Choir 3 Field of study: Music Education
Programme code: W6-S1EM19.2023

Module name: Choir 3
Module code: W6-EM-S1-CHO3
Programme code: W6-S1EM19.2023
  • winter semester 2025/2026
  • winter semester 2024/2025
Language of instruction: Polish
Form of verification: course work
ECTS credits: 2
Purpose and description of the content of education:
Zajęcia w ramach modułu Chór 3 mają na celu kontynuację rozwoju i kształcenia umiejętności wokalnych studenta z nastawieniem na emisję zbiorową i muzykę chóralną. Umożliwiają w praktyczny sposób poznanie literatury muzycznej wokalnej i wokalno-instrumentalnej o różnorodnej stylistyce i stopniu trudności. Przygotowują do zespołowej prezentacji koncertowej.
List of modules that must be completed before starting this module (if necessary): Choir 1 [W6-EM-S1-CHO1]
Choir 2 [W6-EM-S1-CHO2]
Learning outcome of the module Codes of the learning outcomes of the programme to which the learning outcome of the module is related [level of competence: scale 1-5]
Wykazuje się zaawansowaną wiedzą dotyczącą budowy i funkcjonowania aparatu głosowego oraz poprawnego posługiwania się głosem. [W6-EM-S1-CHO3_1]
W6-EM-S1-W02 [3/5]
W zaawansowanym stopniu zna repertuar chóralny opracowywany w zakresie modułu Chór 3, potrafi go wykonywać na pamięć, częściowo tylko przy pomocy nut. [W6-EM-S1-CHO3_2]
W6-EM-S1-W01 [3/5] W6-EM-S1-U06 [3/5] W6-EM-S1-U08 [3/5]
Posiada umiejętność pracy zespołowej, współpracowania przy tworzeniu i wspólnym wykonaniu utworów chóralnych, umiejętność współpracy muzycznej na płaszczyźnie dyrygent – chórzysta. [W6-EM-S1-CHO3_3]
W6-EM-S1-U06 [3/5] W6-EM-S1-U08 [3/5]
Posiada umiejętność prawidłowego zachowania scenicznego podczas prezentacji publicznych. [W6-EM-S1-CHO3_4]
W6-EM-S1-K04 [3/5] W6-EM-S1-K06 [3/5]
Posiada zdolność odpowiedniego komunikowania się i współdziałania w zespole podczas działań artystycznych. [W6-EM-S1-CHO3_5]
W6-EM-S1-K01 [3/5] W6-EM-S1-K02 [3/5] W6-EM-S1-K03 [3/5] W6-EM-S1-K04 [3/5] W6-EM-S1-K05 [3/5] W6-EM-S1-K06 [3/5]
Form of teaching Number of hours Methods of conducting classes Assessment of the learning outcomes Learning outcomes
practical classes [W6-EM-S1-CHO3_fs1] 30 Monographic lecture [a02] 
Activating method – staged drama/drama [b06] 
Activating method – peer learning [b08] 
Audio playback / audio drama [c03] 
Drama performance [c04] 
Internship [e05] 
Observation [e06] 
Individual work with a text [f02] 
Conceptual work [f03] 
course work W6-EM-S1-CHO3_1 W6-EM-S1-CHO3_2 W6-EM-S1-CHO3_3 W6-EM-S1-CHO3_4 W6-EM-S1-CHO3_5
The student's work, apart from participation in classes, includes in particular:
Name Category Description
Search for materials and review activities necessary for class participation [a01] Preparation for classes
reviewing literature, documentation, tools and materials as well as the specifics of the syllabus and the range of activities indicated in it as required for full participation in classes
Literature reading / analysis of source materials [a02] Preparation for classes
reading the literature indicated in the syllabus; reviewing, organizing, analyzing and selecting source materials to be used in class
Developing practical skills [a03] Preparation for classes
activities involving the repetition, refinement and consolidation of practical skills, including those developed during previous classes or new skills necessary for the implementation of subsequent elements of the curriculum (as preparation for class participation)
Getting acquainted with the syllabus content [b01] Consulting the curriculum and the organization of classes
reading through the syllabus and getting acquainted with its content
Consulting the schedule [b03] Consulting the curriculum and the organization of classes
getting acquainted with the class schedule, possibly in the presence of the year tutor, in order to optimize participation in classes, including those supplementary to the core subjects listed in the pursued study programme
Determining the stages of task implementation contributing to the verification of learning outcomes [c01] Preparation for verification of learning outcomes
devising a task implementation strategy embracing the division of content, the range of activities, implementation time and/or the method(s) of obtaining the necessary materials and tools, etc.
Participation in non-obligatory teaching, research or organizational grants intensifying the achievement of the assumed learning outcomes [e03] Activities complementary to the classes
research, artistic, social and other activities not indicated in the curriculum, undertaken on the student’s own initiative as a way of supplementing, enriching or extending the content and activities indicated in the module curriculum, intensifying the achievement of learning outcomes
Module description (PDF)
Information concerning module syllabuses might be changed during studies.
Syllabuses (USOSweb)
Semester Module Language of instruction
(no information given)