Pitching Field of study: Creative management in new media
Programme code: W8-S2CM20.2022

Module name: Pitching
Module code: W8-ZN-S2-P
Programme code: W8-S2CM20.2022
  • summer semester 2024/2025
  • summer semester 2023/2024
  • summer semester 2022/2023
Language of instruction: English
Form of verification: exam
ECTS credits: 3
The module aims to introduce students to the knowledge of pitching and develop skills and competencies related to presenting a film, television, animation, or teleplay idea. Students will learn essential criteria related to a film's commercial, distribution, festival, and educational potential. This module includes learning methods of public description: of a film idea, film story, and characterization. Essential elements of knowledge and skills taught include creating a film trailer, a rip-o-matic, and the necessary documentation (including one-pager and mood board, logline, and synopsis). Students will learn the basics of industry research and the two primary forms of pitching: standard pitching and elevator pitching. In particular, students will acquire skills and competencies related to presenting a film idea and the ways of presenting their own professional experience and successes.
Student ma wiedzę o etapach produkcji filmowej.
Key reading:
K. Rotcop: The Perfect Pitch: How to Sell Yourself and Your Movie Idea to Hollywood, 2nd Edition, Michael Wiese Productions, 2009. J. Koch: Pitching Hollywood: How to Sell Your TV Show and Movie Ideas, Quill Driver Books, 2004. H. Hale: Story Selling: How to Develop, Market, and Pitch Your Film & TV Projects, Michael Wiese Productions, 2019. K. Aguado, D. Eboch, D. Simkins: The Hollywood Pitching Bible: A Practical Guide to Pitching Movies and Television, ScreenMaster Books, 2015. G. G. Scott: The Basic Guide to Pitching, Producing, and Distributing Your Film: 70 Tips for Successfully Pitching Your Script, Producing Your Film, and Finding a Distributor, Changemakers Publishing, 2020.
T. Marcoux: Darkest Secrets of Making a Pitch for Film and Television: How You Can Get a Studio Executive, Producer, Name Actor or Private Investor to Say „Yes” to Your Project, Tom Marcoux Media, LLC, Annotated edition, 2013. S. Moore: #100Pitches: Mistakes I’ve Made So you Don’t Have To: The Film and Television Pitching Guide for Concern Creators, Create Space, 2017. Ch. Harris: Jaws in Space: Powerful Pitching for Film and TV Screenwriters (Creative Essentials), Creative Essentials; 1st edition, 2016.
Learning outcome of the module Codes of the learning outcomes of the programme to which the learning outcome of the module is related [level of competence: scale 1-5]
The student will know industry criteria and how to present a film idea or other audiovisual form publicly. [P_1]
K_W09 [5/5]
The student knows the principles and methods of presenting a project to the public. [P_2]
K_W10 [4/5]
The student can realize a public presentation of a film idea or another audiovisual form. [P_3]
K_U01 [5/5]
The student can use the basic principles of social influence thanks to the acquired skills of presenting their own professional experience. [P_4]
K_U12 [4/5]
The student demonstrates social competencies connected with public performance during a pitching session. [P_5]
K_K05 [4/5]
The student is competent in establishing business relations with the recipients of a pitching session. [P_6]
K_K10 [3/5]
Type Description Codes of the learning outcomes of the module to which assessment is related
Test [P_w_1]
The student will evaluate during the oral exam in the form of a conducted pitching session for a film project.
P_1 P_2 P_3
Continuous evaluation [P_w_2]
Preparation for the classes, activity in discussion during classes, and demonstrated skills in creating technical documentation. Practical Work.
P_3 P_4 P_5 P_6
Form of teaching Student's own work Assessment of the learning outcomes
Type Description (including teaching methods) Number of hours Description Number of hours
lecture [P_fs_1]
Theoretical lecture, activating lecture, multimedia presentation, discussion.
Analysis of the literature on the subject, analysis of the lecture content, searching for examples in practice, independent implementation of the indicated material batches, including the subject literature.
30 Test [P_w_1]
practical classes [P_fs_2]
Study cases get the student involved in the individual analysis of Game Loops, especially understanding logic and mechanics. Activating exercises. Group work.
Individual preparation for each class, systematization of the material presented during classes, preparation of projects - also group ones. Independent implementation of the material batch indicated in the syllabus and analysis of examples selected by the lecturer, repetition and consolidation of knowledge and skills acquired during the course.
30 Continuous evaluation [P_w_2]
Module description (PDF)
Information concerning module syllabuses might be changed during studies.
Syllabuses (USOSweb)
Semester Module Language of instruction
(no information given)