Operating Systems Field of study: Computer Science
Programme code: W4-S1IN19.2021

Module name: Operating Systems
Module code: 08-IO1S-13-OS
Programme code: W4-S1IN19.2021
  • winter semester 2026/2027
  • winter semester 2025/2026
  • winter semester 2024/2025
Language of instruction: English
Form of verification: exam
ECTS credits: 5
The aim of classes realized within the range of the module is to teach students a necessary knowledge concerning basics of operating systems functioning. Moreover, through practical classes in computer rooms, students acquire knowledge, skills and competencies concerning the real-use aspects of contemporary operating systems. Because of the practical classes the module particularly prepares students for professional work in the area of use and configuration of Windows and Linux operating systems, including many basic system tools.
(no information given)
Key reading:
(no information given)
Learning outcome of the module Codes of the learning outcomes of the programme to which the learning outcome of the module is related [level of competence: scale 1-5]
Is capable to work individually , planning realization of assigned tasks. [OS_K_12]
K_K02 [1/5] K_K05 [1/5]
Installs and configures devices, uses system mechanisms allowing to identify and solve problems involved with hardware. [OS_U_10]
K_U13 [1/5] K_U17 [1/5]
Uses tools provided with Windows and Linux systems in order to configure and monitor settings of network cards and basic parameters of computer network, identifies and solves basic problems involved with network functioning. [OS_U_11]
K_U21 [1/5] K_U17 [1/5]
Installs and configures MS Windows and Linux operating systems [OS_U_6]
K_U13 [1/5] K_U17 [1/5]
Uses disk partitioning software In MS Windows and Linux systems. [OS_U_7]
K_U13 [1/5] K_U17 [1/5]
Creates scripts using commands and tools provided in Windows and Linux systems. [OS_U_8]
K_U13 [1/5] K_U16 [1/5] K_U17 [1/5]
Uses the privileges and users mechanism in Windows and Linux in order to apply appropriate control in a file system. [OS_U_9]
K_U21 [1/5] K_U17 [1/5]
Names and diversifies structures of operating systems and describes basic mechanisms solving important problems of operating systems functioning. [OS_W_1]
K_W07 [1/5] K_W06 [1/5]
Describes basic solutions of communication with devices in computer systems, characterizes the mechanism of hardware interrupts and direct memory access, defines the idea of controller and describes functions of an input/output subsystem. [OS_W_2]
K_W07 [1/5] K_W06 [1/5]
Defines the idea of process and thread, describes methods of solving problems with processor scheduling, characterizes real-time systems, describes problems and solutions involved with processes synchronization. [OS_W_3]
K_W07 [1/5] K_W09 [1/5]
Characterizes problems involved with main memory management, describes the problem of fragmentation and solutions based on paging and segmentation, describes the solution of virtual memory based on paging. [OS_W_4]
K_W07 [1/5] K_W09 [1/5]
Characterizes problems involved with information storage on different media, names contemporary technologies of non-volatile media driver, defines the idea of file syste and describes Basic solutions used in practice. [OS_W_5]
K_W12 [1/5] K_W22 [1/5] K_W08 [1/5]
Type Description Codes of the learning outcomes of the module to which assessment is related
exam [OS_w_1]
Answers to several questions considering chosen topic groups covering all parts described at the lectures.
OS_W_1 OS_W_2 OS_W_3 OS_W_4 OS_W_5
tasks [OS_w_2]
Realizing tasks given by a teacher during laboratory classes.
OS_K_12 OS_U_10 OS_U_11 OS_U_6 OS_U_7 OS_U_8 OS_U_9
individual reports [OS_w_3]
Preparation of individual reports documenting the process of work AT the laboratory classes.
OS_K_12 OS_U_10 OS_U_11 OS_U_6 OS_U_7 OS_U_8 OS_U_9
Form of teaching Student's own work Assessment of the learning outcomes
Type Description (including teaching methods) Number of hours Description Number of hours
lecture [OS_fs1]
Verbal communication of theoretical module content supported with multimedia and materials shared in the Internet.
Studying lecture topics based on books and other materials available in the Internet.
10 exam [OS_w_1] tasks [OS_w_2] individual reports [OS_w_3]
laboratory classes [OS_fs2]
Introduction to practical aspects of module content. Assigning tasks with problem clarification. Supporting students in the process of task realization.
Preparation before laboratory classes. Realizing practical tasks assigned by a teacher. Preparing reports documenting the process of task realization.
95 tasks [OS_w_2] individual reports [OS_w_3]
Module description (PDF)
Information concerning module syllabuses might be changed during studies.
Syllabuses (USOSweb)
Semester Module Language of instruction
(no information given)