Basics of engineering geology Field of study: Aquamatics - Interdisciplinary Management of Water Environments
Programme code: W2-S1AQ20.2023

Module name: Basics of engineering geology
Module code: W2-AQ-S1-011
Programme code: W2-S1AQ20.2023
  • winter semester 2024/2025
  • winter semester 2023/2024
Language of instruction: Polish
Form of verification: exam
ECTS credits: 4
Purpose and description of the content of education:
Celem modułu jest zapoznanie studenta z podstawami geologii ogólnej (budowa wnętrza Ziemi, rodzaje skał, procesy endogeniczne i egzogeniczne) oraz geologii inżynierskiej, w tym z klasyfikacją gruntów, podstawowymi właściwościami gruntów, a także ze sposobami oznaczania podstawowych parametrów z wykorzystaniem stosownej aparatury i metod laboratoryjnych. Moduł obejmuje podstawy teoretyczne (definicje, klasyfikacje i właściwości gruntów), jak i praktyczne (wyznaczanie parametrów w formie obliczeń i doświadczeń laboratoryjnych).
List of modules that must be completed before starting this module (if necessary): not applicable
Learning outcome of the module Codes of the learning outcomes of the programme to which the learning outcome of the module is related [level of competence: scale 1-5]
Posiada podstawową wiedzę na temat geologii ogólnej. [W2-AQ-S1-011​ _1]
AQ1_W01 [5/5]
Posiada podstawową wiedzę na temat klasyfikacji i właściwości gruntów. [W2-AQ-S1-011​ _2]
AQ1_W01 [5/5]
Rozumie podstawowe zjawiska i procesy zachodzące w środowisku gruntowo-wodnym. [W2-AQ-S1-011​ _3]
AQ1_W01 [4/5] AQ1_W02 [4/5]
Rozumie zjawisko oddziaływania woda-grunt. [W2-AQ-S1-011​ _4]
AQ1_W01 [4/5] AQ1_W02 [4/5]
Zna i potrafi zastosować podstawowe metody służące oznaczaniu parametrów geologiczno-inżynierskich. [W2-AQ-S1-011​ _5]
AQ1_U02 [3/5] AQ1_W08 [3/5]
Potrafi planować i organizować badania laboratoryjne. [W2-AQ-S1-011​ _6]
AQ1_W08 [2/5]
Potrafi zinterpretować wyniki oznaczeń podstawowych parametrów w geologii inżynierskiej. [W2-AQ-S1-011​ _7]
AQ1_U04 [3/5] AQ1_W08 [3/5]
Zna zakres zastosowania oznaczeń parametrów geologiczno-inżynierskich w praktyce. [W2-AQ-S1-011​ _8]
AQ1_W05 [2/5] AQ1_U07 [2/5]
Form of teaching Number of hours Methods of conducting classes Assessment of the learning outcomes Learning outcomes
lecture [2-AQS1-011​_fs​_1] 15 Formal lecture/ course-related lecture [a01] 
Explanation/clarification [a05] 
exam W2-AQ-S1-011​ _1 W2-AQ-S1-011​ _2 W2-AQ-S1-011​ _3 W2-AQ-S1-011​ _4 W2-AQ-S1-011​ _5
laboratory classes [2-AQS1-011​_fs​_2] 30 Working with a programmed textbook [d02] 
Laboratory exercise / experiment [e01] 
course work W2-AQ-S1-011​ _5 W2-AQ-S1-011​ _6 W2-AQ-S1-011​ _7 W2-AQ-S1-011​ _8
The student's work, apart from participation in classes, includes in particular:
Name Category Description
Search for materials and review activities necessary for class participation [a01] Preparation for classes
reviewing literature, documentation, tools and materials as well as the specifics of the syllabus and the range of activities indicated in it as required for full participation in classes
Literature reading / analysis of source materials [a02] Preparation for classes
reading the literature indicated in the syllabus; reviewing, organizing, analyzing and selecting source materials to be used in class
Developing practical skills [a03] Preparation for classes
activities involving the repetition, refinement and consolidation of practical skills, including those developed during previous classes or new skills necessary for the implementation of subsequent elements of the curriculum (as preparation for class participation)
Implementation of an individual or group assignment necessary for course/phase/examination completion [c03] Preparation for verification of learning outcomes
a set of activities aimed at performing an assigned task, to be executed out of class, as an obligatory phase/element of the verification of the learning outcomes assigned to the course
Analysis of the corrective feedback provided by the academic teacher on the results of the verification of learning outcomes [d01] Consulting the results of the verification of learning outcomes
reading through the academic teacher’s comments, assessments and opinions on the implementation of the task aimed at checking the level of the achieved learning outcomes
Module description (PDF)
Information concerning module syllabuses might be changed during studies.
Syllabuses (USOSweb)
Semester Module Language of instruction
(no information given)