Pedeutology Field of study: Pedagogy
Programme code: W6-N2PE19.2022

Module name: Pedeutology
Module code: W6-PE-N2-1P
Programme code: W6-N2PE19.2022
  • winter semester 2025/2026
  • winter semester 2024/2025
  • winter semester 2023/2024
Language of instruction: Polish
Form of verification: exam
ECTS credits: 3
The module allows the student to acquire knowledge of the origin, essence and the research subject of pedeutology – a pedagogical subdiscipline. It provides the student with important and deepened information on the role, function and current tasks of teachers and enables reaching the essence of functioning of contemporary educational subjects – not only the learner and the teacher but also parents. The student familiarizes with the nature of pedagogical activity and faces the dilemmas of being a teacher. The student learns critical views on some phenomena concerning the preparation to and functioning in the teacher's work, such as: job burnout or work stress. By presenting ways of functioning in the teacher's job, the classes help to answer several important questions concerning e.g. professional ethics, possessing some important competences for performing this job, etc. The subject matter of the module focuses also on the issues of practical performing the teacher's job and refers to such dimensions as: teachers' pragmatic qualifications, important and inalienable skills (e.g. communication skills), activeness in self-education and training, etc. It is also of crucial significance that the provided knowledge (its analysis and processing) should allow for self-identification in the role of a teacher and for applying the student's own direction in shaping the individual work style.
(no information given)
Key reading:
(no information given)
Learning outcome of the module Codes of the learning outcomes of the programme to which the learning outcome of the module is related [level of competence: scale 1-5]
has deepened awareness of his/her own knowledge and skills and understands the need of constant personal and professional development, indispensable for appropriate functioning in the teacher's profession [1P_K_1]
K_K01 [4/5] KN3_K01 [2/5]
identifies with the aims, tasks and values implemented in the teaching practice; is characterized by caution, maturity and engagement in designing and implementing pedagogical activities with due responsibility for the conduct in this scope [1P_K_2]
K_K04 [5/5] K_K06 [4/5] KN3_K07 [2/5]
has deepened skills of noticing, observing, processing and interpreting the information on educational phenomena associated with functioning of educational subjects; can express him-/herself in a clear, coherent and precise way in the oral and written form; has the skill of constructing well-developed oral and written justifications of various pedagogical issues with the application of different theoretical approaches and the output of both pedagogy and other scientific disciplines [1P_U_1]
K_U01 [4/5] K_U04 [4/5] KN3_U04 [3/5] KN3_U15 [3/5]
potrafi trafnie wybrać i zastosować właściwy sposób postępowania w określonych sytuacja zawodowych, dobierając odpowiednie metody i środki realizacji postawionych celów oraz wytyczonych zadań edukacyjnych; potrafi twórczo animować swój własny rozwój zawodowy oraz rozwój innych podmiotów edukacyjnych, wdrażając ich w proces samodzielnego zdobywania wiedzy i permanentnego kształcenia [1P_U_2]
K_U10 [5/5] K_U11 [5/5] KN3_U07 [5/5] KN3_U15 [5/5]
knows the origin and history of the development of pedeutology as a pedagogical subdiscipline and its methodological associations with other scientific disciplines [1P_W_1]
K_W02 [4/5] K_W03 [5/5] KN3_W06 [2/5]
posiada pogłębioną wiedzę na temat podmiotów uczestniczących w procesach edukacyjnych, zwłaszcza na temat roli nauczyciela oraz zasad i norm etycznych, obowiązujących w zawodzie nauczyciela, nauczycielskiej pragmatyki zawodowej [1P_W_2]
K_W15 [5/5] K_W16 [5/5] KN3_W07 [2/5]
Type Description Codes of the learning outcomes of the module to which assessment is related
examination [1P_w_1]
determining the extent of familiarization with the contents of lectures and with the issues discussed in supplementary reading
1P_K_1 1P_W_1 1P_W_2
project [1P_w_2]
sprawdzenie, czy student potrafi wspólnie z innymi zaprojektować indywidualny i nowatorski plan pracy nauczyciela, oparty na innowacyjnym podejściu do zadań edukacyjnych, związanych z nauczaniem i wychowaniem; zwrócenie uwagi na umiejętność pracy w grupie oraz wykorzystanie zdobytej wiedzy teoretycznej do realizacji projektu (sprawdzenie na ile student potrafi dotrzeć do wskazanych treści teoretycznych (korzystając ze źródeł naukowych)
1P_K_2 1P_U_1 1P_U_2
Form of teaching Student's own work Assessment of the learning outcomes
Type Description (including teaching methods) Number of hours Description Number of hours
lecture [1P_fns_1]
lecture on deepened pedeutological issues with the use of audiovisual aids
studying supplementary reading work in the method of document analysis work with the text
35 examination [1P_w_1]
practical classes [1P_fns_2]
project method- presenting by the student the contents concerning the contents of classes discussion based on literature study and text analysis
wykonanie grupowego projektu dotyczącego indywidualnego i nowatorskiego planu pracy nauczyciela, opartego na innowacyjnym podejściu do zadań edukacyjnych, związanych z nauczaniem i wychowaniem z przedstawieniem treści teoretycznych (praca z tekstami źródłowymi przygotowanie lektury do dyskusji)
40 project [1P_w_2]
Module description (PDF)
Information concerning module syllabuses might be changed during studies.
Syllabuses (USOSweb)
Semester Module Language of instruction
(no information given)