Sales techniques of multimedia products Field of study: Creative management in new media
Programme code: W8-S2CM20.2022

Module name: Sales techniques of multimedia products
Module code: W8-ZN-S2-TSDM
Programme code: W8-S2CM20.2022
  • summer semester 2025/2026
  • summer semester 2024/2025
  • summer semester 2023/2024
Language of instruction: English
Form of verification: exam
ECTS credits: 2
The aim of the course is to prepare the student for the sale of his multimedia works. Issues that will be discussed include: preparing for a conversation with the client, setting the purpose of the conversation, building good, original contact with the client, building a long-term, mutually beneficial commercial relationship, recognizing and taking into account in the client's type of personality negotiations. In the further part of the course the student will learn to recognize the client's needs, obtain the information necessary to prepare the arguments, deal with the reluctance to cooperate, reservations, deal with criticism, pressure and manipulation, close sales, negotiate transaction terms in a way that gives both parties the greatest satisfaction.
Student has to be able to take risk.
Key reading:
R. Mowrey: When is the right time to sell my business. Richard Mowrey, 2016. W. Deibel: Buy then Build: How Acquisition Entrepreneurs Outsmart. Lioncrest, 2018. R. S. Ruback, R. Yudkoff: HBR Guide to buying a small business: Thing Big, Buy Small. Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation, 2017.
Learning outcome of the module Codes of the learning outcomes of the programme to which the learning outcome of the module is related [level of competence: scale 1-5]
Student has knowledge of sales techniques, analysis of sales results, sales and distribution channels. [TSDM_1]
K_W08 [4/5]
Student has knowledge about how to reach potential recipients of their audiovisual works. [TSDM_2]
K_W05 [5/5]
Student has the skills to present the project well, focus on attention and persuade others. [TSDM_3]
K_U07 [5/5]
Student has the ability to properly present his own multimedia project, taking into account what is most important in it. [TSDM_4]
K_U08 [4/5]
Student is aware of self-presentation and the essence of dialogue with the client. [TSDM_5]
K_K05 [4/5]
Student understands the importance of mutual respect and trust in business, as well as the importance of honest and professional cooperation with the client. [TSDM_6]
K_K07 [3/5]
Type Description Codes of the learning outcomes of the module to which assessment is related
Test [TSDM_w_1]
Test of knowledge in writing or verifying the student's competence in the following areas: general knowledge about the sale of the work on the web, business skills, knowledge of the basics of selling the work on the example of their own business. The student should be after the sales analysis of his work.
Continuous evaluation [TSDM_w_2]
Ongoing evaluation of an individual student's work in the field of his own activities aiming at the sale of a work on the web. Observation of the student in terms of knowledge of the value of his work. The student prepares for the theoretical knowledge exam and prepares a graphic plan for the sale of his work.
Form of teaching Student's own work Assessment of the learning outcomes
Type Description (including teaching methods) Number of hours Description Number of hours
lecture [TSDM_fs_1]
Theoretical lecture, discussion on the appropriate forms of selling the work. The student will learn about the sales stages of the work, its benefits and dangers, as well as the consequences of poor sales of the work.
Analysis of the literature on the subject, analysis of the lecture content, searching for examples in practice, independent implementation of the indicated material batches, including the subject literature.
15 Test [TSDM_w_1]
practical classes [TSDM_fs_2]
Activating method, group work and analysis of sales between your works among themselves, everyone will be able to ask questions to others, and will be subject to their evaluation.
Independent implementation of the material section indicated in the syllabus and analysis of examples selected by the lecturer, repetition and consolidation of knowledge and skills acquired during the course.
15 Continuous evaluation [TSDM_w_2]
Module description (PDF)
Information concerning module syllabuses might be changed during studies.
Syllabuses (USOSweb)
Semester Module Language of instruction
(no information given)