Phytoremediation Field of study: Biology
Programme code: W2-S2BI19.2021

Module name: Phytoremediation
Module code: 2BL_53a
Programme code: W2-S2BI19.2021
  • summer semester 2023/2024
  • summer semester 2022/2023
  • summer semester 2021/2022
Language of instruction: depending on the choice
Form of verification: course work
ECTS credits: 2
Module Phytoremediation will give students opportunity to learn about physicochemical methods of remediation of heavy metal contaminated soils and phytoremediation as a method of environmental biotechnology. During the course student will learn about: phytoremediation technics (phytoextraction, phytostabilisation, rhizofiltration, phytodegradation, phytovolatilization), processes which occur in the soil during phytoremediation, plant mechanisms of uptake and resistance to heavy metals, and role of rhizosphere bacteria, ectomycorrhiza and arbuscular mycorrhiza in phytoremediation. During laboratories student will gain skills of conducting of hydroponic cultures, measuring of oxidative stress level and investigating of physiological status of plants with modern scientific equipment (e.g. fluorimeter, pigment content sensor, infrared gas analyser).
Knowledge of Botany and Plant Physiology at Secondary School level.
Key reading:
according to the syllabus
Learning outcome of the module Codes of the learning outcomes of the programme to which the learning outcome of the module is related [level of competence: scale 1-5]
Describes and defines physicochemical methods used to remediate soil contaminated with heavy metals and radionuclides. [2BL_53_1]
2BL_W07_P [5/5] 2BL_U02_P [5/5]
Presents phytoremediation as a method of environmental biotechnology. [2BL_53_2]
2BL_W07_P [5/5] 2BL_K01_P [4/5]
Describes processes which occur in soil during phytoremediation process. [2BL_53_3]
2BL_W05_P [5/5] 2BL_U02_P [5/5]
Explains the mechanisms of uptake, accumulation and resistance of plants to heavy metals. [2BL_53_4]
2BL_W07_P [5/5]
Presents processes of stimulation of plant growth by rhizosphere bacteria. [2BL_53_5]
2BL_W01_P [5/5] 2BL_U02_P [5/5]
Conducts independently experiments, describes results of experiments, analyses results, draws conclusions and prepares report. [2BL_53_6]
2BL_W04_P [5/5] 2BL_U03_P [5/5]
Has habit of updating of knowledge. [2BL_53_7]
2BL_K01_P [4/5]
Describes the role of arbuscular mycorrhiza and ectomycorrhiza as a tool in assistance of phytoremediation. [2BL_53_8]
2BL_W02_P [5/5] 2BL_U02_P [5/5] 2BL_U03_P [5/5]
Type Description Codes of the learning outcomes of the module to which assessment is related
credit [2BL_53_w_1]
according to the rules set out in the syllabus
2BL_53_1 2BL_53_2 2BL_53_3 2BL_53_4 2BL_53_5 2BL_53_6 2BL_53_7 2BL_53_8
Form of teaching Student's own work Assessment of the learning outcomes
Type Description (including teaching methods) Number of hours Description Number of hours
lecture [2BL_53_fs_1]
Lectures with multimedia display.
To study lectures and suggested by lecturer textbooks.
10 credit [2BL_53_w_1]
laboratory classes [2BL_53_fs_2]
Independent work in the laboratory, conducting experiments according to the to the instruction, analyses of obtained results.
Preparation for laboratories based on literature. Writing a report on performed experiments.
10 credit [2BL_53_w_1]
Module description (PDF)
Information concerning module syllabuses might be changed during studies.
Syllabuses (USOSweb)
Semester Module Language of instruction
(no information given)