Workshop 1 (optional courses: Pitching workshop 1 or Producer's workshop 1) Field of study: Creative management in new media
Programme code: W8-S2CM20.2022

Module name: Workshop 1 (optional courses: Pitching workshop 1 or Producer's workshop 1)
Module code: W8-ZN-S2-W1
Programme code: W8-S2CM20.2022
  • winter semester 2024/2025
  • winter semester 2023/2024
  • winter semester 2022/2023
Language of instruction: English
Form of verification: exam
ECTS credits: 5
Optional subject: • Pitching workshop 1 • Producer's workshop 1 Course Description: Pitching Workshop 1 This course aims to summarize theoretical knowledge and combine it with practical knowledge in pitching. The summary of the semester classes will concern the creation of materials for the public presentation of the film project created based on the student's ideas analyzed and consulted with the lecturers. This workshop will teach the student to move freely in pitching situations and indicate new ways to present the project. The class will mainly analyze the student's project idea in pitching and creating documentation such as a one-pager, mood board, logline, and synopsis. This class will allow the student to make a final choice as to what genre and type of work he/she wants to devote himself/herself to so that in the following semester, he/she can continue his/her work in this area. Course Description: Producer's Workshop 1 The class aims to combine theoretical and practical knowledge in producing a multimedia work. Classes will be held in groups, where each student will be assigned a different scope of work in the multimedia project so that, ultimately, the student can confront their knowledge and skills. The student will experience different situations related to film and television production and will be able to assess their suitability to perform different roles in the production team. The classes will allow the student to develop their competencies and plan to work on a multimedia project to be continued in the following semester.
Student has to know about new media rules, he has to be able to choose a business field.
Key reading:
B. Clevé: Film Production Management: How to Budget, Organize and Successfully Shoot your Film, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 4th Edition, 2017. K. Rotcop: The Perfect Pitch: How to Sell Yourself and Your Movie Idea to Hollywood, 2nd Edition, Michael Wiese Productions, 2009. J. Koch: Pitching Hollywood: How to Sell Your TV Show and Movie Ideas, Quill Driver Books, 2004. H. Hale: Story Selling: How to Develop, Market, and Pitch Your Film & TV Projects, Michael Wiese Productions, 2019.
Learning outcome of the module Codes of the learning outcomes of the programme to which the learning outcome of the module is related [level of competence: scale 1-5]
Student has knowledge about the techniques of describing his idea for a multimedia work in the form of a scenario and action plan, he has knowledge of the attractiveness of the idea and the ability to confront it with other projects. [W1_1]
K_W07 [4/5]
Student has knowledge about the possibilities of using his work in the area of new media in terms of content and law. [W1_2]
K_W08 [5/5]
Student has the ability to listen and draw conclusions from critical remarks of other people, he can transfer individual elements of his idea to paper. [W1_3]
K_U07 [4/5]
Student has the ability to identify types of work, including animation and music video, and has the basic skills to start implementing his own project. [W1_4]
K_U05 [5/5]
Student has the competence to understand the specifics of running a business and the specifics of the audiovisual production process. [W1_5]
K_K05 [4/5]
Student has the competence to move freely in the creative process and work in a team, demonstrates initiative and entrepreneurship in the field of artistic activities, undertaken in a joint framework with other students. [W1_6]
K_K06 [3/5]
Type Description Codes of the learning outcomes of the module to which assessment is related
Test [W1_w_1]
Verification of knowledge in the oral form in the field of selection of the topic for work and a plan for its development. The student himself proposes and evaluates his chosen company plan.
W1_1 W1_2
Continuous evaluation [W1_w_2]
Continuous evaluation of an individual student's work based on all classes in a given semester. The student prepares the first versions of his business profile which the lecturer analyzes and evaluates.
W1_3 W1_4 W1_5 W1_6
Form of teaching Student's own work Assessment of the learning outcomes
Type Description (including teaching methods) Number of hours Description Number of hours
lecture [W1_fs_1]
Thematic lecture with comparative elements, common discussion and work of all participants on their scenario. Revision of the script writing skills.
Preparation of the lecture content, analysis of literature and examples of multimedia works, films and other audio-visual materials.
45 Test [W1_w_1]
workshop [W1_fs_2]
Pitching/presentation of the students’ own idea in front of the peer students.
Preparation of a description of the student’s idea for a multimedia project in social media in the areas indicated by the lecturer.
45 Continuous evaluation [W1_w_2]
Module description (PDF)
Information concerning module syllabuses might be changed during studies.
Syllabuses (USOSweb)
Semester Module Language of instruction
(no information given)