Master's Seminar, Master's Laboratory, Preparation of a Master Thesis Field of study: Biophysics
Programme code: W4-S2BFA21.2022

Module name: Master's Seminar, Master's Laboratory, Preparation of a Master Thesis
Module code: W4-2BF-MB-21-33
Programme code: W4-S2BFA21.2022
  • summer semester 2025/2026
  • summer semester 2024/2025
  • summer semester 2023/2024
Language of instruction: English
Form of verification: course work
ECTS credits: 30
Depending on the subject of the master's thesis, the student: - develops knowledge in the selected fields of biophysics - performs measurements using advanced equipment suitable for conducting a specific type of research or use advanced computer programs in the case of theoretical projects - gains unique practical skills related to the subject of the Master's thesis. During the master seminar, students present the results of the research and their analysis. Such a presentation aims to develop the ability to discuss and formulate judgments in a given field of science. The student will improve the skills of effective presentation and communication in the selected field of biophysical research. The student chooses the place where the thesis will be realized. This could be a university, research laboratory, company, or any institution with a profile compatible with the subject of the Master thesis. The student chooses the topic of the master thesis and the supervisor.
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Key reading:
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Learning outcome of the module Codes of the learning outcomes of the programme to which the learning outcome of the module is related [level of competence: scale 1-5]
has the ability to use knowledge in the field of biophysics and related sciences in practice [MB_33_1]
KBF_W02 [4/5] KBF_W04 [4/5] KBF_W05 [4/5] KBF_W06 [4/5] KBF_W07 [4/5] KBF_U01 [4/5] KBF_U02 [4/5]
knows the basic principles of occupational health and safety to be able to independently perform measurements [MB_33_2]
KBF_W11 [3/5] KBF_K08 [3/5]
can choose the appropriate measurement method to implement the assumptions of the thesis [MB_33_3]
KBF_W04 [4/5] KBF_W07 [4/5] KBF_W10 [4/5] KBF_U07 [4/5]
based on the acquired knowledge and performed measurements, the student can describe the results of the research [MB_33_4]
KBF_W02 [3/5] KBF_W04 [3/5] KBF_U07 [3/5] KBF_U08 [3/5] KBF_K05 [3/5]
can independently analyze the results of measurements taking into account the methodology, analysis, and discussion of the obtained data [MB_33_5]
KBF_W02 [4/5] KBF_W03 [4/5] KBF_W07 [4/5] KBF_W08 [4/5] KBF_W13 [4/5] KBF_U05 [4/5] KBF_U08 [4/5] KBF_U09 [4/5] KBF_U15 [4/5]
broadens her/his knowledge based on English-language scientific literature, can integrate the obtained information, and draw conclusions [MB_33_6]
KBF_W13 [4/5] KBF_U12 [3/5] KBF_U13 [3/5] KBF_U16 [3/5] KBF_U18 [4/5]
can work in a team in the planning and implementation of research tasks [MB_33_7]
KBF_U10 [4/5] KBF_U11 [4/5] KBF_K04 [4/5]
can listen to another opinion and substantively discuss a given topic [MB_33_8]
KBF_U14 [3/5] KBF_K03 [3/5] KBF_K06 [3/5] KBF_K07 [3/5] KBF_K09 [3/5]
Type Description Codes of the learning outcomes of the module to which assessment is related
credit for the master's thesis [MB_33_w_1]
Assessment of the performance of measurements under the supervisor's care, development of measurement results, and their discussion
MB_33_1 MB_33_2 MB_33_3 MB_33_4 MB_33_5 MB_33_6 MB_33_7 MB_33_8
thesis review [MB_33_w_2]
Assessment of the value of the literature part and student's contribution to the subject matter. The supervisor additionally assesses the degree of involvement of the master's student during the work and the possibility of using the results in the publication.
MB_33_1 MB_33_2 MB_33_3 MB_33_4 MB_33_5 MB_33_6 MB_33_7 MB_33_8
master exam [MB_33_w_3]
Assessment of knowledge of physical sciences at the second level of education and knowledge in a field of biophysics. Assessment of the presentation and defense of the thesis
MB_33_1 MB_33_2 MB_33_3 MB_33_4 MB_33_5
activity [MB_33_w_4]
Student's suggestions aimed at improving the performance of measurements, discussions on the methods of analyzing the results, and their interpretation
MB_33_1 MB_33_2 MB_33_3 MB_33_4 MB_33_5
Form of teaching Student's own work Assessment of the learning outcomes
Type Description (including teaching methods) Number of hours Description Number of hours
laboratory classes [MB_33_fs_1]
Become familiar with measuring equipment, pay attention to the reliability of the measurements, the selection of the proper method of data analysis, statistical analysis of measurement results, a description of the physical and biophysical phenomena using the selected models, a summary of the results, and conclusions, intensified consultation
Additional hours of student’s self-work related to the processing of the obtained results
400 credit for the master's thesis [MB_33_w_1] thesis review [MB_33_w_2] master exam [MB_33_w_3] activity [MB_33_w_4]
seminar [MB_33_fs_2]
Preparation of the thesis: Master's thesis submission with a description of the conducted research including the purpose of the work, methodology, description, and discussion of the obtained results and their importance in the light of similar research
Preparation and writing a thesis taking into account the supervisor's comments
140 credit for the master's thesis [MB_33_w_1] thesis review [MB_33_w_2] master exam [MB_33_w_3] activity [MB_33_w_4]
Module description (PDF)
Information concerning module syllabuses might be changed during studies.
Syllabuses (USOSweb)
Semester Module Language of instruction
(no information given)