizowane w trakcie zajęć dydaktycznych w bezpośrednim i/lub pośrednim kontakcie z NA oraz podczas pracy własnej studenta.
List of modules that must be completed before starting this module (if necessary): not applicable
Learning outcome of the module Codes of the learning outcomes of the programme to which the learning outcome of the module is related [level of competence: scale 1-5]
W zakresie wiedzy absolwent zna i rozumie pojęcia wychowania i rozwoju: funkcje wychowania, style wychowania, zagadnienia przymusu i swobody w wychowaniu, wychowania adaptacyjnego i emancypacyjnego; zagadnienie wychowania w kontekście manipulacji; problematykę podmiotowości w wychowaniu; Zna i rozumie zasady współpracy środowisk wychowawczych w procesie wychowania. (D.4.W1; D.4.W2) [PS_D4_PWPE_1]
KN3_W02 [3/5] KN3_W09 [3/5]
W zakresie wiedzy absolwent zna i rozumie konteksty wychowania: kulturę i współczesne media; Zna i rozumie istotę programu wychowawczego szkoły. (D.4.W3; D.4.W4). [PS_D4_PWPE_2]
KN3_W09 [3/5] KN3_W10 [3/5]
W zakresie wiedzy absolwent zna i rozumie miejsce przedszkola i szkoły jako instytucji wychowawczej; Zna i rozumie pojęcia stylów i postaw wychowawczych w przedszkolu i szkole, postaw nauczycieli, dzieci i uczniów. (D.4.W6; D.4.W7) [PS_D4_PWPE_3]
KN3_W02 [3/5] KN3_W09 [4/5]
W zakresie umiejętności absolwent potrafi diagnozować potrzeby, oczekiwania i zasoby podmiotów życia przedszkolnego i szkolnego; Potrafi określić cele podejmowanych działań wychowawczych w grupie przedszkolnej i klasie szkolnej, konstruować programy wychowawcze oraz dokonywać ich ewaluacji. (D.4.U2; D.4.U4) [PS_D4_PWPE_6]
KN3_U04 [3/5] KN3_U05 [3/5] KN3_U06 [4/5]
W zakresie umiejętności absolwent potrafi tworzyć programy kształtujące kompetencje społeczno-emocjonalne dzieci i uczniów z niepełnosprawnościami i stosować te programy w grupach przedszkolnych i klasach włączających; Potrafi ocenić efektywność programów rozwijających kompetencje społeczno-emocjonalne dzieci i uczniów z niepełnosprawnościami. (D.4.U8; D.4.U9) [PS_D4_PWPE_7]
KN3_U07 [3/5] KN3_U11 [4/5]
W zakresie kompetencji społecznych absolwent jest gotów do przyjęcia odpowiedzialności za podejmowane decyzje związane z organizacją procesu edukacyjno-terapeutycznego w przedszkolu i grupie przedszkolnej lub w szkole i klasie szkolnej (D.4.K1) [PS_D4_PWPE_8]
KN3_K02 [3/5]
W zakresie wiedzy absolwent zna i rozumie cechy środowiska kształcenia i wychowania (D.4.W8) [PS​_D4​_PWPE​_4]
KN3_W02 [3/5] KN3_W11 [2/5]
W zakresie wiedzy absolwent zna i rozumie przesłanki teoretyczne programów profilaktycznych uzależnień oraz programów zapobiegania samobójstwom dzieci i młodzieży. (D.4.W12) [PS​_D4​_PWPE​_5]
KN3_W05 [3/5]
Form of teaching Number of hours Methods of conducting classes Assessment of the learning outcomes Learning outcomes
practical classes [PS_D4_PWPE_fns1] 20 Description [a03] 
Problem-based lecture [b01] 
Lecture-discussion [b02] 
Activating method – discussion / debate [b04] 
Activating method – flipped classroom [b09] 
SWOT analysis [b10] 
Demonstration-imitation [c06] 
Screen presentation [c07] 
Working with another teaching tool [d03] 
Project scheduling [e04] 
Simulation [e07] 
Individual work with a text [f02] 
Conceptual work [f03] 
course work PS_D4_PWPE_1 PS_D4_PWPE_2 PS_D4_PWPE_3 PS_D4_PWPE_6 PS_D4_PWPE_7 PS_D4_PWPE_8 PS​_D4​_PWPE​_4 PS​_D4​_PWPE​_5
The student's work, apart from participation in classes, includes in particular:
Name Category Description
Search for materials and review activities necessary for class participation [a01] Preparation for classes
reviewing literature, documentation, tools and materials as well as the specifics of the syllabus and the range of activities indicated in it as required for full participation in classes
Literature reading / analysis of source materials [a02] Preparation for classes
reading the literature indicated in the syllabus; reviewing, organizing, analyzing and selecting source materials to be used in class
Consulting materials complementary to those indicated in the syllabus [a04] Preparation for classes
agreeing on materials complementary to those indicated in the syllabus, supporting the implementation of tasks resulting from or necessary for class participation
Production/preparation of tools, materials or documentation necessary for class participation [a05] Preparation for classes
developing, preparing and assessing the usefulness of tools and materials (e.g. aids, scenarios, research tools, equipment, etc.) to be employed in class or as an aid when preparing for classes
Getting acquainted with the syllabus content [b01] Consulting the curriculum and the organization of classes
reading through the syllabus and getting acquainted with its content
Verification / adjustment / discussion of syllabus provisions [b02] Consulting the curriculum and the organization of classes
consulting the content of the syllabus, possibly in the presence of the year tutor or members of the class group, and, if necessary, reassessing the provisions concerning special conditions for class participation, e.g., space and time requirements, technical and other requirements, including conditions for participation in classes outside the walls of the university, classes organized in blocks, organized online, etc.
Determining the stages of task implementation contributing to the verification of learning outcomes [c01] Preparation for verification of learning outcomes
devising a task implementation strategy embracing the division of content, the range of activities, implementation time and/or the method(s) of obtaining the necessary materials and tools, etc.
Studying the literature used in and the materials produced in class [c02] Preparation for verification of learning outcomes
exploring the studied content, inquiring, considering, assimilating, interpreting it, or organizing knowledge obtained from the literature, documentation, instructions, scenarios, etc., used in class as well as from the notes or other materials/artifacts made in class
Implementation of an individual or group assignment necessary for course/phase/examination completion [c03] Preparation for verification of learning outcomes
a set of activities aimed at performing an assigned task, to be executed out of class, as an obligatory phase/element of the verification of the learning outcomes assigned to the course
Analysis of the corrective feedback provided by the academic teacher on the results of the verification of learning outcomes [d01] Consulting the results of the verification of learning outcomes
reading through the academic teacher’s comments, assessments and opinions on the implementation of the task aimed at checking the level of the achieved learning outcomes
Undertaking, on one’s own initiative and individually, activities aimed at expanding the scope or depth of the teaching content, also beyond the walls of the University [e01] Activities complementary to the classes
a set of activities undertaken independently and on the student's own initiative, aimed at expanding the depth and scope of knowledge and skills, their revision and repetition, retention or verification, also activities carried outside the university, e.g., in a culture promoting or educational institution, a laboratory, in the open air, etc.; also self-education
Module description (PDF)
Information concerning module syllabuses might be changed during studies.
Syllabuses (USOSweb)
Semester Module Language of instruction
(no information given)